Apl. Prof. Dr. Christian Klein-Bösing

Prof. Dr. Christian Klein-Bösing
© Privat

Akademischer Rat
field of research: ALICE, CBM

Room 205
Tel.: +49 251 83-34973
Fax: +49 251 83-34962
E-Mail: christian.klein-boesing [AT] uni-muenster.de
Homepage: https://qgp.uni-muenster.de/~stevero/sites/index.html
Consultation hours: by appointment

diploma thesis: Simulation der Detektoreigenschaften des Bleiglaskalorimeters in den Experimenten WA98 und PHENIX [PDF]
doctoral thesis: Production of Neutral Pions and Direct Photons in Ultra-Relativistic Au+Au Collisions [PDF]
habilitation dissertation: Study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with Hard and Electromagnetic Probes [PDF]