New Münster Research Fellow: Ilijas Farah

We welcome Prof. Dr. Ilijas Farah (York University, Toronto) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is a world leading expert working on the interface of set theory, model theory, and operator algebras. During his stay at our Cluster from 1 June to 22 July 2023 he will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Ralf Schindler and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Winter and will contribute to the conference "C*-Algebras: Tensor Products, Approximation & Classification".
Ilijas Farah’s research work spans an extremely broad range of topics in set theory, model theory, operator algebras and their interactions. He has written monographs on combinatorial set theory and its interplay with the theory of C*-algebras, and on model theory and its applications to C*-algebras. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed journal articles, a dozen articles in conference proceedings, and several book chapters. Particular highlights are his paper on innerness of automorphisms of the Calkin algebra, and the very recent paper on rigidity of uniform Roe algebras. He was an invited speaker at the 2014 ICM in Seoul.
Mathematics Münster's programme for "Münster Research Fellows"