Status as of 27-07-2024 04:11
Alle Dienste sind zur Zeit verfügbar! All services are currently available!
Did you know...
...that you can also use the software available in the NWZ at home via NWZ@Home?
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Update (2): Access to group directory not possible

The access to the group directorys r0bphi_3, r0bppr_3 and r0finke_3 is still not possible.

We think that we can solve the problem on monday during the day.

We will inform you if all problems are solved.

Registration for "Praktikum zur Rechneradministration in der IVV Naturwissenschaft" is open

In view of the various challenges regarding the security and confidentiality of data and the operational security of the entire computer network, this practical course supplements the lectures "Einführung in die Administration von Rechnern" with practical components. In particular, the university services and their use in conjunction with the "NWZ" Active Directory will be discussed.

The hands-on training will take place the week of September 23 - 27, 2024.

The courses take place in the NWZ ComputerLab 745 in the Institute for Solid State Theory, Building IG1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str, 10 and start at 9:15 am. A lunch break is scheduled from 12 - 2 pm, the event will not last longer than 5 pm. The topics in the blocks Installation/Software Distribution and Security are based on each other, knowledge from the lecture "Einführung in die Administration von Rechnern in der IVV Naturwissenschaften" is encouraged, but not required. Registration is mandatory.
Enrollment to the Learnweb course is not sufficient, you have also to answer the Feedback Anmeldung zu den einzelnen Themen/ Registration for the Individual Topics.

Registration is open until August 29.

Please register only for the topics in which you actually want to participate.


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