People at the ZIN
Executive Board at the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research

Prof. Doris Fuchs, Ph. D.

Prof. Dr. Anne Käfer

Prof Dr. Bodo Philipp

Dr'in Carolin Bohn

Dr. Tobias Gumbert

Gesche Barg

Dr. Lars Berker

Dr. Rebecca Froese
Dr.*in Daniela Pastoors
Postdoc @ ZIN & Innovation Hub Management "Socio-ecological Sustainability" in ULYSSEUS
Room 448
Heisenbergstraße 2
48151 Münster
Telephone: +49 251 83-30103

Christoph Michailow, B.A.

Madita Schlüter
Scientists at the ZIN
Scientists from 13 faculties at the University of Münster are involved in ZIN.
Click on a faculty to see a list of all scientists from that department who are involved in ZIN:
- FB 1 – Faculty of Protestant Theology
- FB 2 – Faculty of Catholic Theology
- FB 3 – Faculty of Law
- FB 4 – School of Business and Economics
- FB 6 – Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences
- FB 7 – Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences
- FB 8 – Faculty of History and Philosophy
- FB 9 – Faculty of Philology
- FB 10 – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- FB 11 – Faculty of Physics
- FB 12 – Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
- FB 13 – Faculty of Biology
- FB 14 – Faculty of Geosciences
ZIN-Scientists from FB 1 – Faculty of Protestant Theology
- Johanna Baumann, Mag. theol. (Seminary for Reformed Theology)
Research areas: Belief and Identity; Alienation Phenomena; Theological Gender Studies
- Prof. Dr. Anne Käfer (Seminary for Reformed Theology)
Research areas: Ethics of justice; animal/environmental ethics; Reformed and Lutheran theology; Schleiermacher research; anthropology and artificial intelligence
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Rüsch (Department of Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Theology)
Research areas: Philosophy of religion; aesthetics of religion; religious environmental ethics (especially from the perspective of Buddhism); theories of religious studies; Japanese Buddhism
- Prof. Dr. Simone Sinn (Department of Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Theology)
Research areas: Narratives on sustainability, ecology and creation in different religions and cultures; connection of epistemological and ethical questions of sustainability; agency of different actors in the socio-ecological transformation
ZIN-Scientists from FB 2 – Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Prof. Dr. Marianne-Heimbach-Steins (Institute for Christian Social Sciences)
Research areas: Justice, human rights ethics; Christian traditions and sustainability; social ethics for the society of long life
- Prof. Dr. Judith Könemann (Department of Religious Education, Educational and Gender Research, Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Theology)
Research areas: Foundations and justification of religious education; extracurricular education; poverty and education (educational justice); school pastoral care and school development; religiosity research; religion in the public sphere; religion and biography, biographical learning; group psychology - dynamics and processes in groups; empirical theology / qualitative-empirical social research
ZIN-Scientists from FB 3 – Faculty of Law
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Arnold (Chair for Private Law, Philosophy of Law, and Private International Law)
Research areas: Private law; philosophy of law; private international law and comparative law; sustainability and law; artificial intelligence (from the perspective of legal doctrine and philosophy of law)
- Daniel Ehmann (Institute of Environmental and Planning Law)
Research areas: Public law; environmental and planning law; climate law
- Prof. Dr. Patrick Hilbert (Professor of Public Law, Managing Director of the Institute of Environmental and Planning Law)
Research areas: Public law (constitutional and administrative law); environmental law, in particular climate adaptation law; intradisciplinarity in law
ZIN-Scientists from FB 4 – School of Business and Economics
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Brandt (Professor for Digital Innovation and the Public Sector, Department of Information Systems)
Research areas: Smart and sustainable cities; Digital transformation; Digital innovation; Data-driven decision-making
- Apl. Prof. Dr. Sonja Gensler (Chair of Value-Based Marketing, Marketing Center Münster)
Research areas: Impact of digital transformation on market-oriented management; Relevance of societal change for marketing
- Dr. Lea Püchel (Chair of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector (Prof. Brandt), Department of Information Systems)
Research areas: Sustainable information systems; Sustainability measurements; Data management; Green IS; Green IT
ZIN-Scientists from FB 6 – Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences
- Prof. Dr. Svenja Ahlhaus (Assistant Professorship for Political Theory, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Political Theory and Democratic Theory; Sustainabbility in Political Theory; Political Representation in the Ecological Crisis, Animal Politics; Politics and Religion; International Political Theory, Feminist and Critical Theory; Political Representation, Legitimate Institutions, Democratic Innovations; Law and Courts, Strategic Litigation; Citizenship, Membership, Migration, Asylum
- Dr. Carolin Bohn (Centre for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research)
Research areas: Democracy and Sustainability; (deliberative) citizen participation in the context of sustainability; citizenship in the context of sustainability/environmental citizenship; environmental virtue ethics, especially: political judgment formation
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz (International Relations and Law, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainable Development; Transnational Governance; Law & Politics; International Law
- Dr. Raphael Fehrmann (Working Group Primary School Pedagogy, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Acquisition and promotion of digital skills among (primary) school students, realization of digital education in schools and lessons; making/maker education (production of explanation videos by students, programming of learning robots, etc.) in (primary) schools in connection with issues of heterogeneity/inclusion, education for sustainable development and transformative learning; promotion of professional digital skills among student teachers and (primary) school teachers
- Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer (Professorship of Educational Science with a focus on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Sustainable potential development; education for sustainable development; diversity and teacher training
- Dr. Christiane Fischer-Ontrup (Professorship of Educational Science with a focus on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Giftedness research and promotion; individual promotion; early childhood education
- Dr. Rebecca Froese (Chair of International Relations and Sustainale Development, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainale Development; Social-Ecological Systems & Tipping Points; Human-Environmental Interactions; Latin America (in particular Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador); Universities in the social-ecological transformation; Global Change; Social-ecological Peace and Conflict Research; Land, Environmental and Resource Governance
- Prof. Doris Fuchs, Ph. D. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainale Development, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainable Consumption and Limits to Growth; Democracy, Power, Participation & Sustainability; Global Sustainability Governance: Energy, Climate, Environment, Agrifood, Finance; Sustainability, Justice & Responsibility
- Prof. Dr. Antonia Graf (Juniorprofessor for Global Environmental Governance, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Theories of International Political Economy; Global Environmental Governance; Norms in International Relations; Participation in and Acceptance of the Energy Transition; Intersectionality
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Grundmann (Professorship of Socialization, Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Sociology of Socialization: Theoretical and Empirical Socialization Research; Educational Sociology: Empirical Educational Research, Social Structure of Socialization and Education; Community and sustainability research; Sociology of social relationships)
- Dr. Tobias Gumbert (Innovation Hub „Socio-ecological Sustainability“, ULYSSEUS)
Research areas: Sustainable Development, Sustainable Consumption; Global Agrifood Politics, Waste Politics; Governance and Governmentality; Limits to Growth and Degrowth; Environmental Political Theory and Political Sociology; International Relations Theory
- Niklas Haarbusch, M.A. (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Climate movement; Political socialization; Sociological theory; Qualitative social research
- Julia Hansel, M.Sc. (Juniorprofessorship for Globale Environmental Governance, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Global and European environmental governance; Sustainable urban mobility; Inter- /Multimodality, Mobility Hubs, Mobility Justice; Sustainable transformation and strategies of sustainablity; Climate protection policies on local level
- Jessica Hoffmann, M.A. (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Social movements and civil society engagement; political education and socialization; sustainable urban and neighbourhood development; qualitative social research
- Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer (Professor of Communication Studies with a focus on Media Sociology, Department of Communication)
Research areas: Digital media, artificial intelligence and sustainability; sustainable consumption and digitalization; socio-ecological-economic consequences of digitalization, datafication and automated communication; environmental movements and media; gender studies, media and sustainability
- Hannah Klinkenborg, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainale Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: European and international climate politicy; Religious actors; Gloal Governnance
- Dr. Marcus Kohnen (Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: LemaS NRW; Education for sustainable development; Critical thinking; Digital teaching-learning settings
- Dr. Dennis Krämer (Institute for Sociology)
Research areas: Gender Diversity; Sociology of Sport, Technology, and Body; Technological resilience and crisis research; Qualitative Research Methods; Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
- Benedikt Lennartz, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Economy and Human Rights; Global Governance
- Dr. Pia Mamut (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Social-ecological Transformation; Environmental Governance; Sustainability & Democracy; Sufficiency; Power and Discourse; Energy Policy
- Dr. Anne Mollen (Department of Communication)
Research areas: Sustainibility of AI; Ethics of AI; Automation and data-centered technologies; Digital self-determination; Generative AI and social knowledge production
- Carsten Ohlrogge, M.A. (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Social theory; Sociology of science and technology; Transdisciplinary and transformative sustainability research
- Dr. David Rott (Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Teacher education; Student promotion; Research-based learning; Critical thinking
- Anica Roßmöller, M.A. (Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Global Governance; Faith-based actors in international relations; Diffusion and translation of norms, localization processes; Focus on India as an actor in International Relations and Indian environmental politics
- Fynn Schmidt, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Socio-ecological transformation; (alternatives to) development; Political economy of the energy transition; Universities in the sustainability transformation; Latin America (especially Mesoamerica)
- Dr. Karen Siegel (Junior research group “Transformation and Sustainability Governance in South American Bioeconomies”, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Politics of sustainable development and sustainability transitions; Natural resource governance in the global political economy; Bioeconomy governance; Regionalism; Latin America
- Lena Siepker, M.Sc. Mag. theol. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainable development and the common good; Participation research and social inequality; Research methods in digital humanities
- Prof. Dr. Helena Stehle (Group Strategic Communication II, Department of Communication)
Research areas: Strategic communication; Organisational communication; Sustainability and energy communication; Digital (in-)visibility; Digital journalism
- Dr. Björn Wendt (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Sustainability research/environmental sociology; Utopia research/sociology of knowledge; Protest and movement research/political sociology; Power structure research/critical elite sociology; Poverty and wealth research/social inequality; Urban and regional sociology
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland (Professorship for Educational Science with a focus on Professional Education, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Professionalization of school and company training staff; Research-based learning in teacher training; Skills modelling and measurement in professional education; Transition research: focus on vocational orientation; Health promotion in professional education; Digitalization in professional education
- Julia Wiethüchter, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Global power structures; Sustainable development; Epistemic injustice; Sociology of science
- Prof. Dr. Horst Zeinz (Professorship for Educational Science with a focus on Primary School Education, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Empirical (primary) school research: optimization of teaching/learning processes; Professionalization of teaching staff and accompanying pedagogical research (school development)
ZIN-Scientists from FB 7 – Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences
- Prof. Dr. Mitja Back (Backlab Personality & Assesment, Department of Psychology)
Research areas: Society's divisions, conflict and solidarity; Inter-individual differences in social and political attitudes; Personality, social interactions, social relationships; Personality dynamics and development
- Gesche Barg, M.Sc. (Work unit Diagnostics and Evaluation in the School Context, Institute for Psychology in Education)
Research areas: Education for sustainable development; Evaluation research; Environmental psychology
- Laura Bilfinger, M.Sc. (Work unit Social-psychological foundations of education and teaching, Institute for Psychology in Education)
Research areas: Effect of climate change communication; Psychological reactance
- Prof. Dr. Guido Hertel (Chair of Organisational and Business Psychology)
Research areas: Behaviour in organizations; digitalization of work; demographic change and migration; trust and cooperation; negotiation research
- Prof. Dr. Regina Jucks (Head of the work unit Social Psychological Foundations of Education and Teaching, Scientific Director of the Center for University Teaching, Institute for Psychology in Education)
Research areas: Communication and interaction in teaching and learning contexts, mainly in the context of digitalization and in the university context; science communication
- Dr. Ahlke Kip (Coordination ReCAP: Culturally Adapted Psychotherapy for Refugees, Clinical Psychology,
Psychotherapy, and Health Psychology, Department of Psychology)
Research areas: Impact of war and forced migration on mental health; Impact of natural disasters on mental health; Climate change and epidemiology of mental disorders
- Prof. Dr. Nexhmedin Morina (Professor of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Health Psychology, Department of Psychology)
Research areas: Social and cognitive mechanisms of posttraumatic stress disorders, anxiety , and depression; Efficacy of psychological interventions; Comparison processes in judgment and well-being; Impact of traumatic events and forced migration on mental health; Psychological impacts of natural disasters and extreme weather events; Psychological interventions to promote more climate-friendly behaviours; Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
- Simin Ziegler, M.Sc. (Work unit Prof. Dr. Guido Hertel, Chair of Organisational and Business Psychology)
Research areas: Climate and environmental psychology in organizations; Employees & Greenwashing
ZIN-Scientists from FB 8 – Faculty of History and Philosophy
- Prof. Dr. Hans Beck (Department of Ancient History/Institute of Epigraphy)
- Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger (Institute for Classical Archaeology and Christian Archaeology/Archaeological Museum)
Research areas: Settlement archaeology; Greek-Roman Near East; Iconography, ancient religion, numismatics; Landscape
- Prof. Dr. Michael Quante (Department of Philosophy)
Research areas: Philosophy of the person; Philosophy of German idealism; Theory of agency; Ethics; Biomedical ethics; Philosophy of law and social philosophy
ZIN-Scientists from FB 9 – Faculty of Philology
- Prof. Dr. Asmaa El Maaroufi (Department of Islamic Philosophy with a focus on Islamic Ethics, Center for Islamic Theology (ZIT))
Research areas: Creation theology; Anthropology; Animal and environmental ethics; Intersectionality research; Religions and social-ecological transformations
- Dr. Robert Matthias Erdbeer (Department of Modern German Literature, Institute of German Studies)
Research areas: Literary Modelling
- Prof. Dr. Angelika Lohwasser (Professur für Ägyptologie, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie)
Research areas: The kingdom of Kush (8th century BC - 4th century AD) in ancient Sudan; Bayuda desert: Communication routes and cultures far from centers; Biographies of archaeological objects; Archaeological cultural anthropology
- Dr. Kerstin Wilhelms (Department of Modern German Literature, Institute of German Studies)
Research areas: Climate crisis and theater; Theater and drama research; The political in literature; Law and literature; Model theory; Autobiography research; Space and time theories; Media studies approaches; Gender studies
ZIN-Scientists from FB 10 – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Prof. Dr. Anne Remke (Head of safety-critical systems group, Computer Science Department)
Research areas: Critical infrastructures; Control of smart grids, decentralized storage media; Reliability, security and sustainability
- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Risse (Computer Vision and Machine Learning Systems Group, Institute for Geoinformatics)
Research areas: Quantitative analyses of insects in natural habitats
ZIN-Scientists from FB 11 – Faculty of Physics
- Apl. Prof. Dr. Christian Klein-Bösing (Group of Anton Andronic,Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Research areas: Basic research in nuclear and particle physics; Sustainability in everyday research; Nature of science in climate and basic research; MExLab physics; Sustainability action by school students; Experiment-based learning on sustainability topics and basic research
ZIN-Scientists from FB 12 – Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
- Dr. Adrienne Hammerschmidt (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology)
Research areas: Batteries of the future; Sustainability, framework conditions, acceptance, economy & ecology, big data, AI
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Jose (Chair of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry)
Research areas: Bioeconomy; Enzymatic conversion of plant biomass into basic chemicals; Biotechnology-based sustainable chemistry; Enzyme recycling
- Prof. Dr. Martin Winter (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology)
Research areas: Lithium-ion batteries; Lithium-metal systems (solid, sulphur, air, etc.); Dual-ion batteries; supercapacitors (incl. lithium-ion capacitors and hybrid capacitors); Alternative, lithium-free systems
ZIN-Scientists from FB 13 – Faculty of Biology
- Dr. Johannes Holert (Microbial Biotechnology and Ecology - Research group Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp, Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: General Microbiology; Microbial Biotechnology; Microbial Ecology
- Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp (Microbial Biotechnology and Ecology - Research group Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp, Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: Microbial Biotechnology; Microbial Ecology; Bioeconomy and circular economy
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Prüfer (Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: Molecular Plant Biotechnology
- Prof. Dr. Helene Richter (Department of Behavioural Biology, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioural Biology)
Research areas: Refinement of animal experiments and housing conditions; Reproducibility and generalizability of animal experiments; Animal welfare; Cognition and emotion; Animal welfare and animal personality
- Prof. Dr. Jochen Schmid (Schmid lab – Metabolic Engineering und Mikrobielle Polysaccharide, Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: Microbial biotechnology; Biopolymers; Bioeconomy; Use of renewable resources
- Prof. Dr. Bettina Zeis (Ecophysiology Group, Institute of Integrative Cell Biology and Physiology)
Research areas: Adaptation of aquatic organisms to changes in environmental conditions; Impact of environmental stressors on the physiology of small crustaceans
ZIN-Scientists from FB 14 – Faculty of Geosciences
- Prof. Dr. Tillmann Buttschardt (Research Group Applied Landscape Ecology and Ecological Planning, Institute of Landscape Ecology)
Research areas: Integrated natural ressources management and ecological planning; Detection of landscape changes (UAV, TLS); Transformative aproaches in landscape ecology / resilience of human-environmental-systems /Human attachment to environment/Deep Adaptation
- Dr. Yusif Idies (Professorship for local, regional and land development/area planning (Prof. Mössner), Institute for Geography)
Research areas: Geographies of consumption and disposal; Sustainable urban development/planning; Cultural environmental research & nature-culture relations (environmental humanities); Body, subject and self-techniques
- Prof. Dr. Christian Kray (Group Situated Computing and Interaction Lab (SITCOM), Institute for Geoinformatics)
Research areas: Smart City; Citizen participation and sustainability through technology
- Prof. Dr. Samuel Mössner (Spatial planning and sustainaility group, Institute for Geography)
Research areas: Sustainable urban development; Governance research; Spatial planning; Planning conflicts
- Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser (Research Group Applied Landscape Ecology and Ecological Planning, Institute of Landscape Ecology)
Research areas: Agroecology and territories, International conventions on landscape protection and development, Intangible values in landscape perceptions and management, Interdisciplinary research methods for social-ecological systems (SES)
ZIN-Scientists from other institutions
- Dr. Dörthe Masemann (MExLab ExperiMINTe)
Research areas: Experiment-based learning for children and young people on sustainability topics; science transfer; House of Little Scientists Münster
Former Scientists at the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz
Institute of Applied Physics
Faculty of Physics
Research Areas:- MExLab Physik
- MExlab ExperiMINTe
- students and sustainability
- experiment-based learning of sustainability
- Physical environmental experiments
- Organic Solar Cells
- Green Photonics
Dr. Fabian Dielmann
Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Research Areas:
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy homogeneous catalysis
- separation and material usage of carbon dioxide
- activation and derivatisation of greenhouse gases
Berenike Feldhoff, M.A.
Chair of Global Environmental Governance
Department: Political Science
Research Areas:- International Relations Theory
- Sustainable Mobility
- Power
Benjamin Goergen, M.A.
Chair of Socialization
Department: Sociology
Research Areas:- Empirical Social Research
- Environmental Sociology
- Sustainability Research
- Research on Protest and Social Movements
- Social Inequality
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grabski-Kieron
Institut for Geography, Working Group for Local, Regional and National Development
Research Areas:
Faculty of Geosciences Spatial- and Environmental Planning, Applied Geography
- Rural Spatial Research and Development of Rural Areas
- Planning Research Methodology
Janna Hämpke, M.Sc.
Chair of Organisational and Business Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
Research Areas:- Environmental psychology in organisations
- Development and influence of worldviews
- Positive-psychological interventions
Victoria Hasenkamp, M.A.
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Department: Political Science
Research Areas:- Participation research on complex societal issues
- Bioeconomy and sustainabiltiy
- Digitasation and (local) public adminstrations
Dr. Gesine Hellberg-Rode
Center for Biology Education
Faculty of Biology
Research Areas:- Education for Sustainable Development
- Basic Ecological Education
- Soil Ecology
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hoffmeister
Working Group Community and Sustainability Research
Research Areas:
Faculty of Educational and Social Science Environmental Sociology
- Rural Sociology
- Family Sociology
- Youth Sociology
- Poverty and Social Inequality
Halliki Kreinin, M.A., M.Sc., PhD.
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Department: Political Science
Research Areas:- Strategies for Social-Ecological Transformation
- Sustainable work
- Postgrowth/degrowth welfare (systems)
- “The good life”, sufficiency, (enablers and barriers to) living well within limits
- Environmental labour studies, trade unions and transformation
Dr. Steffen Lange
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Faculty of Educational and Social Science
Research Areas:- Plural Economics
- Transdisciplinary research
- Digitalization and sustainability
- Macroeconomics of the sustainability transformation
- Economic growth and the environment
- Rebound effects
Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer
Chair of Political Science and International Relations
TU Darmstadt, Department of Political Science
Research Areas:- International Climate Policy
- Climate Policy in the Global South
- Regulation of Carbon Markets
- Green Transformations and the Role of Bureaucracies
- International Forest Policy
Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
Chair of Economics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Research Areas:
Faculty of Business and Economics Economics of Climate Change
- Energy Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Computational Economics
Prof. Dr. Paul Reuber
Institute of Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
Research Areas:- Political Geography
- Conflicts over ecological resources
- Integration of immigrants
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Röttger
Institute of Communication Sciences
Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences
Research Areas:- Trust and Strategic Communication
- CSR-Communication
- Communication Counsel
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke
Institute of Environmental and Planning Law
Research Areas:
Faculty of Law Public Law
- Construction, Planning- and Environmental Law
- Internationale Perspectives
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schrüfer
Institute of Didactics in Geography
Research Areas:
Faculty of Geosciences Global Learning / Teaching for Sustainable Development
- Intercultural Learning
- Spacial Perception
- Teaching and Learning with Social Media
Nils Stockmann, M.A.
„Climate Finance Society“ Project, International Political Economy Unit
University of Osnabrück, Institute for Social Sciences
Research Areas:- Norm dynamics in European climate and environmental policy
- Promotional banks as actors in German and European climate policy
Dr. Erik Tolen
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Münster International Peace Research Initative
Research Areas:- Influence of sustainability on Peace
- Sustainable workplace
- Sustainable laboratory practices
Wiebke Walleck, M.Sc.
Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology
WG Microbial Biotechnology and Ecology
Research areas:- Plant and microbial biotechnology
- Bioeconomy
Associate members at the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research
Dr. Thomas Hilker
Ecumenical Institute
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Research Areas:- Systematic theology in the face of climate change
- Topological theology of natural and cultural spaces
- Philosophical foundations of ways of approaching the world
- Theology in the age of the Anthropocene