Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction

21-25 March postponed to 18-22 July 2022, Münster, Germany

The Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction conference aims at bringing together early career researchers that are working in the broad field of Model Order Reduction and related topics. Therefore, the focus of the conference is to foster scientific exchange and networking among PhD students, master students, and early postdocs.

Conference Format

The conference requires basic knowledge in at least one of the fields in Model Order Reduction and is not suited for researchers with no prior knowledge. In order to facilitate the communication among the different fields, we plan small introductory sessions in groups, where participants mutually introduce the concepts of their research fields.

Every participant is expected to give a talk about his/her own research or a topic that he/she is interested in. This does not necessarily need to be own work and also open questions are particularly welcome. The main intention is to facilitate scientific discussions and networking in an informal atmosphere.

Detailed schedule: tba

All participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, March 20 July 17.
The conference will start on Monday morning, March 21 July 18, and will end on Friday noon, March 25 July 22.


For the registration please visit  Indico.

Registration deadline: October 15, 2021.

For the registration we kindly ask all participants to provide further information about their specific research topic in the broad field of Model Order Reduction.

The number of participants is limited to 30. Accommodation, lunch, coffee breaks and a conference dinner will be free of charge for all participants.

Travel costs might be partially refunded if necessary, but should be taken over by the participants if possible. Furthermore, small expenses for social activities and the remaining dinners have to be beared by the participants.

Venue and Travel Information

The conference takes place in room SRZ 217 on the second floor of the seminar building located at

Orléans-Ring 12
48149 Münster

Google Maps

The University of Münster is located in Münster in Westphalia. The address of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is Einsteinstrasse 62 and is listed on all common route planners.

You can find the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster in the annex:

Orléans-Ring 10
ground floor
48149 Münster

Directions can be found on openstreetmap or on the Campus map of the University of Münster.

Detailed travel information can be found on the MM websites.

Download: Information for conference guests / Informationsblatt für Tagungsteilnehmer*innen [de|en]


Julia Schleuß, Marie Tacke, Tim Keil, Lukas Renelt, Hendrik Kleikamp

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via


You are welcome to download the poster of the conference and display it in your institution.


The conference is supported by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster and the Münster University Internationalisation Fund.