Konferenzprogramm 2025

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

Model-theoretic methods in non-archimedean geometry

Model Theory Meets Geometric Group Theory

YMCN Spring School: Recent advances in SPDEs

Conservations laws and non-reciprocity

Spring School Women in Random Discrete Structures

YMCN Summer school in Interacting random systems

Curvature and Global Shape
Konferenzprogramm 2024

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

GEN-Y research workshop in stochastic analysis

Young Topologists Meeting

pyMOR School and User Meeting 2024

Analytic torsion and interactions

Probability, Dynamics and the Geometry of Groups

European Set Theory Conference

Buildings 2024

Münster – Imperial Day in PDE

Probability Event: Point Processes, Exchange & Research (PEPPER)
Konferenzprogramm 2023

Bielefeld-Münster Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Topology

Number theory meets p-adic representations

Young Geometric Group Theory XI

Random discrete structures

In search of model structures for non-equilibrium systems

Young Set Theory Workshop

Stochastic Analysis meets QFT - critical theory

From perturbative to non-perturbative QFT

C*-Algebras: Tensor Products, Approximation & Classification

Workshop on Curvature and Global Shape

Analytic Methods in Complex Geometry

Workshop on Stability, Mixing and Fluid Dynamics

Meeting on H² conforming methods for the dune-functions research software

Summer School: Introduction to totally disconnected locally compact groups

Totally disconnected locally compact groups from a geometric perspective

Model theory and groups

Totally disconnected locally compact groups: local to global

Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry

Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis

Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes

Workshop on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling
Konferenzprogramm 2022

European Conference on Interdisciplinary Model Theory - ECIMT

Joint Seminar on Complex Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis

M²A² Mathematical Modeling and Analysis

5th Münster conference on inner model theory

Quantum many body system and interacting particles

Geometry and Topology, ICM sectional workshop

Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction

Summerschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics

1st MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing

Group Actions: Dynamics, Measure, Topology

Workshop on the Bezrukavnikov equivalence
Konferenzprogramm 2021

Virtual Winterschool on Analysis and Applied Mathematics

Groups meet C*-algebras

Young Mathematicians in C*-Algebras

Noncommutative geometry meets topological recursion

Bridging the gaps between theoretical and applied mathematics

Analysis on singular spaces

Representation theory's hidden motives

pyMOR School
Konferenzprogramm 2020
New perspectives on K- and L-theory
Hermitian K-theory is the study of unimodular forms through the eyes of K-theory. In work of B. Calmès, E. Dotto, Y. Harpaz, F. Hebestreit, M. Land, K. Moi, D. Nardin, T. Nikolaus and W. Steimle, it was recently shown that there is a fibre sequence relating ordinary algebraic K-theory, hermitian K-theory (aka Grothendieck-Witt theory) and L-theory in a very general context. The lectures will focus on these results. One lecture series focuses on Grothendieck-Witt theoretic aspects and one focuses on L-theoretic aspects.
Konferenzprogramm 2019
Transport, Mixing and Fluids
Mechanisms of transport and mixing play an essential role in the dynamics of ideal fluids. Their study has immediate impact on the understanding of turbulent incompressible or compressible flows, with real-world applications e.g. in oceanography or atmospheric dynamics.
This workshop will explore transport and mixing phenomena from a broad intradisciplinary perspective, involving PDE techniques, harmonic analysis, optimal transport, stochastic PDEs, numerical simulation, and modelling aspects.
Interactions between commutative algebra, representation theory, and algebraic geometry
A conference in memoriam Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz
Model Theory of Valued Fields and Applications
The aim of this conference is to bring together specialists from the algebraic (or arithmetic) and the pure model theory community who all study valued fields, but with very different tools.
The topics covered in the talks will range from the more classical model theory of valued fields (field arithmetic, in particular definability of valuations, and model theory of valued fields in positive characteristic, in particular concerning decidability) to the pure or geometric side of the model theory spectrum (connections to neostability and geometric methods in the model theory of valued fields). To encourage new developments, there also will be talks presenting applications of model theory of valued fields, e.g. to non-archimedean geometry and motivic integration.

Exzellenzcluster "Mathematik Münster" feiert Start
Curvature and Global Shape
The purpose of the meeting is to study relationships between local and global invariants in Riemannian Geometry. Our intention is to bring together experts in the field as well as young mathematicians. We plan to schedule talks from the morning of Monday, 29 July, through the afternoon of Friday, 2 August. The program of the Workshop is structured so that beyond the lectures there will be many opportunities for intensive discussions.
Dynamics, random media and universality of complex physical systems
The conference aims to establish strong interactions between probability theory, analysis and statistical mechanics to investigate physical systems with random input and high degree of comlexity. It will bring together leading experts of a wide spectrum of all three topics as well as young researchers and foster an intense exchange of ideas.
Recent advances in the Calculus of Variations
The Calculus of Variations is a research field whose boundaries have been constantly pushed by questions emerging both in pure mathematics and in the applied sciences. The scope of this Workshop is to bring together experts in the field who will present talks on recent advances in theoretical and applied problems in the Calculus of Variations.