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© E-Lyte Inovations GmbH

E-Lyte opens first German production plant

The MEET spin-off E-Lyte Innovations GmbH is celebrating a major milestone. With the new production plant in Kaiserslautern, the company is able to produce up to 20,000 tons of electrolytes per year. This is a decisive step towards establishing a sustainable and independent European battery supply chain. Read more

© Uni MS/MEET (Judith Kraft)

Novel Electrolyte Composition Increases Lifetime of Silicon-based Anodes

A team from MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster and the Helmholtz Institute of Forschungszentrum Jülich has now succeeded in achieving a significantly improved lifetime for lithium-ion batteries with silicon-based anodes by combining two electrolyte additives. Read more

© Uni MS / MEET / Judith Kraft
© Uni MS/MEET/Judith Kraft

Influence of Electrolyte Quantity on Aging of Lithium-ion Batteries

The electrolyte is a crucial parameter for further improving lithium-ion batteries. It is not only its composition that has a decisive influence on the performance and lifetime of the cells, but also its quantity.  Using comprehensive post mortem analyses, a team from MEET Battery Research Center and the Technical University of Munich has examined how the electrolyte quantity affects the aging process. Read more


Joint Project on Phosphate Recycling Starts at MEET Battery Research Center

To recover phosphate from existing sources such as wastewater or farm manure and reuse it in lithium-ion batteries, MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster initiated the project SuSyPhos (short for: Sustainable Synthesis and Recycling of Phosphorus-containing Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries). Read more

© MEET/Lessmann

Nickel-rich “Single-Crystal” Particles Increase Lifetime of Lithium-ion Batteries

Modifying the particles of nickel-rich lithium-nickel-cobalt-manganese-oxide (NCM) cathodes is an effective method to increase cycle life of lithium-ion batteries. As part of a German-Taiwanese research collaboration, scientists from the University of Münster and the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology have now systematically compared polycrystalline and ‘single-crystal’-NCM. Read more

© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Direct Recycling Successfully Applied to Nickel-rich Layered Oxide Cathodes

Nickel-rich layered oxides such as lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NCM) are considered a suitable cathode material for high-energy lithium-ion batteries. The direct recycling of this material is an important step towards further increasing the sustainability of these cell systems. In contrast to conventional recycling, the material from old batteries is not broken down into its individual components and re-synthesized, but the aged materials are rejuvenated and reused directly in cell construction. Read more

© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Sugar-based Binders Enable Aqueous Cathode Processing

A sustainable and degradable alternative to per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances, which are often used as electrode binders, are biopolymers, especially polysaccharides. In a recent study, MEET scientists investigated the extent to which these sugar groups can be used as functionalized binders to enable the aqueous processing of nickel-rich lithium-nickel-cobalt-manganese oxides as cathodes in high-energy lithium-ion batteries. Read more

© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Modification of Nickel-rich NCM Cathodes

Nickel-rich layered oxides such as lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NCM) are considered a suitable cathode material for high-energy lithium-ion batteries. However, the high nickel content leads to material stress, making it necessary to coat the cathodes. In a recent study, scientists from MEET Battery Research Center and the Institute of Materials Physics at the University of Münster have now investigated how this modification can be greatly simplified. Read more

© MEET/Lütteke

Joint Development of Sustainable Recycling Strategies

A Belgian delegation from the fields of research, development and battery cell production visited MEET Battery Research Center on 25 June 2024 to explore opportunities for cooperation in the field of sustainable recycling processes and to get to know the battery hotspot Münster. Read more

© MEET/Andre Bar

Batteries Made in Europe: Strategies for a Sustainable Supply Chain

What requirements must be met in order to establish a circular European supply chain for battery raw materials? What impact will the EU's “Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence” have? Prof. Dr Antonia Graf and Markus Hackmann explored these and other questions at the MEET Academy Online on 13 June 2024. Read more

© International Graduate School Baccara

BACCARA Starts Cooperation with PowerCo SE

The International Graduate School BACCARA cooperates with the battery company PowerCo SE. This partnership includes financial support from PowerCo for the BACCARA research programme for three years. Read more

© FZ Jülich

Innovative Development of High-Performance Batteries

The Franco-German collaborative project HiPoBat – High Power Batteries, which is funded on the German side by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, was launched at the beginning of May with the aim of achieving high-power batteries that can charge quickly, have a long service life, and also ensure a high energy density. Read more

© AdobeStock/zentilia

Awarded Publications on Battery Recycling

For its outstanding work in the field of battery recycling, the research division Analytics & Environment at MEET Battery Research Center received two awards. The publisher Wiley honored two publications with the awards "Top Cited Article" and "Top Downloaded Article". Read more

© MEET/Lütteke

Girls' Day 2024 - Schoolgirls Explore Laboratories

Building battery cells, examining samples and producing electrolyte formulations fully automatically: Nine female school students replaced the classroom with the laboratories of MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster and Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich on Girls’ Day.
Read more

© Helmholtz-Institut Münster/Ellermann

Cooperation with Iowa State University

In April 2024, Prof. Dr Steve Martin from the Iowa State University visited the battery site in Münster. As part of an international cooperation project, the scientists from the USA  exchanged ideas with their colleagues from Helmholtz Institute Münster and MEET Battery Research Center on solid-state electrolytes in battery research. Read more

© Fraunhofer ILT

Industry-relevant Scaling of Laser Drying Processes for Lithium-ion Batteries

Within the IDEEL research project (Implementation of Laser Drying Processes for Economical & Ecological Lithium-Ion Battery Production), project partners from industry and research are developing a laser drying process for the more climate-friendly and economical serial production of lithium-ion batteries. Now, for the first time, the process has been successfully scaled up. Read more

© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Innovative Approaches for Improved Performance of Lithium Metal Batteries

A scientific team from MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz Institute Münster has succeeded in optimizing an intermetallic lithium-zinc protective layer by using a novel cryogenic analysis method. This technique significantly improves the performance of lithium metal batteries. Read more

© Helmholtz-Institut Münster/Kraft

Reducing Battery Knowledge Would Be a Step Backwards for German Industry

From 2024 on, funding for battery research will be cut to a fraction of the previous years. A decision with far-reaching consequences for Germany as a location for research, science and business, says Martin Winter, founding director of MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz Institute Münster. Read more

© James J. Greenberger

Martin Winter Receives NAATBatt Lifetime Achievement Award

Prof. Dr Martin Winter receives the international "NAATBatt Lifetime Achievement Award" for his outstanding contributions to science, technology and application in the field of modern battery and energy storage systems. Previous award winners include the nobel price laureates Prof. Dr Stanley Whittingham and Prof. Dr John Goodenough. Read more

© MEET/Lütteke

Establishing Sustainable Supply Chains for Battery Raw Materials

On 20 February 2024, a Canadian delegation from the fields of research, development and battery cell production visited MEET and the Fraunhofer FFB to explore cooperation opportunities for a resource-efficient supply chain of battery materials and to get to know Münster as a battery location more intensively. Read more

© Alex Friesen & MEET/Lessmann

“The Battery Family in Münster Continues to Grow”

Münster offers a strong research infrastructure. By establishing internationally active companies the transfer to application is also ensured. On the occasion of Battery Day on February 18th, Dr Alex Friesen, Cabot Corporation, and Dr Markus Börner, MEET, explains how strong collaborations between industry and academia continue to advance battery research and at the same time enable Münster to grow as a Battery City. Read more


EU-Funded Project Aims to Revolutionize Battery Recycling

The REVITALISE project aims to deliver a holistic solution for green, low-cost, and environmentally friendly recycling processes for end-of-life batteries. The nine project partners – among them MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster – target a comprehensive range of battery materials. Read more

© HI MS/Ellermann & NRW.Global Business/Jan Tepass

Female Role Models as Inspiration

Women are underrepresented in science worldwide, especially in the forward-looking STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This is highlighted by the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” on February 11th. The researchers Dr Katrin Junghans and Dr Annika Buchheit report on opportunities and challenges for female scientists and give helpful hints in scientific career planning. Read more

© iStock/uschools

Increasing the Sustainability of Lithium-ion Batteries

Increasing the sustainability of batteries is one of the hot topics in research. Dr Dominic Bresser from Helmholtz Institute Ulm addressed this topic in his talk given at MEET on 5th February 2024. With his presentation, he kicked off the 2024 seminar series of the ECS Student Chapter Münster and the International Graduate School BACCARA. Read more

© MEET/Lessmann

Awarded Publication on Synthesis of Cathode Materials

Due to its importance for research on battery materials, the journal Chemistry of Materials recognized the publication “Monitoring the Formation of Nickel-Poor and Nickel-Rich Oxide Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Synchrotron Radiation” as a Highlight in 2023. The paper, led by MEET PhD student Bixian Ying, decodes the reactions during the synthesis of nickel-rich and nickel-poor layered oxides. Read more

© MEET/Judith Kraft

Science Team Intensifies Research on Lithium-sulfur Batteries

In the international joint project "AReLiS-3", MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster pursues its research on lithium-sulfur batteries. The aim of the project is developing, investigating and optimizing novel cell designs, materials, electrode coatings and electrolytes for sulfur-based battery systems. Read more

© Helmholtz-Institut Münster/Mohn

New Method Developed for Analysing the Electrode-Electrolyte Interphase

Researchers from Helmholtz Institute Münster and MEET Battery Research Center have developed a new method for investigating the electrode-electrolyte interphase in lithium-ion batteries. It enables research into the electrode-electrolyte interphase with and without electrolyte additives on silicon electrodes under real conditions. Read more

© MEET/Lütteke

Students Delve Into the Future of Batteries

Lectures at MEET and Helmholtz Institute Münster as well as laboratory internships were now on the curriculum for 21 students of the Master's degree programs in Business Chemistry and Chemistry at the University of Münster. In this way, the students get to know the basic research of the institutes in a very practical way, but also application-related topics such as analysis methods, material synthesis and battery cell construction. Read more

© HI MS / Marvin Kraft

Potassium as a Versatile Base for Solid-State Batteries of the Future

The new BMBF project “KaFeBar” of Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich is investigating polymer and ceramic potassium solid electrolytes and electrode active materials as a basis for future battery cell systems. The aim of this research is to develop electrode-active materials based on potassium for possible use in solid-state batteries. Read more

© HI MS/Lessmann

German-Japanese Cooperation Focuses on Sustainable Batteries

The spectrum of next-generation sustainable battery systems is broad. In order to further advance research on these technologies, Helmholtz Institute Münster and MEET Battery Research Center invited representatives from the German and Japanese battery community to a joint workshop. Read more

© MEET/Andre Bar

Sodium-ion Batteries: A Gamechanger for the Battery Industry?

Dr Lukas Stolz, Research Associate at MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster, and Dr Andreas Fischer, Vice President Battery Materials Innovation Scouting at BASF SE, explored the future prospects of sodium-ion batteries at the MEET Academy Online on 26 October 2023. Read more

© MEET/Moeller

Strengthen Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Europe

High-ranking politicians visited MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) to find out about future projects and, above all, the exchange of knowledge between the battery research location and European cooperation partners. Read more


Career Opportunities After PhD Graduation

Continue to advance science, venture into industry or found a start-up: the career options after completing your doctorate are diverse. These were the focus of the second Alumni Day of the ECS Student Chapter Münster and the International Research School BACCARA, which took place at MEET in mid-October. Read more

© University of Chicago/Carmen Bello Gimeno

German-American Cooperation in Battery Research

It is an important milestone for the cooperation between the MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster and the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago: By signing a Memorandum of Understanding, both partners have confirmed the further expansion of their collaboration. Read more

© MEET/Lütteke

Can a Potato Serve as A Battery?

32 young researchers between the ages of six and ten experimented at the “Doors open with the mouse” day on 3 October at MEET Battery Research Center and turned a tuber into a real power source that lit up a small diode. Read more

© Fraunhofer FFB

Optimizing the Energy Consumption of Battery Cell Factories

New product and production technologies can optimize battery cell production in order to save up to 66 percent of future energy consumption. This is the result of a study by Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB, MEET Battery Research Center, Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich and the University of Münster. Read more

© Projektträger Jülich (PTJ) / Peter Weirich

Milestone for US-German Cooperation in Battery Research

The cooperation between the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the U.S. Department of Energy in the field of battery research is further consolidated with the signing of the Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI). Read more

© BACCARA/Julia Quante

“This Format Makes Networking Easier”

At the "BACCARA Power Day" on 7 September in the Schloss, around 120 guests from science and industry will be meeting to discuss about current issues in the field of battery research. In this interview, Simon Albers, BACCARA doctoral student at MEET Battery Research Center and co-organizer, provides insights into the special characteristics of the conference. Read more


How to Increase the Chances of Research Papers Being Published

The ECS Student Chapter Münster and the International Graduate School BACCARA  welcomed a special guest at MEET Battery Research Center in July: Locum Senior Editor Dr Rinaldo Raccichini from the prestigious journal Nature Nanotechnology. He shed light on how to increase the chances of publishing a research paper. Read more

© Advanced Energy Materials

Additive Quadruples Lithium-Ion Battery Life

In a collaborative project, researchers from Helmholtz Institute Münster and MEET Battery Research Center were able to characterise an additive-based interphase on nickel-rich cathodes in lithium-ion batteries using operando SHINERS measurements. Read more

© MEET/Lessmann

“Create a Dynamic and Vibrant Community”

With Elina Nazmutdinova, Ph.D. student at the International Graduate School BACCARA, the ECS Student Chapter Münster has a new president since this year. What goals she is pursuing and what activities the Student Chapter is planning for this year, the young scientist shares in this interview. Read more

© phraisan

Novel Method Combination Evaluates Safety Properties of Lithium Metal Batteries

The safety of battery cells is one of their key parameters. Particularly in case of new battery systems, it is inevitable to investigate them in detail before they can be commercialized. A study conducted at MEET Battery Research Center enables the evaluation of safety properties of lithium metal batteries and their correlation with aging effects. Read more

© MEET/Lessmann

Developing Batteries of Tomorrow Together

The International Graduate School of Battery Chemistry, Characterization, Analysis, Recycling and Application (BACCARA) was established on 1 July 2020 at the University of Münster with the aim of setting standards in research and education. In their guest contributions, two BACCARA doctoral students present the importance that interdisciplinarity and networking have in their everyday research. Read more

© Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

New Perspectives for SEI Forming Additive Compounds

Fluorinated cyclic phosphazene compounds in combination with fluoroethylene carbonate are considered promising electrolyte additives. In a joint study by MEET Battery Research Center a and Helmholtz Institute Münster , scientists have now investigated how the two additives interact constructively during battery operation and how they influence the formation of the solid electrolyte interphase. Read more

© MEET/Lessmann

Innovative Separator for Chemically Stable Lithium-Air Batteries

Lithium-air batteries are considered a promising technology for next-generation high-energy batteries. However, there is still a need for a suitable electrolyte that is chemically stable at both electrodes. This challenge is being tackled by a collaborative project with participation of MEET Battery Research Center. Read more

© MEET/Bartling

Girls' Day 2023: Female School Students Built Battery Cells

Building battery cells, examining samples and producing electrolyte formulations fully automatically: Ten female school students replaced the classroom with the laboratories of MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster and Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich on Girls’ Day, 27 April 2023. Read more

© MEET/Judith Kraft

Collaborative Project Investigates Water-based Recycling for Batteries

The recycling of lithium-ion batteries is becoming increasingly important in battery research not only because of its environmental sustainability, but also because of the raw material scarcity. While the number of production facilities is expanding in Germany and Europe, there is a lack of natural deposits of numerous raw materials for battery cell production. This is the starting point of the new research project »ProRec«. Read more

© Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
© Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

High Transfer Rates in Lithium Metal Batteries Analyzed

Compared to conventional liquid electrolytes, polycarbonate-based solid polymer electrolytes in lithium metal batteries have a higher lithium transfer number with less dendrite formation and thus a longer lifetime. In their new study, scientists from Helmholtz Institute Münster, the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the University of Münster and MEET Battery Research Center analyzed the reasons for this. Read more

© FZ Jülich

Prof. Martin Winter Appointed as MRS Fellow

For his pioneering and distinguished contributions to the advancement of materials research, the Materials Research Society (MRS) has selected Prof. Dr Martin Winter to the class of 2023 MRS Fellows. MRS Fellows are a resource of thought-leaders – qualified to offer ideas, advice, actions, and external contact channels to promote material research. Read more

© Uni MS - Jan Lehmann / UT - Eric Brinkhorst

Cross-border Collaboration in Research and Teaching

Academic and scientific exchanges across borders: the Universities of Münster and Twente have been collaborating for 40 years now. This strategic partnership with the Netherlands covers research collaborations, support for junior researchers and joint courses of studyRead more

© privat

“We Are at the Beginning of a Change in Mentality”

Dr Julia Quante and Alexandra Kohlhöfer, Managing Directors of the International Graduate School BACCARA (Battery Chemistry, Characterization, Analysis, Recycling and Application) at the University of Münster, report on opportunities and challenges for female scientists and answer the question of helpful hints in scientific career planning.  Read more

© Journal of The Electrochemical Society

Extent of Interphase Growth on Capacity Loss in Aged Battery Cells Quantified

A team of MEET Battery Research Center has studied the interphases, that form at the interfaces of the electrodes with the electrolyte, using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy combined with nitrogen adsorption. The scientists demonstrated that the increase in layer thicknesses can explain the lithium and thus capacity losses in the cells only to a minor extent. Read more

© / PamWalker68

Follow-up Study on the Graphitization of Coffee Ground

Low cost and environmentally friendly production of graphite anodes from naturally available biomass resources such as coffee ground is of great importance to satisfy the increasing material demand for lithium-ion batteries.Based on the results of a previous study, the scientists have analyzed four different iron-based activators. Read more

© Uni MS - Peter Leßmann

“The Subject of Batteries is High up on the International Agenda”

Top-level experts from the Universities Stanford (USA) and Twente (Netherlands) are visiting MEET Battery Research Center from 24 to 26 January as part of a Winter School. Martin Winter, Director of MEET Battery Research Centre and of Helmholtz Institute Münster at Forschungszentrum Jülich, talks about the scientific importance of the visit and about the next steps being planned in the collaboration. Read more

© Pixabay

Register now: “Kraftwerk Batterie - Advanced Battery Power”

The 15th edition of the international symposium “Kraftwerk Batterie - Advanced Battery Power” provides insights into current developments and innovative trends in the battery world. The conference in English language will take place at Eurogress Aachen on April 27 and 28, 2023. Read more

© MEET / Andre Bar

Limited Availability MEET Team 24.12.22-08.01.23

The MEET Battery Research Centre team will take a holiday break from 24.12.2022 and will only be available to a limited extent. From 09.01.2023 we will be there for you again as usual. Please note that the MEET building will be closed during this period to save energy.

© Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste / Bettina Engel-Albustin 2022

Battery Researcher Martin Winter Awarded “Silver Pannier”

Battery researcher Prof. Martin Winter has been awarded the “Silver Pannier Dedication” for his commitment to the city of Münster. With this award, which is presented every two years, the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) in Münster honours people who contribute positively to the image and charisma of the city. Read more

© MEET / Judith Kraft

Influence of Activators on Graphitization of Sustainable Biomass Materials

A team from MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster, the University of Seville, and Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich has systematically investigated the influence of the activator iron(III) chloride hexahydrate on the 'catalytic' graphitization process of coffee ground. Read more

© NRW.BANK/Gründerpreis NRW

MEET Spin-off E-Lyte Innovations Awarded NRW Start-up Prize

The second prize of this year's Start-up Prize “Gründerpreis NRW” goes to E-Lyte Innovations GmbH from Münster. The spin-off of MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster received the 20,000 euro award from Mona Neubaur, Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. Read more

© MEET / Judith Kraft

Martin Winter receives IALB Research Award

Prof. Martin Winter was awarded the “IALB Research Award” for his pioneering research in the field of electrochemical energy storage and energy conversion, especially with regard to electromobility. The prize was awarded to the battery researcher by the International Automotive Lithium Battery Association (IALB). Read more


Insights into the Work of a Chemical Technical Assistant at MEET

How does working life of a chemical technical assistant (CTA) look like at one of the foremost battery research centres in Germany? Apprentices from Hans-Böckler-Berufskolleg (HBBK), who are currently completing their final year of vocational training as CTAs, explored this question on a visit of MEET Battery Research Center at the end of September. Read more

© MEET/Heinemann

Potato Battery Building Lights Up Children's Eyes

At the "Doors Open with the Mouse" event day on 3 October at MEET Battery Research Center, everything revolved around the construction of potato batteries. Under the professional guidance of MEET researchers Dr Uta Rodehorst and Dr Aleksei Kolesnikov, 32 young scientists gained insights into everyday research and experimented with the experts.  Read more


MEET Researcher Marcel Heidbüchel Wins Swiss Battery Days Poster Prize

MEET researcher Marcel Heidbüchel is delighted to have won the first poster prize at the international “Swiss Battery Days 2022”. The poster contribution under Heidbüchel's leadership entitled “Impact of the Primary Particle Morphology on the Electrochemical Performance of Ni-rich Layered Oxide Cathode Materials” was awarded. Read more

© / Blue Planet Studio

Innovative Method for Improved Fast Charging Procedures Developed

The fast-charging capability of lithium-ion battery cells is one of the hot topics, especially in the context of electromobility. A scientific team from MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster has therefore developed a new method to determine how fast the cells can be charged without losing capability. Read more

© MEET/Lessmann

New Battery Line for Processing of Lithium Metal

A new production line at MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster enables cell construction of batteries of the future as lithium metal and solid-state batteries and expands production research at the site. On a total of 150 m2 dry room space researchers are working with in Germany unique equipment. Read more


Prelithiation Enables Practical Implementation of Conversion-type Negative Electrodes

Transition metal oxides such as magnetite are alternative negative electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries. In a joint research project, scientists from MEET , Helmholtz Institute Münster and Sabanci University Nanotechnology Application Center investigated the benefits of the electrochemical pre-lithiation in terms of formation of a stable solid electrolyte interphase on the material´s surface. Read more

© MEET/Lessmann

17 Doctoral Students Join BACCARA

Strengthening for the International Graduate School for Battery Chemistry, Characterisation, Analysis, Recycling and Application BACCARA: 17 prospective battery researchers will start their doctoral studies at the University of Münster in the town’s battery hotspot by the end of the year. Among them are another six female scientists who will conduct research on next-generation batteries in the future. Read more


MEET PhD Students Honoured at IMLB 2022

The poster “New Approaches to the Analysis of the SEI Formation on Lithium Metal” by MEET PhD student Bastian von Holtum was awarded “Highly Recommended Poster” at this year's International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB) in Sydney, Australia. Another award was received by MEET PhD student Iris Dienwiebel. Read more

© The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

New Analysis Method for Battery Cell Aging Mechanisms Developed

Silicon is considered the most promising anode material for next-generation batteries. Understanding the degradation mechanisms of negative electrodes based on nanoparticles like silicon is key for paving the way to application. A team of MEET developed a new analysis method that provides detailed insights into the aging of electrodes during battery operation. Read more

© MEET / Heinemann

"It’s the Mixture of People with Different Backgrounds that Bring Up New Ideas"

A research stay abroad offers various opportunities for researchers and, above all, new experiences. Dr Aurora Gomez-Martin (age 30) from Sevilla, Spain and Dr Jaroslav Minar (age 32) from Prague, Czech Republic, are two battery researchers from abroad who chose MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster for an extensive research stay in Germany. Read more

© Wiley VCH - Advanced Science

Pre-Lithiation Additive for the Cathode Prolongs Battery Life Cycle

In a recent study, a team of scientists from MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster, the International Graduate School BACCARA and Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich were able to prove that lithium squarate (Li2C4O4) as a pre-lithiation cathode additive can prolong battery life cycle when using Si-based anode materials. Read more

© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Strategy for Extended Life of High Energy Batteries

In their new study, researchers from MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster and Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS; IEK-12) of Forschungszentrum Jülich show how the cyclic lifetime of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) can be optimised during high voltage operation. The concentration of lithium fluorophosphates (LixPOyFz, LPF) plays a central role here. Read more

© Lenard Hanf - MEET/Lessmann
© MEET/LEssmann - Lenard Hanf

Four Awards for MEET Research Division Analytics & Environment

MEET research division Analytics & Environment received four awards in June. Two poster prizes were awarded to MEET PhD student Stephen Dorn. The awards of the publisher Wiley for the “Top Cited & Top Downloaded Article” were given to Dr Lenard Hanf. Read more

© Pixabay

Project Day Provides Insights Into Battery Research

A project day on democracy and social participation must not be without energy transition and electromobility as central topics of today. Following this conviction, physics teacher Simon Möller and his project group from the Schiller Gymnasium Münster visited MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster. Read more

© HI MS/Judith Kraft

Professor Martin Winter Honoured with Henry B. Linford Award

Due to his outstanding achievements in teaching electrochemistry and related materials sciences, Professor Martin Winter is honoured with the Henry B. Linford Award. The award was presented by the Electrochemical Society (ECS) during the 241st ECS meeting in Vancouver from 29 May to 2 June 2022. Read more


About 100 Participants Discuss Solid State Batteries at MEET Academy

The solid-state battery is considered as promising technology for next-generation battery systems – especially for electromobility. When will the solid-state battery conquer the market? PD Dr Gunther Brunklaus, Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich, and Dr Andreas Roters, SCHOTT AG, explored this and other questions at the MEET Academy Online on 11 May 2022. Read more

© Pixabay

Intercultural Exchange at MEET Battery Research Center

In mid-May, three students of the "Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Maspalomas" in Gran Canaria discovered Münster as a hotspot for battery research. On a tour through the state-of-the-art laboratories of MEET Battery Research Center with Spanish native speaker and MEET scientist Dr Aurora Gomez-Martin and a presentation of MEET Management member Dr Adrienne Hammerschmidt, they learned how research on sustainable batteries of the future works. Read more

© HI MS/Ellermann

Girls' Day 2022: A Look Inside the Battery

Whether in smartphones, tablets or electric vehicles: batteries are an essential part of our everyday lives. On 28 April 2022, fifteen participants of the Girls' Day gained insights into research on the important electrochemical energy storage devices at MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz Institute Münster. Three scientists and technicians showed them which professions can be chosen in battery research, how daily work looks like and why they are so enthusiastic about working in the laboratory. Read more

© Batteries & Supercaps

Improved Cycle Life of Disordered Rocksalt Cathodes

Disordered rocksalt cathodes have the potential to be both sustainable and high-performing due to their high initial specific capacities as well as flexible chemical composition. Simultaneously, transition metals such as manganese and iron are used, which are more abundant, low-cost and less toxic than nickel and cobalt used in state-of-the-art lithium-nickel-cobalt-manganese electrodes. Read more


New Avenue for Aqueous Processing of Cathode Materials

A more sustainable production of battery cells and the electrodes used is increasingly becoming the focus of research. One approach is to use aqueous routes in cathode production instead of expensive, state-of-the-art toxic organic solvents such as N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and fluorinated binders. However, this more environmentally friendly method has so far resulted in poorer battery performance. Read more

© Together Concept

MEET PhD student Adjmal Ghaur wins Poster Video Award

For his presentation on “Dual Lithium Salts Mediated Lithium Transfer in Viscous Cellulose Acetate Gel-Polymer Electrolyte” MEET PhD student Adjmal Ghaur was awarded the Poster Video Award at the conference “Kraftwerk Batterie - Advanced Battery Power”. Ghaur's award-winning video was selected from over 130 video submissions. Read more

© Journal of The Electrochemical Society

Interphase Comparability of Different Lithium-Ion Cell Formats Investigated

A decisive factor for the performance of lithium-ion batteries are the solid electrolyte interphase and the cathode electrolyte interphase. A team of MEET has investigated and compared the interphases at the electrodes of three different cell formats with X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The scientists demonstrated that even small amounts of water had a large impact on the chemical composition and thickness of the interphases, which are critical for battery performance. Read more


Innovative Pre-Lithiation Process for Silicon Anodes Developed

Silicon (Si) is one of the most promising anode materials to replace state-of-the-art graphite anodes and further push the energy density of lithium-ion batteries (LIB). However, Si anodes suffer from large volume expansions during battery operation leading to mechanical degradation, which induces a loss of active material and thus continuously exposes the highly reactive surface to the electrolyte. Read more


MEET Team presents Toolbox for Analysis of End-of-Life-Batteries

To understand in detail which materials were originally used in shredded battery materials and how the cells have aged, scientists from MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster and the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Processing Technology at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg have identified a broad spectrum of methods for analysing these samples. Read more

© MEET/Judith Kraft

Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Sustainable Raw Materials

Developing tailor-made carbons for high-energy anodes in both lithium-ion batteries (LIB) and next-generation battery systems is the aim of the new research project “CarbForBatt” initiated by MEET Battery Research Center. Within the research and development project, sustainable synthesis routes for graphites from industrial waste are being developed. Read more

© MEET / Heinemann

"Time Has Come for a New Battery Technology on the Market"

On the occasion of Battery Day on February 18, Dr Peter Bieker, at MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster and Helmholtz Institute Münster, a branch of Forschungszentrum Jülich, provides an overview of promising battery systems of the future and explains why "higher, faster, further" is not the only road to take. Read more

Chemistry Students Experiment in Battery ResearchChemistry Students Experiment in Battery Research
© istock / seb_ra

53 Chemistry Students Experiment in Battery Research

53 Master's students of Chemistry and Business Chemistry at the University of Münster (WWU) are leaving their lectures and going straight into research practice. For ten weeks, the prospective scientists complete lectures and internships at MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster and at Helmholtz Institute Münster of Forschungszentrum Jülich. Read more

Battery RecyclingBattery Recycling
© AdobeStock/zentilia

Recycling Already Considered in the Development of New Battery Materials

Enormous ecological and economic potential consists in the circular value chain of batteries. A review article on battery recycling provides an overview of the challenges of new material concepts for battery recycling and “Design for Recycling” as a promising approach of a sustainable battery economy. Read more

Publikation Johannes QuadratTruck on the road

The decarbonization of long-haul transportation

A research group of the University of Münster has now published a cost analysis of battery and fuel cell electric trucks. The researchers quantify the competitiveness of future powertrains by modeling “Total Cost of Ownership” that include operating and capital cost as well as forgone profits due to charging times and lower cargo capacity. Read more

Publikation Johannes QuadratPublikation Johannes Slider
© Uni MS/MEET (Judith Kraft)

Higher Energy Density for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Alternative battery systems, such as sodium and lithium solid-state batteries, are often in the focus of the media public as hopefuls for high energy densities. However, in a recent publication, researchers from the Helmholtz Institute Münster and MEET Battery Research Center show that the potential of the common lithium-ion battery has not yet been exhausted. Read more

Battery Conference 2022Battery Conference 2022
© Together Concept

Register now: International Conference “Kraftwerk Batterie - Advanced Battery Power 2022”

At the 14th international conference “Kraftwerk Batterie - Advanced Battery Power”, experts and interested parties from science and industry can learn about the entire supply chain of batteries. The conference in English language will take place on 29 and 30 March 2022 at Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münsterland in the university city of Münster. Lectures, discussion panels and poster sessions await the participants. Read more

lithium ion batterieslithium ion batteries

Combined Mitigation Strategies in Ni-rich NCM Cathode Materials Improves Battery Cell Performance

For high-energy lithium ion batteries, nickel-rich layered oxides are considered a promising cathode material. Thermal and cycling stability issues are often addressed by mitigation strategies such as elemental bulk substitution and surface coating. Although both approaches separately improve battery cell cycling stability, there is limited work investigating the combination of these strategies. Read more

R _ckblick Meet Akademie QuadratR _ckblick Meet Akademie Slider
© Uni MS/MEET (Judith Kraft)

MEET Academy Highlights Availability of Battery Materials

Lithium, nickel or cobalt – these and other battery raw materials are the foundation of our current energy supply. How about availability and supply situation of these battery materials? What potential offer the raw materials and how efficient are they? The speakers at MEET Academy Online explored these and other questions at MEET Academy Online. Read more

Batterie Mf3d QuadratBatterie Mf3d Slider

Premiere of the Online Symposium “Lithium Metal Anodes and their Application in Batteries”

On the 9th and 10th of February 2022, the online symposium “Lithium Metal Anodes and their Application in Batteries” will take place for the first time. Organised by MEET Battery Research Center and the Center for Materials Research, the event will give exclusive insights into Lithium|Electrolyte interfaces and interphases, lithium surface modifications as well as the design of lithium anodes. Read more

Pouchzelle Pouchzelle
© MEET/Dorothee Muth

New Insights into the Homogeneity of Interphases

A team of MEET Battery Research Center led by Bastian Heidrich has investigated how homogeneous the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) and the cathode electrolyte interphase (CEI) are between the negative or positive electrode and the electrolyte. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements have shown that the thickness of the organic part of the SEI varies. Read more

Istock-846982640 Seb RaIstock-846982640 Seb Ra
© istock / seb_ra

International Interest in BACCARA: 17 Students Start Doctoral Studies

They come from India, Indonesia, Russia, South Korea and Germany: 17 young researchers will start their studies at the International Graduate School BACCARA in winter semester 2021/22. From 377 applications from over 30 nations, the students were selected to conduct future research at the University of Münster in the town’s battery hotspot. Read more

Collage Mw MhCollage
© Mark Huijben / Judith Kraft

"Battery research does not stop at national borders"

The Universities of Twente (UT) and Münster have maintained a close partnership for many years. One focus that the two partners now want to deepen is battery research. In an interview Prof. Martin Winter from MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster and Prof. Mark Huijben from the "Twente Centre for Advanced Battery Technology" at UT talk about their cooperation and common goals.  Read more

chromatographic methods in lithium ion battery researchhromatographic methods in lithium ion battery research
© Separations

MEET Research Teams Wins Separations 2020 Highly Cited Paper Award

MEET scientists Dr Yannick Stenzel, Dr Fabian Horsthemke, Prof. Dr Martin Winter and Dr Sascha Nowak were awarded the Separations 2020 Highly Cited Paper Award. The award-winning review article provides an overview of the current state of chromatographic methods in lithium ion battery research. Read more

Picture of a BatteryPicture of a Battery

New Synthesis Method for NCA Cathode Materials

Nickel-rich layered oxides such as lithium nickel cobalt aluminium oxides (NCA) are promising cathode materials for high-energy lithium ion batteries. A major challenge in the synthesis of these materials is however the homogeneous inclusion of aluminium during typical co-precipitation reactions. In a joint research project, scientists from MEET and Sabanci University in Istanbul developed an alternative synthesis process for NCA cathode materials that precisely fulfils this need. Read more

06 Ffb Pruefen06 Ffb Pruefen
© Studio Wiegel

Research Fab Battery Cells has started operation

Research Fab Battery Cells (FFB) has started its research activities in Münster. The employees of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster (WWU) have commissioned a mixing and coating facility in the "FFB Workspace" for testing electrode production. Read more

WWF 2° Campus Student AcademyWWF 2° Campus Student Academy
© MEET/Bartling

Battery Research for Climate Protection

Combined research for climate protection: In mid-July, MEET battery researchers Sven Künne and Jens Wrogemann invited five students to join 2°Campus Student Academy. With numerous live experiments, they examined alternative syntheses routes for graphite from bio waste and its application as anode and cathode material.
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Jonathan Dylong and Yvonne HöppenerJonathan Dylong and Yvonne Höppener
© MEET / Kerstin Heinemann

“This is Where Craftsmanship Meets Technological Innovation”

The 1000sqm technical center with a dry and clean room is a piece of heart of the MEET battery research center. Here, around 170 scientists are researching batteries of the future. Yvonne Höppener and Jonathan Dylong explain the role of the technical team in MEET research and the challenges in battery cell production. Read more

BatterieanalyseBattery Analysis
© Uni MS/MEET (Judith Kraft)

Newly Developed Analysis Method Measures Charge States at Particle Level

Even microscopically small changes at particle level influence the performance of the battery cell macrosystem. In order to measure the charge states of single particles of lithium transition-metal oxides in the cathode, a team of scientists at MEET Battery Research Center led by Till-Niklas Kröger has developed a new characterisation technique. Read more

Falko SchappacherFalko Schappacher
© Schappacher

“Battery cell production only succeeds through cooperation”

Interview with MEET Director Dr Falko Schappacher

Why battery cell production can only succeed through intensive cooperation and what role electrochemistry and materials science play in production, Dr Falko Schappacher, Commercial and Technical Director at MEET Battery Research Center, reports in an interview on the Research Fab Battery Cells. Read more

Coverpage Advanced Energy MaterialsCoverpage Advanced Energy Materials
© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Ethylene Carbonate Free Electrolyte Extends Lifespan of High-Voltage Batteries

Until now, the solvent ethylene carbonate (EC) was considered a fundamental component of the electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries. The research results by a team of MEET and Helmholtz Institute Münster show that a longer battery cell life can be achieved with increased voltages and higher energy density when EC is excluded. Read more

Henry _atif Maccor-raumHenry _atif Maccor-raum
© FZ Jülich / Ellermann

“It's a lot about collaboration”

Interview with BACCARA doctoral researchers Atif Javed and Henry Woolley

In this interview Henry Woolley and Atif Javed explain why they decided to come to the battery hotspot Münster and what role collaboration plays within the Graduate School. Read more

Tjark Ingber
© MEET/Bartling

Best Lecture Video Award Goes to MEET PhD Student Tjark Ingber

For his lecture “Designing Surface Structured Substrates for Use as Negative Electrodes in Zero-Excess Lithium Metal Batteries”, MEET PhD student Tjark Ingber was awarded the Best Lecture Video Award at the conference “Kraftwerk Batterie – Advanced Battery Power”. Co-authors are Dr Peter Bieker, Dr Marian Stan and Prof. Dr Martin Winter from MEET. Read more

Sebastian Puls
© Sebastian Puls

MEET Master Student Sebastian Puls Awarded Energy Research Prize 2021

MEET Master student Sebastian Puls was awarded the Energy Research Prize 2021 at the Battery Day NRW Online. In the category Bachelor Thesis, Puls took first place with his thesis “Synthesis and modification of Li/Mn-rich transition metal layer oxides as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries”. Read more

Dossier Nachhaltigkeit QuadratDossier Nachhaltigkeit Zuschnitt
© Uni MS - MünsterView

For a greener carbon footprint

In an interdisciplinary joint project entitled “Green Electrochemical Energy Storage” (“GrEEn”), MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Münster – in collaboration with the University’s Faculty of Biology, the Helmholtz Institute in Münster, and RWTH University in Aachen – is engaged on a research programme to develop a more sustainable lifecycle for batteries.

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Banner Girls' DayR _ckblick Girls _day
© Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e. V.

Inspire Female School Students for Battery Research

Battery researcher, electrochemist, technician: What exactly do these professions offer? How is their daily work organised? And what requirements must be fulfilled to qualify for these professions? Three scientists from MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) answered these and other questions for 15 participants at the digital Girls' Day on 22 April 2021. Read more

Grapic Pre-LithiationGrapic Pre-Lithiation

MEET Research Teams Wins Batteries 2021 Best Paper Award

MEET scientists Florian Holtstiege, Peer Bärmann, Roman Nölle, Prof. Dr Martin Winter and Dr Tobias Placke were awarded first prize in the Batteries 2021 Best Paper Awards. Their review article provides a comprehensive overview of the different concepts for pre-lithiation and discusses their advantages and challenges. Read more

Illustration SulfurIllustration Sulfur

A Comparison of Lithium-Sulphur and Magnesium-Sulphur Batteries

Realising higher energy densities with cheap and available raw materials combines various goals of battery research. Lithium-sulphur and magnesium-sulphur batteries are potential candidates for surpassing the energy density of the currently used lithium-ion battery. Read more

Istock-digitaler Handshake Copyrught TzidoIstock-digitaler Handshake Copyrught Tzido
© / Tzido

Meet Us at the First Hannover Messe Digital Edition

How can industry and science cooperate with MEET Battery Research Center? What innovative approaches and projects in battery materials and production research as well as in the field of recycling is MEET currently pursuing? The experts of MEET Battery Research Center address these and other questions at the first Hannover Messe Digital Edition from 12 to 16 April 2021. Read more

Dr Aurora Gómez Martín Dr Aurora Gómez Martín
© MEET/Bartling

Poster Prize for MEET Researcher Dr Aurora Gómez Martín

A poster contribution led by MEET researcher Dr Aurora Gómez Martín was awarded with the first prize at “Swiss Battery Days 2020/21”. The poster is entitled “Towards Low Cost and More Sustainable Ni-rich NMC-Type Layered Oxide Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries” and is based on a cooperation between MEET and Helmholtz Institute Münster. Read more

Prof. Dr. Martin WinterProf. Dr. Martin Winter
© MEET / Judith Kraft

Three Forward-Looking Research Fields Dominate Battery Research

In honour of the useful daily helper, the USA created the National Battery Day, which takes place annually on February 18– the birthday of the Italian physicist and inventor of the battery: Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Count of Volta. What are the future developments in the field of electrochemical energy storage? A comment by Martin Winter. Read more

Event PictureEvent Picture
© iStock/uschools

New Event Series Focusing on Electrochemistry

Electrochemistry is in focus of the new, free of charge online seminar series initiated by the Student Chapter Münster of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) and the International Graduate School BACCARA. The premiere of the seminar series is scheduled for 1 March 2021. Keynote speakers are Prof. Dr. Jürgen Janek and Prof. Dr. Andrea Balducci. Read more

Portrait of Dr Adrienne HammerschmidtWomen in Science
© Dr. Adrienne Hammerschmidt
© Uni MS/MEET (Judith Kraft)

“The challenge lies in the qualification phase”

Women are worldwide underrepresented in science. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February, which was initiated by UNESCO in 2015, emphasises the importance of women and girls in science. Dr Adrienne Hammerschmidt, chemist and member of the board of directors at MEET, explains the opportunities and challenges for female scientists and makes helpful proposals for planning a career in science. Read more

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© iStock/MF3d

Identifying the Influence of Lithium Plating

Optimising performance and safety of the lithium-ion battery (LIB) are research’s key objectives at MEET Battery Research Center. These key cell parameters are partly limited by so-called lithium plating, in which metallic lithium forms and deposits on the surface of the anode during battery charging. Read more

Dual-ion Battery EnglishDual-ion Battery Englisch
© Andre Bar

Foundation Laid for Advanced Dual-ion Batteries

Low costs and absence of toxic materials: dual-ion batteries have emerged as promising candidate for sustainable energy storage. In an international cooperation project involving MEET Battery Research Center of the University of Münster new insights were gained for a better fundamental understanding of the intercalation mechanisms and the structures of the resulting graphite intercalation compounds.  Read more

Istock-952509884 Mf3d QuadratischIstock-952509884 Mf3d
© iStock/MF3d

Identifying the Influence of Lithium Plating

Optimising performance and safety of the lithium-ion battery (LIB) are research’s key objectives at MEET Battery Research Center. These key cell parameters are partly limited by so-called lithium plating, in which metallic lithium forms and deposits on the surface of the anode during battery charging. Read more

© Uni MS - MEET (Judith Kraft)

Innovative Battery Chemistry Revolutionises Zinc-Air Battery

The zinc-air battery is an attractive energy storage technology of the future. Based on an innovative, non-alkaline, aqueous electrolyte, an international research team led by scientist Dr. Wei Sun of MEET Battery Research Center at the University of Muenster has developed a new battery chemistry for the zinc-air battery which overcomes the previous technical obstacles. Read more