Mathematics Münster

Dynamics - Geometry - Structure

Mathematics is a key technology for scientific and economic progress. New discoveries in mathematics are not only interesting in themselves, but they often lead to unexpected breakthroughs in other sciences as well.

We will tackle fundamentally important mathematical problems, viewing mathematics as an organic whole with countless interactions. The research in our Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster" is unified by three major approaches: focusing on the underlying structure of a given problem, taking the geometric viewpoint and studying the relevant dynamics of group or semigroup actions. The theories which we will build will not only solve the problems under consideration but also many others of a similar nature; these theories will also raise exciting new questions.

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John von Neumann Lecture with Prof. Dr. Lisa Sauermann

17 October 2024, 4:15 pm

We cordially invite you to the 17th John von Neumann Lecture. On 17 October 2024 at 4:15 pm, the renowned mathematician Lisa Sauermann (University of Bonn) will give a stimulating talk "On Three-Term Progression-Free Sets and Related Questions in Additive Combinatorics".

© MM/vl

Münster Research Fellow: Mirna Džamonja

We welcome Prof. Dr. Mirna Džamonja (Associate Researcher at IHPST (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne) and IRIF (Université Paris Cité)) as a Münster Research Fellow. Mirna Džamonja is a logician who mostly works in set theory, specialising in combinatorial set theory. During her stay at our Cluster until 15th of November 2024, she will collaborate with Ralf Schindler on questions that connect inner model theory and combinatorial properties of ultrafilters and forcing.

© Uni MS/Peter Leßmann

Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations 2024 for Ralf Schindler

We are delighted that Ralf Schindler, investigator of Mathematics Münster, and David Asperó (University of East Anglia) were awarded the Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations 2024. The jury of the international research prize rewards their work in the foundations of set theory, and in particular their work connecting determinacy principles and so-called strong forcing axioms, both impinging on the nature of the continuum hypothesis.

© MM/vl

New episode "On a Tangent"

with Marjory Mwanza

In the latest episode of our podcast On A Tangent, we meet Marjory Mwanza, a Fellow of the Young African Mathematicians programme. She shares her journey into group theory and how she uncovers fascinating, deeper structures in seemingly simple objects.

© MM/vl

Interview with Franziska Jahnke

Franziska Jahnke has been a professor at the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for Mathematical Logic and Foundational Research since 1 September 2024. She conducts research in the field of model theory of fields. Her work combines mathematical logic with applications in algebra. In this interview, she provides insights into what she enjoys about mathematics and which moments in her career have been particularly important.