Gesamtliste der Veröffentlichungen
Bremer, G. & Lappe, M. (2024) Predicting locomotion intention using eye movements and EEG with LSTM and transformers. 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
Lappe, M., Gremmler, S. & Meermeier, A. (2024) Oculomotor adaptation of visuospatial memory. 7th Annual Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Cambridge, MA, 178:1-4
Meyhoefer, I., Sprenger, A., Derad, D. et al. (2024) Evidence from comprehensive independent validation studies for smooth pursuit dysfunction as a sensorimotor biomarker for psychosis. Sci Rep 14, 13859, 1-14
Heins, F. & Lappe, M. (2024) Oculomotor behavior can be adjusted on the basis of artificial feedback signals indicating externally caused errors. PLoS ONE 19(5), 1-29
Breveglieri, R., Brandolani, R., Diomedi, S., Lappe, M., Galletti, C. and Fattori, P. (2024) Modulation of reaching by spatial attention. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 18, 1393690, 1-13
Stein, N., Watson, T., Lappe, M., Westendorf, M. and Durant, S. (2024) Eye and Head Movements in Visual Search in the Extended Field of View. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 8907, 1-15
Hülemeier, A.-G. and Lappe, M. (2024) Limb articulation of biological motion can induce illusory motion perception during self-motion. iPerception (2024) 15(3), 1–14
Hülemeier, A.-G. and Lappe, M. (2023) Illusory percepts of curvilinear self-motion when moving through crowds. Journal of Vision 23(14):6, 1-16
Kirchner, J., Watson, T., Bauer, J., Lappe, M. (2023) Eyeball translations affect saccadic eye movements beyond brainstem control. J. Neurophysiol 130: 1334–1343, 2023.
Masselink, J., Cheviet, A., Froment-Tilikete, C., Pélisson, D., Lappe, M. (2023) A triple distinction of cerebellar function for oculomotor learning and fatigue compensation. PLoS Computational Biology 19.8 (2023): e1011322, 1-37
Meermeier, A., Lappe, M., Li, Y.H., Rifai, K., Wahl, S., Rucci, M. (2023) Fine-scale measurement of the blind spot borders. Vision Research 211, 1-10
Heins, F., Masselink, J., Scherer, J.-N., Lappe, M. (2023) Adaptive changes to saccade amplitude and target localization do not require pre-saccadic target visibility. Scientific Reports 23(13), 1-14
Hülemeier, A-G. and Lappe, M. (2023) Visual perception of travel distance for self-motion through crowds. Journal of Vision 23(4):7, 1–11
Rolff, T., Stein, N., Lappe, M., Steinicke, F., & Frintrop, S. (2022). Metrics for Time-to-Event Prediction of Gaze Events. NeuRIPS 2022 Workshop on Gaze Meets ML.
Bremer, G., Stein, N., & Lappe, M. (2022). Machine Learning Prediction of Locomotion Intention from Walking and Gaze Data. Preprint International Journal of Semantic Computing, 1-24
Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., Frings, C. (2022) Found in translation: The role of response mappings for observing binding effects in localization tasks. Visual Cognition, 1-19
Wolf, C, and Lappe, M. (2022) Motivation by reward jointly improves speed and accuracy, whereas task-relevance and meaningful images do not. Attention. Perception & Psychophysics, 2022, 1-19
Wolf, C. Belopolsky, A. V., Lappe, M. (2022) Current foveal inspection and previous peripheral preview influence subsequent eye movement decisions. iScience, 2022, 25(9), 104922
Schöpper, L.- M., Lappe, M., Frings, C. (2022) Saccadic landing positions reveal that eye movements are affected by distractor-based retrieval. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 2022, 84(7), 2219-2235
Heins, F, and Lappe, M. (2022) Mislocalization after inhibition of saccadic adaptation. Journal of Vision (2022) 22(8):3, 1–23
Koerfer, K. and Lappe, M. (2022) Perceived movement of non-rigid motion patterns. PNAS Nexus (2022) 1, 1–11
Kirchner, J., Watson, T., Busch, N. and Lappe, M. (2022) Timing and kinematics of horizontal within-blink saccades measured using EOG. Journal of Neurophysiology 127: 1655–1668, 2022
Stein, N., Bremer, G., Lappe, M. (2022) Eye Tracking-based LSTM for Locomotion Prediction in VR. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality nd 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 493-503). IEEE.
Sauer, Y., Scherff, M., Lappe, M., Rifai, K., Stein, N., Wahl, S. (2022) Self-motion illusions from distorted optic flow in multifocal glasses. iScience 25, 103567, 1-17
Heins, F. and Lappe, M. (2021) Flexible use of post-saccadic visual feedback in oculomotor learning. Journal of Vision (2022), 22(1):3, 1-16
Stein, N., Analyzing Visual Perception and Predicting Locomotion using Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking (2021) IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2021, 727-728, doi: 10.1109/VRW52623.2021.00246
Stein, N.; Rifai, K.; Wahl, S. & Lappe, M. (2021), Simulating Lens Distortion in Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, 2021, 1-4
Bremer, G., Stein, N., Lappe, M. (2021) Predicting Future Position From Natural Walking and Eye Movements with Machine Learning. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR) 2021, 19-28, doi:10.1109/AIVR52153.2021.00013
Cheviet, A., Masselink, J., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Lappe, M., Froment-Tilikete, C., Pélisson, D. (2021) Cerebellar signals drive motor adjustments and visual perceptual changes during forward and backward adaptation of reactive saccades. Cerebral Cortex (2022), 1-21
Kirchner, J., Lappe, M., Watson, T. (2021) Real-time MRI reveals unique insight into the full kinematics of eye movements. eNeuro.0357-21.2021, 1-14
Di Marco, S., Sulpizio, V., Bellagamba, M., Fattori, P., Galati, G., Galletti, C., Lappe, M., Maltempo, T., Pitzalis, S. (2021) Multisensory integration in cortical regions responding to locomotion-related visual and somatomotor signals. NeuroImage 244 (2021) 1-13, 118581
Wolf, C. and Lappe, M. (2021) Salient objects dominate the central fixation bias when orienting towards images. Journal of Vision 2021, 21(8):23, 1–21
Lencer,R., Meyhöfer, I., Triebsch, J., Rolfes, K., Lappe, M., Watson, T. (2021) Saccadic suppression in schizophrenia, Scientific Reports, 11-13133, 1-10
Masselink, J. and Lappe, M. (2021) Visuomotor learning from postdictive motor error. eLife 2021, 10:e64278, 1-45
Wolf, C. and Lappe, M. (2021) Vision as oculomotor reward: Cognitive contributions to the dynamic control of saccadic eye movements. Cognitive Neurodynamics (2021), 1-22
Di Marco, S., Fattori, P., Galati, G., Galletti, C., Lappe, M., Maltempo, T., Serra, C., Sulpizio, V., Pitzalis, S. (2021) Preference for locomotion-compatible curved paths and forward direction of self-motion in somatomotor and visual areas. Cortex, 137: 74-92
Natrup, J., de Lussanet, M. H. E, Boström, K. J., Lappe, M., Wagner, H. (2021) Gaze, head and eye movements during somersaults with full twists. Human Movement Science, Human Movement Science 75 (2021), 1-11, 102740
Mayer, K. M., Riddell, H., Lappe, M. (2021) Flow parsing and biological motion. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2021, 83:1752-1765
Stein, N., Niehorster, D. C., Watson, T., Steinicke, F., Rifai, K., Wahl, S., Lappe, M. (2021) A comparison of eye tracking latencies among several commercial head-mounted displays. i-Perception, 2021, 12 (1), 1-16
Mathias, B., Sureth, L., Hartwigsen, G., Macedonia, M., Mayer, K. M., von Kriegstein, K. (2020) Visual Sensory Cortices Causally Contribute to Auditory Word Recognition Following Sensorimotor-Enriched Vocabulary Training. Cerebral Cortex, 2020, Vol. 00, 1-16
Xie, M., Niehorster, D.C., Lappe, M. & Li, L. (2020) Roles of visual and non-visual information in the perception of scene-relative object motion during walking. Journal of Vision 20(10), 15, 1-11
Mathias, B., Andrä, C., Mayer, K. M., Sureth, L., et al (2020) How can we learn foreign language vocabulary more easily? Frontiers for Young Minds, 20(8), 89, 1-8
Hülemeier, A-G., Lappe, M. (2020) Combining biological motion perception with optic flow analysis for self-motion in crowds. Journal of Vision, 20(9), 7, 1-15
Wolf, C., Lappe, M. (2020) Top-down control of saccades requires inhibition of suddenly appearing stimuli. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-15
Bosco, A., Rifai, K., Wahl, S., Fattori, P., Lappe, M. (2020) Trans-saccadic adaptation of perceived size independent of saccadic adaptation. Journal of Vision, 20(7), 19, 1-11
Koerfer, K. & Lappe, M. (2020) Pitting optic flow, object motion and biological motion against each other. Journal of Vision, 20(8), 18, 1-13
Schöpper, L.- M., Hilchey, M. D., Lappe, M., Frings, C. (2020) Detection versus discrimination – the limits of binding accounts in action control. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. Advance online publication, doi: 10.3758/s13414-019-01911-4, 1-13
Wolf, C., Wagner, I., & Schütz, A.C. (2019) Competition between salience and informational value for saccade adaptation. Journal of Vision, 19(14), 26, 1-24
Mayer, M. K., Thornton, I. M. and Vuong, Q. C. (2019) Comparable search efficiency for human and animal targets in the context of natural scenes. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics,, 1-12
Riddell, H. Li, L. & Lappe, M. (2019) Heading perception from optic flow in the presence of biological motion. Journal of Vision , 19(14), 25, 1–14
Watson, T. and Lappe, M. (2019) Fixation related shifts of perceptual localisation counter to saccade direction. Journal of Vision, 19(13), 18, 1–13
Gremmler, S., Lappe, M. (2019) Postsaccadic eye position contributes to oculomotor error estimation in saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 122(5), 1909–1917
Liepelt, R., Porcu, E., Stenzel, A., Lappe, M. (2019) Saccadic eye movements do not trigger a Joint Simon Effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(6), 1896-1904
Bölling, L., Stein, N., Steinicke, F., and Lappe, M. (2019) Shrinking circles: adaptation to increased curvature gain in redirected walking. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2019.2899228, 1-8
Mayer, K.M., Riddell, H., Lappe, M. (2019) Concurrent processing of optic flow and biological motion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(11), 1938–1952
Heins, F., Meermeier, A., & Lappe, M. (2019) Volitional control of saccadic adaptation. PLoS ONE, 14(1), 1-20
Lappe, C., Lappe, M., Keller, P. E. (2018) The influence of pitch feedback on learning of motor-timing and sequencing: a piano study with novices. PLoS ONE, 13(11), 1-10
Langbehn, E., Steinicke, F., Lappe, M. Welch, G. F., Bruder, G. (2018) In the blink of an eye - leveraging blink-induced suppression for imperceptible position and orientation redirection in virtual reality. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 37(4), 1-11
Habtegiorgis S., Rifai, K., Lappe, M., and Wahl, S. (2018) Experience-dependent long-term facilitation of skew adaptation. Journal of Vision, 18(9), 7, 1-11
Riddell, H., Lappe, M. (2018) Heading through a crowd. Psychological Science, 29(9), 1504-1514
Li, L., Ni, L., Lappe, M., Niehorster, D. C., Sun, Q. (2018) No special treatment of independent object motion for heading perception. Journal of Vision, 18(4), 19, 1–16
Lencer, R., Meermeier, A., Silling, K., Gremmler, S., Lappe, M. (2017) Instability of visual error processing for sensorimotor adaptation in schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 267(3), 237-244
Bremmer, F., Churan, J., Lappe, M. (2017) Heading representations in primates are compressed by saccades. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 8(1), 1-13
Riddell, H., Lappe, M. (2017) Biological motion cues aid identification of self-motion from optic flow but not heading detection. Journal of Vision, 17(12), 19,1-17
Habtegiorgis, S. W., Rifai, K., Lappe, M., Wahl, S, (2017) Adaptation to skew distortions of natural scenes and retinal specificity of its aftereffects. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1158, 1-10
Meermeier, A., Gremmler, S., Richert, K., Eckermann, T., Lappe, M. (2017) The reward of seeing: different types of visual reward and their ability to modify oculomotor learning. Journal of Vision, 17(12),11, 1-13
Gremmler, S., Lappe, M. (2017) Saccadic suppression during voluntary versus reactive saccades. Journal of Vision, 17(8):8, 1–10
Meermeier, A., Gremmler, S., Lappe, M. (2017) New is always better - Novelty modulates oculomotor learning. Journal of Vision 17(11):13, 1-7
Riddell, H., Tolentino Castro, J. W., Wagner, H., Lappe, M. (2017) Impairments in the visual processing of global biological motion cues in Down Syndrome. Perception 2017, 46(11) 1283-1297
Mayer, K. M., Macedonia, M., von Kriegstein, K. (2017) Recently learned foreign abstract and concrete nouns are represented in distinct cortical networks similar to the native language. Human Brain Mapping, 38(9), 4398-4412
Niehorster, D.C., Li, L., & Lappe, M. (2017) The accuracy and precision of oosition and orientation tracking in the HTC vive virtual reality system for scientific research. I-Perception, 8(3), 1-23, doi: 10.1177/2041669517708205
Lappe, C., Bodeck, S., Lappe, M., Pantev, C. (2017) Shared neural mechanisms for the prediction of own and partner musical sequences after short-term piano duet training. Frontiers in Neuroscience doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.0016 1-27
Cross, E.S., Ramsey, R., Liepelt, R., Prinz, W., Hamilton, A. F. (2016) The shaping of social perception by stimulus and knowledge cues to human animacy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371(1686), 20150075, 1-12
Langbehn, E., Raupp, T., Bruder, G., Steinicke, F., Bolte, B., Lappe, M. (2016) Visual blur in immersive virtual environments: does depth of field or motion blur affect distance and speed estimation? Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST, 02-04-November-2016, 241-250
Gremmler, S., Lappe, M. (2016). Saccadic adaptation is associated with starting eye position. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 322, 1-8
Meermeier, A., Gremmler, S., Lappe, M. (2016) The influence of image content on oculomotor plasticity. Journal of Vision, 16(8), 17, 1–12
Zimmermann, E., Lappe, M. (2016) Visual space constructed by saccade motor maps. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 225, 1-11
Liepelt, R., Dolk, T., & Hommel, B. (2016) Self-perception beyond the body: the role of past agency. Psychological Research, 81(1), 549-559
Porcu, E., Bölling, L., Lappe, M., & Liepelt, R. (2016) Pointing out mechanisms underlying Joint Action. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(4), 972-977
Lappe, C., Lappe, M., Pantev, C. (2016) Differential processing of melodic, rhythmic, and simple tome deviations in musicians - an MEG study. NeuroImage, 124, 898–905
Lappe, M. & Hamker, F. H. (2015) Peri-saccadic compression to two locations in a two-target choice saccade task. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 9, 135, 1-9
Bosco, A., Lappe, M., & Fattori, P. (2015) Adaptation of saccades and perceived size after trans-saccadic changes of object size. Journal of Neuroscience 35(43), 14448-14456
Bolte, B., Lussanet, M.H.E., & Lappe, M. (2015) Virtual reality system for the enhancement of mobility in patients with chronic back pain. In: Pareto, L., Sharkey, P.M., and Merrick, J. (Eds.) Technology, rehabilitation and mpowerment of People with Special Needs - Proc. 10th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Gothenburg, Sweden. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY, USA, 47-60
Liepelt, R., Klempova, B., Dolk, T., Colzato, L. S., Ragert, P., Nitsche, M., & Hommel, B. (2015) The medial frontal cortex mediates self-other discrimination in the Joint Simon Task: a tDCS study. Journal of Psychophysiology 30(3), 87–101
Stenzel, A. & Liepelt, R. (2015) Joint Simon Effects for non-human co-actors. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 78(1), 143-158
Stenzel, A. & Liepelt, R. (2015) Joint action changes valence-based action coding in an implicit attitude task. Psychological Research, 80(5), 889-903
Masselink, J. & Lappe, M. (2015) Translation and articulation in biological motion perception. Journal of Vision 15(11), 10, 1–14
Klempova, B. & Liepelt, R. (2015) Do you really represent my task? Sequential adaptation effects to unexpected events support referential coding for the Joint Simon Effect. Psychological Research, 80(4), 449-463
Lappe, M., Wittinghofer, K., de Lussanet, M. (2015) Perception of biological motion from size-invariant body representations. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 9, 24, 1-8
Zimmermann, E., Ostendorf, F., Ploner, C. and Lappe, M. (2015) Impairment of saccade adaptation in a patient with a focal thalamic lesion. Journal of Neurophysiology 133: 2351-2359
Bolte, B. & Lappe, M. (2015) Subliminal reorientation and reposition in immersive virtual environments using saccadic suppression. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 21 : 545-552
Sellaro, R., Dolk, T., Colzato, L., Liepelt, R., & Hommel, B. (2015) Referential coding does not rely on location features: evidence for a non-spatial Joint Simon Effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 186-195
Liepelt, R. (2014) Interacting hands: the role of attention for the Joint Simon Effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, (1462), 1-13
Kaminiarz, A., Schlack, A., Hoffmann, K.-P., Lappe, M., & Bremmer, F. (2014) Visual selectivity for heading in the macaque ventral intraparietal area. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(10), 2470-2480
Havermann, K., Cherici, C., Rucci, M., & Lappe, M. (2014) Fine-scale plasticity of microscopic saccades. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(35), 11665-11672
Behrendt, F., de Lussanet, M., Wagner, H. (2014) Observing a movement correction during walking affects evoked responses but not unperturbed walking, PLoS ONE 9(8), e104981, 1-14
Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Colzato, L. S., Schütz-Bosbach, S., Prinz, W., & Liepelt, R. (2014) The Joint Simon Effect: a review and theoretical integration. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(974), doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014/fpsyg.2014.00974, 1-10
Stenzel, A., Dolk, T., Colzato, L. S., Sellaro, R., Hommel, B., & Liepelt, R. (2014) The Joint SimonEeffect depends on perceived agency, but not intentionality, of the alternative action. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 595, 1-10
Gläser, N., Mauck, B., Kandil, F. I., Lappe, M., Dehnhardt, G., & Hanke, F. D. (2014) Harbor seals can perceive optic flow under water. PLoS ONE, 9(7):e103555, 1-5
Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Prinz, W., & Liepelt, R. (2014) The Joint Flanker Effect: less social than previously thought. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(5), 1224-1230
Gremmler, S., Bosco, A., Fattori, P., & Lappe, M. (2014) Saccadic adaptation shapes visual space in macaques. Journal of Neurophysiology, 111(9), 1846-1851
Theusner, S., de Lussanet, M., & Lappe, M. (2014) Action recognition by motion detection in posture space. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(3), 909-921
Böström, K. J., Wagner, H., Prieske, M., & de Lussanet, M. (2013) Model for a flexible motor memory based on a self-active recurrent neural network. Human Movement Science, 32(5), 880-898
Ritter, A., Weiss, T., Franz, M., & de Lussanet M. H. (2013) Brain activity for visual judgment of lifted weight. Human Movement Science, 32(5):924-37
Colzato, L. S., Steenbergen, L., de Kwaadsteniet, E. W., Sellaro, R., Liepelt, R., & Hommel, B. (2013) Tryptophan promotes interpersonal trust. Psychological Science, 24:2575-2577
de Lussanet, M. H. E., Behrendt, F., Puta, C., Schulte, T. L., Lappe, M. Weiss, T., & Wagner, H. (2013) Impaired visual perception of hurtful actions in patients with chronic low back pain. Human Movement Science, 32: 938-953
Behrendt, F., Wagner, H. & de Lussanet, M. H. E. (2013) Phase-dependent reflex modulation n tibialis anterior during passive viewing of walking. Acta Psychologica (Amst), 142(3)343-348
Bruder, G., Wieland, P., Bolte, B., Lappe, M., & Steinicke, F. (2013) Going with the flow: modifying self-motion perception with computer-mediated optic flow. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR):1-8
Krüger, N., Janssen, P., Kalkan, S., Lappe, M., Leonardis, A., Piater, J., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. J., & Wiskott, L. (2013) Deep hierarchies in the primate visual cortex: what can we learn for computer vision? IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(8), 1847-1871
Bruder, G., Steinicke, F., Bolte, B., Wieland, P., Frenz, H., & Lappe, M. (2013) Exploiting perceptual limitations and illusions to support walking through virtual environments in confined physical spaces. Displays, 34(2), 132-141
Strobach, T., Liepelt, R., Frensch, P. A., Pashler, H., & Schubert, T. (2013) Effects of extensive dual-task practice on processing stages in simultaneous choice tasks. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75(5), 900-920
Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Prinz, W., & Liepelt, R. (2013) The (not so) Social Simon Effect: a referential coding account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(5):1248-1260
Dolk, T., Liepelt, R., Prinz, W., & Fiehler, K. (2013) Visual experience determines the use of external reference frames in joint action control. PLoS One, 8(3), e59008, 1-8
Stenzel, A., Chinellato, E., del Pobil, Á. P., Lappe, M., & Liepelt, R. (2013) How deeply do we include robotic agents in the self? International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 10(01), 1-13
Liepelt, R., Wenke, D., & Fischer, R. (2013) Effects of feature integration in a hands-crossed version of the Social Simon paradigm. Psychological Research, 77(2), 240-248
Liepelt, R., Schneider, J. C., Aichert, D. S., Wöstmann, N., Dehning, S., Möller, H. J., Riedel, M., Dolk, T., & Ettinger, U. (2012) Action blind: disturbed self-other integration in Schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 50(14), 3775-3780
Stenzel, A., Chinellato, E., Tirado Bou, M. A., del Pobil, Á. P., Lappe, M., & Liepelt, R. (2012) When humanoid robots become human-like interaction partners: co-representation of robotic actions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(5),1073-1077
Lappe, M. (2012) Perception of biological motion as motion-from-form. e-Neuroforum, 18(3), 67–73
Dolk, T., Liepelt, R., Villringer, A., Prinz, W., & Ragert, P. (2012) Morphometric gray matter differences of the medial frontal cortex influence the social Simon Effect. NeuroImage, 61(4),1249–1254
de Lussanet, M. H. E. & Lappe, M. (2012) Depth perception from point-light biological motion displays. Journal of Vision , 12(11)14, 1–12
de Lussanet, M.H.E., Behrendt, F., Puta, C., Weiss, T., Lappe, M., Schulte, T.L., & Wagner, H. (2012) A body-part specific impairment in the visual recognition of actions in chronic pain patients. Pain, 153(7), 1459-1466
Wagner, H., Liebetrau, A., Schinowski, D., Wulf, T., & de Lussanet, M.H.E. (2012) Spinal lordosis optimizes the requirements for a stable erect posture. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 9(1), 13, 1-12
Wilmer, A., de Lussanet, M.H.E., & Lappe, M. (2012) Time-delayed mutual information of the phase as a measure of functional connectivity. PLoS ONE, 7(9), e44633, 1-22
Havermann, K., Volcic, R., & Lappe, M. (2012) Saccadic Adaptation to moving targets. PLoS ONE, 7(6), e39708, 1-9
Huberle ,E., Rupek, P., Lappe, M., & Karnath, H. (2012) Perception of biological motion in visual agnosia. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 6, 56, 1-7
Bruder, G. Steinicke, F., Wieland, P., & Lappe, M. (2012) Tuning self-motion perception in virtual reality with visual illusions. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(7), 1068-1078
Lavergne, L., Doré-Mazars, K., Lappe, M., Lemoine, C., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2012) Peri-saccadic compression in two-saccade sequences. Journal of Vision, 12(6), 1-13
Schnier, F. & Lappe, M. (2012) Mislocalization of stationary and flashed bars after saccadic inward and outward adaptation of reactive saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107(11), 3062-3070
Liepelt, R., Stenzel, A., & Lappe, M. (2012) Specifying social cognitive processes with a social dual-task paradigm. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 86, 1-8
Kellner, F., Bolte, B., Bruder, G., Rautenberg, U., Steinicke, F., Lappe, M., & Koch, R. (2012) Geometric calibration of head-mounted displays and its effects on distance estimation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(4), 589-596
Wittinghofer, K., de Lussanet, M.H.E., & Lappe, M. (2012) Local-to-global form interference in biological motion perception. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 74(4), 730-738
Beisert, M., Zmyj, N., Liepelt, R., Jung, F., Prinz, W., & Daum, M. (2012) Rethinking ‘Rational Imitation’ in 14-month-old infants: a perceptual distraction approach. PLoS ONE , 7(3), e32563, 1-5
Wulff, S., Bosco, A., Havermann, K., Placenti, G., Fattori, P., & Lappe, M. (2012) Eye position effects in saccadic adaptation in macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108(10), 2819-2826
Zimmermann, E. & Lappe, M. (2011) Eye position effects in oculomotor plasticity and visual localization. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(20), 7341-7348
Hamker, F.H., Zirnsak, M., Ziesche, A., & Lappe, M. (2011) Computational models of spatial updating in peri-saccadic perception. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 366(1564), 554-571
Zirnsak, M., Gerhards, R., Kiani, R., Lappe, M., & Hamker, F. (2011) Anticipatory saccade target processing and the pre-saccadic transfer of visual features. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(49), 17887–17891
Liepelt, R., Dolk, T., & Prinz, W. (2011) Bidirectional semantic interference between action and speech. Psychological Research, 76(4), 446-455
Ziesche, A. & Hamker, F.H. (2011) A computational model for the influence of corollary discharge and proprioception on the perisaccadic mislocalization of briefly presented stimuli in complete darkness. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(48):17392–17405
Havermann, K., Zimmermann, E., & Lappe, M. (2011) Eye position effects in saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 106(5), 2536-2545
Cross, E., Liepelt, R., Hamilton, A.F., Parkinson, J., Ramsey, R., Stadler, W., & Prinz, W. (2011) Robotic movement preferentially engages the action observation network. Human Brain Mapping, 33(9), 2238-2254
Schnier, F. & Lappe, M. (2011) Differences in inter-saccadic adaptation transfer between inward and outward adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 106(3), 1399-1410
Liepelt, R. & Prinz, W. (2011) How two share two tasks: evidence of a social psychological refractory period effect. Experimental Brain Research, 211(3-4), 387-396
Lappe, M., Stiels, M., Frenz, H., & Loomis, J.M. (2011) Keeping track of the distance from home by leaky integration along veering paths. Experimental Brain Research, 212(1), 81-89
Wenke, D., Atmaca, S., Holländer, A., Liepelt, R., Baess, P., & Prinz, W. (2011) What is shared in joint action? Issues of co-representation, response conflict, and agent identification. The Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2(2), 147-172
Theusner, S., de Lussanet, M. H. E., & Lappe, M. (2011) Adaptation to biological motion leads to a motion and a form aftereffect. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 73(6), 1843-1855
Springer, A., Brandstädter, S., Liepelt, R., Birngruber, T., Giese M., Mechsner, F., & Prinz, W. (2011) Motor execution affects action prediction. Brain and Cognition, 76(1), 26-36
Dolk, T., Hommel, B., Colzato, L.S., Schütz-Bosbach, S., Prinz, W., & Liepelt. R. (2011) How social is the social Simon Effect? Frontiers in Psychology, 2:84, 1-9
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G., Kuhl, S., Willemsen, P., Lappe, M., & Hinrichs, K.H. (2011) Natural perspective projections for Head-Mounted Displays. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17:888-899, 1-13
Strobach, T., Liepelt, R., Schubert, T., & Kiesel A. (2011) Task switching: effects of practice on switch and mixing costs. Psychological Research, 76(1), 74-83
Liepelt, R., Strobach, T., Frensch, P., & Schubert, T. (2011) Improved inter-task coordination skills after extensive dual-task practice. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology ,64(7), 1251-1272
Liepelt, R., Fischer, R., Frensch, P. A., & Schubert, T. (2011) Practice-related reduction of dual-task costs under conditions of a manual-pedal response combination. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23(1), 29-44
Bruder, G., Steinicke, S., & Wieland, P. (2011) Self-motion illusions in immersive virtual reality environments. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality, IEEE-VR, 39-46
Liepelt, R., Wenke, D., Fischer, R., & Prinz, W. (2011). Trial-to-trial sequential dependencies in a social and non-social Simon Task. Psychological Research, 75(5), 366-375
de Lussanet, M. H. E. (2011) A hexamer origin of the echinoderms' five rays. Evolution & Development , 13(2), 228-238
Klette, R., Krueger, N., Vaudrey, T., Pauwels, K., van Hulle, M., Morales, S., Kandil, F., Haeusler, R., Pugeault, N., Rabe, C., & Lappe, M. (2011) Performance of correspondence algorithms in vision-based driver assistance using an online image sequence database. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(5), 2012-2026
Vlainic, E., Liepelt, R., Colzato, L. S., Prinz, W., & Hommel, B. (2010) The virtual co-actor: the Social Simon Effect does not rely on online feedback from the other. Frontiers in Psychology, 1:208. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2010.00208, 1-6
Liepelt, R. & Brass, M. (2010) Top-down modulation of motor priming by belief about animacy. Experimental Psychology, 57, 221-227
Liepelt, R., Prinz, W., & Brass, M. (2010) When do we simulate non-human agents? Dissociating communicative and non-communicative actions. Cognition, 115(3), 426-434
Liepelt, R. & Brass, M. (2010) Automatic imitation of physically impossible movements. Social Cognition, 28(1), 59-74
Wittinghofer, K., de Lussanet, M. H. E., & Lappe, M. (2010) Category-specific interference of object recognition with biological motion perception. Journal of Vision, 10(13), 16, 1–11
Havermann, K. & Lappe, M. (2010) The influence of the consistency of postsaccadic visual errors on saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(6), 3302-3310
Zimmermann, E. & Lappe, M. (2010) Motor signals in visual localization. Journal of Vision, 10(6), 2, 1–11
Lavergne, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lappe, M., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2010) The spatial pattern of peri-saccadic compression for small saccades. Journal of Vision, 10(14), 17, 1–12
Galletti, C., Breveglieri, R., Lappe, M., Bosco, A., Ciavarro, M., & Fattori, P. (2010) Covert shift of attention modulates the ongoing neural activity in a reaching area of the macaque dorsomedial visual stream. PLoS ONE, 5(11), e15078, 1-11
Pauwels, K., Krüger, N., Lappe, M., Wörgötter, F., & Van Hulle, M. (2010) A cortical architecture on parallel hardware for motion processing in real-time. Journal of Vision, 10(10), 18, 1–21
Schnier, F., Zimmermann, E., & Lappe, M. (2010) Adaptation and mislocalization fields for saccadic outward adaptation in humans. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 3(3), 4, 1-18
Kandil, F.I., Rotter, A., & Lappe, M. (2010) Car drivers attend to different gaze targets when negotiating closed vs. open bends. Journal of Vision, 10(4), 24, 1-11
Zirnsak, M. Lappe. M., & Hamker , F.H. (2010) The spatial distribution of receptive field changes in a model of peri-saccadic perception: predictive remapping and shifts towards the saccade target. Vision Research, 50(14), 1328–1337
Wilmer, A., de Lussanet, M. H. E., & Lappe, M. (2010) A method for the estimation of functional brain connectivity from time-series data. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 4(2), 133–149
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G., Jerald, J., Frenz, H., & Lappe, M. (2010) Estimation of detection thresholds for redirected walking techniques. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16(1), 17-27
Bolte, B., Bruder, G., Steinicke, F., Hinrichs, K.H., & Lappe, M. (2010) Augmentation techniques for efficient exploration in head-mounted display environments. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST). ACM Press 2010, 11-18
Bremmer, F., Kubischik, M., Pekel, M., Hoffmann, K.-P., & Lappe, M. (2010) Visual selectivity for heading in monkey area MST. Experimental Brain Research, 200(1), 51–60
Zimmermann, E., Schnier, F., & Lappe, M. (2010) The contribution of scene context on change detection performance. Vision Research, 50(20), 2062–2068
Lange, J. & Lappe, M. (2010) Dynamic form templates determine sensitivity to biological motion. In: Wang, R, Gu, F (editors) Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics Vol. 2, Springer, 409-413
de Lussanet, M. H. E. & Lappe, M. (2010) Bistable alternation of point-light biological motion. In: Wang, R, Gu, F (editors) Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics Vol. 2, Springer, 415-419
Georg, K. & Lappe, M. (2008) Effects of saccadic adaption on visual localization before and during saccades. Experimental Brain Research, 192(1), 9-23
Bruder, G., Steinicke, F., Frenz, H., Lappe, M., & Hinrichs, K. H. (2009) Impact of gender on discrimination between real and virtual stimuli. In Preceedings of IEEE VR Workshop on Perceptual Illusions in Virtual Environments (PIVE), 10-15, Lafayette, LA.
Bruder, G., Steinicke, F., Hinrichs, K. H., & Lappe, M. (2009) Reorientation during body turns. In Proceedings of the 15th Joint virtual reality Eurographics conference on Virtual Environments (JVRC'09), Michitaka Hirose, Dieter Schmalstieg, Chadwick A. Wingrave, and Kunihiro Nishimura (Eds.). Eurographics Association, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, 145-152
Kuhlmann, S., de Lussanet, M. H. E., & Lappe, M. (2009) Perception of limited-lifetime biological motion from different viewpoints. Journal of Vision, 9(10), 11, 1–30
Lappe, M. & Frenz, H. (2009) Visual estimation of travel distance during walking. Experimental Brain Research, 199(3-4), 369–375
Zimmermann, E. & Lappe, M. (2009) Mislocalization of flashed and stationary visual stimuli after adaptation of reactive and scanning saccades. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(35), 11055-11064
Lange, J., de Lussanet, M. H. E., M., Kuhlmann, S., Zimmermann, A., Lappe, M., Zwitserlood, P., & Dobel, C. (2009) Impairment of biological motion perception in congenital prosopagnosia. PLoS ONE, 4(10): e7414, 1-9
Hüweler, R., Kandil, F.I., Alpers, G.W., & Gerlach, A.L. (2009) The impact of visual flow stimuli on anxiety, dizziness, and body sway in persons with and without fear of heights. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(4), 345-352
Lappe, M. (2009) What is adapted in saccadic adaptation? Journal of Physiology, 587(1), 5
Huberle, E., Rupek, P., Lappe, M., & Karnath, H.-O. (2009) Perception of global gestalt by temporal integration in simultanagnosia. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(1), 197–204
Kandil, F. I., Rotter, A., & Lappe, M. (2009) Driving is smoother and more stable when using the tangent point. Journal of Vision, 9(1),11:1–11
Lappe, M., Awater, H., & Michels, L. (2009) Visual and non-visual factors in peri-saccadic compression of space. In R. Nijhawan and B. Kurana (editors). Space and Time in Perception and Action. Cambridge University Press, 38-51
Lappe, M. (2009) Optic Flow. In: M. D. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst, and M. C. Hirsch (editors) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Springer Verlag, 3035-3039
Michels, L., Kleiser, R., de Lussanet, M. H., Seitz, R. J., & Lappe, M. (2009) Brain activity for peripheral biological motion in the posterior superior temporal gyrus and the fusiform gyrus: dependence on visual hemifield and view. NeuroImage, 45(1), 151-159
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G., Lappe, M., Frenz, H., Jerald, J., & Hinrichs, K. H. (2009) Real walking through virtual environments by redirection techniques. Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 6(2), 1-16
Vitay, J. & Hamker, F. H. (2009) Binding objects to cognition: a brain-like systems approach to the cognitive control of visual perception. International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys 2008), Karlsruhe, Germany, 1-6
Wiltschut, J. & Hamker, F.H. (2009) Efficient coding correlates with spatial frequency tuning in a model of V1 receptive field organization. Visual Neuroscience, 26(1), 21-34
Dubois, J., Hamker, F.H., & VanRullen, R. (2009) Attentional selection of non-contiguous locations: the spotlight is only transiently “split”. Journal of Vision, 9(5), 3, 1-11
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G., Ries, B., Hinrichs, K. H., Lappe, M., & Interrante, V. (2009) Transitional environments enhance distance perception in immersive virtual reality systems. Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization - 2009, 19-26
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G., Hinrichs, Lappe, M., K. H., Kuhl, S., & Willemsen, P., (2009) Judgment of natural perspective projections in head-mounted display environments. Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) - 2009, 35-42
Georg, K., Hamker, F. H., & Lappe, M. (2008) Influence of adaptation state and stimulus luminance on peri-saccadic localization. Journal of Vision, 8(1), 15, 1-11
de Lussanet, M. H. E., Fadiga, L., Michels, L., Seitz, R. J., Kleiser, R., & Lappe, M. (2008) Interaction of visual hemifield and body view in biological motion perception. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2), 514-522
Hamker, F. H., Zirnsak, M., Calow, D., & Lappe, M. (2008) The peri-saccadic perception of objects and space. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(2): e31, 1-21
Calow, D. & Lappe, M. (2008). Efficient encoding of natural optic flow. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 19(3), 183-212
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G. Jerald, J., Frenz, H., & Lappe, M. (2008) Analyses of human sensitivity to redirected walking. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 1-8
Hamker, F. H., Zirnsak, M., & Lappe, M. (2008) About the influence of post-saccadic mechanisms for visual stability on peri-saccadic compression of object location. Journal of Vision , 8(14), 1-13
Vitay, J. & Hamker, F. H. (2008) Sustained activities and retrival in a computational model of perirhinal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(11), 1993-2005
Steinicke, F., Ropinski, T., Bruder, G., Hinrichs, K., Frenz, H., & Lappe, M. (2008) A universal virtual locomotion system: supporting generic redirected walking and dynamic passive haptics within legacy 3D graphics applications. Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Conference (VR2008), 1-8
Hamker, F. H. & Vitay, J. (2008) On the role of dopamine in cognitive vision. In: L. Paletta and E. Rome (Eds.): WAPCV 2007, LNAI 4840, 352–366
Calow, D. & Lappe, M. (2008) An efficient encoding scheme for dynamic visual input based on the statistics of natural optic flow. In: Wang, R, Gu, F, and Shen, E (editors) Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, Springer, 711-716
Collins, T., Dore-Mazars, K., & Lappe, M. (2007) Motor space structures perceptual space: evidence from human saccadic adaptation. Brain Research, 1172, 32-39
Calow, D. & Lappe, M. (2007) Local statistics of retinal optic flow for self-motion through natural sceneries. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 18(4), 343-374
Lappe, M., Jenkin, M., & Harris, L. R. (2007) Travel distance estimation from visual motion by leaky path integration. Experimental Brain Research, 180(1), 35-48
Lange, J. & Lappe, M. (2007) The role of spatial and temporal information in biological motion perception. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3(4), 419-428
Frenz, H., Lappe, M., Kolesnik, M., & Bührmann, T. (2007) Estimation of travel distance from visual motion in virtual environments. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 4(1):Article 3, 1-18
Kandil, F. I. & Lappe, M. (2007) Spatio-temporal interpolation is accomplished by binocular form and motion mechanisms. PloS ONE, 2(2): e264, 1-10
Georg, K. & Lappe, M. (2007) Spatio-temporal contingency of saccade-induced chronostasis. Experimental Brain Research, 180(3), 535-539
Hamker, F. H. & Wiltschut, J. (2007) Hebbian learning in a model with dynamic rate-coded neurons: an alternative to the generative model approach for learning receptive fields from natural scenes. Network, Computation in Neural Systems, 18(3), 249-266
Hamker, F. H. (2007) The mechanisms of feature inheritance as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention and decision making. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3(1-2), 111-123
Awater, H.& Lappe, M. (2006) Mislocalization of perceived saccade target position induced by peri-saccadic visual stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(1), 12-20
Lange, J. & Lappe, M. (2006) A model of biological motion perception from configural form cues. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(11), 2894-2906
Beintema, J., Georg, K., & Lappe, M. (2006) Perception of biological motion from limited lifetime stimuli. Perception & Psychophys, 68(4), 613-624
Lappe, M., Kuhlmann, S., Oerke, B., & Kaiser, M. (2006) The fate of object features during perisaccadic mislocalization. Journal of Vision, 6(11), 1282-1293
Lange, J., Georg, K., & Lappe, M. (2006) Visual perception of biological motion by form: a template-matching analysis. Journal of Vision, 6(8), 836-849
Hamker, F. H. (2006). Modeling feature-based attention as an active top-down inference process. BioSystems, 86(1-3), 91-99
Pauwels, K., Lappe, M., & Van Hulle, M. M. (2006) Fixation as a mechanism for stabilization of short image sequences. International Journal of Computer Vision, 72(1), 67-78
Kuhlmann, S. & Lappe, M. (2006) Recognition of biological motion from blurred natural scenes. Perception, 35(11), 1495-1506
Frenz, H. & Lappe, M. (2006) Visual distance estimation in static compared to moving scenes. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 9(2), 321-331
Ma, W.J., Hamker, F.H., & Koch, C. (2006) Neural mechanisms underlying temporal aspects of conscious visual perception. In: H. Ögmen & B. G. Breitmeyer (eds.) The first half second: the microgenesis and temporal dynamics of unconscious and conscious visual processes. MIT Press, Chapter 16, 275-294
Hamker, F. H. & Zirnsak, M. (2006). V4 receptive field dynamics as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention using feedback from the frontal eye field. Neural Networks, 19(9), 1371-1382
Awater, H., Burr, D., Lappe, M., Morrone, M. C., & Goldberg, M. E. (2005) Effect of saccadic adaptation on the localization of visual targets. Journal of Neurophysiology, 93(6), 3605-3614
Frenz, H. & Lappe, M. (2005) Absolute travel distance from optic flow. Vision Research, 45(13), 1679-1692
Kalkan, S., Calow, D., Wörgötter, F., Lappe, M., & Krüger, N. (2005) Local image structures and optic flow estimation. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 16(4):323-340
Calow, D., Krüger, N., Wörgötter, F., & Lappe, M. (2005) Biologically motivated space-variant filtering for robust optic flow processing. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 16(4), 341-356
Michels, L., Lappe, M., & Vaina, L. M. (2005) Visual areas involved in the perception of human movement from dynamic form analysis. NeuroReport, 16(10), 1037-1041
Lappe, M., Frenz, H., Bührmann, T., & Kolesnik, M. (2005) Virtual odometry from visual flow. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X, edited by Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Scott J. Daly, Proc. of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE 5666, 493-502
Hamker, F. H (2005) The emergence of attention by population-based inference and its role in distributed processing and cognitive control of vision. Journal for Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Special Issue on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision 100(1-2), 64-106
Hamker, F. H. (2005) A population-based inference framework for feature-based attention in natural scenes. In: M. De Gregorio et al. (eds.), International Symposium on Brain Vision & Artificial Intelligence (BV&AI 2005), LNCS 3704. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 147–156
Hamker, F. H. (2005) Modeling Attention: from computational neuroscience to computer vision. In: L. Paletta et al. (eds.), Attention and Performance in Computational Vision. Second International workshop on attention and performance in computer vision (WAPCV 2004), LNCS 3368. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 118–132
Hamker, F. H. (2005) Chapter 98: How the detection of objects in natural scenes constrains attention in time. In: L. Itti, J. Tsotsos & G. Rees (eds.) Neurobiology of Attention. Elsevier Science and Technology Books, pp. 600-604
Hamker, F. H. (2005) A computational model of visual stability and change detection during eye movements in real world scenes. Visual Cognition, 12(6), 1161-1176
Hamker, F. H. (2005) The Reentry Hypothesis: the putative interaction of the frontal eye field, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, and areas V4, IT for attention and eye movement. Cerebral Cortex ,15(4), 431-447
Kaiser, M. & Lappe, M. (2004) Perisaccadic mislocalization orthogonal to saccade direction. Neuron, 41(2), 293-300
Michels, L. & Lappe, M. (2004).Contrast dependency of saccadic compression and suppression. Vision Research, 44(20), 2327-2336
Awater, H. & Lappe, M. (2004) Perception of visual space at the time of pro-and anti-saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology, 91(6), 2457-2464
Beintema, J. A. van den Berg, A. V., & Lappe, M. (2004).The structure of receptive fields for flow analysis and heading detection. In L. M Vaina, S. A. Beardsley, and S. Rushton, editors, Optic Flow And Beyond. Kluwer Academic Press, 1-24
Lappe, M. (2004) Building blocks for time-to-contact estimation by the brain. In Hecht, H. and Savelsberg, G., editors, Theories of Time-to-Contact, Advances in Psychology Series. Elsevier, 135, 39-52
Hamker, F. H. (2004) A dynamic model of how feature cues guide spatial attention. Vision Research 44(5), 501-521
Hamker, F. H.(2004) Predictions of a model of spatial attention using sum- and max-pooling functions. Neurocomputing, 56, 329-343
Hamker, F. H. (2004) Vision as an anticipatory process. Invited Contribution. In: H.-M. Groß et al. (eds.), SOAVE 2004, 3rd Workshop on Self Organization of Adaptive Behavior. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 10, Nr. 743. Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag, 79-93
Hamker, F. H., Zirnsak, M., Calow, D., & Lappe, M. (2004) Planned action determines perception: a computational model of saccadic mislocalization. In: U. Ilg et al. (eds.), Dynamic Perception, Infix Verlag, St. Augustin, 71-76
Kalkan, S., Calow, D., Felsberg, M., Wörgötter, F., Lappe, M., & Krüger, N. (2004) Optic flow statistics and intrinsic dimensionality. Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Stirling, UK, BIS, 3-2, 1-7
Kalkan,S.,Calow, D., Felsberg, M., Wörgötter, F., Lappe, M., & Krüger, N. (2004) Local image structures and optic flow estimation. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 16(4), 341-356
Calow, D., Krüger, N., Wörgötter, F., & Lappe, M. (2004) Statistics of optic flow for self-motion through natural scenes. In: U. Ilg et al. (eds.), Dynamic Perception, Infix Verlag, St. Augustin, 133-138
Calow, D., Krüger, N., Wörgötter, F., & Lappe, M. (2004) Space variant filtering of optic flow for robust three dimensional motion estimation. In: Fourth International ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, Island of Madeira, Portugal, February 29 - March 2, 1-12
Calow, D., Krüger, N., Wörgötter, F., & Lappe, M. (2004) A biologically motivated mid-level stage of robust optic flow processing. Early Cognitive Vision Workshop, Sabhal Mor Ostaig, UK, 1-8
Wörgötter, F., Krüger, N., Pugeault, N., Calow, D., Lappe, M., Pauwels, K., van Hulle, M., Tan, S., & Johnston, A. (2004) Early cognitive vision: Using Gestalt-laws for task-dependent, active image-processing. Natural Computing, 3(3), 293-321
Krüger, N., Lappe, M., & Wörgötter, F. (2004) Biologically motivated multi-modal processing of visual primitives. AISB Journal, 1(5), 417-428
Frenz, H., Bremmer, F., & Lappe, M. (2003) Discrimination of travel distances from 'situated' optic flow. Vision Research, 43(20), 2173-2183
Hamker, F. H.(2003) The reentry hypothesis: linking eye movements to visual perception. Journal of Vision, 3(11), 808-816
Beintema, J. A, & Lappe, M. (2002) Perception of biological motion without local image motion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(8), 5661-5663
Hamker, F. H. & Worcester, J. (2002) Object detection in natural scenes by feedback. In: H. H. Bülthoff et al. (eds.), Biologically Motivated Computer Vision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag 398-407
Hamker, F. H. (2002) How does the ventral pathway contribute to spatial attention and the planning of eye movements? In: R. P. Würtz & M. Lappe (eds.) Dynamic Perception. St. Augustin: Infix Verlag, 83-88
Brause, R., Hamker, F. H., & Paetz, J, (2002) Septic shock diagnosis by neural networks and rule based systems. In: Schmitt, et al. (eds.), Computational Intelligence Processing in Medical Diagnosis, Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 323-356
Giese, M. & Lappe, M. (2002) Measurement of generalization fields for the recognition of biological motion. Vision Research42 (15):1847-1858
Krekelberg, B. & Lappe, M. (2002) Untangling spatial from temporal illusions: reply Trends in Neurosciences, 25(6), 293-294
Beintema, J. A., v. d. Berg, A. V., & Lappe, M. (2002) Receptive field structure of flow detectors for heading perception. In: T. G. Dietterich and S. Becker and Z. Ghahramani, editors: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 14, 149-156, MIT Press
Lange, J., Georg, K., & Lappe, M. (2002) Ideal-observer-model and psychophysical studies on the role of form information in biological motion perception. In: R.Würtz & M. Lappe, editors, Dynamic Perception, Infix Verlag, 109-114
Krekelberg, B. & Lappe, M. (2000). The position of moving objects. Science ,289, 1107a
Beintema, J. A. & Lappe, M. (2001) Biological motion perception from sequential position information. In: H. Kingma and J. Duysens, editors: Control of Posture and Gait, NPI, 1-4
Krekelberg, B. & Lappe, M. (2001) Neural latencies and the position of moving objects. Trends in Neuroscience, 24(6), 335-339
Lappe, M. (2001) Information transfer between sensory and motor networks. In: F. Moss & C. C. A. M. Gielen, editors, Handbook of Biological Physics: Neuroinformatics, 4, 1001-1041, Elsevier
Krekelberg, B., Paolini, M., Bremmer, F., Lappe, M., & Hoffmann, K.-P. (2001) Deconstructing the receptive field: Information coding in macaque area MST. Neurocomputing, 38, 249-254
Lappe, M., Awater, H., & Krekelberg, B. (2000) Postsaccadic visual references generate presaccadic compression of space. Nature, 403(6772), 892-985
Paolini, M., Distler, C., Bremmer, F., Lappe, M., & Hoffmann, K.-P. (2000) Responses to continuously changing optic flow in area MST. Journal of Neurophysiology, 84(2), 730-743
Bertin, R. J. V., Israel, I., & Lappe, M. (2000) Perception of two-dimensional, simulated ego-motion trajectories from optic flow. Vision Research, 40(21), 2951-2971
Beintema, J. A., Lappe, M., & van den Berg, A. V. (2000). Receptive field structure of heading detectors. In: G. Baratoff & H. Neumann, editors, Dynamische Perzeption, Infix Verlag, 187-190
Lappe, M. (editor) (2000) Neuronal Processing of Optic Flow. Academic Press
Lappe, M. & Hoffmann, K.-P. (2000) Optic flow and eye movements. In M. Lappe, editor, Neuronal Processing of Optic Flow, International Review of Neurobiology, 44, 29-50, Academic Press
Lappe, M. (2000) Computational mechanisms for optic flow analysis in primate cortex. In M. Lappe, editor, Neuronal Processing of Optic Flow, International Review of Neurobiology, 44, 235-268, Academic Press
Krekelberg, B. & Lappe, M. (2000) A model of the perceived relative positions of moving objects based upon a slow averaging process. Vision Research, 40(2), 201-215
Lappe, M., Grigo, A., Bremmer, F., Frenz, H., Bertin, R. J. V., & Israel, I. (2000) Perception of heading and driving distance from optic flow. Driving Simulation Conference, Paris, 25-31
Lappe, M., Bremmer, F., & van den Berg, A. V. (1999) Perception of self-motion from visual flow. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3(9), 329-336
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