Wilhelm Killing Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Felix Schulze (University of Warwick): Compactness of 3-dimensional Ricci-pinched manifolds
Thursday, 10.11.2022 14:15 im Raum M5
The classical Bonnet-Myers theorem in differential geometry states that a Riemannian manifold whose Ricci curvature is greater or equal to one everywhere has to be compact. A natural question is if the condition on the Ricci curvature can be relaxed such that it still yields compactness. A conjecture of Hamilton states that this should hold in 3 dimensions if the Ricci tensor is uniformly pinched. We will discuss the motivation and a recent proof of this conjecture and how this is related to initial stability questions for the Ricci flow. This is joint work with A. Deruelle (Paris) and M. Simon (Magdeburg).
Angelegt am 18.10.2022 von Claudia Lückert
Geändert am 31.10.2022 von Claudia Lückert
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