Women in Maths

We are featuring various information about female* mathematical researchers. Gain interesting and inspiring insights into the work of professors, postdocs and doctoral researchers.

At Mathematics Münster, we appreciate gender diversity. The * is meant to include all people who may not identify with the terms "female" and "woman", but are patriarchally discriminated against because of their gender.

female professors
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Mathematics Münster's female investigators

Meet Mathematics Münster's female investigators! Learn more about their research topics, their careers and which aspects of being a mathematician they find particularly beautiful.

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Her Maths Story

Joana Sarah Grah, Julia Kroos and Tamara Grossmann, three female mathematicians who did their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Münster, created the website "Her Maths Story". By sharing stories of female mathematicians, they want to showcase the variety of careers and to encourage young women to pursue studies and careers in maths.

The fascination of mathematic

The University of Münster Social Media Team has asked on Women in Maths Day 2020 and 2023 some of our young female* researchers what they find particularly fascinating about mathematics.


Margarete Ketelsen: Wenn ich Mathematik mache, kann ich alles um mich herum vergessen und in eine andere, faszinierende und herausfordernde Welt eintauchen. Am schönsten ist es, dabei nicht alleine zu sein und mit den Mitstreiter:innen Frust und Freude zu teilen.
Margarete Ketelsen: Wenn ich Mathematik mache, kann ich alles um mich herum vergessen und in eine andere, faszinierende und herausfordernde Welt eintauchen. Am schönsten ist es, dabei nicht alleine zu sein und mit den Mitstreiter:innen Frust und Freude zu teilen.
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  • Tingxiang Zou: Math is a sea of mountains, covered by mist. I can only see a tiny part from the ground I stand. I follow people and still feel so lost. Some great minds can climb high up and see where the mountains merge, but also see more rising up. It is an endless tough journey, but strangely fascinating.
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  • Pia Dillmann: An Mathematik fasziniert mich besonders das Zusammenspiel aus visuellem Denken und abstrakten Konzepten. Meine geometrische Intuition hilft mir, algebraische Konzepte tiefer zu verstehen. Um zu einer rigorosen Beweisidee zu kommen, male ich oft erst viele Bilder!
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  • Alex Tullini: I see maths as a language unlike any other, whose greatest property is the absolute effectiveness at testing some of the limits of human thinking while simultaneously identifying pillars of truth within such limits.
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  • Estefania Loayza-Romero: What I love about doing mathematics is that it does not matter what your mother tongue is, or where you were born, it only matters how passionate you are about it. Having the opportunity of meeting people from all over the world with the same passion is just fascinating.
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  • Luisa Meinke: An der Mathematik fasziniert mich besonders, dass sie die unterschiedlichsten Menschen zusammenbringt. Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir Ergebnisse, die universell gültig sind und in fast allen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens einflussreiche Anwendung finden.
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Your math moment

Antje Dabeler, Azul Fatalini, Martina Fruttidoro und Julia Schleuß were doctoral researchers at our Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. For the "International Women in Maths Day" 2021, we asked the four mathematicians in the video: "What has been the most important maths moment for you so far?".

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Equality and Diversity

Mathematics Münster supports underrepresented groups and aims to increase gender equality, e.g. through programmes such as the MATHRIX Professorship, the Ada Lovelace Fellowships for excellent doctoral researchers, and the MINT Mentoring programme for outstanding female master’s students.