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Monday, February 10, 2025, 10 am - 3 pm: ChemDraw seminar - Remaining spaces available

"ChemDraw Prime is a software package for creating and editing chemical structures and reaction paths. The ChemDraw Professional Suite contains additional features such as Chem3D Professional for visualizing and adapting 3D structures as well as a variety of tools for working with biological reaction paths. A special highlight of ChemDraw Professional is the Struct=Name function, which converts IUPAC names to structures and vice versa.

  • Do you copy molecules with Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V?
  • Do you switch to the ACS 1996 style settings every time you start ChemDraw?
  • Do you manually adjust the components of your reactions after drawing?
  • Do you need more than 10 minutes to draw a catalysis cycle?
If you answered "Yes" to at least one of these questions, you may not be as efficient as you think!

Let the expert show you what you didn't expect. Whether you've been using ChemDraw for 5, 10, 20 years, or since version 1 in 1985, we know you'll learn something that will improve your productivity 5 to 10 times. Even beginners are welcome to learn helpful tricks that will save you 70% of your drawing time."

Registration via Learnweb was available until February 2. In case you missed the registration deadline and would like to secure one of the remaining seats, please send us an email by February 9, 2025.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 2 - 5 pm: Origin workshop - Remaining spaces available

Origin is a Windows software for data analysis and presentation. OriginPro also provides advanced analysis tools for statistics, 3D fitting, image and signal processing. The flexible import filters make your data available in Origin. Custom graph types can be added to the numerous graph templates. You can export your finished graphs directly to MS-Powerpoint® or save them in popular graph formats. All processes can be automated. The ability to save entire evaluation processes as templates significantly increases your efficiency.

Introduction to Origin

  • Interface and handling
  • data connectors, importing data, creating your own import filter
  • simple calculations, data exploration, filters, data selection
  • Creation and formatting of data drawings, layer technique,
  • exporting data, creating a slide show
Registration via Learnweb was available until February 2. In case you missed the registration deadline and would like to secure one of the remaining seats, please send us an email by February 10, 2025.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 2 - 5 pm: Origin workshop - Remaining spaces available

Origin is a Windows software for data analysis and presentation. OriginPro also provides advanced analysis tools for statistics, 3D fitting, image and signal processing. The flexible import filters make your data available in Origin. Custom graph types can be added to the numerous graph templates. You can export your finished graphs directly to MS-Powerpoint® or save them in popular graph formats. All processes can be automated. The ability to save entire evaluation processes as templates significantly increases your efficiency.


  • Analysis options of data and diagrams, minitools
  • Clonable templates and designs
  • Automation capabilities with analysis templates
  • Apps as extensions to Origin
  • Overview of highlights in OriginPro 2025
Registration via Learnweb was available until February 2. In case you missed the registration deadline and would like to secure one of the remaining seats, please send us an email by February 11, 2025.


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