Current office hours

Semester break
Date Time Name
13:00 Hauke, Julius
13:00 Ercan, Matthias
13:00 Jeffrey, Marlon
13:00 Alex, Alicia (ohne Zoom)
13:00 Marius W., Phillip S.
13:00 Henriette, Simon
13:00 Christoph, Joost

Complete office hours schedule

Dear students, members of the Student Council and visitors,

Currently, there are about 3000 students studying physics or geophysics in the bachelor’s, master’s, teacher’s (double bachelor/“Zwei-Fach-Bachelor”, Master of Education) and doctoral (Ph.D.) programs. Although the term “Fachschaft” actually represents all students in a certain subject, we (the Student Council) are mostly 15 to 20 active students who take care of student affairs and form the student representation.

So much for general information; we invite you to take a look and explore the permanent construction site “Student Council homepage”. Here, you will find information about studying physics, current information about the members and work done in the Student Council – for example, our office hours – and much more.

If you have any criticism, suggestions or questions, don’t hesitate to send them to us via email.

Have fun!
Yours, the Student Council!