Dr. Dennis Krämer

Dr. Dennis Krämer

Georgskommende 33
48143 Münster

Academic Profile

  • Research Foci

    • Sociology of Sport, Technology, and Body
    • Gender Diversity in Sport and Medicine
    • Technological resilience and crisis research
    • Qualitative Research Methods
    • German-Japanese exchange on Crises, Resilience and Technologies
    • Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
  • Further Affiliation at the University of Münster

  • CV

    Academic Education

    Ongoing Habilitation Project: "Quantified Bodies: The Numerical Fabrication of Somatic Difference" (working title)
    Doctorate (Dr. phil.), interdisciplinary, at the University of Hamburg, first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klein (Sociology, Sociology of Sport), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Arne Dekker (Sociology, Sex Research) Grade: oral and written: summa cum laude
    M.A. in Sociology with minors in Cultural Anthropology and Educational Science in Münster and Augsburg


    Principal Investigator: "Resilient Healthcare in Times of Multiple Crises: Connecting Germany and Japan" (RE-CARE) German Research Foundation (DFG), Grant no. KR 5454/1-1.
    Postdoctoral Researcher and Referent for Research at University of Münster
    Principal Investigator: "Artificial Intelligence in Sport: A Quantitative Survey among Sports Students in Germany about their Perceptions, Expectations, and Concerns regarding the Use of AI Tools" (AIS) (private funding)
    Interim Professor and temporarily Head of Department, Sociology of Sport and Health, University of Göttingen
    Visiting Researcher at Teikyo University in Tokyo, Japan
    Principal Investigator: Digital Technologies of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Transnational Dialogue between Germany and Japan (TECHCO) German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Grant No.: 01GP2182
    Postdoctoral Researcher, Ruhr-University Bochum
    Principal Investigator: "The Ethics of Livetracking-Applications in Connection with SARS-CoV-2 (ELISA)"' German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Grant No.: 01KI20527
    Volunteer group leader in the ‘Sprache im Alltag’ project, Sprachbrücke-Hamburg
    Research Associate, University of Hamburg
    Research Associate, Leuphana University Lüneburg
    Referent, NETEYE Hamburg (digital agency)
    Visiting Student, Adam-Mickiewicz-University Posen
    Student Assistant, Institute for Sex Research Hamburg; Student assistance in the DFG project "Treatment experiences and treatment satisfaction of people with different forms of intersexuality" and the BZgA project "Sexual and social relationships of 17- and 18-year-old women and men"


    Teaching Award, Social Sciences – University of Göttingen
    Teaching Award, Social Sciences – University of Göttingen
    Fellow of the Global Young Faculty – Mercator Research
    DOSB Research Award (bronze) – German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)
    Dissertation Award (1st prize) – German Sociological Association (DGS) Section Sociology of the Body and Sports

    External Functions

    DFG-Network "Philosophy of Digitality" (Member)
    German Society of Sport Science (dvs) - Gender Equality Committee (Member)
    Asia Studies Centre Münster (Member)
    International Scientific DFG-Network "Resilient Healthcare in Times of Multiple Crises: Connecting Germany and Japan" (Founder)
    Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research in Münster (ZIN) (Member)
    Vielfalt in Bewegung! Joint Project of the Queer Network and the LandesSportBund of Lower Saxony (Advisory Board)
    Centre for Modern East Asian Studies (CeMEAS) in Göttingen (Member)
    Interdisciplinary Board, Medical Treatment of Intersex/DSD Children, according to BGB 1631e (advisory board)
    German Academy of Ethics in Medicine (Member)
    German Society of Sport Science (dvs) (Member)
    German Sociological Association (Member)
  • Teaching

  • Projects

    • Responsible organizer of the international conference "Resilient Healthcare: Perspectives on the Intersections of Crises, Health, and Technology from Germany and Japan" (University of Tokyo, 24.-25. März 2025) ()
      Own Resources Project
    • RE-CARE – Resilient Healthcare in Times of Multiple Crises: Connecting Germany and Japan (since )
      Individual Granted Project: DFG - Initiation of International Collaboration | Project Number: KR 5454/1-1
    • AIS – Artificial Intelligence in Sport: A Quantitative Survey among Sports Students in Germany about their Perceptions, Expectations, and Concerns regarding the Use of AI Tools (since )
      Own Resources Project
    • TECHCO – Technologies of the Covid-19 Pandemic – A Transnational Dialogue between Germany and Japan ()
      Project Carried out outside the University Münster: Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Project Number: 01GP2181
    • Responsible organizer of the German-Japanese Conference "Technologies of the Covid-19 Pandemic" ()
      Project Carried out outside the University Münster: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
    • ELISA – The Ethics of Livetracking-Applications in Connection with SARS-CoV-2 ()
      Project Carried out outside the University Münster: Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Project Number: 01KI20527
    • Sexual and Social Relationships of 17- and 18-year-old women and men (project staff) ()
      Project Carried out outside the University Münster: Federal Centre for Health Education
    • Treatment experiences and treatment satisfaction of individuals with different forms of intersexuality ()
      Project Carried out outside the University Münster: DFG - Clinical Research Unit
  • Publications

    • , and . . “Challenging the Binary: Gender, Fraud, and the Complexities of Categorization in Elite Sports.” in Sexualitäten und Geschlechter. Historische Perspektiven im Wandel, Vol.213 of Histoire, edited by Richard Kühl, Daniela Link and Lisa Heiberger. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/9783839468975-014.
    • . . “Die Vermessung von Geschlecht im Sport und der Umgang mit kategorialen Transgressionen.” in Leistungsvergleiche und evaluative Praktiken. Sport als instruktiver Fall der Soziologie der Bewertung, Vol.62 of Kulturen der Gesellschaft, edited by Robert Schmidt, Max Weigelin and David Kempf. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.1515/9783839472361-005.
    • , , , , and . . “Artificial Intelligence in Sports: Insights from a Quantitative Survey among Sports Students in Germany about their Perceptions, Expectations, and Concerns regarding the Use of AI Tools.Open Access Repository of the University of Münster (Miami) doi: 10.17879/56998624320.
    • , , , , , and . . “The Role of Transparency in Digital Contact Tracing during COVID-19: Insights from an Expert Survey.Health Care Analysis, 2024: 121. doi: 10.1007/s10728-024-00485-z.
    • . . “Faktenpapier 12 zu Intergeschlechtlichkeit: Intergeschlechtlichkeit im Sport - Körperpolitiken, Selbstbestimmung, Handlungsempfehlungen.
    • Krämer, Dennis, Haltaufderheide, Joschka, and Vollmann, Jochen, eds. .“The Present and Future of Pandemic Technologies.” Special Issue Journal of medical Internet research.
    • . . “Time to Abolish Gender Boundaries in Elite Sports? A Plea for Structural Reflection.Sport und Gesellschaft - Zeitschrift für Sportsoziologie, Sportphilosophie, Sportökonomie, Sportgeschichte, 20 (2): 195206. doi: 10.1515/sug-2023-0013.
    • , , , , , and . . “Smartphone Apps for Containing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: Qualitative Interview Study With Experts Based on Grounded Theory.Journal of medical Internet research, 25 (ed45549): 111. doi: 10.2196/45549.
    • , , , , and . . “Solidarity as an Empirial-Ethical Framework for the Analysis of Contact Tracing Apps – A Novell Approach.Philosophy & Technology, 36 (44): 124. doi: 10.1007/s13347-023-00648-1.
    • , and . . Pandemische Selbstüberwachung: Zwischen sozialer Singularisierung und technisierter Sozialität, doi: 10.13109/inde.2022.10.3-4.135.
    • , , and . . “Cultural Implications Regarding Privacy in Digital Contact Tracing Algorithms: Method Development and Empirical Ethics Analysis of a German and a Japanese Approach to Contact Tracing.Journal of medical Internet research, 25 (e45112): 113. doi: 10.2196/45112.
    • Krämer, Dennis, Haltaufderheide, Joschka, and Vollmann, Jochen, eds. . Digitale Gesellschaft, Vol.48, Technologien der Krise. Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Katalysator neuer Formen der Vernetzung, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/9783839459249.
    • . . “Queer Studies.” in Handbuch Körpersoziologie, edited by Robert Gugutzer, Gabriele Klein and Michael Meuser. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • , , and . . “Technologien der Krise - Ein Deutungsversuch.” in TECHNOLOGIEN DER KRISE: DIE COVID-19 PANDEMIE ALS KATALYSATOR NEUER FORMEN DER VERNETZUNG, Vol.48 of Digitale Gesellschaft, edited by Dennis Krämer, Joschka Haltaufderheide and Jochen Vollmann. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/9783839459249.
    • . . “Von Körpern, Mustern und Infektionen: Digitale Selbstverdatung als pandemisches Ordnungsprinzip.” in TECHNOLOGIEN DER KRISE: DIE COVID-19 PANDEMIE ALS KATALYSATOR NEUER FORMEN DER VERNETZUNG, Vol.48 of Digitale Gesellschaft, edited by Dennis Krämer, Joschka Haltaufderheide and Jochen Vollmann. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/9783839459249-004.
    • , , , and . . “„Ohne die geht’s nicht“ – Zur Rolle von Apple und Google bei der Corona-Warn-App.” in Technologien der Krise. Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Katalysator neuer Formen der Vernetzung, Vol.48 of Digitale Gesellschaft, edited by Dennis Krämer, Joschka Haltaufderheide and Jochen Vollmann. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/9783839459249-009.
    • , , , and . . “Ethische Annäherungen an die Corona-Warn-App. Das MEESTAR-Modell als Ausgangspunkt technikethischer Erwägungen zur digitalen Kontaktverfolgung.” in Technologien der Krise. Die COVID-19-Pandemie als Katalysator neuer Formen der Vernetzung, Vol.48 of Digitale Gesellschaft, edited by Dennis Krämer, Joschka Haltaufderheide and Jochen Vollmann. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.14361/9783839459249-006.
    • . . Ein aufgezwungenes Geschlecht,
    • , , and . . “Intersex/DSD and Pregnancy – Social and Ethical Challenges. A systematic Review.York: Prospero: International Prospective Register Of Systematic Reviews.
    • , , , , , and . . “Interaktives Lernen: Ethik Online im Medizinstudium.Ethik in der Medizin, 33 (3): 405408. doi: 10.1007/s00481-021-00647-w.
    • . . “Intersexualität im Sport: Mediale und medizinische Körperpolitiken.Dissertation thesis, Universität Hamburg. doi: 10.14361/9783839450352.
    • , and . . “Gender Studies mit tanzenden Körpern.” in Respekt! Frauen verändern Wissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg, edited by Dagmar Filter and Jana Reich. Hamburg: MARTA PRESS.
    • . . “Die doppelte Geschlechtsumwandlung David Reimers. Versuch einer historischen Verortung.” in PÄDAGOGISCHE ANTHROPOLOGIE DER KINDER. GESCHICHTE, KULTUR UND THEORIE, edited by Jörg Zirfas, Ursula Stenger and Gerald Blaschke-Nacak. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
    • . . Intersex, Subjectivation and Doing Resistance,
    • . . “Mediale Praktiken des Gendering. Die Geschwister Press im westlichen Sportdiskurs zu Zeiten des Kalten Kriegs.” in Performance und Praxis - Praxeologische Erkundungen in Tanz, Theater, Sport und Alltag, edited by Gabriele Klein and Hanna Göbel. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    • . . Rezension zu "Inter*geschlechtliche Körperlichkeiten. Diskurse und Begegnungen im Erzähltext" Hrsg. v. Angelika Baier & Susanne Hochreiter. ,
    • . . Rezension zu "Wann ist die Frau eine Frau? Wann ist der Mann ein Mann? Konstruktionen von Geschlechtlichkeit von der Antike bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Stefan Horchlacher, ZAA Monograph Series Bd. 10.,
    • , and . . “Intersexualität interdisziplinär.Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 22 (1): 7376.
  • Talks