New MATHRIX professor: Anna Gusakova

We welcome Anna Gusakova to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. She commenced her appointment as a MATHRIX Junior Professor on 1 September 2021.
Her major research area is Stochastic Geometry. This is a branch of modern probability theory, which is investigating various random geometric objects, starting from lines and polytopes and finishing by general random closed sets.
In her current research Anna Gusakova is studying random tessellations and random polytopes. As a simple example of tessellation one can think of a triangulation of the plane. "I am interested in various questions, for example the distribution of a typical cell of random tessellations, distribution of the number of faces of random tessellations and polytopes, central limit theorem and large deviation principle for different characteristics of these random objects," she says.
Anna Gusakova received her bachelor and master’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science in Minsk, Belarus. "The support of my master advisor Professor Vasili Bernik was very important for me during my time in Minsk. He gave me some interesting problems to think of – this kept me on my research path," she says. Afterwards she moved to Germany to do her PhD at Bielefeld University. "That was not an easy decision for me, first of all due to language and cultural barriers. But I am very glad I overstepped my fear." After she had finished her doctoral studies in December 2018, she started working in her current research area at Ruhr University Bochum, where she spent two years as a postdoc before coming to Münster.
Already during her time at Bielefeld University, she began a collaboration with Zakhar Kabluchko, professor at Münster University. "This collaboration continues until now and was certainly one of the reasons for me to apply for a position in Münster," she says. Another reason was the Cluster of Excellence and the university itself, which both provide a number of opportunities.
During her first weeks in Münster, she has already met many colleagues from the Institute of Mathematical Stochastic. "I am glad to be the part of this strong team." She is looking forward to the work and time at Münster University: "I hope that it will be a new 'push' for my research and personal development."
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova: personal website and contact information
MATHRIX Professorship Programme