Fahrrad vorm Schloss
© MM

Young Topologists Meeting 2024

August 5-9, 2024, Münster, Germany

The Young Topologists Meeting (YTM) is an annual international conference aimed at early-career researchers in topology - both pure and applied - covering the whole breadth of the subject. It serves as a platform for graduate, PhD students and early postdocs to present their research, exchange ideas and build international connections.

Previous editions of the conference have been organised by the EPFL, Switzerland, the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and jointly by the University of Stockholm and the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Next up: Münster, Germany.


Ishan Levy (University of Copenhagen)


Arunima Ray (MPI, Bonn)

"From knots and links to 4-manifolds"

We will discuss how knots and links can inform the study of 4-manifolds. The first lecture will be an introduction to slice knots and links. In the second lecture we will discuss how slice knots and links are related to smooth structures on 4-manifolds, e.g. the existence of exotic smooth structures on $\mathbb{R}^4$. In the third lecture, we will show how the (open) question of whether the topological surgery sequence is exact in dimension four is equivalent to whether the links in a certain family are slice. 



Organising Committee

Konrad Bals, Etienne Batelier, Edith Hübner, Marin Janssen, Alexander Kutzim, Catherine Ray, Lukas Stöveken, Maximilian Tönies and Thomas Tony.


The conference comprises two lecture series given by Ishan Levy and Arunima Ray and contributed talks by participants. The conference will be accompanied by an extensive social program, a poster session and a conference dinner.

The schedule can be found here, it may be subject to change.


Registration for talk and/or poster application is already closed. If you have applied you can view your data here.

Information on successful applications will be sent out in early May. We will ask for confirmation of participation by mid-May and then reallocate vacant places.

Nevertheless, we still welcome everyone interested in joining the YTM 2024 as a listener. In that case please send an e-mail to ytm2024(at)uni-muenster.de.


Limited funding is available for all active participants. In particular, we provide accommodation for all participants contributing a talk or a poster.


Active participants giving a talk or presenting a poster will be provided a room in the local Youth Hostel, located at the Lake Aasee, about 30 minutes walking distance from the math department:

Jugendgästehaus Aasee
Bismarckallee 31
48151 Münster

Moreover, for participants looking for their own accommodation, there is a limited hotel room contingent reserved through the city of Münster, for this event. If you are interested please go to the following link: Hotel Room Contingent. These rooms will be available until 8 weeks before the beginning of the conference and distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Support and child care

If you would like to make use of this option please indicate this in the registration form.

Venue and Travel Information

The conference takes place on the campus of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Münster at

Einsteinstraße 62-64
48149 Münster

The registration will take place on the second floor of the seminar building (Seminarraumzentrum, SRZ) next to the other buildings and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster at

Seminarraumzentrum (SRZ)
Orléans-Ring 12
48149 Münster

Directions can be found on openstreetmap or on the University of Münster campus map.

Detailed travel information can be found on the MM websites.

We have also collected practical information in a leaflet: Information for conference guests / Informationsblatt für Tagungsteilnehmer*innen [enIde]


Please direct any inquiries at ytm2024(at)uni-muenster.de.


The conference is hosted by the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster. Moreover, we are grateful to the K-theory Foundation and Foundation Compositio Mathematica for their generous support.


You are welcome to download the poster from this page and display it at your institution.