Das Kolloquium ist benannt nach Wilhelm Killing, Professor des Fachbereichs von 1892 bis 1919.
According to Hans-Joachim Nastold und Otto Forster: Die Mathematik an der Universität Münster. In: Die Universität Münster 1780 – 1980 (Hrsg. Heinz Dollinger), S. 429 – 432, Aschendorff,Münster 1980.
Killings Hauptinteresse galt den Grundlagen der Geometrie, den nichteuklidischen Raumformen und – in heutiger Terminologie – der Klassifikation der einfachen Lie-Algebren.
Ausgehend von seinen Untersuchungen über homogene Räume kam Killing auf die Untersuchung von Lie-Gruppen und der zugehörigen Lie-Algebren. Er hat ganz entscheidende Beiträge zur Klassifikation halbeinfacher Lie-Algebren geliefert, die später von E. Cartan vervollständigt und abgerundet wurde, eine Theorie, die – im Zusammenhang mit den Lie-Gruppen – für die verschiedensten Teilgebiete der Mathematik bis hin zur Physik von großer Bedeutung ist.
Datum | Sprecher | Einrichtung | Titel |
11.07.2024 | CRC Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Zeidler | Universität Münster | Codimension one obstructions to positive scalar curvature
Prof. Dr. Johannes Ebert (Universität Münster): Positive scalar curvature, cobordisms and diffeomorphism groups |
04.07.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Annalisa Massaccesi | University of Padova | Recent developments on Besicovitch's ½ problem |
27.06.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Tobias Lamm | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | Geometric flows with rough initial data |
20.06.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Martin Burger | Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron - DESY | Particle Methods in Machine Learning and Inverse Problems |
13.06.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster | Universität Münster | Scientific postdoc presentations |
06.06.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Dima Sinapova | Rutgers University | The tree property |
16.05.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Claudia Alfes-Neumann | Universität Bielefeld | Modular forms and their generalizations in number theory and geometry |
08.05.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Peter Albers | Universität Heidelberg | Symplectic billiards, a gentle introduction |
02.05.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Universität Regensburg | Periods and L-functions |
25.04.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Tobias Weth | Universität Frankfurt | The geometric impact of overdetermined boundary value problems |
18.04.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Thomas Koberda | University of Virginia | Homeomorphism groups of manifolds and first order logic |
11.04.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Antti Knowles | University of Geneva | Random graphs as models of quantum disorder |
18.01.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Rupert Klein | Freie Universität Berlin | Scale interactions in tropical cyclones |
11.01.2024 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Anne Pichon | Aix Marseille University | How looks a singular space in a small neighbourhood of a point? |
14.12.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium / Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Kolloquium: Dr. Rita Teixeira da Costa | University of Cambridge | On the stability of rotating black holes |
07.12.2023 | CRC Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Christopher Deninger | Universität Münster | Special values of Hasse-Weil and Ruelle zeta functions. |
30.11.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Juan J. L. Velázquez | Universität Bonn | A free boundary problem of cell polarization |
16.11.2023 | ABSAGE Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Tobias Weth | Universität Frankfurt | The geometric impact of overdetermined boundary value problems |
09.11.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster | WWU Münster | Scientific postdoc presentations |
02.11.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. William Crawley-Boevey | Universität Bielefeld | Integral representations of quivers |
26.10.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hanke | Universität Augsburg | Torsion obstructions to positive scalar curvature |
12.10.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Dr. Riccardo Christoferi | Radboud University | Shape optimization for attractive-repulsive energies |
13.07.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Catharina Stroppel | Universität Bonn | From Platonic solids to Springer theory and beyond |
29.06.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Peter Topping | University of Warwick | PDE aspects of geometric flows |
22.06.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Dr Rajula Srivastava | Universität Bonn | Counting Rational Points near Flat Hypersurfaces |
15.06.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. David Broadhurst | Open University, UK | Taming unsummable series |
07.06.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Björn Bringmann | Princeton | Probabilistic aspects of scalar and geometric wave equations |
25.05.2023 | ABGESAGT Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Vincent Vargas | University of Geneva | Modular bootstrap, Segal's axioms and resolution of Liouville conformal field theory |
11.05.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Daniel Huybrechts | Universität Bonn | The K3 category of a cubic fourfold |
27.04.2023 | Lecture in memoriam W. Scharlau: Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Tignol | UCLouvain | Linkage of quaternion algebras and systems of quadratic equations over number fields (Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium) |
20.04.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Mourrat | École normale supérieure de Lyon | Mean-field disordered systems and Hamilton-Jacobi equations |
13.04.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster | WWU Münster | Scientific postdoc presentations |
19.01.2023 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Thomas Scanlon | University of California, Berkeley | Likely Intersections |
08.12.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Roland Bauerschmidt | University of Cambridge | What is Quantum Field Theory? |
01.12.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Franck Sueur | Université de Bordeaux | Is there a chance to control the climate? |
24.11.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Alain Trouvé | Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris-Saclay | Diffeomorphic transport, Riemannian geometry, geometric information and scales |
17.11.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Timo Richarz | TU Darmstadt | Reductions of Shimura varieties |
10.11.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Felix Schulze | University of Warwick | Compactness of 3-dimensional Ricci-pinched manifolds |
03.11.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Andrea Malchiodi | Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa | A Variational approach to Liouville equations |
27.10.2022 | Postdocs of Mathematics Münster | WWU Münster | Scientific postdoc presentations |
13.10.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Dr. Serhii Bardyla | Universität Wien | Algebra, Topology and Completeness |
14.07.2022 | SFB-Kolloquium: 1. Vortrag: Geodesics on the space of Kähler Metrics | Bianca Santoro | 1. Vortrag: Geodesics on the space of Kähler Metrics (Bianca Santoro); 2. Vortrag: Ricci Curvature, Scalar Curvature and Regularity Theory (Hans-Joachim Hein) |
07.07.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Jochen Koenigsmann | University of Oxford | Prof. Dr. Jochen Koenigsmann (University of Oxford) in person: Encoding arithmetic in Galois groups |
30.06.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Menachem Magidor | Einstein Institute of Mathematics | Prof. Dr. Menachem Magidor (Einstein Institute of Mathematics) in person: Regularity properties of subsets of the real line and other polish spaces |
23.06.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Michael Aizenman | Princeton University | Prof. Dr. Michael Aizenman (Princeton University) in person: Random loop ensembles as a common mathematical scaffolding of some quantum and classical stat mech models |
15.06.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster | WWU Münster | Postdocs of Mathematics Münster (WWU Münster) in person and via Zoom: Scientific postdoc presentations |
02.06.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Universität Regensburg | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings (Universität Regensburg) in person and via Zoom and YouTube: Introduction to the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture |
19.05.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium | | Retreat Cluster |
12.05.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Bruno Klingler | Humboldt Universität zu Berlin | Prof. Dr. Bruno Klingler (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) in person and via zoom: Tame geometry and Hodge theory |
05.05.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Ben Schweizer | TU Dortmund | Prof. Dr. Ben Schweizer (TU Dortmund) in person and via zoom: On the long time behavior of waves |
28.04.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Stefan Steinerberger | University of Washington | Prof. Dr. Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington) via ZOOM: The Notion of Curvature on Graphs |
21.04.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Rustum Choksi | McGill University | Prof. Dr. Rustum Choksi (McGill University) in person and via zoom: Three Variational Problems Addressing Three Physical Paradigms |
14.04.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium | | es findet am 14. April 2022 kein Vortrag statt |
07.04.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Alan Reid | Rice University | Prof. Dr. Alan Reid (Rice University) in person: Profinite rigidity, direct products and finite presentability |
03.02.2022 | CRC Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Winter | WWU Münster | Approximation properties and rigidity questions for C*-algebras
Prof. Dr. David Kerr (WWU Münster): The dynamics of comparison
The talks will take place as hybrid event. |
27.01.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium | | es findet am 27. Januar kein Vortrag statt |
20.01.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium | | es findet am 20. Januar kein Vortrag statt |
13.01.2022 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Robert Pego | Carnegie Mellon University | Prof. Dr. Robert Pego (Carnegie Mellon University) via ZOOM: Stable communities in Lotka-Volterra dynamics: exclusion, multiplicity, stabilization |
09.12.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Guido Montúfar | University of California, Los Angeles | Prof. Dr. Guido Montúfar (University of California, Los Angeles) via ZOOM: Geometry of Linear Convolutional Networks |
02.12.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Postdocs of Mathematics Münster | WWU Münster | Postdocs of Mathematics Münster (WWU Münster) via Zoom: Scientific postdoc presentations |
25.11.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Daniel Peterseim | Universität Augsburg | Prof. Dr. Daniel Peterseim (Universität Augsburg) in person: Hybrid event: On the localization problem in numerical homogenization |
18.11.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Robert Kohn | New York University | Prof. Dr. Robert Kohn (New York University) via ZOOM: Mechanical Metamaterials |
11.11.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abouzaid | Columbia University | Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia University) via ZOOM: Homotopical methods in Floer theory |
04.11.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. André Neves | University of Chicago | Prof. Dr. André Neves (University of Chicago) via ZOOM: Minimal surfaces in hyperbolic manifolds |
28.10.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Filip Rindler | University of Warwick | Prof. Dr. Filip Rindler (University of Warwick) in person: Hybrid event: Elasto-plasticity driven by dislocation movement |
21.10.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium | | es findet am 21. Oktober kein Vortrag statt |
14.10.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Nadia S. Larsen | University of Oslo | Prof. Dr. Nadia S. Larsen (University of Oslo) in person: Hybrid event: Higher rank graphs: a C*-algebraic perspective and beyond |
15.07.2021 | CRC Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Arthur Bartels | WWU Münster | K-theory everywhere
Prof. Dr. Thomas Nikolaus (WWU Münster): Relation to arithmetic cohomology theories
The talks will take place as hybrid event. |
08.07.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Xin Li | University of Glasgow | per ZOOM: Interactions between C*-algebras, topological dynamics and group theory |
01.07.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Bernold Fiedler | Freie Universität Berlin | per ZOOM: On meanders |
24.06.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Michael Jeffrey Ward | University of British Columbia | per ZOOM: Topics in Localized Pattern Formation for Reaction-Diffusion Systems in 3-D |
17.06.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Artem Chernikov | University of California/Los Angeles | per ZOOM: Recognizing groups and fields in Erd?s geometry and model theory |
10.06.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Yilin Wang | Massachusets Institut of Technology | per ZOOM: How round is a Jordan curve? |
20.05.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Chris Wendl | Humboldt Universität Berlin | On transversality and symmetry
per ZOOM: |
06.05.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Annalisa Massaccesi | Università Degli Studi Di Padova | per ZOOM: Multi-material transport problems |
29.04.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer | Universität Karlsruhe | per ZOOM: Actions on Cantor spaces, volume and macroscopic scalar curvature |
22.04.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Henry Wilton | University of Cambridge | per ZOOM: Negative immersions and one-relator groups |
15.04.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Joel Fine | Université Libre de Bruxelles | per ZOOM: Knots and minimal surfaces |
04.02.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann | TU München | per ZOOM: Frobenius-conjugacy classes and affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties |
28.01.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Clara Löh | Universität Regensburg | per ZOOM: Computing simplicial volumes |
21.01.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Ruth Charney | Brandeis University | per ZOOM: Searching for Hyperbolicity |
14.01.2021 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Carolyn S. Gordon | Dartmouth College | per ZOOM: Can you hear the shape of a manifold? |
10.12.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Ilaria Perugia | Universität Wien | per ZOOM: Problem-oriented finite elements |
03.12.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Leif Döring | Universität Mannheim | per ZOOM: On individualization Strategies in university education in mathematics |
26.11.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Gilles Francfort | Université Paris XIII | Plasticity, a template for dissipation in solids |
19.11.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Perkowski | FU Berlin | per ZOOM: Infinite regularization by noise |
12.11.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Jacob Bedrossian | University of Maryland | per ZOOM: Almost-sure exponential mixing for stochastic Navier-Stokes with applications to passive scalar turbulence |
16.07.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium - Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig | Tübingen | per ZOOM: Curve counting and tropical geometry |
09.07.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Perkowski | FU Berlin | Dieser Vortrag fällt aus! |
18.06.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück | Bonn | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück (Bonn) "Groups meet C*-algebras, an appetizer"
https://wwu.zoom.us/j/91691193801 |
10.06.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Gianluigi Rozza | SISSA | Prof. Dr. Gianluigi Rozza (SISSA) State of the art and perspectives for reduced order methods in computational fluid dynamics
https://wwu.zoom.us/j/94121190906 |
20.05.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Klopsch | Düsseldorf | Prof. Dr. Benjamin Klopsch (Düsseldorf) -
Der Vortrag fällt aus! |
14.05.2020 | 17. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Anna Erschler | CNRS and ENS Paris | Der Vortrag fällt aus! |
07.05.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Perkowski | TU Berlin | Prof. Dr. Nicolas Perkowski (TU Berlin) - Der Vortrag wird auf den 9. Juli 2020 verschoben! |
16.04.2020 | Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Dr. Filip Rindler | Warwick | Singularities in measures
- Der Vortrag fällt aus! |
30.01.2020 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Assaf Rinot | Bar-Ilan | Hindman's theorem and uncountable Abelian groups |
23.01.2020 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Dr. Dawid Kielak | Bielefeld | Three-manifolds, Thurston's insights and a little algebra |
16.01.2020 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Roberto Longo | Rom | The information in a wave |
08.01.2020 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken | Tübingen | Deforming hypersurfaces with geometric heat equations and surgery |
19.12.2019 | Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Christian Bär | Universität Potsdam | Counterintuitive approximations |
12.12.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Dr. José Luis Romero | Wien | Sampling and time-frequency analysis |
05.12.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Nicola Gigli | SISSA Trieste | Functional analysis and metric geometry |
28.11.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Michael Röckner | Bielefeld | Nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and distribution dependent SDE |
21.11.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Gérard Besson | Grenoble | Compactness results for non positively curved metric measured spaces |
07.11.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Martin Schneider | TU Dresden | Concentration of measure and its applications in topological dynamics |
31.10.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Bachir Bekka | Rennes | Dual spaces of algebraic groups |
24.10.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Marc Levine | Duisburg-Essen | GWGW theory |
17.10.2019 | Colloquium Wilhelm Killing | | New postdocs of Mathematics Münster: Scientific postdoc presentations |
10.10.2019 | Colloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Alberto Abbondandolo | Universität Bochum | On short closed geodesics, shadows of symplectic balls and polar bodies |
11.07.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Katrin Wendland | Universität Freiburg | Moonshine Phenomena |
04.07.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Dr. André Hendriques | University of Oxford | Three approaches to conformal field theory |
27.06.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Piotr Achinger | IMPAN | Homotopy types in algebraic geometry |
06.06.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Dan Segal | University of Oxford | Axiomatizability and profinite groups |
16.05.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Stuart White | University of Glasgow | Amenable Operator Algebras |
09.05.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Julian Fischer | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Interface evolution problems in fluid mechanics and geometry: (Non-)Uniqueness of solutions and weak-strong uniqueness principles |
25.04.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch | Universität Bonn | The porous medium equation: properties and regularity of solutions |
18.04.2019 | 15. John von Neumann-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Yves Benoist | Université Paris-Sud | Arithmeticity of discrete groups |
11.04.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Dr. Péter Varjú | University of Cambridge | The dimension theory of self-similar sets and measures |
04.04.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Yakov Kremnitzer | University of Oxford | Global analytic geometry and Hodge theory |
24.01.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Martin Gander | Universität Genf | Is Optimal Really Good in Domain Decomposition ? (or why multigrid coarse spaces might not be suitable) |
17.01.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Konrad Waldorf | Greifswald | Smooth functorial field theories |
10.01.2019 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Joel Hamkins | Oxford | The rearrangement and subseries numbers: how much convergence suffices for absolute convergence? |
13.12.2018 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Führ | Aachen | Wavelet approximation theory, decomposition spaces and coarse geometry |
06.12.2018 | Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Annette Huber-Klawitter | Uni Freiburg | News on period numbers |
25.10.2018 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Henning Krause | Bielefeld | Support and stratification of modular representations |
05.07.2018 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Walter van Suijlekom | Nijmegen | Noncommutative geometry and gauge theories |
28.06.2018 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. William Crawley-Boevey | Universität Bielefeld | My struggle with the Deligne Simpson problem |
21.06.2018 | 13. John von Neumann-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Breuillard | Cambridge | Approximate groups, incidence geometry and model theory |
07.06.2018 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Dr. Damian Osajda | University of Wroclaw | Group cubization |
03.05.2018 | Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing: Prof. Dr. Oliver Röndigs | Universität Osnabrück | Stable homotopy groups of spheres over a field |
12.04.2018 | Prof. Dr. Gerd Faltings | HCM, Universität Bonn | Arakelov Theory |
25.01.2018 | Prof. Dr. André Nies | University of Auckland | Two non-classical versions of the Shannon-McMillan-Breiman theorem |
11.01.2018 | 12. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Camillo De Lellis | Universität Zürich | The Onsager's Theorem and beyond |
21.12.2017 | Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Don Zagier | Max-Planck-Institut Bonn | Modular forms and their appearances in physics |
07.12.2017 | Prof. Dr. Jean Bellissard | WWU Münster | A Toy Model for Viscosity |
30.11.2017 | Prof. Dr. Erwin Bolthausen, Universität Zürich, Vortrag | | Mean-field spin glasses |
23.11.2017 | Prof. Dr. Anke Pohl, Universität Jena, Vortrag | | Automorphic functions, resonances, and dynamics |
16.11.2017 | Prof. Dr. Patrick Ferrari, Universität Bonn, Vortrag | | Limit laws in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class |
02.11.2017 | Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban, Universität Ulm, Vortrag | | Reduced Basis Methods - Prospects and Challenges |
26.10.2017 | Prof. Dr. Gunther Cornelissen, Utrecht University, Vortrag | | Dynamical zeta functions: where the wild things are |
12.10.2017 | Prof. Dr. Marius Junge, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Vortrag | | A harmonic analysis approach to quantum metric spaces |
20.07.2017 | Professor Dr. Tobias Colding, MIT, Vortrag | | Level set method for motion by mean curvature |
06.07.2017 | Prof. Dr. Robert Pego, Carnegie Mellon University, Vortrag | | Merging-splitting group dynamics by Bernstein function theory |
29.06.2017 | Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch, Universität Bonn, Vortrag | | Spectral geometry of singular spaces |
22.06.2017 | Remmert-Gedenk-Kolloquium | | Prof. Dr. Thomas Peternell, Universität Bayreuth, Vortrag: Holomorphiekonvexität, die Remmert-Reduktion und eine Vermutung
von Shafarevitch |
22.06.2017 | Remmert-Gedenk-Kolloquium | | Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Alan T. Huckleberry, RUB und Universität Bremen, Vortrag: Reinhold Remmert: vielschichtige Verdienste in der Mathematik |
14.06.2017 | Prof. Dr. Arnd Scheel, University of Minnesota, Vortrag | | Moduli spaces of growth patterns |
01.06.2017 | Prof. Dr. Cornelis Kraaikamp, TU Delft, Vortrag | | Surgery on Continued Fractions |
24.05.2017 | Dr. Konstanze Rietsch, King's College, London, Vortrag | | Mirror symmetry and Grassmannians |
11.05.2017 | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Steimle, Universität Augsburg, Vortrag | | Families of diffeomorphisms and of metrics of positive scalar curvature |
04.05.2017 | 11. John-von-Neumann-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Sorin Popa | University of California, Los Angeles | Structure and randomness in von Neumann algebras |
20.04.2017 | Prof. Dr. Oleg Pikhurko, Warwick, Vortrag | | Measurable Combinatorics |
09.02.2017 | Prof. Dr. Duco van Straten, Universität Mainz, Vortrag | | tba |
02.02.2017 | Prof. Dr. Richard Weiss, Tufts University, Vortrag | | Descent in Buildings |
26.01.2017 | Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm, Universität Bonn, Vortrag | | Heat flow on time-dependent metric measure spaces and superRicci flows |
19.01.2017 | Prof. Dr. Klaas Landsman, Radboud University, Vortrag | | Quantization and Operator Algebras |
21.12.2016 | Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie | | Marco Radeschi, Münster, Vortrag: tba |
08.12.2016 | Prof. Dr. Michael Ortiz, Caltech, Vortrag | | Optimal transport methods in computational mechanics |
01.12.2016 | Prof. Dr. Gigliola Staffilani, MIT, Vortrag | | Recent developments on certain dispersive equations as infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems |
24.11.2016 | Dr. Moritz Groth, Universität Bonn, Vortrag: Grothendieck derivators: taking | derived | Grothendieck derivators: taking (derived) limits serious |
17.11.2016 | Prof. Dr. José Antonio Carrillo, Imperial College London, Vortrag | | Nonlinear aggregation-diffusions in the diffusion-dominated and
fair-competitions regimes |
10.11.2016 | Prof. Dr. Holger Reich, FU Berlin, Vortrag | | Assembly maps for algebraic K-theory and topological cyclic homology |
03.11.2016 | 10. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Endre Süli | University of Oxford | Navier-Stokes-Fokker-Planck Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Approximation, Computation |
20.10.2016 | Dr. Edward Belbruno, Princeton University, Vortrag | | Ballistic Capture Transfer in the Three and Four-Body Problems with Applications |
14.07.2016 | Prof. Dr. Holger Rauhut, RWTH Aachen, Vortrag | | Sparse and Low Rank Recovery |
07.07.2016 | Prof. Dr. Gerard Besson, Universität Grenoble, Vortrag | | tba |
30.06.2016 | Prof. Dr. Alessandra Iozzi, ETH Zürich, Vortrag | | Rotation number, old and newer |
23.06.2016 | Prof. Dr. Nathanael Berestycki, University of Cambridge, Vortrag | | The dimer model: universality and conformal invariance |
16.06.2016 | John-von-Neumann-Lecture | | Prof. Dr. Günter Ziegler, FU Berlin, Vortrag: Geometry vs. Topology: On 4-Polytopes and 3-Spheres |
09.06.2016 | Prof. Dr. Bernd Kawohl, Universität zu Köln, Vortrag | | Geometric Inequalities |
02.06.2016 | Prof. Dr. Bachir Bekka, Université de Rennes I, Vortrag | | Dynamics of groups of affine transformations of homogeneous spaces |
25.05.2016 | Prof. Dr. Boris Zilber, University of Oxford, Vortrag | | The geometric semantics of algebraic quantum mechanics |
12.05.2016 | Prof. Dr. Michael Baake, Universität Bielefeld, Vortrag | | Dynamical systems of number-theoretic origin in the theory of aperiodic order |
04.05.2016 | Prof. Dr. Alain Chenciner, Universität Paris VII, Vortrag | | Angular momentum and Horn's problem |
21.04.2016 | Prof. Dr. Arnd Scheel | University of Minnesota | Prof. Dr. Arnd Scheel (University of Minnesota) Coherent structures in spatially extended dynamical systems |
28.01.2016 | Prof. Dr. Eva Zerz, RWTH Aachen, Vortrag | | Systems and control theory - an algebraic point of view |
21.01.2016 | Prof. Dr. Maria Westdickenberg, RWTH Aachen, Vortrag | | Complex energy landscapes: distances, convergence rates, and rare events |
14.01.2016 | Prof. Dr. Nalini Anantharaman, Université d'Orsay, Vortrag | | Quantum ergodicity on large graphs |
07.01.2016 | Dr. Maria Colombo, ETH Zürich, Vortrag | | Flows of non-smooth vector fields and applications to PDEs |
17.12.2015 | Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tillmann, University of Oxford, Vortrag | | Homotopy methods for geometric groups |
10.12.2015 | Prof. Dr. Dorothea Bahns, Universität Göttingen, Vortrag | | Distributions, quantum fields and Gabor Analysis |
03.12.2015 | Prof. Dr. Claire Voisin, Institut de Mathematique de Jussieu, Vortrag | | New results on rationality questions |
26.11.2015 | Prof. Dr. Silvia Sabatini, Universität Köln, Vortrag | | 12 and 24 in symplectic geometry and combinatorics |
19.11.2015 | Prof. Dr. Annette Huber-Klawitter, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Vortrag | | Differential forms in algebraic geometry -- a new perspective in the singular case |
12.11.2015 | Prof. Dr. Ursula Hamenstädt, Universität zu Bonn, Vortrag | | Geometry of the moduli space of curves |
05.11.2015 | Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann, TU München, Vortrag | | The geometry of Newton strata |
16.07.2015 | Prof. Dr. Massimo Bertolini, Duisburg-Essen, Vortrag | | Recent advances on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture |
09.07.2015 | Prof. Dr. Misha Kapovich, University of California, Vortrag | | Finsler compactification of nonpositively curved symmetric spaces |
02.07.2015 | Prof. Dr. Gianluca Crippa, Basel, Vortrag | | tba |
02.07.2015 | Prof. Dr. Gianluca Crippa | Universität Basel | Prof. Dr. Gianluca Crippa (Universität Basel) Optimality of the Gronwall estimate for ODEs |
25.06.2015 | John-von-Neumann-Lecture | | Prof. Dr. Eli Glasner, Tel-Aviv, Vortrag: tba |
25.06.2015 | 8. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Eli Glasner | Tel Aviv University |
Kazhdan's Property T and the Geometry of the Collection of Invariant Measures |
18.06.2015 | Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Breuillard | Université Paris | Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Breuillard (Université Paris) Growth of groups and approximate subgroups |
17.06.2015 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Lubotzky, Einstein Institute Jerusalem, Vortrag | | Fritz Grunewald memorial talk: Arithmetic quotients of the mapping class group |
11.06.2015 | Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Kraft, Basel, Vortrag | | Endomorphisms and Automorphisms of Affine Varieties |
21.05.2015 | Prof. Dr. Ellen Baake, Bielefeld, Vortrag | | Ancestral selection graph meets lookdown construction |
07.05.2015 | Prof. Dr. Vincent Rivasseau, Paris-Sud, Vortrag | | Random Geometry and Physics |
30.04.2015 | Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus | Universität Leipzig | Prof. Dr. Stephan Luckhaus (Universität Leipzig)
Geometry, Rigidity, Plasticity |
23.04.2015 | Prof. Dr. Dietmar Bisch, Vanderbilt, Vortrag | | Subfactors with infinite representation theory |
16.04.2015 | Prof. Dr. Axel Voigt | TU Dresden | Prof. Dr. Axel Voigt (TU Dresden) A generic approach to cell motility by active polar gels |
29.01.2015 | Dr. Tobias Dyckerhoff, Oxford, Vortrag | | Triangulated surfaces in triangulated categories |
22.01.2015 | Prof. Dr. Rudolf Grübel, Universität Hannover, Vortrag | | Randomly growing discrete structures |
15.01.2015 | Prof. Dr. Peter Friz, TU Berlin, Vortrag | | Rough paths |
08.01.2015 | Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Geiges, Universität Köln, Vortrag | | Geometry of the Kepler problem in celestial mechanics |
11.12.2014 | Prof. Dr. Karl-Henning Rehren, Institut für Theoretische Physik Göttingen, Vortrag | | Tensor categories of endomorphisms and extensions of von Neumann algebras |
04.12.2014 | Prof. Dr. Gunter Malle, TU Kaiserslautern, Vortrag | | Local-global conjectures in the representation theory of finite groups |
27.11.2014 | Prof. Dr. Annette Werner, Universität Frankfurt, Vortrag | | Drinfeld's half-spaces over finite fields |
20.11.2014 | Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwab | ETH Zürich | Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwab (ETH Zürich) High-Dimensional Numerical Integration
in Bayesian Estimation for Parametric Operator Equations |
13.11.2014 | 7. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Serfaty | Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, Courant Institute, New York | Questions of crystallization in systems with Coulomb and Riesz interactions |
06.11.2014 | Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebert, Universität Hamburg, Vortrag | | The maximal degeneration toolkit, generalized theta functions and mirror symmetry |
30.10.2014 | Prof. Dr. Jochen Heinloth, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Vortrag | | Geometry of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles on curves |
23.10.2014 | Prof. Dr. Bernold Fiedler | FU Berlin | Prof. Dr. Bernold Fiedler (FU Berlin) Reaction and diffusion in several space dimensions- an invitation |
16.10.2014 | Prof. Dr. Juan J. L. Velázquez | Universität Bonn | Prof. Dr. Juan J. L. Velázquez (Universität Bonn) Singularity formation for kinetic equations with cubic nonlinearities |
10.07.2014 | Prof. Dr. Alexander Kechris, Caltech Pasadena, Vortrag | | Dynamics of non-archimedean Polish groups |
03.07.2014 | Prof. Dr. Giovanni Felder, ETH Zürich, Vortrag: Derived representation schemes | after Berest, Khachatryan and Ramadoss | Derived representation schemes (after Berest, Khachatryan and Ramadoss) |
26.06.2014 | Prof. Dr. Barbara Niethammer | Universität Bonn | Prof. Dr. Barbara Niethammer (Universität Bonn) On Smoluchowski's classical model for aggregation phenomena |
25.06.2014 | Dr. Malte Witte | Universität Heidelberg | "Nichtkommutative Grothendieck-Spurformeln und Iwasawa-Hauptvermutungen in Charakteristik p" |
18.06.2014 | Prof. Dr. Stefan Schwede, Universität Bonn, Vortrag | | Equivariant properties of symmetric products |
05.06.2014 | Prof. Dr. Claude LeBrun, Stony Brook University, Vortrag | | Four-Manifolds, Einstein Metrics, and Differential Topology |
28.05.2014 | Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze, Universität Bonn, Vortrag | | P- adic cohomology of p- adic spaces |
22.05.2014 | Prof. Dr. Eduard Feireisl | Universität Prag | Prof. Dr. Eduard Feireisl (Universität Prag) Strange solutions for the equations in fluid dynamics |
08.05.2014 | Prof. Dr. Michael Dettweiler, Universität Bayreuth, Vortrag | | Starre lokale Systeme |
24.04.2014 | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Bringmann, Universität Köln, Vortrag | | tba |
24.04.2014 | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Bringmann | Universität Köln | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Bringmann (Universität Köln) Ramanujan and asymptotic formulas |
10.04.2014 | Prof. Dr. Siddharta Mishra | ETH Zürich | Prof. Dr. Siddharta Mishra (ETH Zürich) Computing the entropy measure valued solutions of systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. |
30.01.2014 | Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Hélène Esnault, FU Berlin, Vortrag | | Stratifications and the Étale fundamental group. |
23.01.2014 | Prof. Dr. Frank den Hollander, Universität Leiden Holland, Vortrag | | Extremal geometry of a Brownian porous medium |
16.01.2014 | Prof. Dr. Christian Spannagel, PH Heidelberg, Vortrag | | Flipping lectures - Die umgedrehte Mathematikvorlesung |
09.01.2014 | Prof. Alain Valette, Université de Neuchâtel Schweiz, Vortrag | | The Kadison-Singer problem |
12.12.2013 | 5. John von Neumann Lecture:
Prof. Dr. Simon Brendle | Stanford University |
Minimalflächen in der 3-Sphaere und die Lawson-Vermutung |
05.12.2013 | Prof. Dr. Gregory Cherlin, Rutgers University USA, Vortrag | | Homogeneity and Universality, from Urysohn and Ramsey to today |
28.11.2013 | Prof. Dr. Barbara Wohlmuth | TU München | Prof. Dr. Barbara Wohlmuth (TU München ) Interfaces, corners and point sources |
21.11.2013 | Prof. Dr. Alain -Sol Sznitman, ETH Zürich, Vortrag | | Random interlacements and the local geometry of random walks |
14.11.2013 | Prof. Dr. Janko Latschev, Universität Hamburg, Vortrag | | The Gromov width of symplectic manifolds |
07.11.2013 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hausen, Universität Tübingen, Vortrag | | Algebraic torus actions of complexity one |
31.10.2013 | Von Formoptimierung und energetischen Einsichten in optimale Geometrien, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth | WWU | Von Formoptimierung und energetischen Einsichten in optimale Geometrien, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth (WWU) Auf diesen Vortrag wird besonders hingewiesen! |
24.10.2013 | Prof. Dr. Jochen Heinloth, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Vortrag | | Kloosterman sums and the geometric Langlands correspondence |
17.10.2013 | Dr. Emanuele Spadaro | MPI Leipzig | Dr. Emanuele Spadaro ( MPI Leipzig ) On minimal surfaces and their singularities |
18.07.2013 | Prof. Dr. Laszlo Székelyhidi | Universität Leipzig | Prof. Dr. Laszlo Székelyhidi ( Universität Leipzig) Bending surfaces and turbulent energy cascades. |
11.07.2013 | Prof. Dr. Soren Eilers, Universität Kopenhagen, Vortrag | | Geometric classification of graph C*-algebras |
04.07.2013 | Prof. Dr. Catharina Stroppel, Universität Bonn, Vortrag | | Categorification of knot invariants |
27.06.2013 | Prof. Dr. Felix Schlenk, Université Neuchatel, Vortrag | | Slow volume growth and the contact Bott-Samelson theorem |
20.06.2013 | 4. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Zlil Sela | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Low dimensional topology and the elementary theory of group, |
13.06.2013 | Prof. Dr. habil. Reiner Schätzle | Universität Tübingen | Prof. Dr. habil. Reiner Schätzle (Universität Tübingen) New explicit examples of conformally constrained Willmore surfaces |
16.05.2013 | Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf | Universität Bonn | Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf (Universität Bonn) Variational Time Discretization of Geodesic Calculus in Shape Space |
08.05.2013 | Prof. Dr. Ernst Heintze, Universität Augsburg, Vortrag | | Isoparametric submanifolds and Kac-Moody algebras |
25.04.2013 | Prof. Dr. Ralf Meyer, Universität Göttingen; Vortrag | | Crossed modules as symmetries in noncommutative geometry. |
18.04.2013 | Prof. Dr. Marc Levine, Universität Essen-Duisburg, Vortrag | | Connections between algebraic geometry and homotopy theory |
24.01.2013 | Prof. Dr. Bernd Ammann, Universität Regensburg, Vortrag | | The Yamabe constant of products and applications |
17.01.2013 | Prof. Dr. Thomas Lengauer, MPI Saarbrücken, Vortrag | | Bioinformatics -assisted HIV Therapy spearheading personal medicine? |
17.01.2013 | Prof.Dr. Dr. Thomas Lengauer | Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken | Prof.Dr. Dr. Thomas Lengauer (Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken)
Bioinformatics -assisted HIV Therapy spearheading personal medicine? |
10.01.2013 | Prof. Dr. Manfred Einsiedler, ETH Zürich, Vortrag | | Mixing and distribution properties of orbits on homogeneous spaces |
20.12.2012 | Prof. Dr. Nicolas Bergeron, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, Vortrag: Arithmetic manifolds: prehistory and | some | Arithmetic manifolds: prehistory and (some) recent developments |
13.12.2012 | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück, Universität Bonn, Vortrag | | Homological growth and L^2-invariants |
06.12.2012 | | | Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchmann, TU Darmstadt ,Future-Proof Digital Signatures |
29.11.2012 | Prof. Dr. Gilbert Levitt, Université de Caen, Vortrag | | Automorphisms of hyperbolic groups |
22.11.2012 | 3. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller | MPI Bonn | The Mathematics of Packing, Crumbling and Folding |
08.11.2012 | Prof. Dr. Thomas Schick, Universität Göttingen, Vortrag | | Coarse geometry and index theory |
25.10.2012 | Prof. Dr. Martin Hairer, University of Warwick, Vortrag | | Solving the KPZ equation |
11.10.2012 | Prof. Dr. Anton Bovier | Universität Bonn | "The extremal process of branching Brownian motion". |
28.06.2012 | Professorin Katrin Wendland | Uni Freiburg | "Singularities and topological quantum field theories" |
21.06.2012 | Professorin Margit Rösler | Universität Paderborn | "Multivariable hypergeometric functions and.." |
14.06.2012 | Prof. Dr. Gregoire Allaire, | Ecole Polytechnique | "Looking for the hot spot: homogenization of...." |
06.06.2012 | Professor Nigel Hitchin | University of Oxford | "Differential geometry over the quaternion" |
24.05.2012 | Professor Stephan Luckhaus | Universität Leipzig | "Free Discontinuity Problems-Mumford Shah type..." |
16.05.2012 | Professor Matthias Schwarz | Universität Leipzig | "Floer Homology as an Infinite-Dimensional....." |
10.05.2012 | Professor Roberto Longo | University of Rome | "An analog of the Beurling-Lax theorem and Quantum..." |
03.05.2012 | Prof. Dr. Georg Weiss | Universität Düsseldorf | "Singularities of axisymmetric flows with gravity". |
26.04.2012 | Professor Friedrich Götze | Universität Bielefeld | "Geometry of Numbers and the Central Limit Theory" |
19.04.2012 | Professorin Simone Gutt | Universität Brüssel | "*$Mp^c$-*structures, quantization and symplectic Di" |
12.04.2012 | Professor Peter Teichner | MPI Bonn | "Whitney Towers in Four Dimensions" |
05.04.2012 | Professor Mikael Rørdam | University of Copenhagen | "Group actions on compact
and locally....." |
26.01.2012 | Professor Tristan Rivière | ETH Zürich | "Gauge Theory in the Calculus of Variations" |
19.01.2012 | Professor Klaus Altmann | Freie Universität Berlin | "Deformations of toric varieties" |
12.01.2012 | Professor Jürgen Jost | MPI für Mathematik Leipzig | "Information Geometry and Mathematical...." |
01.12.2011 | Professor Peter Littelmann | Universität Köln | "On representation theory, combinatorics and geom" |
24.11.2011 | Profess Stefan Müller-Stach | Universität Mainz | "On a theorem of Hirzebruch" |
17.11.2011 | Professor Helge Glöckner | Universität Paderborn | "Ascending unions Lie groups" |
10.11.2011 | Professor Stefan Bauer | Universität Bielefeld | "Differential equations and stable homotopy". |
03.11.2011 | Professor David Kerr | Texas A&M University | "Entropy and soficity" |
27.10.2011 | Professor Roland Speicher | Universität Saarbrücken | "Quantum groups made easy" |
20.10.2011 | Professor Sergio Conti | Universität Bonn | "Scale-bridging in models of crystal plasticity" |
13.10.2011 | Professor Anand Pillay | University Leeds | "Nash manifolds and groups" |
07.07.2011 | Manfred Lehn | Universität Mainz | "Der Satz von Grothendieck-Brieskorn-Slodowy und symplektische Hyperflächen." |
30.06.2011 | Michael Puschnigg | Université Aix-Marseille | "The Chern-Connes character is not rationally injective" |
09.06.2011 | Kai Cieliebak | Universität München | "Symplectic aspects of Stein manifolds" |
26.05.2011 | Simon Thomas | Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA | "A descriptive view of combinatorial group theory" |
19.05.2011 | Ragnar Buchweitz | University of Toronto Scarborough | "Noncommutative Desingularization of Singularities Why and What for?" |
12.05.2011 | Michelle Bucher-Karlsson | Universität Genf | "Volumes:Riemannian and simplicial" |
05.05.2011 | Stefan Schroeer | Universität Düsseldorf | "Enriques Manifolds" |
28.04.2011 | Ulrich Goertz | Universität Duisburg Essen | "Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties" |
21.04.2011 | Stefan Gille | Universität München | "Chow motives of surfaces" |
07.04.2011 | Jesper Grodal | Universität Kopenhagen | "Finite loop spaces" |
27.01.2011 | Cornelia Drutu | University of Oxford | "Analogies between lattices in semisimple groups and mapping class groups |
20.01.2011 | Dietmar Salamon | ETH Zürich | "Existence and uniqueness problems in symplectic topology" |
13.01.2011 | Christoph Thiele | University of California, Los Angeles, zur Zeit Universität Bonn | "Carleson's theorem, variations and applications |
09.12.2010 | Michael Weiss | University of Aberdeen | "Pontryaginklassen und glatte Automorphismen von Scheiben " |
02.12.2010 | Peter Fiebig | Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | "Über Lusztigs Charakterformel" |
25.11.2010 | Kai-Uwe Bux | Bielefeld | "Combinatorial Morse Theory: how and why" |
18.11.2010 | Humboldt-Kolloquium: Alan Carey | Canberra, Australien | Index theory in Mathematics and Physics. |
18.11.2010 | Humboldt-Kolloquium: Uffe Haagerup | Kopenhagen, Dänemark | Random Matrices in Operator Algebra Theory. |
11.11.2010 | Nicolas Monod | Universität Genf | "Littlewood and large forest" |
04.11.2010 | Stefan Friedl | Köln | "Knots which bound disks in the 4-ball." |
28.10.2010 | Michael Joswig | Darmstadt | "Tropical Combinatorics" |
22.07.2010 | Anders Karlsson | Genf | Anders Karlsson (Genf) |
15.07.2010 | Anton Deitmar | Tuebingen | Anton Deitmar (Tuebingen) |
08.07.2010 | Martin Bridson | Oxford | "Rigidity, mapping class groups,
and automorphism groups of free groups" Eröffnungskolloquium des SFB 878 |
01.07.2010 | Prof. Anton Pretunin | Penn State University | "Almost definite curvature" |
24.06.2010 | Gunnar Carlsson | Stanford | "Topology and Data" |
17.06.2010 | Ken Dykema | Texas | "On approximation of groups by permutations and operators by matrices" -auf diesen Vortrag wird besonders hingewiesen |
10.06.2010 | Karl-Hermann Neeb | Darmstadt | "Semiboundedness in the representation theory of infinite dimensional Lie groups" |
02.06.2010 | Bernd Sturmfels | Berkeley | Bernd Sturmfels (Berkeley) |
20.05.2010 | Herbert Kurke | HU Berlin | Herbert Kurke (HU Berlin) |
06.05.2010 | Valentin Blomer | Göttingen | Valentin Blomer (Göttingen) |
22.04.2010 | Markus Reineke | Wuppertal | Markus Reineke (Wuppertal) |
15.04.2010 | Dugald MacPherson | Leeds | "Pseudofinite groups" |
04.02.2010 | | | Institutstee |
28.01.2010 | Donna Testerman | Lausanne | "Subgroup structure and representation theory" |
21.01.2010 | Professor Dr. Andreas Thom | Universität Leipzig | "Stability of unitary representations" |
14.01.2010 | Professor Martin Taylor | University of Manchester | "Arithmetic Euler Characteristics" |
07.01.2010 | Professor Dr. Jan Schroer | Uni Bonn | "What is a good basis of a polynomial ring?" |
17.12.2009 | Professor Dr. Thomas Vogel | MPIM Bonn | "Open books and their applications" |
10.12.2009 | Professor Dr. Fritz Grunewald | Universität Düsseldorf | "Lineare Darstellungen der Automorphismengruppe einer freien Gruppe und von Abbildungsklassengruppen" |
03.12.2009 | Professor Dr. Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler | Universität Saarbrücken | "Elliptische Kurven und Zufall" |
19.11.2009 | Professor Ruth Charney | Brandeis University, Boston | "Right-angled Artin groups and their Automorphisms" |
12.11.2009 | Professor Dr. Ulrich Bunke | Universität Regensburg | "Pfaffians and String Structures" |
05.11.2009 | Professor George Willis | University Newcastle, Australia | "Superrigidity of homomorphisms from arithmetic groups having locally compact targets" |
29.10.2009 | Professor Karen Vogtmann | Cornell University, Ithaca NY | "Outer Spaces" |
23.07.2009 | Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken | Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik | "Isoperimetrische Ungleichung und Masse in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie" |
23.07.2009 | Fragestunde für Studierende zum Kolloquiumsvortrag | | Professor Gerhard Huisken |
09.07.2009 | Prof. Peter Topping | Univ. Warwick | "Harnack inequalities for Ricci flow" |
25.06.2009 | Prof. Stanislaw Woronowicz | Univ. Warszawa | Prof. Stanislaw Woronowicz (Univ. Warszawa) |
18.06.2009 | Prof. Viktor Schroeder | Univ. Zürich | "Asymptotic geometry of metric spaces" |
10.06.2009 | Prof. Sylvain Cappell | New York | "Invariants of Spaces and Singularities of Maps" |
28.05.2009 | Prof. Lizhen Ji | Michigan | "Coarse Schottky problem and equivariant cell decomposition of Teichmüller space" |
20.05.2009 | Prof. Guoliang Yu | Vanderbilt University, Tennessee | "K-theory for expanders" |
14.05.2009 | Prof. Dr. Martin Ziegler | Freiburg | "Computable functions on the reals" |
07.05.2009 | Prof. Francois Loeser | Paris | "From counting points to motivic integration: the geometry
behind computing integrals" |
30.04.2009 | Prof. Dr. Anatoly Vershik | St. Petersburg | "Universal Urysohn metric spaces and linear rigidity" |
23.04.2009 | Prof. Dr. Matthias Kreck | Bonn | "Codes, arithmetic and topology" |
05.02.2009 | Stefaan Vaes | | "Von Neumann algebras and measure preserving actions of countable groups" |
29.01.2009 | Andrzej Zuk | | "Groups generated by automata" |
22.01.2009 | Prof. Dr. Hamenstädt | | "Geometric properties of the mapping class group" |
15.01.2009 | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Farwig | | "Das Milleniumsproblem für die Navier-Stokes-Gleichung" |
08.01.2009 | Prof. Andreas Winter | | "Entropic properties of quantum channels and random channels" |
18.12.2008 | Gitta Kutyniok | | "Shearlets: Sparse Decompositions of Anisotropic Phenomena" |
23.10.2008 | Uri Bader | | "The Poisson Boundary of a group, its properties and applications to rigidity" |
16.10.2008 | Jason Behrstock | | "Geometry and rigidity of mapping class groups" |
29.09.2008 | 29.09. - 01.10.2008 | | "Buildings 2008" |
10.07.2008 | Sylvain Maillot | Strasbourg | Ricci flow and the Poincare conjecture. |
22.11.2007 | 22.11.2007: Walter Gubler | Dortmund | "Tropische analytische Geometrie" |