<address>© Uni MS - Web und Design</address>
© Uni MS - Web und Design


Becoming and passing away, passing on and innovation: evolution is life, and life is constant change - from the single-celled organism Luca 3.6 billion years ago to today, for example, in the face of new climatic challenges. Gradual changes in culture and society are also often referred to as evolution. From February to July 2024, the Communications and Public Relations department focussed on one of the most momentous scientific discoveries.

Photo of a three-legged robot prototype<address>© Northwestern University</address>
© Northwestern University

The evolution of ideas – how artificial intelligence can help us

Artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play in many visions of the progression of evolutionary history. Do humans have to leave the field for machines or can they join forces with them? In her guest article at the end of the dossier, science journalist Manuela Lenzen explores various options.

This image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows a cluster of interstellar gas and dust more than 5,300 light years away from Earth. Telescopes help to reveal the evolution of the universe.<address>© ESA/Hubble and NASA, J. Tan (Chalmers University and University of Virginia), R. Fedriani</address>
© ESA/Hubble and NASA, J. Tan (Chalmers University and University of Virginia), R. Fedriani

“The light signal is a ‘baby photo’ of the universe”

Prof Kai Schmitz's field of work lies at the interface between particle physics and cosmology. In this interview, the physicist talks about the state of cosmological research and still unresolved questions.


Anolis lizards and male orchid bees have developed behaviors that bring evolutionary advantages to the species.<address>© Lindsey Swierk, Thomas Eltz</address>
© Lindsey Swierk, Thomas Eltz

Animal behaviour and evolution

A mouse which disappears in a hole, a bee heading for a blossom, a blackbird in full-throated song – animals interact with their environment in certain ways, they display behaviour. This is based on certain evolutionary mechanisms, as biologists Dr. Niklas Kästner and Dr. Tobias Zimmermann explain in their guest article. They run the online magazine “ETHOlogisch – Verhalten verstehen”.

Evolutionary processes can be observed daily in the laboratory.<address>© Uni MS - MGSE</address>
© Uni MS - MGSE

Doctoral students at the Münster Graduate School of Evolution present their research

Evolution is an ongoing process. The Münster Graduate School of Evolution (MGSE) has been bringing together the Faculties of Biology, Medicine, Geosciences, Mathematics and Philosophy, bundling interdisciplinary evolutionary research at the University of Münster. Four doctoral students provide insights into their work and show the role which evolution specifically plays in their everyday research.

An evolutionary scenario: a primeval fish has turned onto its side in order to hide on the seabed. Its mouth and fins have compensated for the movement in a clockwise direction from the fish’s view, with the eyes and the nostrils going in the opposite direction.<address>© Almut Krömer</address>
© Almut Krömer

“A large brain can’t be equated with high intelligence”

One of the things that Dr. Marc de Lussanet de la Sablonière researches into in the field of kinesiology is the evolution of the brain and of the body. In this interview he talks about the advantages and disadvantages of wrinkled and smooth brains, as well as why the human body is structured both symmetrically and asymmetrically, and why such knowledge interests kinesiologists.

Abstract connection between genetics and technology: nature can serve as a model in developing algorithms.<address>© Alex -</address>
© Alex -

Christian Grimme explains the principle of evolutionary algorithms

In many ways, nature serves as a model for processes and functions which we use in our everyday lives. Prof. Christian Grimme from the Department of Information Systems at the University of Münster has been working for many years now on, and with, so-called evolutionary algorithms which – as the name suggests – are oriented towards the underlying thoughts contained in the theory of biological evolution. Kathrin Kottke spoke to him about the function of this informatics-based approach.

Michelangeloʼs world-famous fresco “The Creation of Adam” was painted between 1508 and 1512. In the view of neuroscientist Frank Meshberger, the depiction of God the Father corresponds to a cross-section of the human brain.<address>© Wikipedia, public domain</address>
© Wikipedia, public domain

Evolution: in a dialogue with theology

Prejudices regarding a supposed conflict between the theory of evolution and the theological understanding of creation remain stubborn. These are based on stretching the theory of evolution into a materialistic and atheistic ideology. In fact, the theory offers a range of approaches for a dialogue with theology.

TRIS-degrading bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas were discovered in the wastewater treatment plant in Coerde and in various other plants in the region. This degradation capability was transferred to another Pseudomonas strain in the laboratory, as indicated by the green fluorescence.<address>© Uni MS - Johannes Holert</address>
© Uni MS - Johannes Holert

Microbiologist Bodo Philipp on the adaptability of micro-organisms

Münster's wastewater contains bacteria that can decompose a substance called "TRIS", which is frequently used in laboratories - a team led by Prof Dr Bodo Philipp discovered this by chance and unravelled the metabolic pathway, which is new in evolutionary terms.

Evolution is researched in a wide variety of disciplines.<address>© alionaprof -</address>
© alionaprof -

Research into evolution: four questions, four viewpoints

Growth and decay, passing things on and renewal: evolution is life, and life is constant. The word ‘evolution’ is also used to describe gradual changes in culture and society. To start the series off, four researchers from the University of Münster give their views here on the dazzling diversity of evolution and what research has discovered.

Evolution as gradual development is the most common scientific concept for understanding processes.<address>© Uni MS - Web and Design</address>
© Uni MS - Web and Design

A momentous discovery

“I feel as if I’m confessing a murder,” wrote Charles Darwin in his book “On the Origin of Species”, published in 1859. He was evidently aware that his new insights at that time were not only presenting some scientific theory. No, the British naturalist was shaking the prevailing conception of the world.

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