
Modularisation means grouping academic content and courses into larger, self-contained and testable subject-related units.  A module can be comprised of several courses of varying types. The heightened focus on skill acquisition upon completion of a module is new compared with traditional curricular development in Magister and Diplom programmes.

Each module concludes with a final module examination (or in justified cases, several course examinations) and is allotted a certain number of credit points. Students normally receive a final grade for the module, as well.

When developing a degree programme, the coordinators not only draft examination regulations but also create a module handbook, containing the content and qualification objectives, teaching and learning forms, requirements for participation, usability of the module, requirements for receiving credit, credit points and grades, frequency of courses offered in the module, academic workload and duration of the modules. The examination requirements are especially relevant for students and should be clearly outlined in the module handbook.

Additional recommendation:
In order to concretely monitor the quality of the modules, student evaluations should be administered at the modular level, and not only the course level.