News archive

© MM/Simone Ramello

Successful Completion

On 22 July 2024, the graduation ceremony of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science took place in the "Schloss". All doctoral candidates who had successfully completed their doctorate in the summer semester 2024 were invited. In addition, the YAM Fellows were honoured with their certificates.

© ICBS 2024

Best Paper Award for Arnulf Jentzen

We are delighted to announce that Professor Dr Arnulf Jentzen from Mathematik Münster, together with other authors, has received the prestigious Frontiers of Science Award for the outstanding publication at the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) in Beijing on 14 July 2024.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Simone Cecchini

We welcome Dr. Simone Cecchini as a new Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. He is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University and works at the interface of global analysis and topology. During his visit to Münster, he will continue his longstanding collaboration with Rudolf Zeidler on scalar curvature rigidity questions and exchange ideas with other scientists at Mathematics Münster.

Webbild Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing Entwurf 3Webbild Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing

CRC Colloquium

11 July 2024, 2:15 pm

There will be two talks at the CRC Colloquium on 11 July 2024: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Zeidler: Codimension one obstructions to positive scalar curvature and Prof. Dr. Johannes Ebert: Positive scalar curvature, cobordisms and diffeomorphism groups. The talks take place at 2:00 pm in lecture hall M4.

© MM/vl

First MMGS Poster Session

The first poster session of our Mathematics Münster Graduate School (MMGS) took place yesterday. The very well attended event started with short presentations at the "Posterblitz". Afterwards, the speakers gave detailed information about their research projects in the Cluster Lounge.

© MM/vl

Münster Research Fellow: Alexander Marynych

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Alexander Marynych (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine) to Mathematics Münster as a Münster Research Fellow starting July 15. Previously, he spent several months at the Cluster as a Humboldt Fellow. Alexander Marynych is a Ukrainian probabilist who continues the traditions of the world-famous Kyiv school in the theory of stochastic processes. During his research stay in Münster, Alexander Marynych plans to continue his collaboration with several members of the Institute of Mathematical Stochastics.

© MM/Wiebke Haver

Nordseebrise, Strandblick und Mathematik

Schülerakademie auf Sylt

25 Mathematikbegeisterte Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufen 10 und 11 aus Münster und dem Umland verbrachten vom 17. bis 22. Juni 2024 erlebnisreiche Tage bei der Mathematik-Sommerakademie auf Sylt. Prof. Dr. Michael Joachim und Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe und die Doktorandinnen Isabel Lammers und Pia Dillmann hatten Workshops vorbereitet, die einen Blick in die Mathematik über den Schulstoff hinaus ermöglichte.

© MM/vl

Young Research Fellow: Philipp Reiser

We are delighted that Dr. Philipp Reiser joins our Cluster as a new Young Research Fellow. He is motivated by the long-standing question of how the topology and geometry of Riemannian manifolds interact. During his stay at Mathematics Münster from 1st to 26th July 2024, he is especially collaborating with Masoumeh Zarei.

© MM

Young Topologists Meeting

5-9 August 2024

The Young Topologists Meeting (YTM) is an annual international conference aimed at early-career researchers in topology - both pure and applied - covering the whole breadth of the subject. It serves as a platform for graduates, PhD researchers and early postdocs to present their research, exchange ideas and build international connections.

© MM/vl

New episode "On a Tangent"

with Azul Fatalini

In this episode of our podcast "On A Tangent", Simone is joined by Azul Fatalini, a doctoral researcher in Set Theory. Learn about how the Axiom of Choice transforms the universes it holds in, how logic is the mathematics of mathematics, and what’s the quickest path to ice cream.

© MM/vl

New mathematical proof helps to solve equations with random components

Publication in "Inventiones Mathematicae" by Markus Tempelmayr

Many dynamic processes can be described by stochastic partial differential equations. Together with other researchers, Dr. Markus Tempelmayr, Postdoc at Mathematics Münster, has found a new method which helps to solve a certain class of such equations.

© MM/vl

Münster Research Fellow: Dima Sinapova

We welcome Prof. Dr. Dima Sinapova from Rutgers University as a Münster Research Fellow. She is one of the leading experts worldwide on the study of aspects of the failure of the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis (SCH). During her stay at our Cluster in June 2024 she will continue her collaborations with Ralf Schindler.

© MM/vl

YAM network meeting

The fellows 2023/2024 of the Young African Mathematicians (YAM) Fellowship Programme and representatives of the YAM network from Berlin, Bonn and Heidelberg and Münster met this Monday, 17 June, at Mathematics Münster for the final meeting.

© MKW/Mark Hermenau

Presentation of excellent research in the State Parliament

The 14 Clusters of Excellence in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) were invited to present the work of the research alliances in an exhibition in the the State Parliament in Düsseldorf. Our Cluster spokesperson Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger informed NRW Science Minister Ina Brandes about the research approach and results of Mathematics Münster.

© MM

pyMOR School and User Meeting 2024

26-30 August 2024

pyMOR School is an annual event for future and current pyMOR users and developers. The School will offer interactive introductory lectures on some of the most important MOR methods and how to use these methods with pyMOR.

© MM/vl

DFG extends Collaborative Research Centre "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity"

Great news for Mathematics Münster: The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) has approved the extension of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity". The researchers will receive a funding of 8.5 million euros for another four years in order to further develop geometry both as a discipline in its own right and and as a tool for other mathematical areas.

© MM/vl

New episode of "On a Tangent"

with Mert Bastug

In the second episode of our Mathematics Münster podcast "On A Tangent", host Simone Ramello meets Mert Bastug, a doctoral researcher in PDEs and Calculus of Variations. They talk about Mert’s first meeting with mathematics, how it is possible to understand materials with the help of PDEs, and where they might take us next.

© MM/vl

New Visiting Scholar: Volker Schlue

We welcome Dr. Volker Schlue as a Visiting Scholar (on leave from the University of Melbourne). His stay is funded by the Humboldt Foundation. Volker is a promising mathematician in general relativity and nonlinear wave equations. He joined our Cluster in April 2024. During his extended stay at our Cluster until February 2025, he will contribute actively to all activities in the research group of Prof. Gustav Holzegel.

© MM/Ramello

New video series: MM Conversations

Early career researchers in dialogue

The final video of "MM Conversations", filmed at the Mathematics Müsnter Mid-term Conference 2024, is now online. The interview by Rodrigo Bazaes, postdoctoral researcher at our Cluster, with Alice Guionnet from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon can be viewed from today.

© MM/vl

Surrounded by top-level reseachers

YAM fellows from Africa give insights into their time at Mathematics Münster

The "Young African Mathematicians Fellowship Programme" enables talented and highly motivated master's graduates from Africa to further their academic development in a stimulating, international environment and lay down a solid foundation for their own careers. Since October, for the first time, three YAM fellows have been conducting research at Mathematics Münster.

© Uni MS/Nike Gais

Best ratings for Münster's mathematics in the field of research

In the latest CHE University Ranking, University of Münster's Mathematics scores particularly well in the area of research. It was placed in the top group in terms of "Publications per researcher", "Doctorates per professor" and "External funding per researcher". The CHE University Ranking serves as a guide for students and prospective students when choosing where to study. [de]

© MM/vl

New podcast "On a Tangent"

First episode with Alex Tullini

In the first episode of our new Mathematics Münster podcast "On A Tangent", host Simone Ramello is joined by Alex Tullini, a doctoral researcher in General Relativity. We discuss Alex’s journey towards mathematics, going through oranges, eclipses, and the odd similarities between a career in mathematics and surgery.


Ada Lovelace Seminar

26 April 2024, 2 pm, room SRZ 216/217

In short scientific presentations, the Ada Lovelace Fellows 2023 will give insights into their research: Zahra Mohammadi Khangheshlaghi "Model Theory and The Free Factor Complex", Hanna Stange "Hyperuniformity and Rigidity of Perturbed Lattices" and Alex Tullini "From elliptic to hyperbolic PDEs: the things I did for the love of black holes". After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas and meet the Fellows in the Common Room.

Girls Day 2022
© MM/vl

Girls Day 2024: Insights for high school students

On 25 April 2024, the participants of the "Girls' Day" gained many insights into the world of mathematicians and everyday life of students at Münster University. The faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster had prepared a varied programme with a rally, a short lecture and puzzles. [de]

Public event
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

Girls go Mathematics!

Girls' Day am 25. April 2024

Wir freuen uns, dass uns am 25. April 2024, dem bundesweiten Girls' Day, 27 Schülerinnen besuchen, um die Berufswelt von Mathematikerinnen kennenzulernen. Das abwechslungsreiche Programm von 9 bis 15 Uhr beinhaltet eine Schnuppervorlesung von Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens, eine Rallye quer durch den Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik mit Besuch der Stochastik-Arbeitsgruppe, Knobelaufgaben, Studien- und Berufsweginformationen - und natürlich einen Mensa-Besuch.

© Uni MS/Gío Löwe

Summer academy for high school students

From 17 to 22 June 2024, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are offering workshops on the island of Sylt. Highschool students who are enthusiastic about mathematics, are in the 10th or 11th grade and come from Münster and the surrounding area can register until 21 April 2024 for the summer academy. [de]

Public lecture
© / Imma Valentina Curato

Die Superkräfte der künstlichen Intelligenz - mathematisch erklärt

"Brücken in der Mathematik" mit Imma Valentina Curato am 11. April

Der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster lädt alle Interessierten herzlich zur nächsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" ein. Prof. Dr. Imma Valentina Curato (TU Chemnitz) stellt am 11. April 2024 um 18:30 Uhr im Planetarium des LWL-Naturkundemuseums die Superhelden hinter den KI-Technologien vor: die Algorithmen. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten.

© Peter Badge / Typos1 / Abel Prize 2024

Michel Talagrand receives Abel Prize

Matthias Löwe gives a short insight into his work

The French mathematician Michel Talagrand was awarded the prestigious Abel Prize this year, one of the highest honours in mathematics. Over decades, Talagrand has developed a number of methods to better understand random processes. They are also used at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Looking at the broad spectrum of mathematics

Interview with Prof. Thomas Nikolaus on the "Mathematics Münster Mid-Term Conference"

Around 200 mathematicians from all over the world will be coming together at the Schloss at the University of Münster from 25 to 27 March to discuss current developments in mathematical research. The Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure" will be hosting the conference. The Cluster’s spokesperson, Prof. Thomas Nikolaus, explains the special character of the conference.

© BLB NRW, Niederlassung Münster

Start of construction for extraordinary research building

The Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW (BLB NRW) has now started construction work for our Centre of Mathematics Münster. The excavators have taken over the previously undeveloped site between Orléans-Ring and Einsteinstraße. The CMM is being built directly in front of the lecture hall building of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. [de]

© DFG/David Ausserhofer

What is Eva Viehmann's research about?

An approximation to the research of the 2024 Leibniz Prize winner

Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann, investigator at Mathematics Münster, has been awarded the Leibniz Prize 2024 for her influential work on arithmetic algebraic geometry as part of the Langlands Programme. Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl, Dr. Stefania Trentin and Dr. João Lourenço, mathematicians from Eva Viehmann's research environment, provide insights into this complex field of research. Their contributions for mathematical laypersons, maths students and the mathematical community allow an approach in several stages.

© MM/Ralf Engbers

Analytic torsion and interactions

2-6 September 2024

Analytic torsion in its many facets is an important secondary spectral invariant studied in global analysis. The aim of this conference is to present a panorama of recent developments and interactions with other fields, that the study of analytic torsion has seen in the last years. Register now!

Public event
© MM/vl

Spiele-Nachmittag für Kinder

Aktion zum Tag der Mathematik am 14. März

Passend zum Motto "Spiele mit Mathematik" laden wir Schülerinnen und Schüler der 5. und 6. Klasse am 14.03.2024, dem Internationalen Tag der Mathematik, zu spannenden Spiel-Stationen ein. Von Brückenbau bis Mathefußball und einem Western-Duell ist alles dabei.

Public activity
© MM

Mathe-Trail Münster

Münster mathematisch entdecken

Passend zum Tag der Mathematik haben wir eine Sightseeingtour der besonderen Art vorbereitet. Der Mathe-Trail Münster gibt spannende Einblicke in die Stadtgeschichte – verknüpft mit mathematischen Rätseln. Die Aufgaben richten sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler ab der 7. Klasse, aber auch Jüngere und Ältere sind herzlich eingeladen, sich auf den Weg zu machen. Die Tour kann jederzeit gestartet werden, individuell nach Lust und Laune - und Wetter!

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Thomas Leblé

We welcome Dr. Thomas Leblé (Université de Paris Cité) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a promising mathematician in probability theory and mathematical physics. During his stay at our Cluster from 19 February to end of March 2024 he will continue his collaborations with Martin Huesmann.

© Ralf Schindler

Sacks Prize for Andreas Lietz

The Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) has awarded Dr. Andreas Lietz the Sacks Prize for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic in 2023. He is currently a postdoc at TU Wien. He received his PhD in 2023 under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler at Mathematics Münster. Congratulations, Andreas!

© Thomas Nikolaus

New Cooperation Agreement with the University of Copenhagen

It's official now: The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster has signed a cooperation agreement with the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. We spoke with Thomas Nikolaus, spokespersonof Mathematics Münster, about the background and opportunities of this collaboration.

© MM/vl

Thomas Nikolaus is a new spokesperson for the Cluster of Excellence “Mathematics Münster”

Prof. Thomas Nikolaus was elected as a new spokesperson for our Cluster of Excellence last week. He succeeds Prof. Christopher Deninger, who held the position jointly with Prof. Mario Ohlberger since the Cluster began its work in 2019. Mario Ohlberger continues in the position. "I’m delighted to be able to contribute to the successful development of Mathematics Münster from now on as spokesperson," said Thomas Nikolaus after being voted into office, a procedure which took place at the General Assembly of all Cluster members.

© MM/vl

Ready for the next step

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates

On Monday, all doctoral researchers who completed their theses in the past semester were invited to the graduation ceremony of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. We congratulate all graduates of Mathematics Münster and wish them all the best for their future: Lara Beßmann, Chiara D'Onofrio, Martina Fruttidoro, Agnese Mantione, Víctor Navarro Fernández, Adrian Riekert, Stefania Trentin and Qi Yao.

© MM/vl

Colloquium in honour of Michael Weiss

2 February 2024

The colloquium in honor of Prof. Dr. Michael Weiss starts on 2 February 2024 at 2 pm in lecture hall M2. Talks will be given by Prof. Dr. Søren Galatius (Kopenhagen) on "Homeomorphisms of contractible manifolds" and Prof. Dr. Manuel Krannich (KIT Karlsruhe) on "Surreal Pontryagin classes".

© WiRe/Nikolaus Urban

How can mathematics help to reduce confusion in information transmission?

Insights by our Young Research Fellow Priyanga Ganesan

Explore how mathematics enhances information transmission. Journey through Quantum Information Theory’s role, touching on quantum graphs, operator algebras, and their impact on secure communication channels. The text was written by Dr. Priyanga Ganesan, who spent several months as a Young Research Fellow and WiRe Fellow last year at Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Die faszinierenden Brücken zwischen Geometrie und Topologie

Video des Vortrags von Prof. Sebastian Hensel jetzt online

Mit einem sehr anschaulichen Vortrag mit vielen animierten Darstellungen brachte Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hensel (LMU München) bei der jüngsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" dem Publikum die Verbindungen zwischen Geometrie und Topologie näher - angefangen mit klassischen Resultaten von Gauß und Euler, bis hin zu ganz moderner Mathematik aus dem 21. Jahrhundert. Wer die Veranstaltung verpasst hat, kann jetzt die Videoaufzeichung des Vortrags anschauen.


Probability Event: Point Processes, Exchange & Research (PEPPER)

19-22 November 2024

Point processes are one of the main building blocks in the description of many spatial random systems. This autumn school aims to foster exchange between young and established researchers and to explore modern research on point processes and their dynamics.


Buildings 2024

23-26 September 2024

The Buildings conference is an annual meeting and in 2024 we will celebrate its 30th edition. The conference will be held in honor of Linus Kramer's 60th birthday. Some of the main topics of the conference are: generalized polygons and related geometries.


European Set Theory Conference

16-20 September 2024

This is the ninth edition of a series of biennial meetings. The 6th Hausdorff medalist(s) will be awarded at this meeting. As part of the ceremony, the medalist(s) is/are going to give their Hausdorff lecture.


Probability, Dynamics and the Geometry of Groups

9-13 September 2024

The last several years have witnessed a significant intensification of the connections between probability (e.g., random walks and percolation) and ergodic theory, especially in treating questions that relate dynamical behaviour with analytic and geometric properties of groups such as amenability, property (T), and the Haagerup property. The meeting will serve to further strengthen these connections by promoting interaction between different communities of researchers.


Analytic torsion and interactions

2-6 September 2024

Analytic torsion in its many facets is an important secondary spectral invariant studied in global analysis. The aim of this conference is to present a panorama of recent developments and interactions with other fields, that the study of analytic torsion has seen in the last years.

Public event
© LWL/Christoph Steinweg

Vom Klima, der Jagd nach einer Million und James Bonds Martini-Kult

Abschlussveranstaltung "Mathematik der Klimakrise" am 11. Januar

Zum Abschluss des Rahmenprogramms "Mathematik der Klimakrise" lädt der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster alle Interessierten am 11.01.2024 um 18 Uhr zu einem Abend rund um Mathematik-Forschung ins LWL-Museum für Naturkunde ein. Prof. Dr. Christian Seis nimmt in seinem Vortrag "Vom Klima, der Jagd nach einer Million und James Bonds Martini-Kult" mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen die Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen unter die Lupe. Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova, Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel und Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth geben unter dem Motto "Meet the scientists" Einblicke in ihre Forschungsgebiete. Die Veranstaltung ist bereits ausgebucht, Warteliste möglich.

Webbild Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing Entwurf 3Webbild Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing

CRC Colloquium

7 December 2023, 2 pm

Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger (University of Münster) will give a talk entitled "Special values of Hasse-Weil and Ruelle zeta functions" at the CRC Colloquium on 7 December 2023. The talk takes place at 2:00 pm in lecture hall M5. 

© MM/vl

Leibniz prize for Eva Viehmann

Congratulations! Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann, investigator at our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, has been awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2024 by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the most highly endowed German research prize. "The prize is a great honour for me," she says. She has found an "ideal research environment" at the University of Münster, in mathematics in general and in her research group for arithmetic geometry. "The prize makes these good conditions even more perfect."

© MM/Mario Ohlberger

New Münster Research Fellow: Martin J. Gander

We welcome Prof. Dr. Martin J. Gander (University of Geneva) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a renowned mathematician in numerical analysis and scientific computing. During his stay at our Cluster in October and 04 - 08 December 2023 he will continue his collaborations with Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger and with Dr. Stephan Rave on localized model order reduction and domain decomposition methods and will plan new projects with further members of Mathematics Münster.

© Uni MS/Michael C. Möller

University of Münster honours the best doctoral graduates

The University of Münster's Rectorate has honoured the best doctoral theses of 2023. 125 young scientists received the best rating "summa cum laude" for their dissertation - including Dr. Andreas Lietz and Dr. Jeroen Winkel who have finished their doctorates at Mathematics Münster. Dr. Julian Kranz was also awarded a dissertation prize endowed with 3,500 euros. Congratulations!

Public online event
© MM

A night full of mathematics

1 December 2023, via Zoom

Scientists from our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" (Bonn) and "MATH+" (Berlin) will show in digital workshops and lectures the fascination of mathematics - from 3 pm to midnight.

© MM/Kristina Wensing

Cluster welcomes new MM members

This year, 15 postdocs and 20 doctoral students from 10 nations started at Mathematics Münster. At a Welcome Event they got some helpful information and the opportunity to get together.

Public talk
© Shutterstock / Anja Randecker

Die faszinierenden Brücken zwischen Geometrie und Topologie

Vortrag der Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik"

Der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster lädt alle Interessierten herzlich zur nächsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" ein. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hensel (LMU München) gibt am 21.11.2023 um 18:30 Uhr im Hörsaal M2 mit vielen Bildern und Beispielen Einblicke, welche Verbindungen es zwischen Geometrie und Topologie gibt - angefangen mit klassischen Resultaten von Gauß und Euler, bis hin zu moderner Forschung.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling

27 November - 1 December 2023

This workshop is part of the Topical Program "Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling" which aims at an intensive interaction of biology and mathematics. Biomechanical properties and dynamic shape changes of cells are closely related to their respective state and cellular function. This can be observed, among other things, in the migration of primordial germ cells. Such processes can be well described mathematically, and the influence of important parameters can thus also be analyzed theoretically.

© MM/vl

Scientific postdoc presentations

Four new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the MM Postdoc Colloquium on 9 November 2023. Benjamin Brück, Dmitry Kabanov, Catherine Ray and Markus Tempelmayr gave an insight into their fields of research.

© Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes

Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes

15 November 2023

This meeting is part of the Priority Programme "Random Geometric Systems" (SPP 2265: "Zufällige geometrische Systeme") which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and is devoted to the mathematical analysis of effects and phenomena that emerge from an interplay between randomness and geometry.

Public event
Hst-logo-main-datum-2021-online Kopie-quadratHst-logo-main-datum-2021-online Kopie
© Hochschultag

Insights for prospective students

"Hochschultag" on 9 November

At the "Hochschultag Münster" all universities of Münster will open their doors for high school students. Some members of Mathematics Münster will offer first insights into mathematical topics. JProf. Dr. Marlies Pirner, Prof. Dr. Ursula Ludwig, Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann und Prof. Dr. Martin Hils will present short lectures (in German).

© MM/Melina Aggelidakis

The first full-time scholarship holders have finished their master’s studies

The first scholarship holders have made it: Anupam Datta, Zhuang Kang and Shervin Sorouri, who were supported by Mathematics Münster with a full-time scholarship during their master's studies, have finished their studies in Münster and received their certificates. The international students have had many valuable experiences in Münster over the past two years, as they report here themselves.

© MM/vl

Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis

27 October 2023

The "Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis" is a research seminar, organised by the algebraic and complex geometry research groups in Bochum, Essen, Cologne, Münster, and Wuppertal. The seminar meets roughly twice per semester for a full day at one of the participating departments. There are three talks per meeting, both by invited guests and by speakers from the organising universities.

© MM/vl

"Mathematics helped me overcome boredom"

Portrait of Christopher Deninger in the university newspaper

He discovered his love of mathematics in Tokyo when he was about twelve years old. He later studied mathematics and earned his doctorate at the age of only 23. On the occasion of his 65th birthday this year, the university newspaper "wissen|leben" presents a portrait of our Cluster spokesperson Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger. It's about mathematics - but also about metal concerts.

© Unsplash/Bruno Thethe

Mathematics Münster starts cooperation with Brazilian research institute

Two strong research institutions have now agreed on an intensive cooperation: Mathematicians from the University of Münster and researchers from the "Instituto de Matemática e Estatística" of the "Universidade de São Paulo" (IME-USP) will cooperate in the field of geometry for twelve months as part of the FAPESP-SPRINT funding programme.

© Uni Bonn

Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry

2 - 6 October 2023

A conference on the occasion of Michael Rapoport's 75th birthday

The geometry of moduli spaces related to the Langlands programme is a rapidly evolving field. We bring together both experts and young researchers to foster these developments.


Totally disconnected locally compact groups: local to global

9 - 13 October 2023

Part of the Focus Programme: Actions of totally disconnected, locally compact groups on discrete structures

This workshop studies the relationship between local, or small-scale, and global, or large-scale, properties of t.d.l.c. groups, which is more subtle than for Lie groups. Small-scale structure, which manifests both in the topological group structure and the objects on which the groups act, interacts with large-scale properties such as simplicity, amenability and quasi-isometry type.

Event for students
© Alfred-Wegener-Institut/Martin Künsting

Mathematisches Modellieren anschaulich erklärt

Vortrag für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende am 18.10.

Unter dem Titel "Damit habe ich nicht gerechnet!" bringt Prof. Dietmar Kröner (Uni Freiburg) in seinem Vortrag am 18.10.2023 um 16 Uhr mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen für Anwendungen das Mathematische Modellieren näher. Im Anschluss können die Teilnehmenden kostenlos die Klima-Ausstellung und das "10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise" im LWL-Naturkundemuseum besuchen. Jetzt übers Learnweb anmelden!

Open Call
© MM

Apply now: doctoral and postdoctoral positions

From 4 October to 1 November 2023 you can apply for a doctoral or postdoctoral position at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Mathematical Institutes. Benefit from the stimulating research environment at Mathematics Münster!

Public event
© MM/vl

Jetzt anmelden: Die Mathematik des Klimas

Workshop für Schüler:innen ab der 10. Klasse

Für Schüler:innen ab der 10. Klasse an bieten wir den Workshop "Die Mathematik des Klimas" an. Für den Workshop-Termin am Dienstag, 28.11.2023, 15:30 - 17:30 Uhr sind noch Plätze frei - jetzt anmelden! Der Workshop ist Teil des Rahmenprogramms zum "10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise".

© MM/vl

Model theory and groups

25 - 29 September 2023

A conference on the occasion of Katrin Tent's 60th birthday

The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers working in model theory and group theory, with a particular view towards geometric group theory.

© DMV/TU Ilmenau

Plenary Talk of Mario Ohlberger at DMV annual meeting

The annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society (DMV) 2023 will take place from 25 - 28 September 2023 in Ilmenau. Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger, speaker of our Cluster, will give one of the plenary talks on 28. September at 10:30 am, entitled: "Model Order Reduction and Learning for PDE Constrained Optimization and Inverse Problems".

© Busch/IHK Nord Westfalen

Successful new event "Mathematics meets Business"

IHK Nord Westfalen and Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster intensify knowledge transfer

16 early career researchers from our Cluster and other institutes of the University of Münster met managing directors of technology-leading companies from the Münsterland region on 14 September 2023 for the premiere of "Mathematics meets Business". This event is a first step towards a long-term transfer of knowledge from which companies in the Münsterland and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are to benefit equally. [de]

© MM/vl

Totally disconnected locally compact groups from a geometric perspective

11 - 15 September 2023

Part of the Focus Programme: Actions of totally disconnected locally compact groups on discrete structures

Many discrete geometric structures admit symmetries that are not determined by a finite substructure. This phenomenon is reflected in the non-discreteness of their automorphism group. Conversely, sufficiently non-discrete t.d.l.c. groups admit geometric actions on such structures. This workshop focuses on the above approaches and their interplay.

© MM/vl

"ERC Starting Grant" for Rudolf Zeidler

Our member Dr. Rudolf Zeidler has been awarded an "ERC Starting Grant". The grant of 1.4 million euros will enable him to set up his own research group in the field of scalar curvature. He has also been accepted by the DFG to the Heisenberg Programme. Congratulations, Rudi!

© MM/vl

Exhibition: concepts for the new Campus Mathematics and Computer Science

A first step towards the further development of the university locations in Münster is the new Mathematics and Computer Science Campus, for which the BLB NRW had launched an architectural competition. The submitted concepts will be presented to the public in an exhibition in the foyer of the "Studiobühne" in the "Philosophikum", Domplatz 23 in Münster, until 21 September 2023. [de]

© Tamara Kidd / George Willis

Humboldt Research Awards for MM guests

Two of our future long-term guests will be sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Prof. George Willis will be awarded the Humboldt Research Award and Dr. Colin Reid the Bessel Research Award. The renowned mathematicians from the University of Newcastle, Australia, are co-organisers of our Focus Programme this fall and will spend several months at Mathematics Münster to collaborate with various MM members.

© MM/vl

Meeting on H² conforming methods for the dune-functions research software

29 - 31 August 2023

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss suitable abstractions of mathematical concepts used in numerical methods for PDEs and how to derive adequate interfaces for Numerical Software. Experts and young researchers collaborating on the development of the research software framework DUNE met in Münster to discuss challenges and possible solutions in particular for interfaces for high-regularity Finite-Element discretizations, like H² conforming elements.

© MM/vl

"NRW-Schülerakademie Mathematik und Informatik" visits Münster University

In order to give particularly talented high school students an insight into study programmes and research, the University of Münster has been a cooperation partner of the "Schülerakademie für Mathematik und Informatik NRW" (SMIMS) since 2022. Last week, the young maths talents visited our Faculty and our Cluster of Excellence to listen to short lectures and receive individual advice on study programmes and careers in science.

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Duong H. Phong

We welcome Prof. Dr. Duong H. Phong (Columbia University) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is known for his research on complex analysis, partial differential equations, string theory and complex geometry. During his stay at our Cluster from 30 July to 30 August 2023 he is collaborating with Dr. Bianca Santoro, Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hein and other members of the complex geometry group in Mathematics Münster.

© LWL/Christoph Steinweg

Volles Haus bei der Eröffnung des "10-Minuten Museums"

Vortrag von Prof. Rupert Klein: Wie Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beitragen kann

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass mehr als 220 Interessierte bei unserer Eröffnungsfeier des "10-Minuten Museums Mathematik der Klimakrise" dabei waren! Alle Plätze im Planetarium des LWL-Museums für Naturkunde waren belegt. Die Teilnehmer:innen hörten einen anschaulichen Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Rupert Klein aus Berlin, der darlegte, wie die Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beiträgt. Die Veranstaltung bildete den Auftakt zu einem Rahmenprogramm, das bis Mitte Januar läuft.

© WIRE/Nikolaus Urban

"Women in Research" interview with Priyanga Ganesan

Dr. Priyanga Ganesan, current Young Research Fellow at our Cluster and WiRE Fellow at Münster University, answered 33 questions on her research, challenges and funny moments in science, and her experiences at Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Stability, Mixing and Fluid Dynamics

14 - 16 August 2023

Mixing phenomena and the evolution and stability of coherent vortex structures and interfaces play an essential role in the dynamics of fluids. Their study has a direct impact on the understanding of turbulent flows with real-world applications in oceanography, atmospheric dynamics, industrial processes and beyond. The Workshop will explore stability and mixing phenomena from a broad intradisciplinary perspective, including PDE techniques, stochastic differential equations, harmonic analysis, optimal transport,  numerical analysis and modeling aspects.

© MM/vl

Analytic Methods in Complex Geometry

7 - 11 August 2023

In the past two years, we have seen spectacular developments in elliptic PDE methods applied to complex geometry. Highlights include the L-infinity estimates for solutions to complex Monge-Ampere equations due to Guo-Phong-Tong and Li's proof of the SYZ conjecture for Fermat hypersurfaces. This conference aims to provide an exciting opportunity for the field to come together (for the first time in Germany!) and discuss and disseminate these recent advances.

Public event
© MFO / AWI/Martin Künsting

Wie die Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beitragen kann

15. August: Vortrag von Rupert Klein zur Eröffnung des "10-Minuten Museums"

Auf Initiative unseres Clusters ergänzt das "10-Minuten Museum Mathematik der Klimakrise" vom 8. August 2023 bis 14. Januar 2024 die Sonderausstellung DAS KLIMA im LWL-Museum für Naturkunde in Münster. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich zur Eröffnungfeier am 15. August 2023 um 18:30 Uhr eingeladen. Zu Gast: Prof. Dr. Rupert Klein (FU Berlin) mit dem Vortrag "Wie die Mathematik zur Klimadebatte beitragen kann".

© // Lynn Quiroz

Arnulf Jentzen awarded as Lamarr Fellow

Our investigator Arnulf Jentzen has been accepted into the "Lamarr Fellow Network", funded by the Ministry for Culture and Science North Rhine-Westphalia. The programme aims to foster research on artificial intelligence.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Francesco Pediconi

We are delighted that Francesco Pediconi joins our Cluster as a new Young Research Fellow. He is a Junior Assistant Professor ("RTD-a" in the Italian system) at the Università di Firenze, working in real and complex differential geometry. During his stay at Mathematics Münster from 16 July to 13 August 2023 he is collaborating with Dr. Anusha Krishnan and other scientists of Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Workshop on Curvature and Global Shape

31 July - 04 August 2023

The purpose of the meeting is to study relationships between local and global invariants in Riemannian Geometry. Our intention is to bring together experts in the field as well as young mathematicians. The programme of the workshop is structured so that beyond the lectures there will be many opportunities for intensive discussions.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Izar Alonso Lorenzo

We welcome Izar Alonso Lorenzo as a new Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. She is a fourth year DPhil student at the University of Oxford. Her research interests are in differential geometry. During her stay at Mathematics Münster from 17 July to 11 August 2023 she is collaborating with Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhm and other scientists of Mathematics Münster.

© ICBS 2023

Best Paper Awards for Thomas Nikolaus and Ralf Schindler

Congratulations to our Mathematics Münster researchers Prof. Dr. Thomas Nikolaus and Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler: Together with co-authors, they received Frontiers of Science Awards for their outstanding papers at the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) in Beijing on 16 July 2023.

© MaRDI / Peter Leßmann

"Making MaRDI" interview with Mario Ohlberger

"Awareness and recognition for FAIR data culture must be increased." says Mario Ohlberger, Mathematics Münster's spokesperson, in the "Making MaRDI" interview, a series of the Mathematical Research Data Initiative. To learn about his role in establishing a FAIR culture for mathematical research data, read this interesting interview.

© Hartwin Schleuß

Ready for the next step

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates

Last week, all doctoral researchers who completed their theses in the past semester were invited to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. We congratulate all graduates of Mathematics Münster and wish them all the best for their future: Anna-Maria Ammer, Jannes Bantje, Ulrich Böttcher, Martin Brückerhoff, Antje Dabeler, Leon Hendrian, Viêt Húng Hoáng, Julian Kranz, Andreas Lietz, Julius Lohmann, Julia Schleuß, Jeroen Winkel and Dennis Wulle!

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Christian Bönicke

We welcome Dr. Christian Bönicke (University of Newcastle) as a Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. He is an expert on K-theory and Homology theory for (C*-algebras) of groupoids and their applications. During his stay at Mathematics Münster from 5 June to 21 July 2023 he is collaborating with several members of the C*-algebra group.

© MM/vl

C*-Algebras: Tensor Products, Approximation & Classification

17 - 21 July 2023

Since Elliotts classification of approximately finite C*-algebras it is well known that there are strong ties between classification theory and approximation theory for C*-algebras. The full depth of this relation became clear only after the groundbreaking work of Eberhard Kirchberg on tensor products and approximation properties of C*-algebras with astounding applications to (on first sight unrelated) important problems: the Connes embedding problem and the classification of (purely infinite) C*-algebras. The meeting will focus on breathtaking recent advances in these topics due to several young rising stars.

© Ricky Chan Kin-ming, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

ERC Consolidator Grant for Arnulf Jentzen

Prof Arnulf Jentzen has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). The mathematician who carries out research at our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster is working on the mathematical fundamentals of deep learning. For his ERC project, starting in July, he will be receiving around 1.4 million euros for the next five years.

© Uni MS

Strategic Collaboration Grant for Stephan Rave

Dr. Stephan Rave, member of Mathematics Münster, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weinhart (University of Twente) have been awarded with the so-called "Collaboration Grant" - an intern funding instrument of the universities of Münster and Twente in order to finance existing research collaborations between Münster and Twente. The project named "Model Order Reduction for Discrete Particle Systems" which should simulate the behavior of granular materials, gains 80,000 euros.



Peter Topping: PDE Aspects of Geometric Flows

29 June 2023, 2:15 pm, M4 and Zoom

Prof. Dr. Peter Topping (University of Warwick) will give a talk entitled "PDE Aspects of Geometric Flows" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 29 June 2023. The talk takes place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M4 and via Zoom. Tea time starts at 3:15 pm in the Cluster Common Room.

© AWK NRW/Bettina Engel-Albustin

Humboldt Foundation accepts Franziska Jahnke as a Henriette Herz Scout

We are delighted that the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has accepted Franziska Jahnke, MATHRIX professor at Mathematics Münster, as a new Henriette Herz Scout. She has now the opportunity to recommend three postdocs from abroad for a renowned Humboldt Research Fellowship which can be granted directly.

Public lecture
© MM/vl

Mathematik und Physik schwarzer Löcher

Fachvortrag von Gustav Holzegel beim Alumni-Tag am 24. Juni

In seinem Vortrag beschreibt Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel, Forscher an unserem Cluster, warum sich Mathematiker für schwarze Löcher interessieren, welche geometrischen und analytischen Fragen dabei auftreten und welche Methoden entwickelt worden sind, um diese zu beantworten. Der Vortrag findet am 24. Juni 2023 um 16 Uhr in Hörsaal M4 statt und richtet sich an alle mathematisch interessierten Alumni.


David Broadhurst: Taming unsummable series

15 June 2023, 2:15 pm, M5 and Zoom

Prof. Dr. David Broadhurst (Open University, UK) will give a talk entitled "Taming unsummable series" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 15 June 2023. The talk takes place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M5 and via Zoom. Tea time starts at 3:15 pm in the Cluster Common Room.

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Ilijas Farah

We welcome Prof. Dr. Ilijas Farah (York University, Toronto) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a world leading expert working on the interface of set theory, model theory, and operator algebras. During his stay at our Cluster from 1 June to 22 July 2023 he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Winter and will contribute to the conference "C*-Algebras: Tensor Products, Approximation & Classification".

© MM/vl

Young Set Theory Workshop

29 May - 3 June 2023

Set theory is a broad area of mathematics, with many interconnecting themes, and our knowledge is developing rapidly. This international workshop will bring together young mathematicians, providing in depth introductions to various topics in set theory, leading to questions at the forefront of research. Tutorials and talks will be given by both experienced researchers and postdocs, and will be primarily aimed at advanced PhD students and early career researchers.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Priyanga Ganesan

We welcome Dr. Priyanga Ganesan as a new Young Research Fellow at our Cluster. She holds a prestigious President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of California San Diego. Her research interest revolves around operator algebras and their connections with quantum information theory. During her stay at Mathematics Münster during the 2023 summer semester, she will collaborate with JProf. Dr. Kristin Courtney.

© MM/vl

Scientific postdoc presentations

Five new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the MM Postdoc Colloquium in April. Athanasios Chatzikaleas, Lukas Niebel, João Nuno Pereira Lourenço, Andrea Vaccaro and Zhixiang Wu gave an insight into their fields of research.

© MM/12may initiative

Looking back: May12 at Mathematics Münster

We took 12 May - the International Women in Maths Day - as an opportunity to celebrate gender diversity in mathematics! Many MM members participated in the film screening, discussions, talks and digital activities last week. Here you can find some impressions. 

© MM/May12 initiative

Celebrating May 12 at Mathematics Münster

Programme 8 - 12 May 2023

We are celebrating gender diversity with several events and digital activities throughout the week from 8-12 May in the context of the May12 initiative. Learn more about the outstanding mathematician Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya at a film screening, join a discussion on "Achieving gender balance in science" and attend scientific talks of MATHRIX professors at "MM Connect meets Women in Maths"!

Girls Day 2022
© MM/vl

Girls Day 2023: Insights for high school students

On 27 April 2023, the participants of the "Girls' Day" gained many insights into the world of mathematicians and everyday life of students at Münster University. The faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster had prepared a varied programme with a rally, a short lecture and puzzles. [de]


CRC Colloquium

4 May 2023, 2:00 pm, M4 and Zoom

The CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity invites you to the CRC Colloquium on 4 May 2023 at 2:00 pm. Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel will speak about "Geometric non-linear wave equations". Dr. Christopher Kauffman will give a talk entitled "Perturbed wave equations on black hole spacetimes". These two lectures will take place in the context of the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium in lecture hall M4 and via Zoom. Get-together afterwards in the Cluster Common Room.

Open Calls
© MM/vl

Doctoral positions and Ada Lovelace Fellowships

Apply now: deadline 1 May 2023!

Benefit from the stimulating atmosphere at Mathematics Münster and use the invaluable opportunity to learn from faculty and visitors, to collaborate and network! Apply until 1st May 2023 for a doctoral position. There are  Ada Lovelace Fellowships available for exceptionally strong candidates. With the Fellowships we support underrepresented groups and aim to increase gender equality in mathematics.

© MM/vl

In search of model structures for non-equilibrium systems

24 - 28 April 2023

The workshop focuses on the availability, derivation and discovery of variational principles for non-equilibrium systems, in particular, those which connect model structures on different lengths and time scales via microscopic derivations, such as hydrodynamic limits. We bring together physicists and mathematicians to discuss recent progress for specific systems as well as regarding general principles.


Jean-Pierre Tignol: Linkage of quaternion algebras and systems of quadratic equations over number fields

in memoriam Winfried Scharlau, 27 April 2023, 2:15 pm, M4 and Zoom

Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Tignol (UCLouvain) will give a talk entitled "Linkage of quaternion algebras and systems of quadratic equations over number fields" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 27 April 2023. The talk takes place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M4 and via Zoom. Tea time starts at 3:15 pm in the Cluster Common Room.

Public lecture
© Shutterstock/MM/vl

Matchings und Optimaler Transport

"Brücken in der Mathematik"-Vortrag von Martin Huesmann am 27. April

Der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster lädt alle Interessierten herzlich zur nächsten Ausgabe der öffentlichen Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" ein. Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann wird am 27.04.2023 um 18:30 Uhr im Schloss, Hörsaal S8, eine anschauliche Einführung in die Theorie des Matchings und Optimalen Transports geben und erklären, warum sie sich zu einem nützlichen Werkzeug in verschiedenen Bereichen der Mathematik entwickelt hat.

© Uni MS/Michael C. Möller

“Learning from one another means we arrive at findings faster”

Interview with Hendrik Weber and Raimar Wulkenhaar

Collaboration across the boundaries between mathematical fields can lead to new approaches and insights. In this interview, the Cluster investigators Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber and Prof. Dr. Raimar Wulkenhaar explain why even collaborations within one dicipline are challenging - and which opportunities it provides for their research.

© MM

Scientific postdoc presentations

13 April 2023, 2:15 pm, M4

Get an insight into the research of five new postdoctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster. In short scientific presentations they will introduce their topics on 13 April 2023. The talks take place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M4. After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas while enjoying tea, coffee and cake in the Common Room.

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Agatha Atkarskaya

The Cluster welcomes Dr. Agatha Atkarskaya as a Young Research Fellow. She is a postdoc at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and specialises in group and ring theory. She is one of the driving forces in the construction of infinite Burnside groups via small cancellation theory. During her stay at Münster from 1 April to 30 June 2023 she will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Dr. Katrin Tent.

© MM/vl

Random discrete structures

20 - 24 March 2023

The workshop centers around two topics: "Random graphs and stochastic geometry" and "Branching and mathematical biology". The aim is to provide an opportunity of exchange between the different groups and to attract young researchers to the field. All members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are invited to join the "Bridge Plenary Talk" by Remco van der Hofstad (TU Eindhoven) on Thursday, 23 March 2023, 4:30 pm in lecture hall M2, title: "Critical percolation on scale-free random graphs". The conference is part of the Focus Programme "Effective and dynamic behaviour of random structures".

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Oleksandr Iksanov

We welcome Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Iksanov (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is one of the most prolific and distinguished probabilists in Ukraine. During his stay at our Cluster from 18 March to 8 April 2023 he will continue his existing collaboration with Prof. Dr. Gerold Alsmeyer and Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko and will contribute to the Cluster’s Focus Programme "Effective and dynamic behaviour of random structures".

Public event
© MM/vl

"Mathe mal anders" für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Nächster Workshop-Termin: 18. April 2023 / Jetzt anmelden!

Schüler:innen der Klassen 5-7 sind eingeladen, Mathe aus einer neuen Perspektive zu entdecken. Beim Workshop "Mathe mal anders!" am 18. April 2023 können sie sich bei einer kreativen Schnitzeljagd und anderen spannenden Aktionen überzeugen, dass Mathe viel mehr ist als nur ein Schulfach. 22 Kinder hatten am 14. März 2023, dem Internationalen Tag der Mathematik, an der "Premiere" des Workshops teilgenommen.

© Uni MS/Sophie Pieper

Video portrait of MATHRIX professor Theresa Simon

In a new series of videos, the Communication and Public Relations department of the University of Münster presents six academics from a variety of disciplines who are either junior professors or who head a group of junior researchers. A video portrait of out investigator Dr. Theresa Simon was recently published. As a junior professor at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, she studies patterns in magnets.

© International Mathematical Union

International Day of Mathematics

14 March 2023

This year's motto is "Mathematics for everyone". That's why the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster has invited pupils in grades 5-7 who are not (yet) the biggest maths fans to a inspiring workshop. Everybody is invited to join the global live celebration online. Take part in many interesting talks via livestream and check out the blog!

Public event
© MM

Mathe mal anders - Workshop für Schüler:innen

Angebot zum Internationalen Tag der Mathematik am 14. März 2023

Schüler:innen der Klassen 5-7, die (noch) nicht die größten Mathe-Fans sind, sind eingeladen, am 14. März 2023, dem Internationalen Tag der Mathematik, Mathe aus einer neuen Perspektive zu entdecken! Bei einem Workshop am Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster können sie sich bei einer kreativen Schnitzeljagd und anderen spannenden Aktionen überzeugen, dass Mathe viel mehr ist als nur ein Schulfach. Workshop ist bereits ausgebucht - Warteliste vorhanden.

© MM/vl

Number theory meets p-adic representations

13-17 February 2023 - A conference on the occasion of Peter Schneider’s 70th birthday

The conference will report on various aspects of the rapid developments in Number Theory and Arithmetic in the past years. This concerns in particular smooth representation theory, Iwasawa theory, p-adic geometry and p-adic Hodge theory. All members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are invited to join the "Bridging Talk" by Prof. Dr. Otmar Venjakob (Heidelberg) on Thursday, 16 February 2023, 4:20 pm in lecture hall M2, title: "Explicit Reciprocity Laws in Number Theory".

© MM/vl

Young Geometric Group Theory XI

13 - 17 February 2023

The eleventh edition of the Young Geometric Group Theory (YGGT) workshop focuses on four mini-courses which present a panoramic overview over some important developments in the research fields. Besides the four main lecture series a number of plenary presentations are organised to broaden the scope of the workshop, and to encourage the participants to explore the boundaries of the subject.

© MM/vl

Ready for the next step

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates

On Monday, all doctoral researchers who completed their theses in the past semester were invited to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. We congratulate all graduates of Mathematics Münster and wish them all the best for their future: Blaise Boissonneau, Johannes Branahl, Maria Lünnemann, Jonas McCandless, Jan Nienhaus, Kevin Poljsak, Jonas Potthoff and Marie-Christin Zumbülte!

Public event
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

Girls go Mathematics!

Event for female high school students on 27 April 2023

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invite female high school students to gain insights into university and the work of mathematicians. [de]

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Alcides Buss

We welcome Prof. Dr. Alcides Buss (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is an excellent researcher in the field of Operator Algebras. During his stay at our Cluster from February to December 2023 he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Siegfried Echterhoff and other scientists from Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

8 February 2023

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology with talks by Daniel Keppeler (Münster), Amandine Escalier (Münster), Jonas Flechsig (Bielefeld) and Bianca Marchionna (Bielefeld). All lectures take place in room SRZ 216, Orléans-Ring 12.

© MM/vl

MM Connect with Dr. Dieter Wemmer

"MM Special" about career opportunities for mathematicians in the private sector

Dr. Dieter Wemmer joined us at our series "MM Connect" for early career researchers to present a special talk. He briefly outlined his own career path and, based on his decades of experience as a CFO and CEO of several big companies, offered advice on how to approach making decisions about career paths and which important factors need to be considered.

© MM/vl

New "Bridging the Gaps" professor for Mathematics Münster

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber - a portrait

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster has established special professorships for mathematicians who bring together a variety of fields in their research – such as Prof. Hendrik Weber. Recently, Hendrik Weber, an expert on stochastic analysis, moved from the University of Bath to Münster. He brought with him an ERC Consolidator Grant, approved in 2022.

Logo CRCLogo CRC

CRC Colloquium

26 January 2023, 4:15 pm, lecture hall M2

The CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity invites you to the CRC Colloquium on Thursday, 26 January 2023, at 4:15 pm. Prof. Dr. Dr. Katrin Tent will speak about "Simplicity of automorphism groups of homogeneous structures". Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Kwiatkowska will give a talk entitled "Compact connected one-dimensional spaces". These two lectures will take place in the context of the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium in lecture hall M2. Get-togehter afterwards in the SRZ building, 2nd floor.

Public event
© Uni MS/Markus Bomholt

Kunst trifft Wissenschaft im Stadtmuseum

"Meet a Scientist" am 28. Januar 2023 mit Theresa Simon

Im Stadtmuseum Münster ist derzeit die Fotoausstellung "Faszination Wissenschaft" von Herlinde Koelbl zu sehen. Am 28. Januar um 16 Uhr gibt Dr. Theresa Simon, Juniorprofessorin an unserem Exzellenzcluster, im Rahmenprogramm der Ausstellung unter dem Motto "Meet a scientist" persönliche Einblicke in ihr Leben als Wissenschaftlerin. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!

© Uni Bonn/Thoralf Räsch

Postdoc receives the Hausdorff Memorial Award

Dr. Lucas Mann was awarded for his doctoral thesis on Poincaré duality and p-adic geometry

Congratulations to Mathematics Münster's postdoc Dr. Lucas Mann! He was awarded the Hausdorff Memorial Award for the best dissertation 2021/2022 in mathematics at the University of Bonn. In his PhD thesis, he proves a Poicaré duality in the case of p-adic geometry. His supervisor Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze was highly impressed by the technical level and the importance beyond the statement to be proved: "This PhD thesis is an extraordinary contribution to p-adic geometry, and it will take some years to digest the statements from this thesis."

© MM/vl

Interview with Prof. Ursula Ludwig

Ursula Ludwig has been Professor of Theoretical Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute at the University of Münster and  investigator at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster since April 2022. In this interview she talks about her research, her career so far, and what the best thing is about being a mathematician.

© MM/Ralf Engbers

Upcoming conferences and workshops

Mathematics Münster's conference programme 2023

Check out the overview of our conferences and workshops! We are looking forward to welcoming you to Mathematics Münster.

© MM/vl

Prof. Dr. Dustin Clausen at Hirzebruch Colloquium 2022

Yesterday, Prof. Dr. Dustin Clausen (University of Copenhagen) gave an inspiring talk entitled "Algebraic geometry from the solid perspective" at this year's Friedrich Hirzebruch Colloquium at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

© privat

Three months full of maths - and New York

MM PhD Outgoing Programme: Julia Schleuß shares her experience

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster supports its doctoral researchers to go abroad for short intensive research stays. Julia Schleuß, who is about to finish her doctorate at the Institute for Analysis and Numerics, took the opportunity to spend time in the USA this spring. In her report, she shares her experiences.

© MM/University of Copenhagen

Prof. Dr. Dustin Clausen: Algebraic geometry from the solid perspective

Friedrich Hirzebruch Colloquium on 15 December 2022

Prof. Dr. Dustin Clausen (University of Copenhagen) will give a talk entitled "Algebraic geometry from the solid perspective" at this year's Friedrich Hirzebruch Colloquium. The talk takes place on 15 December 2022 at 4 pm in lecture hall M2. After the talk there will be a reception in the SRZ Lounge.

© MM/vl

Workshop on the Bezrukavnikov equivalence

16 December 2022

The workshop is a joint activity of the Arithmetic Geometry research groups in Bonn, Essen and Münster. The aim of the workshop is to understand the work of Roman Bezrukavnikov about an equivalence between certain constructible sheaves on an affine flag variety and certain coherent sheaves on a variety related to the Springer resolution of the nilpotent cone.

© MM/Dennis Binder

New international master's scholarship holders have started their studies

The new holders of the scholarships for excellent international master’s students have arrived: Yassaman Jafarabadi, Vindula Kumaranayake and Devansh Sehta started their studies at the University of Münster in October. They are supported by full grant scholarships awarded by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. In interviews, they tell us why they chose Münster, which mathematical topics they will focus on and what they hope to achieve during their time here.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

University of Münster honours the best doctoral graduates

Dissertation prize for Dr. Thomas Godland

The University of Münster's Rectorate has honoured the best doctoral theses of 2022. 105 young scientists received the best rating "summa cum laude" for their dissertation - including Mathematics Münster members Dr. Jan Nienhaus and Dr. Tim Keil. Dr. Thomas Godland was also awarded a dissertation prize endowed with 3,500 euros. Congratulations!

Public event
© FH Münster/Diana Jansing

Geometrie in Christbaum-Kugeln

Vortrag von Postdoc Mario Schulz im "Urban Science Store" am 6. Dezember

Vom 5. bis 10. 12.2022 verwandelt sich das leere Ladenlokal am Prinzipalmarkt 41 in Münster in einen "Urban Science Store" mit Mitmachaktionen, Ausstellungen und Vorträgen. Am Dienstag, 6.12., wird dort Dr. Mario Schulz, Postdoc an unserem Exzellenzcluster, von 18 bis 18:30 Uhr einen Vortrag halten: "Geometrie in Christbaumkugeln: Erforschung neuer Minimalflächen". Kommen Sie vorbei!

© MM/vl

Cluster welcomes new MM members

This year, three professors, three junior professors, 12 postdocs and 20 doctoral students from 15 nations started at Mathematics Münster. At a Welcome Event they got some helpful information and the opportunity to get together.

Public online event
Webbild Mathenacht2
© MM/vl

A night full of mathematics

2 December 2022, via Zoom

Scientists from our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" (Bonn) and "MATH+" (Berlin) will show in digital workshops, lectures, a magic show and a round table on diversity of educational paths the fascination of mathematics - from 3 pm to midnight.

© MM/vl

Cluster postdoc successfully publishes in the top journal "Inventiones mathematicae"

Interview with Dr. Konstantinos Zemas

The journal "Inventiones mathematicae" is considered a top journal in the mathematical community. This year, the journal published a paper by postdoc Dr. Konstantinos Zemas and his PhD supervisor Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus (University of Leipzig). In this interview, Konstantinos talks about the content of the paper, and how the topic and his research have developed since the publication.

© MM/vl

Group Actions: Dynamics, Measure, Topology

28 Nov - 2 Dec 2022

This meeting will focus on the measurable and topological dynamics of group actions, with emphasis on the cross-pollination of themes and techniques that have been driving these subjects in novel directions over the last few years, ranging in flavour from probability, symbolic dynamics, and combinatorics to Lie groups, representation theory, and operator algebras, and including new types of interactions at the boundary of measure and topology themselves.

© MM/vl -

WDR-"Zeitzeichen": Interview mit Anna Siffert zu Ada Lovelace

Sie gilt als Pionierin der Informatik: Die Mathematikerin Ada Lovelace schreibt im 19. Jahrhundert das erste Programm für eine geplante Rechenmaschine - lange bevor es Computer gibt. Anlässlich ihres Todestages am 27. November 1852 hat der WDR eine Folge der Reihe "Zeitzeichen" über ihr Leben veröffentlicht. In dem Beitrag kommt Prof. Dr. Anna Siffert, Professorin an unserem Exzellenzcluster, zu Wort und berichtet über unser Ada Lovelace-Programm zur Förderung exzellenter Mathematik-Doktorandinnen.

© MM/vl

ERC Starting Grant for Giles Gardam

We are delighted that the European Research Council has awarded Prof. Dr. Giles Gardam, investigator of Mathematics Münster, an "ERC Starting Grant". With the help of this EU funding of 1.2 million euros over the next five years, the scientist plans to carry out his research project "Satisfiability and group rings" (SATURN). The research grant is among the most prestigious awards of its kind in Europe.


Prof. Dr. Alain Trouvé: Diffeomorphic transport, riemannian geometry, geometric information and scales

24 November 2022, 2:15 pm, M2 and Zoom

Prof. Dr. Alain Trouvé (Ecole Normale Superieure, Cachan) will give a talk entitled "Diffeomorphic transport, riemannian geometry, geometric information and scales" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 24 November 2022. The talk takes place at 2:15 pm in lecture hall M2 and via Zoom. Tea time starts at 3:15 pm in the Common Room.

© MM/vl

Impressions from the "Hochschultag 2022"

On 10 November around 13,000 prospective students took the opportunity to gather information at the "Hochschultag Münster". The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science offered a wide range of input. In short lectures - also by our Cluster members - the visitors got first insights into the study programmes. [de]

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Daniel Max Hoffmann

The Cluster welcomes Dr. Daniel Max Hoffmann as a Young Research Fellow. During his stay in Münster starting in October 2022, he will be joining the research group of Prof. Dr. Dr. Katrin Tent. Daniel Hoffmann is a Samuel Eilenberg Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw. His research interests are model theory, Galois theory, difference and differential algebra and group theory.

© MM/vl

Scientific postdoc presentations - Part 2

Five new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the MM Postdoc Colloquium, part 2, on 27 October 2022. In short lectures they gave an insight into their fields of research.

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Grigor Sargsyan

Over the last one and a half decades, Prof. Dr. Grigor Sargsyan (Mathematics Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences) has been one of the leading researchers in the area of analyzing HOD of determinacy models, hod mice, and the core model induction. During his stay at our Cluster from 1 to 31 November 2022 and 15 February to 15 March 2023 he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler, Prof. Dr. Farmer Schlutzenberg and other scientists from Mathematics Münster.

© MM

Scientific postdoc presentations

27 October 2022, 2:15 pm, M2 and Zoom

Get an insight into the research of five new postdoctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster. In short scientific presentations they will introduce their topics on 27 October 2022. The talks take place at 2:15 pm in room M2 and via Zoom. After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas while enjoying tea, coffee and cake in the Common Room.

© MaRDi

1st MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing

26 - 28 October 2022

With this first MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing, we want to bring together researchers from the Scientific Computing community and related disciplines who are interested in the FAIRness of their research data. Apart from presentations on the current MaRDI projects and selected keynote talks, birds-of-a-feather sessions will leave room for discussions and hands-on tutorials.

© MM/vl

Scientific postdoc presentations

Five new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the MM Postdoc Colloquium, part 1, on 20 October 2022. In short lectures they gave an insight into their fields of research.

© MM

Lunch Time Lecture: Implicit Biases in Academia

21 October 2022, 12:15 pm, SRZ 216/217

All investigators of Mathematics Münster are invited to the talk "Implicit Biases in Academia" by Dr. Lisa Horvath on Friday, 21 October 2022. In this talk, not only various examples of implicit biases, as they can happen in the university context, are presented, but also strategies and how these biases can be reduced are offered and discussed.

© MM

Scientific postdoc presentations

20 October 2022, 2:15 pm, M2 and Zoom

Get an insight into the research of five new postdoctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster. In short scientific presentations they will introduce their topics on 20 October 2022. The talks take place at 2:15 pm in room M2 and via Zoom. After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas while enjoying tea, coffee and cake in the Common Room.

© MM/vl

An interview with Prof. Eva Viehmann

Eva Viehmann has been Professor of Theoretical Mathematics at the Mathematical Institute at Münster University and investigator at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster since February 2022. In this interview she talks about her research work, her career so far, her new start in Münster – and what she especially likes about her job.

© MM

Apply now: Doctoral and postdoctoral positions

Apply until 1st November 2022 for a doctoral or postdoctoral position at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Mathematical Institutes! Postdoc applicants are invited to collaborate as a Young Research Group.

© BLB/Rehder

CMM: Organisierter Zufall als Planungsprämisse

Moderne Forschung lebt von Kommunikation und Austausch. Das hat auch Auswirkungen auf die Architektur von Forschungsbauten. Zum Beispiel beim Center of Mathematics Münster, das der Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW (BLB) für die Universität Münster realisiert. Auf seinen Webseiten stellt der BLB das außergewöhnliche Bauprojekt vor - inklusive Interview mit Clustersprecher Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger.

© MM/vl

Einblicke für Schülerinnen und Schüler

Voller Hörsaal beim Münsteraner Mathetag

Am vergangenen Freitag war es wieder soweit: Münsteraner Mathetag! Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik hielten Vorträge und Workshops für mehr als 150 Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 10 bis 13 aus der Region. So konnten diese Mathematik einmal außerhalb des Schulalltags erleben.

© MM/vl

Leonard Kreutz receives Emmy Noether funding

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is providing around 1.2 million euros of funding for mathematician Dr. Leonard Kreutz under the Emmy Noether Programme. Leonard Kreutz – who has been working as a postdoc at Mathematics Münster in the last years – will use the money to set up his own research group at the Technical University (TU) Munich to work on "Variational Methods in Materials Sciences".

© MM/vl

Summerschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics

12 - 16 September 2022

The scope of the Summerschool is to offer an overview of modern themes in Applied Mathematics, ranging from modeling issues in physics and materials science to their mathematical analysis by means of advanced techniques in the theory of PDEs and the Calculus of Variations.

© University of Turin

Hausdorff medal for David Asperó and Ralf Schindler

Congratulations! The 5th Hausdorff Medal was awarded to Prof. David Asperó (University of East Anglia) and Prof. Ralf Schindler (Mathematics Münster) at the European Set Theory Conference in Turin. The prize is awarded every two years for the most influential work in set theory published in the five years preceding the medal.

© Uni MS/Sophie Pieper

Matthias Löwe zu Gast beim Uni-Münster-Cast

Im Podcast der Universität Münster kommen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen zu Wort. In der aktuellen Folge interviewt Pressesprecher Norbert Robers Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe, Mitglied von Mathematics Münster. Es geht um die Faszination Mathematik, die Schönheit von Beweisen, um Philosophie - aber auch um die große Rolle, die Mathematik in vielen Bereichen der Gesellschaft spielt.

© MM/vl

Working on regularity properties

Intensive workshop of researchers specializing in Operator Algebras

Dr. Anna Duwenig, Prof. Dr. Astrid an Huef, Prof. Dr. Maria Grazia Viola, Dr. Magdalena Georgescu, and Prof. Dr. Kristin Courtney have met last week in Münster to work on regularity conditions on a groupoid which can guarantee finite noncommutative covering dimension on its corresponding C*-algebra.

© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Masanori Morishita

We welcome Prof. Dr. Masanori Morishita (Kyushu University, Japan) as a Münster Research Fellow. During his stay at our Cluster from 29 July to 23 August 2022, he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger and other scientists from Mathematics Münster. Masanori Morishita is the leading authority in the field of Arithmetic Topology founded by Yuri Manin and Barry Mazur, which explores analogies between number theory and 3-dimensional topology.

© MM/vl

Ready for the next step

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated doctoral graduates

All graduates who completed their doctoral theses in the past two "Corona years" were invited to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science's doctoral graduation ceremony in the "Schloss" yesterday. Congratulations to all doctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster, especially those who graduated in summer semester 2022. All the best for your future: Anna Verena Edenfeld, Thomas Godland, Tim Keil and Sara Terveer!


Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction

18 - 22 July 2022

The Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction conference (YMMOR) aims at bringing together early career researchers that are working in the broad field of Model Order Reduction and related topics. Therefore, the focus of the conference is to foster scientific exchange and networking among PhD students, master students, and early postdocs.

© ICM2022

Virtual ICM 2022

Video recordings of Gustav Holzegel's and Thomas Nikolaus' talks available

The ICM 2022 was reorganised as an online event, and this event hosted some of the talks real life. The focus of the event in Copenhagen, supported by Mathematics Münster, was the Geometry and Topology sections. Similar events were organized at other locations from 6–14 July 2022. Video recordings of all talks are now availabe at the YouTube channel of the International Mathematical Union.

© MM/vl

Münster Research Fellow Kilian Raschel for the second time in Münster

Prof. Dr. Kilian Raschel (CNRS, Université d'Angers) joins our Cluster as a Münster Research Fellow for the second time. He works on the connections between combinatorics and probability, a principal topic being random walks in cones seen from a combinatorial and a probabilistic point of view. During his stay in Münster from 1 to 31 July 2022 he will further conduct joint research with Prof. Dr. Gerold Alsmeyer and Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko on probabilistic and combinatorial aspects of certain persistence problems for autoregressive processes.

© University of Copenhagen

Geometry and Topology, ICM sectional workshop

6-14 July 2022, University of Copenhagen

The ICM 2022 was recently reorganised as an online event, and this event will host some of the talks real life, and attempt to salvage, on a smaller scale, some of the usual spirit of an ICM. The focus of the event in Copenhagen will be the Geometry and Topology sections, though it will not be restricted to those.

Logo CRCLogo CRC

CRC Colloquium

14 July 2022, 4:15 pm, lecture hall M2

The CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity invites you to the CRC Colloquium on Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 4:15 pm. Dr. Bianca Santoro will speak about "Geodesics on the space of Kähler Metrics". Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hein will give a talk entitled "Ricci Curvature, Scalar Curvature and Regularity Theory". These two lectures will take place in the context of the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium in lecture hall M2. Get-togehter afterwards in front of the SRZ building.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Universitätsgesellschaft awards Förderpreis to physician and mathematician

Award for Maximilian Kückelhaus and Giles Gardam endowed with 10,000 euros

Every year, the "Universitätsgesellschaft Münster" honors young scientists at the WWU for their excellent research achievements with the "Förderpreis". This year, the award goes to the mathematician Dr. Giles Gardam and the physician Dr. Maximilian Kückelhaus. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros.

© MM/Wiebke Haver

Sonne, Strand und Mathematik

30 Schülerinnen und Schüler waren bei der Mathe-Sommerakademie auf Sylt dabei

Mathematikbegeisterte Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jahrgangsstufen 10 und 11 aus Münster und dem Umland verbrachten vom 19. bis 23. Juni 2022 schöne und erlebnisreiche Tage bei der Mathematik-Sommerakademie auf Sylt. Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe, Prof. Dr. Michael Joachim und Doktorandin Sara Terveer hatten verschiedene mathematische Themen als Workshops aufbereitet.

Menachem MagidorMenachem Magidor
© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Menachem Magidor

We are honoured to welcome Prof. Menachem Magidor (Hebrew University) as a new Münster Research Fellow. He is one of the most prominent set theorists. During his stay at our Cluster until 1 July 2022, he is collaborating with Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler and other scientists from Mathematics Münster and is contributing to the 5th Münster conference on inner model theory.

© MM/vl

Die Mathematik turbulenter Strömungen

Prof. Dr. Christian Seis sprach beim "Schlauraum"

Am Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022, ging es beim Wissenschaftsfestival Schlauraum um Mathematik: Prof. Dr. Christian Seis sprach im Open-Air-Hörsaal im Herzen von Münster vor vielen interessierten Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörern über eins der sieben Millennium-Probleme: die Navier-Stokes-Gleichung.

Public lecture
© Stadt Münster

Die Mathematik turbulenter Strömungen

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Christian Seis im Open-Air-Hörsaal vom "Schlauraum"

Münsters Wissenschaftsfestival "Schlauraum" macht Wissenschaft für Groß und Klein erlebbar. Am Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022, um 17 Uhr geht es um Mathematik: Prof. Dr. Christian Seis spricht im Open-Air-Hörsaal in der Stubengasse unter dem Titel "Die Mathematik turbulenter Strömungen und die Suche nach einer Million" über das Millennium-Problem der Navier-Stokes-Gleichung. Alle Interessierten sind eingeladen!

© MM/vl

Giles Gardam receives Emmy Noether funding

Dr. Giles Gardam, postdoc at Mathematics Münster, convinced the German Research Foundation (DFG) with his project: The DFG is providing funding from the Emmy Noether Programme of just over one million euros for the mathematician. This means that he can build up his own research group at the Mathematical Institute in the coming six years. The aim of the Emmy Noether Programme is to offer outstanding junior researchers scientific independence and qualify them for a university professorship.

© Junge Akademie

Das war das Millennium-Festival in Münster!

Rückblick auf die Veranstaltungen der bundesweiten Reihe "Die 7 größten Abenteuer der Mathematik"

Gut besuchte und interessante Veranstaltungen rund um die Millennium-Probleme liegen hinter uns. In Münster stand die Vermutung von Birch und Swinnerton-Dyer im Mittelpunkt. Sehen Sie hier Fotos und Videos von den Vorträgen und dem Schüler-Workshop, die Teil der bundesweiten Reihe "Die 7 größten Abenteuer der Mathematik" waren.


Prof. Dr. Michael Aizenman: Random loop ensembles as a common mathematical scaffolding of some quantum and classical stat mech models

23 June 2022, 4:30 pm, in person in M2

Prof. Dr. Michael Aizenman (Princeton University) will give a talk entitled "Random loop ensembles as a common mathematical scaffolding of some quantum and classical stat mech models" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 23 June 2022. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm in person in lecture hall M2. Tea time starts at 4 pm in the Cluster lounge opposite SRZ 216 (2nd floor).

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Quantum many body system and interacting particles

20-24 June 2022 - in honor of Herbert Spohn

The conference will focus on a broad range of topics which lie at the crossroads of mathematical physics and probability theory, where Herbert Spohn has made many fundamental contributions for several decades and has influenced entire generations of researchers.

© MM/vl

Mathematik als Abenteuerreise

Zahlentheoretikerin Sarah Zerbes stellte Millennium-Problem vor

Rund 100 Interessierte kamen am 15. Juni 2022 zum feierlichen Auftakt der bundesweiten Reihe "Die 7 größten Abenteuer der Mathematik" ins Schloss. Prof. Dr. Sarah Zerbes (ETH Zürich) stellte ein Millennium-Problem vor, an dem sie selbst forscht: die Vermutung von Birch und Swinnerton-Dyer.

© MM/Ralf Engbers

5th Münster conference on inner model theory

20 June 20 - 1 July 2022

Continuing a tradition, this conference will again draw together researchers and advanced students with an interest in inner model theory, in order to communicate and further explore recent work. There will be courses and single talks with additional ample time for problem sessions, informal seminars, and other interactions.

© MM/vl

Scientific postdoc presentations

Five new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium on 15 June 2022. In short lectures they gave an insight into their field of research.

© MM/vl

M²A² Mathematical Modeling and Analysis

7 - 9 June 2022

In honor of Angela Stevens' Πk=1,2,3(k+2)th birthday this conference covers various mathematical topics she has been working on: Mathematical modeling, analysis of PDEs, dynamical systems and stochastic many particle systems. A leitmotif will be the emergence and evolution of patterns. Speakers are scientists Angela Stevens has been working and sharing paths of her mathematical journey with.


Scientific postdoc presentations

WEDNESDAY, 15 June 2022, 1 pm, SRZ 216/217

Get an insight into the research of five new postdoctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster. In short scientific presentations they will introduce their topics at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 15 June 2022. The talks take place at 1 pm in room SRZ 216/217 and via Zoom. After the talks, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas while enjoying tea, coffee and cake in the Common Room.

© ETH Zürich

"Jeden Tag kann es passieren, dass man eine unerwartete Entdeckung macht"

Interview mit Sarah Zerbes über das Abenteuer Mathematik

Zum Auftakt der Reihe "Die 7 größten Abenteuer der Mathematik" am 15. Juni um 18:30 Uhr im Schloss wird Prof. Dr. Sarah Zerbes (ETH Zürich) ein Millennium-Problem vorstellen, an dem sie selbst forscht: die Vermutung von Birch und Swinnerton-Dyer. Im Interview vorab erzählt sie, warum sie Mathematik als Abenteuer erlebt, was sie an der BSD-Vermutung fasziniert und was für sie als passionierte Bergsteigerin ein größeres Glücksgefühl ist: ein neuer mathematischer Beweis oder das Erreichen eins Gipfelkreuzes.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Researching with infinite patience

Portrait of Ralf Schindler in Münster University's newspaper

A year ago, Prof. Ralf Schindler and Prof. David Asperó published a proof uniting two hitherto competing assumptions in set theory. The result is considered a milestone in research in the field of infinities, one of the theoretical foundations of mathematics. A portrait of Ralf Schindler has now been published in Münster University's newspaper.

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis

27 May 2022

The "Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis" is a research seminar, organised by the algebraic and complex geometry research groups in Bochum, Essen, Cologne, Münster, and Wuppertal. The next meeting will take place next Friday, 27 May 2022, for the first time at Münster University. There will be talks by Markus Banagl (Heidelberg), Francesco Bei (Sapienza) and Nicolina Istrati (Marburg).

© Junge Akademie

Rund um die Millennium-Probleme der Mathematik

Veranstaltungen im Juni in Münster

Gemeinsam mit anderen Mathematik-Standorten in Deutschland lädt der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster alle Interessierten ein, die sieben Millennium-Probleme zu entdecken. Am 2. Juni 2022 gab Prof. Dr. Guido Kings (Regensburg) eine Einführung in die Vermutung von Birch und Swinnerton-Dyer für das mathematische Fachpublikum. Am 14. Juni 2022 gab es einen Workshop für Schüler:innen und am 15. Juni 2022 einen Vortrag für alle Interessierten von Prof. Dr. Sarah Zerbes (ETH Zürich) im Schloss. Aufzeichnungen der beiden Vorträge sind auf YouTube zu sehen.

© MM/vl

New Fellows presented their research topics

Ada Lovelace Seminar 2022 with talks by Azul Fatalini, Judith Lutz and Luisa Meinke

On Friday, 13 March 2022, all members of Mathematics Münster were invited to this year's Ada Lovelace Seminar. The new Ada Lovelace Fellows - Azul Fatalini, Judith Lutz and Luisa Meinke - each presented a "flavour" of their research topics.

© MM

Ada Lovelace Seminar 2022

13 May 2022, 2 pm

The "International Women in Maths Day" on 12 May is a great opportunity to celebrate women in mathematics! One of our this year's activities is the Ada Lovelace Seminar on Friday, 13 May 2022 at 2 pm in room SRZ 216/217. The new Ada Lovelace Fellows, excellent young doctoral researchers, Azul Fatalini, Judith Lutz and Luisa Meinke will speak about their research. All members of Mathematics Münster are invited to join.

© MM/vl

Mathematics Münster celebrates Women in Maths

12 May: International Women in Maths Day

We raises our glasses to Women in Maths! On a special webpage you will find insights into the work of some of our scientists and links to films, events and articles about women in maths.

Online event
© MM/vl

Livestream: Alexander von Humboldt professorship for Gustav Holzegel

Award ceremony on 12 May 2022

On 12 May 2022, 7 pm, Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel, researcher at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, and other award winners will receive the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in Berlin. The awards will be presented by the Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Hans-Christian Pape, President of the Humboldt Foundation. Everybody who is interested can join the event digitally via livestream. [de]

Girls Day 2022
© MM/vl

Girls Day 2022: Insights for high school students

On 28 April 2022, the participants of the "Girls' Day" gained many insights into the world of mathematicians and everyday life of students at Münster University. The faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster had prepared a varied programme with a rally, a short lecture and puzzles. [de]

Online event
© MM/vl

Join the livestream: Staudt Prize ceremony for Burkhard Wilking

22 April 2022, 10 am

On 22 April 2022, the Staudt Prize will be awarded to Prof. Dr. Burkhard Wilking for his outstanding work in the field of theoretical mathematics. The Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg invites everyone to attend the ceremony on site or via livestream. The laudatory speech will be given by Prof. Dr. Ursula Hamenstädt (Bonn). Afterwards at the Staudt Colloquium there will be talks by Prof. Dr. Christian Bär (Potsdam) and Prof. Dr. Katrin Wendland (Dublin).

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Víctor Sanmartín López

The Cluster welcomes Dr. Víctor Sanmartín López as a Young Research Fellow. During his stay in Münster until May 2022, he will be joining Prof Anna Siffert’s research group. He has a tenure-track position at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and is conducting research on the theory of isometric actions and submanifold theory in the context of Riemannian geometry, with special focus on the study of submanifolds in symmetric spaces.

© Uni MS/Gío Löwe

Summer academy for high school students

From 19 to 23 June 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are offering workshops on the island of Sylt. Highschool students who are enthusiastic about mathematics, are in the 10th or 11th grade and come from Münster and the surrounding area can now register for the summer academy. [de]

Rustum ChoksiRustum Choksi
© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Rustum Choksi

We welcome Prof. Dr. Rustum Choksi (McGill University) as a new Münster Research Fellow. He is a leading figure in the applied calculus of variations with contributions from mathematical materials science all the way to mathematical image processing. During his stay at our Cluster from 4 April to 21 May 2022, he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth and other scientists from Mathematics Münster.

© privat

IBC Prize for Arnulf Jentzen

Congratulations to Prof Arnulf Jentzen! He is the winner of the 2022 Joseph F. Traub Prize. This annual prize is given by the Journal of Complexity for outstanding contributions to information-based complexity.

© MM/vl

Die Bedeutung der Symmetrie in der Informatik

"Brücken in der Mathematik"-Vortrag von Martin Grohe war gut besucht

Endlich wieder in Präsenz: Rund 80 Interessierte haben am Dienstag, 5. April 2022, einen Vortrag aus unserer öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" besucht. Dieses Mal wurde eine Brücke von der Mathematik zur Informatik geschlagen. Prof. Dr. Martin Grohe von der RWTH Aachen erläuterte, welch große Rolle das mathematische Konzept der Symmetrie in der Informatik spielt.

© MM/vl

Inspiring and motivating: Mathematics Münster's 2nd Advisory Board Meeting

We were pleased to welcome the scientists of our Advisory Board and all members of Mathematics Münster to our second Advisory Board Meeting last week - in person and digitally. It was an intense and fruitful exchange about past and future activities of the Cluster, with many helpful hints from the advisors.

Public lecture
© privat

Symmetrie und Ähnlichkeit

Vortrag von Informatik-Professor Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen) - Teil der Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik"

Muster auf Schmetterlingsflügeln, Schneekristalle, Blütenblätter - symmetrische Strukturen sind in der Natur allgegenwärtig, ebenso in der Kunst. Aber auch in der Informatik spielt das mathematische Konzept der Symmetrie eine große Rolle. Informatik-Professor Martin Grohe gibt am 5. April 2022 um 18:30 Uhr einen anschaulichen Einblick in die Welt der Isomorphie-Algorithmen: von grundlegenden offenen Fragen wie zum Beispiel dem sogenannten Graphisomorphieproblem bis hin zu konkreten Anwendungen im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich zu dem Vortrag im Hörsaal M1 und zum anschließenden Austausch bei einem kleinen Snack eingeladen!

Online event
© Uni MS/AB

Mathematics Münster Master Day

7 April 2022, 2 pm, online

The Mathematics Münster Master Day is an online event aimed at students at the undergraduate level to broadcast the International Master's Programme at the University of Münster. The meeting features an invited lecture by Prof Ursula Ludwig, an information session about our programme (including scholarship opportunities) and an informal gathering with selected members of our faculty.

© Pixabay

Opportunities in Germany for mathematicians from Ukraine

DMV sets up new long-term project

The German Mathematical Society (DMV) aims to support mathematicians from Ukraine at all stages in their career who might consider a visiting position, scholarship or other forms of scientific long-term stays in Germany. In cooperation with Mathematics Münster, applications from mathematicians from Ukraine and offers from German mathematical institutions will be coordinated via the website

© MM/vl

Support for outstanding international master's students

First short-term scholarship holder starts in Münster

The first short-term scholarship for international master's students in mathematics has been awarded to José Rafael Santiago. The Venezuelan has recently arrived in Münster and will spend six months at the University of Münster, funded by the new scholarship programme of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.

© IMU/Imaginary

International Day of Mathematics

Video release with Cluster members

This year’s theme "Mathematics unites" fits perfectly with the aim of our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. We have united scientists from 30 nations, who are conducting research in various mathematical fields. In a new video that will be published on 14 March, you will meet six Cluster members who will give insight into the diversity of mathematicians – united by their passion for mathematics!

© Shutterstock

Ready for the next step

Completed dissertations in winter semester 2021/22

Congratulations to all doctoral reseachers of Mathematics Münster who completed their dissertation in the past months. All the best for your future: Stefano Ariotta, Emanuele Bodon, Martin Brückerhoff, Maike Frantzen, Shirly Geffen, Shanxiao Huang, Sebastian Kassing, Meike Kinzel and Robin Loose!

Giant pool ballsGiant pool balls
© MM/Martina Pfeifer

European Conference on Interdisciplinary Model Theory - ECIMT

7 - 11 March 2022

ECIMT is a week-long conference happening in Münster, aiming to bring together young researchers interested in Model Theory, and to explore interactions between Model Theory and other mathematical fields, most notably Combinatorics, Algebra and Number Theory.

© MM/Leßmann/Münsterkötter

Diversity at Münster University

Interview with Anne Schindler and Urs Hartl

What does diversity actually mean in connection with equality, family and equal opportunities? Dr. Anne Schindler, Managing Director of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, and Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl, Diversity Representative at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, work intensively - also together and with others - for equality and diversity. What is going well at Münster University? Where do we need to catch up? An interview in the current newsletter "wissen.leben.familie".[de]

© MM/vl

Staudt Prize 2022 is awarded to Burkhard Wilking

We are very happy to announce that our Cluster member Burkhard Wilking has been awarded the Karl Georg Christian von Staudt Prize 2022 for his outstanding work in the field of theoretical mathematics. The Scientific Commission of the Society of Mathematical Research emphasised not only his contribution to the construction of metrics of non-negative sectional curvature, as well as to rigidity theorems for manifolds of positive curvature, but also his creative use of the Ricci flow.

© MM

New Young Research Fellow: Leonhard Kehrberger

The Cluster welcomes Leonhard Kehrberger as one of its new Young Research Fellows. During his stay in Münster from 1 December 2021 to 1 April 2022, he will be joining Prof Gustav Holzegel’s research group. Leonhard is a 4th year PhD researcher at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof Mihalis Dafermos. His research is concerned with the study of partial differential equations in general relativity.

© MM/Uni MS

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The world celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science today! In this video, four young female scientists from Mathematics Münster give insights. Antje Dabeler, Azul Fatalini, Martina Fruttidoro und Julia Schleuß are doctoral researchers and talk about their most important maths moment - so far.

© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

Girls go Mathematics!

Event for female high school students on 28 April 2022

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invite female high school students to gain insights into university and the work of mathematicians. [de]

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CRC Colloquium

3 Februrary 2022, 4 pm, hybrid format

The CRC 1442 Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity invites you to the CRC Colloquium on Thursday, 3 February 2022, at 4:00 p.m. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Winter will speak about "Approximation properties and rigidity questions for C*-algebras". Prof. Dr. David Kerr will give a talk entitled "The dynamics of comparsion". These two lectures will take place in the context of the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium for max. 24 persons in presence in room SRZ 216/217 (registration via e-mail), for all others via Zoom.

© Spektrum

How many numbers exist?

A proof by David Asperó and Ralf Schindler attracts public interest

Last year, Prof Ralf Schindler from Mathematics Münster and Prof David Asperó (University of East Anglia) published a proof about the sizes of infinities uniting two rival axioms of set theory. The result has not only made waves among scientists – popular science media has also taken up the topic. An overview.

© MM, ICM 2022

Two researchers from Mathematics Münster at ICM 2022

Talks by Gustav Holzegel and Thomas Nikolaus

++ Update 26.02.2022: The Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) has decided that the ICM 2022 will take place as a fully virtual event, hosted outside Russia. ++

Prof Gustav Holzegel and Prof Thomas Nikolaus, both members of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster, have been invited to talk about their research at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM). The ICM takes place every four years and is the oldest, largest and – scientifically speaking – most important event in the field of mathematics.


Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction

21-25 March 2022 postponed to 18-22 July 2022

The Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction conference aims at bringing together early career researchers that are working in the broad field of Model Order Reduction and related topics. Therefore, the focus of the conference is to foster scientific exchange and networking among PhD students, master students, and early postdocs.

Awk Jk Jahnke Franziska Foto Engel-albustinAwk Jk Jahnke Franziska Foto Engel-albustin
© AWK NRW/Bettina Engel-Albustin

NRW academy accepted Franziska Jahnke into "Junges Kolleg"

Congratulations, Franziska Jahnke! The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts has accepted her as a new member of the "Junges Kolleg" for young uprising scientists. She is a junior professor at the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundational Research and a member of our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. [de]

Master scholarshops Kick-offMaster scholarshops Kick-off
© MM/vl

New master's scholarship programme for excellent young mathematicians

The first international scholarship holders have started their studies in Münster

After some organisational obstacles, Anupam Datta, Zhuang Kang and Shervin Sorouri have arrived in Münster and started their studies at Münster University. They are the first international students to receive the new full grant master’s scholarships. In this way, the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster aims to support outstanding young mathematicians and attract them to Münster.

Grafik Studierende WWUGrafik Studierende WWU
© Uni MS/Robert Matzke

Top ratings for master's programme in mathematics

New CHE university ranking

The master's programme in mathematics at the University of Münster has done very well in the current university ranking of the "Centre for Higher Education Development" (CHE) . When it comes to "Study organisation", "Research funds per scientist" and "Publications per scientist", M. Sc. Mathematics Münster was ranked in the top groups. [de]


Scientific postdoc presentations

2 December 2021, 4:30 pm, via Zoom

Get an insight into the research of eight new postdoctoral researchers of Mathematics Münster. In short scientific presentations they will introduce their topics at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 2 December 2021. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm via Zoom.

© Uni MS

A beautiful Pre-Christmas period - with science and maths

If you have fun solving questions with a scientific background during Advent, you should click on the WWU Online Advent Calendar [de]. There is also a maths question included! For children, teenagers and school classes there are several online math advent calendars which offer a new tricky puzzle every day.

© MM

"Mathenacht": varied programme, many participants

Last Friday, the second digital maths night took place. Many participants followed until midnight the varied programme that our Cluster of Excellence had prepared together with the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics", University of Bonn. The hands-on workshops for children and teenagers were also well attended. [de]

Gusakova-anna-dsc 0167Gusakova-anna-dsc 0167
© MM/vl

New MATHRIX professor: Anna Gusakova

We welcome Anna Gusakova to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. She commenced her appointment as a MATHRIX Junior Professor on 1 September 2021. Her major research area is Stochastic Geometry.

Kerr-david-dsc 0159Kerr-david-dsc 0159
© MM/vl

Portraits of MM members: interview with Prof. David Kerr

Since January 2021, Prof. David Kerr has been member of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and has been teaching and carrying out research at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. His research focuses on ergodic theory and operator algebras. In this new portrait you will learn more about his field of research, career and intellectual passion - beyond mathematics.


New Trends in Geometric PDEs

1 - 5 November 2021

The objective of the workshop is to present and discuss in detail some of the recent exciting developments in geometric partial differential equations. Topics will include the Ricci-flow, mean curvature flow and related PDEs, minimal surfaces, as well as stability problems and structure of singularities in general relativity and many more.

Online event
Hst-logo-main-datum-2021-online Kopie-quadratHst-logo-main-datum-2021-online Kopie
© Hochschultag Münster

Insights for prospective students

Online "Hochschultag" on 11 November

This year, the "Hochschultag Münster" will once again take place online. Some members of Mathematics Münster will offer first insights into mathematical topics for high school students. Prof. Dr. André Schlichting, Prof. Dr. Anna Siffert, Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann and Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler will present short online lectures (in German).

K _nstliche-intelligenzK _nstliche-intelligenz

Mathematical research on machine learning

Focus on artificial intelligence in current issue of university newspaper

Artificial intelligence has long been part of our everyday lives. In the current issue of the university newspaper "wissen I leben", scientists from various fields shed light on the potential and problems that AI brings with it. Research projects by Mathematics Münster's researchers are also part of the focus topic. [de, page 4]

© wwu/bantje

Second retreat of our graduate school MMGS

At the retreat of our graduate school MMGS, 30 young researchers got the opportunity to make new mathematical and social contacts. Exchange, discussions, short scientific talks, a workshop on rethorical skills and hikes around the venue in Brilon - the programme was very varied.

© MM/vl

Cluster welcomes new MM members

Two junior professors, 20 postdocs and 17 doctoral students have started

Between July and November this year, two junior professors, 20 postdocs and 17 doctoral students from more than 15 nations started at Mathematics Münster. At a digital Welcome Event they got some helpful information - and some real coffee afterwards.

Claude WarnickClaude Warnick
© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Claude Warnick

We welcome Dr Claude Warnick (University of Cambridge) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is mainly known for his papers on asymptotically anti-de Sitter space times and developing a rigorous theory of quasinormal modes for a large class of black hole spacetimes. During his stay in Münster from 1 October to 31 December 2021, he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel and other researchers of the Cluster.

© Uni MS/Robert Matzke

Current funding atlas: good results for University of Münster

The recently published "DFG Förderatlas 2021" shows that the University of Münster is strong in attracting third-party funding. Regarding the subject of mathematics, the University of Münster ranks fourth among German universities, behind University of Bonn, TU Berlin and University of Bielefeld. The current edition of the "Förderatlas" covers the period from 2017 to 2019. [de]

Fahrrad Vor SchlossFahrrad Vor Schloss
© MM/vl

pyMOR School

4 - 8 October 2021

This school is targeted at anyone interested to apply model order reduction in their work using pyMOR. The school will consist of both introductory lectures to model order reduction and pyMOR as well as programming sessions. Participants are encouraged to bring their own problems to work on. Basic knowledge of Python and packages from the SciPy stack (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib) is assumed.

© MM/vl

Video-Aufzeichnung des Livestreams jetzt verfügbar

Virtuelle Ausgabe der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik"

Viele Interessiere folgten am 27. September dem Livestream, in dem Prof. Dr. Anna Siffert zum Thema "Rund ist besser als eckig: das isoperimetrische Problem" sprach und live auf Publikumsfragen einging. Wer den Termin verpasst hat oder sich den Vortrag plus Fragerunde noch einmal anhören möchte, findet nun die Video-Aufzeichnung auf unseren Webseiten und in unserem YouTube-Kanal "Mathematics Münster".

Online lecture
Stevens-angela C Privat-markus-schmidtchenStevens-angela C Privat-markus-schmidtchen
© privat/Markus Schmidtchen

Mathematics in Epidemiology

Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens at DMV-ÖMG Annual Conference 2021

The joint Annual Conference of the German Mathematical Society DMV and the Austrian Mathematical Society ÖMG will take place from 27 September to 1 October 2021 in a virtual format. One of the keynote lectures will be given by Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens from Mathematics Münster on Wednesday, 29 September, 9 am. She will talk about the important tools that mathematics has developed since more than 100 years for the understanding of epidemics. Phenomena like epidemic waves will be discussed as well as actual data.

© MM

Representation theory's hidden motives

Conference at Münster and Sydney, 27 September - 1 October 2021

In recent years, motivic techniques have been applied in several branches of representation theory, for example in geometric and modular representation theory. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in these areas in order to foster new synergies in topics such as foundational aspects of the theory of motives, Tate motives on varieties of representation-theoretic origin, motivic aspects of the Langlands program, and motives of classifying spaces.

Online event
© MM/vl

Rund ist besser als eckig: das isoperimetrische Problem

Virtuelle Ausgabe der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" am 27. September

Prof. Dr. Anna Siffert zeigt anschaulich und allgemeinverständlich, was es mit dem isoperimetrischen Problem auf sich hat, das bereits in der Antike als "Problem der Dido" bekannt war. Sie stellt Anwendungen in der Ökologie sowie Physik vor und erläutert, welche Rolle das Thema in der modernen mathematischen Forschung spielt. Zum Livestream des Online-Vortrags am Montag, 27. September 2021, 19:30 Uhr, sind alle Interessierten herzlich eingeladen.

© Shutterstock

Ready for the next step

Completed dissertations in summer semester 2021

Congratulations to all doctoral students of Mathematics Münster who completed their dissertation in the past months. All the best for your future: Yannic Bröker, Tobias Leibner, Ramona Sasse, Hauke Hendrik Seidel, Divya Sharma, Markus Zeggel (né Schmetkamp)!

Nadia LarsenNadia Larsen
© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Nadia Larsen

We welcome Prof. Nadia Larsen (University of Oslo) as a Münster Research Fellow. She is a highly renowned expert in operator algebras, in particular in semigroup C*-algebras and their equilibrium states. During her stay in Münster from 2 September to 24 November 2021, she will collaborate with several researchers at Mathematics Münster.

© Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Bridging the gaps between theoretical and applied mathematics

Peter Schneider: Local p-adic analysis

Bridging the gaps between mathematical disciplines is a main goal of our Cluster. Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider, investigator at Mathematics Münster, is contributing to this strategic aim. At the conference "Branching from number theory: p-adics in the sciences" (30 August - 03 September 2021) of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, he will give a mini-course on "Local p-adic analysis".

Forschungsbau CMMForschungsbau CMM
© BLB NRW, Niederlassung Münster

Funding for "Centre of Mathematics Münster" has been approved

Construction work will start in 2022

The members of the "Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz" (Joint Science Conference) have been convinced by the innovative concept for the research building "Centre of Mathematics Münster". After the "Wissenschaftsrat" (Science Council) recommended funding in April, it is now assured. The federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia will support the project with around 31 million euros. Construction work will begin in spring 2022. [de]

© Rahim Moosa (l.)/Martin Hils

Launch of journal "Model Theory"

Editors-in-chiefs are Martin Hils (Mathematics Münster) and Rahim Moosa (Waterloo)

Recently, the new journal "Model Theory" was launched and is now welcoming submissions. It is published by the nonprofit Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP). The editors-in-chief are Prof. Dr. Martin Hils from Mathematics Münster and Prof. Rahim Moosa (University of Waterloo).

Ncg-meets-tr-dsc 0147Ncg-meets-tr-dsc 0147
© MM/vl - All persons tested negative for Covid-19.

Noncommutative geometry meets topological recursion

16 - 20 August 2021

This workshop intends to be a first meeting point for specialists and young researchers active in noncommutative geometry, free probability, and topological recursion. We plan to run the workshop in hybrid form with a considerable number of participants present in Münster and video transmission to the outside world.

Ymca LogoYmca Logo
© MM/vl - All persons tested negative for Covid-19.

Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras

2 - 13 August 2021

YMC*A is an annual conference organised for and by master/PhD students and postdocs in operator algebras and related areas, with the goal of fostering scientific and social interaction between young researchers. YMC*A 2021 has taken place in Münster in a hybrid format with online participation over Zoom and a limited number of participants present in Münster.

Newsimage MardiNewsimage Mardi
© ©Top left: Verena Brandt; © Top right: WIAS

Making optimal use of research data

WWU Münster is a partner of the "Mathematical Research Data Initiative" (MaRDI). MaRDI aims to enable the sustainable utilisation of mathematical research data. The consortium includes 25 partners (universities and research institutes, science infrastructure institutions, clusters of excellence as well as the German Mathematical Society DMV, and the European Mathematical Society EMS). It is coordinated by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) in Berlin. MaRDI will be funded as a consortium over a period of 5 years as of October 2021.

Pause David RalfPause David Ralf
© T. Räsch

Quanta Magazine reports on Infinity Proof

Proof by Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler and Dr. David Asperó (UEA) unites two rival axioms

In May David Asperó and Ralf Schindler published their proof on a question from the 1990s about the relationship of two prominent axioms of set theory which both decide how many real numbers there are. Now Natalie Wolchover reports for the Quanta Magazine on the proof, its relevance and history.

Cuntz2021 KonferenzCuntz2021 Konferenz
© MM

Workshop Cuntz semigroups

12 - 16 July 2021

The Cuntz semigroup is a geometric refinement of K-theory that was introduced by Cuntz in the 1970s in his pioneering work on the structure of simple C*-algebras. This powerful invariant has seen many applications in the structure and classification theory of C*-algebras. Recently, it has also become clear that Cuntz semigroups are interesting objects of study in their own right. This workshop will bring together researchers that are interested in the different aspects of Cuntz semigroups in areas such as C*-algebras, dynamical systems, and model theory.

Eduard VilaltaEduard Vilalta
© privat

New Young Research Fellow: Eduard Vilalta

Eduard Vilalta joins our Cluster as a Young Research Fellow from 11 to 25 July 2021. He is a doctoral student at the UAB Barcelona and is working on establishing connections between structural properties of C*-algebras and their categories of Hilbert modules (Cuntz semigroups). During his visit in Münster, he is collaborating with Dr. Eusebio Gardella and Dr. Hannes Thiel (TU Dresden).

Kilian RaschelKilian Raschel
© privat

New Münster Research Fellow: Kilian Raschel

Dr. Kilian Raschel (CNRS, Université de Tours and Université d'Orléans) joins our Cluster as a Münster Research Fellow from 7 to 31 July 2021. He works on the connections between combinatorics and probability, a principal topic being random walks in cones seen from a combinatorial and a probabilistic point of view.


Prof. Dr. Xin Li: Interactions between C*-algebras, topological dynamics and group theory

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 8 July 2021

Prof. Dr. Xin Li (University of Glasgow) will give a talk entitled "Interactions between C*-algebras, topological dynamics and group theory" at the Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 8 July 2021. The talk takes place at 4:30 pm via Zoom. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm. The event is part of the conference "Groups meet C*-algebras".

Martin HollerMartin Holler
© privat

New Young Research Fellow: Martin Holler

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Martin Holler (University of Graz) will join our Cluster as Young Research Fellow from 9 July to 9 August 2021. His field of research is the mathematics of inverse problems and data science. "I am looking forward to the excellent research environment in Münster and to a productive time", says Martin Holler.

Tristan OzuchTristan Ozuch
© privat

New Young Research Fellow: Tristan Ozuch

Dr. Tristan Ozuch (MIT) visits our Cluster as Young Research Fellow from 1 July to 8 August 2021. His research is focused on geometric analysis and particularly on Einstein manifolds and Ricci flows. "I look forward to interacting with the local world experts in my field and to visit Germany and Münster for the first time," says Tristan Ozuch.

© MM

New Postdoc Programme

Mathematics Münster supports young researchers

Postdocs are a vital part of the Mathematics Münster research community. "In order to support the young scientists in their development and to strengthen their independence, we have now established a postdoc programme," says Prof. Dr. Tim de Laat, speaker of the Early Career Committee of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. The core of the programme is the Postdoc Mentoring.

Ambrus PálAmbrus Pál
© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Prof. Dr. Ambrus Pál

Ambrus Pál (Imperial College London) joins Mathematics Münster as a Münster Research Fellow. He is an international leading expert in the theory of p-adic cohomologies and function field arithmetic.

Online event
© Uni MS/ZSB

Langer Abend der Studienberatung

24. Juni 2021, 17 bis 20:30 Uhr

Beim "Langen Abend der Studienberatung" bietet der Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik digitale Informationen und Einblicke für Studieninteressierte. Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe gibt mit seinem Vortrag "Ich habe ein Geheimnis - Zero Knowledge Proofs" einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf Mathematik-Vorlesungen. Die Fachstudienberatung steht per Zoom für Fragen zu den Studiengängen zur Verfügung.

Arnulf JentzenArnulf Jentzen
© privat

Prof. Dr. Arnulf Jentzen: Overcoming the curse of dimensionality

Felix Klein Prize lecture on 25 June 2021

Last year, the Felix Klein Prize was awarded to Prof. Dr. Arnulf Jentzen. The prize lectures have been postponed and will now take place during the virtual 8th European Congress of Mathematics. On Friday, 25 June, 2:50 pm, Arnulf Jentzen will give his talk "Overcoming the curse of dimensionality: from nonlinear Monte Carlo to deep learning". Everybody who is interested can attend the talk via Zoom.


Interactions between expanders, groups and operator algebras

Workshop via Zoom, 7 - 10 June 2021

In the last few decades it became apparent that notions of expansion lie at the intersection of numerous topics of research. Passing through ergodic theory, representation theory spectral analysis, this topic draws techniques from fields ranging from geometry to group theory and operator algebras. Such a diverse range of tools and applications is an endless source of inspiration and lively research that continues to this day. This workshop aims to bring together experts in the field to report on recent progresses and outline a plan for future research.

© MM/vl

Three international Postdocs report about their research and their start in Münster

Despite the Corona pandemic, the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster is attracting a high number of scientists from all over the world. Dr. Bakul Sathaye from India, Dr. Tingxiang Zou from China and Dr. Christopher Kauffman from the USA are three of 29 international postdocs currently undertaking their research at Mathematics Münster. In guest articles and interviews, the three postdocs share their passion for mathematics and provide insight into their careers and and feelings throughout the pandemic in Münster.

Online event
© MM/vl

International Women in Maths Day

Virtual events throughout May

The "International Women in Maths Day" on 12 May is a great opportunity to celebrate women in mathematics and make their achievements more visible. At Mathematics Münster, we are celebrating digitally with several virtual events throughout the month of May: scientific talks, social events, workshops and more. Everybody who is interested is invited to a free streaming of the inspiring documentary "Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem".

© MM/Uni MS

Video for the "International Women in Maths Day"

Interviews with Mathematics Münster's PhD researchers

Antje Dabeler, Azul Fatalini, Martina Fruttidoro und Julia Schleuß are PhD researchers at our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. For today's “International Women in Maths Day”, we asked the four mathematicians in the video: "What has been the most important maths moment for you so far?".

Grafik Studierende WWUGrafik Studierende WWU
© Uni MS/Robert Matzke

Top ratings for mathematics in the CHE university ranking

Many subjects at the University of Münster have done very well in the current university ranking of the "Centre for Higher Education Development" (CHE) - including mathematics. When it comes to e.g. "General study situation", "Support at the beginning of studies" and "Research funds per scientist", Münster University's mathematics was ranked in the top groups. [de]

© Shutterstock

Ready for the next step

Completed dissertations in winter semester 2020/21

Congratulations to all PhD students of Mathematics Münster who completed their dissertation in the past months. All the best for your future: Julia Brunken, Nils Arne Dreier, Ina Humpert, Matthias Kemper, Marcel Dominique Koch, Timo Siebenand and Michael Wenske!

© MM/vl

Einblicke in die Berufs- und Studienwelt von Mathematikerinnen

Das war der Girls' Day 2021: Am 22. April nahmen 17 Schülerinnen aus ganz Deutschland am digitalen Angebot des Exzellenzclusters Mathematik Münster und des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik teil. Die Mischung aus Informationen aus erster Hand und Mitmach-Aktionen kam gut an.

Giles GardamGiles Gardam
© MM/vl

Quanta Magazine reports on Giles Gardam's findings

Postdoc Dr. Giles Gardam, postdoc at Mathematics Münster, has recently disproved an 80 year old algebra conjecture. Now Erica Klarreich, a renowned science journalist, has reported on his counterexample and its great significance for the research area.

© MM/vl

Video recording online available

Virtual edition of public series “Brücken in der Mathematik”

Around 160 participants watched the livestream with Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth talking about mathematics and medical imaging. If you have missed the livestream or would like to listen to the lecture again, you will find the video recording (in German) on our websites.

© 2021 International Mathematical Union

International Day of Mathematics

14 March 2021

"Mathematics for a Better World" - this is the theme of this year's International Day of Mathematics. A good example is medical progress: mathematics makes important contributions, for example for medical imaging. Get some insights into this research topic of Mathematics Münster - and join the global online celebration!

Marco MauritzMarco Mauritz
© Uni MS

PhD student Marco Mauritz in video series "What's Next?"

The video series “What’s Next? Junior Researchers at Münster University” takes a closer look at nine PhD students and postdocs at the University of Münster. One of them is Marco Mauritz, PhD student at Mathematics Münster. He presents his research topic and explains why mathematics is important for medical imaging and the development of cancer treatments. [de]

© MM/vl

New Professor of Theoretical Mathematics: Hans-Joachim Hein

We welcome Prof. Hans-Joachim Hein to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. In October he moved from Fordham University, New York, to the University of Münster in order to take up a professorship in Theoretical Mathematics. He carries out research in the field of differential geometry and partial differential equations.

Online event
© MM/vl

Blick in den Körper: Über das Inverse und medizinische Bildgebung

Virtuelle Ausgabe der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" am 24. März

Moderne Technik erlaubt den Blick in den Körper, ohne ihn zu öffnen. Es wird sozusagen berechnet, wie der Mensch von innen aussieht. Um die entsprechenden Technologien zu entwickeln, bedurfte es einiger fundamentaler mathematischer Erkenntnisse. Einen Einblick gibt Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth in seinem Online-Vortrag "Blick in den Körper: Über das Inverse und medizinische Bildgebung" am Mittwoch, 24. März 2021, 19:30 Uhr, im Livestream. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Giles GardamGiles-gardam-3d-model
© MM/vl
© Giles Gardam / MM-vl

Giles Gardam disproves Kaplansky's unit conjecture

The Kaplansky conjectures are three long-standing open problems on the group rings of torsion-free groups. Last week, Dr. Giles Gardam, postdoc in Mathematics Münster's topology group, announced that he succeeded to disprove the strongest of these three conjectures, namely the unit conjecture. In this interview, he tells us what fascinates him about the conjecture, how he came to his findings, and how the research community reacted. 

Gustav Holzegel
© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Patience and perseverance

A portrait of Gustav Holzegel, mathematician and Humboldt professor

To be world chess champion – that was the plan when he was just eight years old. Although Gustav Holzegel did not achieve his aim, he can still be satisfied. The mathematician is a recognised expert in the field of General Relativity and has undertaken research at leading international institutes. Since November he has been a professor at the University of Münster supported by a recently awarded a Humboldt professorship, the most valuable research award in Germany.


Virtual Winterschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics

22-26 February 2021

The scope of the Winterschool is to offer an overview of modern themes in Applied Mathematics, ranging from modeling issues in physics and materials science to their mathematical analysis by means of advanced techniques in the theory of PDEs and the Calculus of Variations. Speakers are Andrea Braides (Rome), Lucia Scardia (Edinburgh) and Ulisse Stefanelli (Vienna).

MMGS interviewsMMGS interviews
© MM

PhD students and postdocs share their experiences

MMGS interview series

Do you already know the project “PhD to PhD” and “Postdoc to PhD”? In this interview series initiated by the Mathematics Münster Graduate School (MMGS), young researchers share their experiences and talk about their topics and academic background. The most recent contributions are from Kevin Poljsak (PhD) and Dr. Sahana H. Balasubramanya (postdoc).

© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

Girls go Mathematics!

Digital Girls' Day on 22 April 2021

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invite female high school students to gain insights into university and the work of mathematicians. [de]

Focus programmes
© Focus Programme Operator algebras and topological dynamics

Focus Programmes 2021

In 2021, there will be two Focus Programmes at Mathematics Münster. We will host a number of visiting researchers, lecture series and conferences.

  • "Operator algebras and topological dynamics: amenability and beyond"
  • "Geometry and PDEs: from theory to applications"

André SchlichtingAndré Schlichting
© MM/vl

New Professorship in Applied Mathematics: André Schlichting

We welcome Prof. Dr. André Schlichting to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and to the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. He took up a professorship in Applied Mathematics in November. His research topics include partial differential equations and numerical as well as stochastic analysis. The research questions he works on touch on thermodynamics, diffusion processes, chemical reactions, machine learning and variational methods.

Eugen Hellmann und RektorEugen Hellmann
© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

WWU Research Prize for Prof. Dr. Eugen Hellmann

Eulogy at the digital New Year's Reception

Congratulations, Eugen Hellmann! He has been awarded the WWU Research Prize 2020 for his outstanding achievements. The mathematician, investigator at Mathematics Münter, is one of the world’s leading specialists in the field of arithmetic geometry. The eulogy and can be seen in the recording of the digital New Year's reception [de] on YouTube, as can find a video [de] with insights into Eugen Hellmann's research.

© MM

"Bridging the _Gap_" Oberseminar Analysis

This seminar will further intensify the exchange between the research fields of Pure and Applied Analysis. It will take place on Wednesdays, 11:00 am, via Zoom. Professors, postdocs, PhD students andmaster's students are welcome. The next talk will be held on 3 February 2021. Please contact the organizer Dr. Sebastian Throm if you are interested to join and give a talk.

© Kleinrensing/Messerschmidt/Schmidtchen

New Topical Program on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modelling

Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens und Prof. Dr. Erez Raz aim to strengthen exchange

Prof. Dr. Erez Raz, a cell biologist, and Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens, a mathematician, aim to further strengthen and deepen the exchange between experimental biology and mathematics in their new project "Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modelling". It is one of eleven "Topical Programs" that have recently been funded by the University of Münster.

© MM

Research topics of our new members

Postdocs and PhD students introduce themselves

Since it was not possible to meet each other in our "Common Room", especially in autumn and winter, some of the postdocs and PhD students who started in October and November are now introducing themselves on a digital "blackboard" by posting a short insight into their research.

Gabriele BenomioGabriele Benomio
© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Gabriele Benomio (Princeton)

Dr. Gabriele Benomio joins Mathematics Münster as a Young Research Fellow. He is a Research Scholar (postdoc) at the Princeton Gravity Initiative. In Münster, he is part of Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel’s group for four months until 15 February 2021. Welcome!

© Uni MS

A beautiful Pre-Christmas period - with science and maths

If you have fun solving questions with a scientific background during Advent, you should click on the WWU Online Advent Calendar [de]. There is also a maths question included! For children, teenagers and school classes there are several online math advent calendars, which offer a new tricky puzzle every day.

© Uni MS / AG Kiefer/AG Schäfers

DFG provides funding for new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) “inSight”

A cooperation between medicine, natural sciences, mathematics and computer science

In the research project “inSight – Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation” that receives approximately ten million euros in funding, scientists focus on the question of how the body regulates inflammation in different organs and, to this end, develop a specific imaging methodology. Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth, investigator of Mathematics Münster, is involved as principal investigator.

© MM/vl
© AvH

Exceptional award strengthens Mathematics Münster

Mathematician Gustav Holzegel awarded a prestigious Humboldt professorship

Prof. Gustav Holzegel, one of the world’s leading experts on the General Theory of Relativity, is appointed to a prestigious Humboldt professorship. The renowned research prize includes funding of 3.5 million euros for five years. At the beginning of November the scientist moved from Imperial College London to our Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

© MM

Maths until midnight

First virtual "Mathenacht" on 13 November

Last Friday the virtual "Mathenacht" of our Cluster of Excellence and the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" (University of Bonn) took place for the first time. Many participants followed the workshops and lectures via Zoom. [de]

Online event
© MM/vl

Opening colloquium

CRC Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity

The CRC opening colloquium will take place on Thursday, 5 November 2020, at 4:15 pm via Zoom. There will be two talks: "The Langlands Program" by Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl and "Deformation spaces of Galois representations - and their interplay with representation theory" by Prof. Dr. Eugen Hellmann.

Aleksandra KwiatkowksaAleksandra Kwiatkowksa
© MM/vl

New MATHRIX Professor: Aleksandra Kwiatkowska

We welcome Aleksandra Kwiatkowska to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. She commenced her appointment as a MATHRIX Juniorprofessorin on 1st of October 2020. She works on the structure and dynamics of separable completely metrizable topological groups.

© MM

O-Minimality and the André-Oort Conjecture

"Bridging the Gap" seminar in winter semester 2020/21

Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl and Prof. Dr. Martin Hils organize the "Bridging the Gap" seminar "O-Minimality and the André-Oort Conjecture" which connects Model Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry. It will be held on Tuesdays, 2-4 pm. PhD students and master's students may enroll. The seminar will start in the first week of November. HIS-LSF

Online event
© MM

A night full of mathematics

13 November 2020 - from 3 pm to midnight

Scientists of our Cluster of Excellence and the "Hausdorff Center for Mathematics" of the University of Bonn will show in workshops and lectures (in German) the fascination of mathematics.

© Shutterstock

Supporting a good start at Mathematics Münster

31 new PhD students and postdocs from more than 15 countries are currently starting at Mathematics Münster. Welcome! To ensure a good start despite the current pandemic situation, we are offering a new Buddy Programme and various information events.

Public lecture "Brücken in der Mathematik"
© MM

First virtual edition of “Brücken in der Mathematik”

Video recording online available

In September, we organized the first virtual edition of the public lecture series "Brücken in der Mathematik". Around 200 participants watched the livestream with Prof. Dr. Martin Hils and Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe talking about paradoxical phenomena in mathematics. If you have missed the livestream or would like to listen to the lecture again, you will find the video recording (in German) on our website.

Online event
Martin Hils und Matthias LöweMartin Hils und Matthias Löwe
© MM/vl

Virtual edition of “Brücken in der Mathematik”

Online lecture on paradoxical phenomena in mathematics on 29 September

The world - especially the world of mathematics - is full of mysteries. Particularly interesting and exciting are those that yield unexpected results that run counter to our intuition. Such thought experiments are the subject of the lecture "Paradoxe Phänomene in der Mathematik" which will be held online on 29 September 2020, 7:30 pm, in German. The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster invites everyone who is interested.

Online event
Martin Hils und Matthias LöweMartin Hils und Matthias Löwe
© MM/vl

Virtual edition of “Brücken in der Mathematik”

Online lecture on paradoxical phenomena in mathematics on 29 September

The world - especially the world of mathematics - is full of mysteries. Particularly interesting and exciting are those that yield unexpected results that run counter to our intuition. Such thought experiments are the subject of the lecture "Paradoxe Phänomene in der Mathematik" which will be held online on 29 September 2020, 7:30 pm, in German. The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster invites everyone who is interested.

© wwu/bantje

First retreat of our graduate school MMGS

The first retreat of our graduate school MMGS recently took place in Duisburg. The event contributes to networking among MMGS members - especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. The retreat focused on the participants' personal future planning.


New perspectives on K- and L-theory

21 - 25 September 2020: online lecture series

Hermitian K-theory is the study of unimodular forms through the eyes of K-theory. In work of B. Calmès, E. Dotto, Y. Harpaz, F. Hebestreit, M. Land, K. Moi, D. Nardin, T. Nikolaus and W. Steimle, it was recently shown that there is a fibre sequence relating ordinary algebraic K-theory, hermitian K-theory (aka Grothendieck-Witt theory) and L-theory in a very general context. The online lectures of Markus Land (Copenhagen) and Yonatan Harpaz (Paris 13) will focus on these results.

© MM

Open calls for two professorships

We invite applications for a MATHRIX Assistant Professorship in Applied Mathematics (W1) and a Associate Professorship in Theoretical Mathematics (W2). Deadline is 30 September 2020. The next application round for PhDs and Postdocs will start in October.

© MFO/Renate Schmid

One more year Münster Research Fellow: Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus

We are pleased that Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus will enrich our Cluster for another year as a Münster Research Fellow. The well-known mathematician, whose research combines various mathematical fields, will contribute to the 2021 focus program "Geometry and PDEs: from theory to applications".

updated 08-09-2020
© Shutterstock

Ready for the next step

Completed dissertations in summer semester 2020

Congratulations to all PhD students of Mathematics Münster who completed their dissertation this semester. All the best for your future: Federico Calderón, Tim Clausen, Christopher Eick, Fjedor Gaede, Philipp Godland, Alexander Hock, Nils Leder, Martin Maiwald, Romain Zakaria Pascalie, Raphael Reinauer, Alexander Volker Schroer and Pierre Touchard!

© MM/vl

Vivid insight: videos of investigators' talks

In the "Research" section of our website we provide a lot of information about the mathematical research areas of our cluster. You will also find links to recent videos of talks given by our investigators. This new offer should give you a vivid insight into the researchers’ work.

© MM

MM now on YouTube

Mathematics Münster now has its own YouTube channel! The episodes from our inspiring interview series "Behind the Science" can now be found there. More videos will follow. Subscribe to the channel and spread the word!

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Support for early career researchers

"Mohnkuchen" interview with Dr. Imke Franzmeier

During the PhD and postdoctoral period, the professors are responsible for the scientific content. Dr. Imke Franzmeier takes care of many other aspects that are important for the early career researchers. In the current issue of the university newspaper wissenIleben, she talks about the early career support at our Cluster of Excellence. [de]

© FB 10

New master’s programme M.Sc. Mathematics Münster

Starting in winter semester 2020/21, the new Master of Science Mathematics Münster replaces the previous master’s programme in mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. It will be taught completely in English, offers a lot of flexibility and a broad variety of courses. Application deadline is 20 August.


Gianluigi Rozza (SISSA): Reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 10 June 2020 via ZOOM

Prof. Dr. Gianluigi Rozza will give a talk entitled "State of the art and perspectives for reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics" on Wednesday, 10 June 2020, via Zoom. The talk starts at 4:30 pm. The virtual tea time starts at 4:15 pm. Zoom-ID: 94121190906

© Uni MS/Judith Kraft

Clusters of Excellence: plans and perspectives

Interview with the Cluster spokepersons in the University of Münster's Yearbook

In the recently published Yearbook of the University of Münster, our spokespersons, Prof. Christopher Deninger and Prof. Mario Ohlberger, and Prof. Nils Jansen, spokesperson for the Cluster "Religion and Politics" since the beginning of 2019, talk
about the plans and perspectives which the two Clusters have.

© MM/vl

Great success: DFG funds new CRC "Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity"

The German Research Foundation (DFG) will be providing 6.5 million euros to fund a new Collaborative Research Centre at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The large-scale project, “Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity”, aims to develop geometry both as a subject in its own right and as a tool for other mathematical fields. The Centre has been funded for four years and will open on 1 July.

© Uni MS/Robert Matzke

Making research easy to understand

Informing the public, in an easy-to-understand way, about developments and results in the area of research has long been an integral part of knowledge transfer at universities, including the University of Münster. The current issue of the university newspaper wissenIleben deals with faculties and multipliers who are themselves undertaking science communication - for example our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster.

© MM

Portraits of Mathematics Münster's professors

International Women in Maths Day

Meet Mathematics Münster's female professors! In short texts and interviews, you will learn more about their research, their careers and which aspects of being a mathematician they find particularly beautiful.

© ZALA films

Invitation to online film event

International Women in Maths Day

We are participating in the worldwide celebrations in a digital way: Gain interesting insights into the work of our female professors, postdocs and PhD students of Mathematics Münster and take part in the online film event "Secrets of the Surface" about the life of Fields medalist Maryam Mirzakhani.

© Bildarchiv des Mathematischen Forschungsinstituts Oberwolfach

New professor of theoretical mathematics: Anna Siffert

We welcome Prof Anna Siffert to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. She was appointed a professor of theoretical mathematics and commenced on 1 April 2020. Prof Siffert’s primary research interests lie in the field of global differential geometry and its interactions with topology, analysis and complex geometry.

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Digital teaching until 31 May

Faculty buildings and Cluster rooms still closed

The University of Münster has decided to divide the summer semester into two phases. The first phase starts today and will run until Whitsun, during which most teaching activities will take place in digital form. The University will re-evaluate the situation before the Whitsun holidays begin. The employees of the Faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster will continue teleworking from home. Please contact the staff by phone or e-mail.

© Umicore AG & Co. KG

Evaluating and optimising catalytic filters

Collaborative research project "ML-MORE" launched

Scientists of the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are coordinating the activities of the newly launched collaborative research project "ML-MORE". It aims to help industrial partners develop more efficient catalytic filters by using innovative methods from the fields of model reduction and machine learning.

© MM/vl

Cluster rooms and Faculty buildings closed

Due to the corona pandemic, the Faculty buildings including the cluster rooms will be closed (probably until 19 April). The Faculty and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster will continue their work. Please contact the staff by phone or e-mail.


First International Day of Mathematics

Happy Pi-Day! Today the International Day of Mathematics is celebrated for the first time. Discover exciting information and videos about the theme „Mathematics is Everywhere”!


"International Women in Maths Day 2020”

International Women's Day on 8 March

Today's International Women's Day is a good opportunity to give insights into our plans for the "International Women in Maths Day 2020". Around May 12th, the date of birth of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first and so far only female winner of the Fields Medal, a variety of activities will take place.

++ Update 18 March 2020: Due to the corona pandemic, the planned internal and public events unfortunately have to be postponed to next year. ++

© Uni MS/Jan Lehmann

Events cancelled: Day of Mathematics and Girls' Day

No public events on 14 March and 26 March

In order to reduce the risk of infection by the Corona Virus, the Rectorate of the University of Münster is cancelling external, non-curricular events until the end of March.These events of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster are affected: school competition "Day of Mathematics" and public event "Mathematics is everywhere" on 14 March and the Girls' Day on 26 March.


++ cancelled ++ Mathematics is Everywhere!

1st International Day of Mathematics: public events on 14 March 2020

We celebrate the 1st International Day of Mathematics with two events: In the morning there will be the competition "Tag der Mathematik" [de] for highschool students and teachers, in the afternoon we offer a public event in the City Centre of Münster: Using exciting examples, Prof. Dr. Michael Joachim, Prof. Dr. Arnulf Jentzen and Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann will show in short lectures (in German!) how mathematics shapes our everyday lives. The event takes place at 16:30 to 18:30 in JO 101, Johannisstr. 4.

© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

++ cancelled ++ Girls' Day on 26 March 2020

Girls go Mathematics! The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invite girls to gain insights into university and the work of mathematicians - a short lecture and lunch in the "Mensa" included. Register now! [de]

© Uni MS

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science celebrated master's and doctoral graduates

This week, 79 master’s graduates and 13 candidates who completed their doctorates received their degree certificates. Seven of them wrote their theses in the field of mathematics. We congratulate and wish them all the best for the next steps: Eva-Maria Brinkmann, Carolin Maria Dirks, Marius Kley, André-Harald Schemaitat, Liesel Sommer, Sven Upgang und Matthias Simon Weirich.

© MM/vl

Prof. Dr. Roberto Longo (Rom): The information in a wave

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 16 January 2020

Prof. Dr. Roberto Longo (Rom) will give a talk entitled "The information in a wave" on 16 January 2020 in lecture hall M5. The talk starts at 4:30 pm. Tea will be served at 4 pm in the Common Room.

© MM/vl

A mathematical view of the universe

Second edition of the series "Brücken in der Mathematik" was very well attended

The public event on 7 January 2020 dealt with "Geometry, Analysis and Gravity". Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken (University of Tübingen) took more than 200 visitors on a journey through 2000 years of the history of science. [de]

© MM/vl

New Young Research Fellow: Tom Bachmann (MIT)

Tom Bachmann (MIT) joins Mathematics Münster as a Young Research Fellow and will spend the next two weeks doing research in Münster. He is a young, uprising researcher in motivic homotopy theory and K-theory. Welcome!

© MM/vl

Schülerinnen und Schüler für Mathematik begeistern

Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster ist enger Partner von MExLab ExperiMINTe und zdi-Zentrum Münster

Um noch mehr Schülerinnen und Schüler für Mathematik zu begeistern, arbeitet der Exzellenzcluster Mathematik Münster jetzt eng mit MExLab ExperiMINTe und dem zdi-Zentrum Münster zusammen.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

WWU Dissertation Prize for Dr. Annika Bach

She was awarded for her thesis in the field of Calculus of Variations

The WWU University Management honoured the best doctors of the year 2019. The mathematician Annika Bach not only received the title "summa-cum-laude", but also a thesis prize which is endowed with 3,500 euros.

© MM/vl

Dr. José Luis Romero (Wien): Sampling and time-frequency analysis

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 12 December 2019

Dr. José Luis Romero (Wien) will give a talk entitled "Sampling and time-frequency analysis" on 12 December 2019 at 4:30 pm in lecture hall M5. Tea and coffee will be served in the Common Room from 4pm.

© Uni MS

Advent calendars with science questions

If you want to solve tricky questions with a scientific background during Advent, you should click on the WWU Online Advent Calendar [de]. There is also a mathematical question hidden behind one of the doors. For children, teenagers and school classes, the website "Maths in Advent" is recommended. Every day you can find new puzzles for different ages.

Prof. Dr. Matthias LöweProf. Dr. Matthias Löwe
© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

An enthusiastic stochastic and writer

Portrait of Prof. Matthias Löwe in the university newspaper

MM-scientist Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe is not only an enthusiastic stochastic, but also a writer. He writes poetry, short stories and crime thrillers with local colour. A portrait can be found in the current issue of the university newspaper "wissen I leben". [de]

© MM/vl

Department offers various insights for prospective students

"Hochschultag" in Münster on 7 November

On 7 November around 17,000 prospective students will take the opportunity to gather information at the "Hochschultag Münster". The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers a wide range of input. In short lectures the visitors can get a first impression of the study programmes. [de]

© MM/vl

Prof. Dr. Bachir Bekka (Rennes): Dual spaces of algebraic groups

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 31 October 2019

Prof. Dr. Bachir Bekka (Université de Rennes) will give a talk entitled "Dual spaces of algebraic groups" on 31 October 2019 at 4:30 pm in lecture hall M5. Tea and coffee will be served in the Common Room from 4pm.

© MM/vl

MMGS promotes networking and scientific excellence

New graduate school for PhD students in mathematics

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the mathematical institutes have inaugurated the "Mathematics Münster Graduate School" (MMGS).

© MM/vl

Prof. Dr. Marc Levine (Duisburg-Essen): GWGW theory

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 24 October 2019

Prof. Dr. Marc Levine (University of Duisburg-Essen), member of our Scientific Advisory Board, will give a lecture entitled "GWGW theory" on 24 October 2019 at 4:30 pm in lecture hall M5. Tea and coffee will be served in the Common Room from 4pm.

© MM/vl

New postdocs of Mathematics Münster

The new postdocs of Mathematics Münster introduced themselves at the Wilhelm Killing Colloquium on 17 October 2019. In short lectures they gave an insight into their field of research.


New postdocs of Mathematics Münster: Scientific postdoc presentations

Colloquium Wilhelm Killing on 17 october 2019

Get an insight into the research of Mathematic Münster's new postdoctoral researchers. In short scientific presentations these postdocs will introduce their topics: Giles Gardam, Sahana Hassan Balasubramanya, Claudius Heyer, Benno Kuckuck, Omar Mohsen, Matteo Perugini, Jens Reinhold and Alexander Stottmeister.


Register now: Conference "Advanced Solvers for modern Architectures 2019"

Registration is open until 27 October 2019

The conference will take place from 11 to 13 November 2019. The following speakers have confirmed their attendance: Erin Carson (Charles University), Wim Vanroose (University of Antwerp), Stefano Zampini (KAUST), Laura Grigori (INRIA), Eike Müller (University of Bath), Andreas Frommer (University of Wuppertal), Nicole Spillane (École Polytechnique) , Andrew T. Barker (LLNL).

© MM/vl

New Parent-child rooms

Cluster members can use the parents' office while the little ones play next door. In addition, experienced babysitters look after the children during conferences or colloquia.

Arnd Scheel
© MM/vl

New Münster Research Fellow: Prof. Dr. Arnd Scheel

Arnd Scheel (University of Minnesota) joins the cluster as a Münster Research Fellow. He is internationally renowned for his discoveries of mathematical principles of self-organization, in particular the dynamics of patterns and waves in complex systems.

© MM/vl

Successful start with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück

New talk series "Brücken in der Mathematik"

The first speaker of the new public series "Brücken in der Mathematik" was Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück from the University of Bonn. His lecture was entitled "The Language, the Fascination and the Meaning of Mathematics". The topologist gave many entertaining examples.

blackboard and chalkblackboard and chalk
© MM

Apply this week for PhD and postdoctoral positions!

Start of the evaluation: 15 november 2019

We offer several PhD and postdoctoral positions in all fields of mathematics related to our Cluster. The evaluation for the current application round will start on 15 november 2019.

Shanghai ranking: top position for mathematics

In the recently published "Shanghai Ranking", a worldwide comparison of universities, mathematics of the University of Münster was ranked 51-75, one group higher than in the previous year. Münster's mathematics also scored very well in a national comparison: it now ranks among the top 3 in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Martin Hils and Prof. Dr. Matthias LöweProf. Dr. Martin Hils and Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe
© MM/vl

Mathematical lectures for laypersons

New lecture series "Brücken in der Mathematik" starts on 2 July 2019

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster starts a new lecture series that is explicitly addressed to mathematical laymen (in german language).

Opening ColloquiumOpening Colloquium
© MM

The Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster" celebrates its official launch

Opening colloquium at the University of Münster with top-ranking international researchers

Last week the new Cluster of Excellence “Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure” staged its opening event at the University of Münster with a three-day colloquium. From 20 to 22 June, fifteen distinguished international scholars from nine countries held specialist lectures, providing insights into their current research.

Opening of the Common RoomOpening of the Common Room
© Uni MS

Opening of the Common Room

Bright lounge furniture, warm light, large blackboards: this is what it looks like, the new Common Room of the Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster". "The room should be a magnetic attraction for all cluster members," said cluster spokesman Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger at the opening ceremony.

Stephan Luckhaus

Münster Research Fellow: Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus (Leipzig)

Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus (Leipzig) joins the cluster as a Münster Research Fellow. Luckhaus works on partial differential equations that model physical or bio-medical processes. His main interests are free boundary problems (in general), phase changes and many particle systems as well as geometric theory of nonlinear elasticity and plasticity and applied geometric measure theory.

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm WinterProf. Dr. Wilhelm Winter
© Elke Enning

European Research Council award for Wilhelm Winter

"Advanced Grant": Münster mathematician receives funding of 1.6m euros

A great distinction for a mathematician from the University of Münster: the European Research Council (ERC) awards an Advanced Grant to Prof. Wilhelm Winter. The grant is one of the most important in Europe awarded for research purposes.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

One term – three different interpretations

How the three Clusters of Excellence understand and use "dynamics"

As different as the term “dynamic” is used and understood in science, so diverse are the research areas of the University of Münster, in which dynamic even plays a central role in the title. Prof. Christopher Deninger and Prof. Mario Ohlberger from the Cluster of Excellence „Mathematics Münster“, the lawyer Prof. Nils Jansen from the Cluster of Excellence „Religion and Politics“ and the biochemist Prof. Lydia Sorokin from Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence explain what they understand by the term in their research.

Matthias Aschenbrenner
© privat

New Münster Research Fellow: Prof. Dr. Matthias Aschenbrenner (UCLA)

For seven months Prof. Dr. Matthias Aschenbrenner (UCLA) joins the group of Prof. Dr. Dr. Katrin Tent as a Münster Research Fellow. Aschenbrenners work centers in and around model theory, but has branched into other fields of mathematics, often using results and methods originating in mathematical logic. His most spectacular achievements arising from a long-term collaboration with L. van den Dries and J. van der Hoeven, has culminated in the book Asymptotic Differential Algebra and Model Theory of Transseries.

Mathematics Münster achieves 2nd place in DFG third-party funding

Further confirmation for mathematics at WWU Münster: In absolute terms of DFG funding, the University of Münster ranks second among German universities in mathematics with 12.8 million euros. The Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, with 197.1 million euros, ranks 13th overall in Germany in terms of third-party funding. This is shown by the current funding atlas of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Great success
© Heiner Witte/MünsterView

Great success for mathematics: Cluster of Excellence approved

A decision has been reached in the first funding line, “Cluster of Excellence”, in the Excellence Strategy being pursued by the national and state governments in Germany. In the competition, the University of Münster was successful with two of the three Cluster applications it submitted. The following Clusters of Excellence will receive funding for a period of seven years, with effect from 1 January 2019: “Religion and Politics. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation” and “Mathematics Münster. Dynamics – Geometry – Structure”.

Great success
© Heiner Witte/MünsterView

Great success for mathematics: Cluster of Excellence approved

A decision has been reached in the first funding line, “Cluster of Excellence”, in the Excellence Strategy being pursued by the national and state governments in Germany. In the competition, the University of Münster was successful with two of the three Cluster applications it submitted. The following Clusters of Excellence will receive funding for a period of seven years, with effect from 1 January 2019: “Religion and Politics. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation” and “Mathematics Münster. Dynamics – Geometry – Structure”.

Dr. Barbara VerfürthDr. Barbara Verfürth
© Uni MS/Kathrin Kottke

Pioneering work: mathematical fundamentals of light refraction

Münster mathematician’s research into wave propagation in complex materials

The PhD thesis of Dr. Barbara Verfürth from the Institute of Analysis and Numerics demonstrates pioneering mathematical work by making her the first person to calculate the connection between materials and their refraction. This fundamental work in the field of mathematics can help later in developing high-resolution microscopes – or in improving sound-absorbing walls, which are important for good acoustics in concert halls or recording studios.

Dr. Barbara VerfürthDr. Barbara Verfürth
© Uni MS/Kathrin Kottke

Pioneering work: mathematical fundamentals of light refraction

Münster mathematician’s research into wave propagation in complex materials

The PhD thesis of Dr. Barbara Verfürth from the Institute of Analysis and Numerics demonstrates pioneering mathematical work by making her the first person to calculate the connection between materials and their refraction. This fundamental work in the field of mathematics can help later in developing high-resolution microscopes – or in improving sound-absorbing walls, which are important for good acoustics in concert halls or recording studios.

Franziska Jahnke und Mira SchedensackFranziska Jahnke und Mira Schedensack
© Uni MS/Kathrin Kottke

"Moments of true insight make all the apparently fruitless hours worthwhile"

Münster mathematicians Dr. Franziska Jahnke and Dr. Mira Schedensack talk about their work

Hours of contemplation, approaching a solution in small steps, and a healthy scepticism towards computer-generated results. In these guest articles, two mathematicians at the University of Münster, Dr. Franziska Jahnke und Dr. Mira Schedensack, explain what mathematical research means to them and what the aim of this research is. Both undertake research and teaching at the University of Münster within the framework of the MATHRIX junior professorships, which were established in 2017 to promote gender equality in mathematics.

Prof. Dr. Raimer Wulkenhaar
© FB10

“No one can be this lucky”

Mathematician Prof. Raimar Wulkenhaar talks about solving a seemingly unsolvable equation

After ten years, Prof. Raimar Wulkenhaar from the University of Münster’s Mathematical Institute and his colleague Dr. Erik Panzer from the University of Oxford have solved a mathematical equation which was considered to be unsolvable. The equation is to be used to find answers to questions posed by elementary particle physics. In this interview with Christina Heimken, Wulkenhaar looks back on the challenges encountered in looking for the formula for a solution and he explains why the work is not yet finished.

© MM/vl

New Professor of Theoretical Mathematics: Hans-Joachim Hein

We welcome Prof. Hans-Joachim Hein to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. In October he moved from Fordham University, New York, to the University of Münster in order to take up a professorship in Theoretical Mathematics. He carries out research in the field of differential geometry and partial differential equations.

© MM

Set theory is a broad area of mathematics, with many interconnecting themes, and our knowledge is developing rapidly. This international workshop will bring together young mathematicians, providing in depth introductions to various topics in set theory, leading to questions at the forefront of research. Tutorials and talks will be given by both experienced researchers and postdocs, and will be primarily aimed at advanced PhD students and early career researchers.