New publication
New publication

OUT NOW: Global Citizenship im Fremdsprachenunterricht

© Narr Verlag

Das Thema Global Citizenship Education (GCE) gewinnt als Querschnittsthema aller schulischen Fächer immer mehr an Relevanz. Allerdings gestaltet sich eine einheitliche Definition des Begriffs als äußerst schwierig: Zu vielstimmig sind die mit GCE verbundenen Diskurse, zu divers die Konzeptionen und assoziierten Zielstellungen. Dieser Band bietet hierbei Hilfe: 7 Kapitel führen in das Thema ein und bieten einen Überblick und Orientierung. Dazu werden theoretische Grundlagen thematisiert, fokussierte Blicke auf den Zusammenhang zwischen GCE und für den Fremdsprachenunterricht relevante Themen gerichtet sowie erste Möglichkeiten einer fremdsprachenunterrichtlichen Umsetzung diskutiert. Ein umfassendes Literaturverzeichnis spiegelt darüber hinaus aktuelle Perspektiven auf den Diskurs wider und lädt zur tiefergehenden Beschäftigung mit dieser zukunftsorientierten Art, schulische Bildung zu denken, ein.

Zusammengefasst von Ricardo Römhild

New publication
New publication

OUT NOW: Oracy in English Language Education

© ELE chair

We proudly present the latest publication by our professors and team members as well as contributors from all over the world. This comprehensive volume of the "English Language Education" series by Springer develops a timely concept of oracy in English language education, provides the reader with insight into building research-practice partnerships and covers various practice-oriented research approaches to oracy.

Edited by Frauke Matz, Julia Reckermann and Philipp Siepmann.

New project has started
New project has started

Pedagogical Alliance for XR Technologies in (Teacher) Education (PAX)

© F. Matz

We are so excited to announce that our PAX project has officially started! The Kick-off Meeting took place from 11 – 12 April 2024 in Münster. 

The project is a unique opportunity for teachers, teacher educators and XR developers to come together and collaborate. 

The PAX group is here to provide teachers and developers with research-based XR frameworks for use in primary, secondary, and vocational educational contexts.

A big thank you to the whole team for joining us in Münster and helping us get off to a great start!

For more information please visit:  
(ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PI-ALL-INNO Project 101139827)

Extending human rights education
Extending human rights education

Conference in London

© R. Römhild

It was such a pleasure meeting our friends of the human rights education community at UCL London in April. Frauke Matz and Ricardo Römhild attended the 15th ICEDC annual conference: Extending human rights education. World Education Research Association (WERA), International Research Network (IRN) in Human Rights Education (HRE), which also served as the inaugural conference of International Association for Human Rights Education (IAHRE). Thank you to all the amazing presenters, attendees, and of course to Prof. Audrey Osler and Prof. Hugh Starkey for organising and hosting! See you soon!

Positionspapier des DGFF

Ein klares JA für Fremdsprachenunterricht an Grundschulen

Mit diesem Papier, federführend von Jun.-Prof. Julia Reckermann (Universität Münster) und Prof. Stefanie Frisch (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) verfasst, positioniert sich die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF) eindeutig für den Fremdsprachenunterricht auf der Primarstufe. Im Papier werden die wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Gründe dargelegt und Forderungen für die Weiterentwicklung des frühen Fremdsprachenlernens gestellt. Das Papier ist öffentlich über die Website der DGFF verfügbar und der Link darf gerne weitläufig geteilt werden.

Network meeting on May 14th
5 reasons to join ELINET - 1

5 Reasons to join ELINET

The international ELINET network is looking for students to join their team. The student board cordially invites all students interested in joining ELINET to a ZOOM meeting with more information on May 14th.

Symposium, 05. Juli 2024
Theo Symposium
© ELE Team

Theoretische Forschung in der Fremdsprachendidaktik

Datum: 05. Juli 2024
OrganisatorInnen: Dr. Ricardo Römhild, Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz & Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merse
Konferenzsprache: Deutsch

Mit einem Plenarvortrag von Prof. Dr. Werner Delanoy.

Der Call for Participation ist nun geöffnet! Er steht hier zum Download (PDF) bereit.
Bitte reichen Sie Ihr Abstract oder eine kurze Interessensbekundung zur Teilnahme ohne eigenen Beitrag bis zum 19.05.2024 über diesen Link ein.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf der Veranstaltungswebsite.

Successful conference
Image Lico

International Conference: Foreign Language Listening Comprehension (LiCo)

The LiCo (International Conference on Listening Comprehension) took place from Wednesday, 6 March to Thursday, 7 March 2024 at the English Department, University of Münster. We would like to thank the amazing keynote speakers Prof. Dr. Christine Goh, Dr. Daniel Lam and Prof. Dr. Henning Rossa, who added so much value and expertise to our conference. 

We would also like to express our appreciation to all the national and international participants who attended despite the strikes. 

The conference had a wonderful atmosphere and all contributions were of the highest scientific quality. It truly is a small, abeit amazing research community.

For further information please visit our LiCo-Website

Successful conference
Plakat NdF 2024 update
© ELE chair

12. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen

As part of the LiCo conference, we also held our annual Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen (Teacher Education Afternoon) on Wednesday 6 March. 

We'd like to say thank you to all the teachers who attended and made it a wonderful afternoon. Thanks are also due to the workshop leaders who kindly offered their time and expertise. The next Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen is scheduled for March 2025. For more information, please refer to our Ndf-Website.

We want to especially thank all our speakers and workshop leaders:
Jan Albers, Jessica Bial, Alicia Damitsch, Anna Finke, Jens Folkerts, Christine Goh, Ulrike Lützen, Miriam Nienhaus, Yseult Roch, Michael Rogge, Ricardo Römhild, Rebecca Schlieckmann, Philipp Siepmann, Antonio Manrique Zúñiga

New publication
Cover Global Citizenship, Ecomedia and English Language Education
© R. Römhild

OUT NOW: Global Citizenship, Ecomedia and English Language Education

The publication by our team-member Ricardo Römhild offers a unique concept for the inclusion of eco-documentaries in language education. It presents a transdisciplinary approach spanning ecomedia, global citizenship, multiliteracies and language learning and provides transferable insights to broader contexts of film pedagogy and global citizenship education.

You can find out more about this project on our Research website.

  • 2023

    Critical Media Literacy Workshop

    Gastworkshop zu Picture Books

    Dr. Jeff Share from UCLA held a very interesting and thought-provoking workshop on “Challenging Topics in Picture Books” for interested students and staff members of the English department on November 22nd, 2023. The books we discussed dealt with issues of diversity, drug abuse, migration, racism, etc. and encouraged participants to change perspectives and think of ideas to include such books in the primary or secondary school English classroom. All books will be ordered for our library.

    New publication

    Out now: Digital games. Mit Videospielen Kompetenzen entwickeln

    Die 64. Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "Englisch", herausgegeben von Stefan Labenz, beeinhaltet viele spannende Beiträge zu Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Videospielen im Fremdsprachenunterricht, inklusive zwei Beiträgen von und mit Dr. Daniel Becker.

    Becker, D. (2023). Finde den (Wort-)Schatz! Mit dem Videospiel Stardew Valley Orts- und Wegbeschriebungen üben. Englisch 5-10, 64. Friedrich Verlag.
    Becker, D., Labenz, S. (2023). Digital game-based learning. Anhand von Videospielen motivierenden, lehrplankonformen Unterricht gestalten. Englisch 5-10, 64. Friedrich Verlag.

    New project ahead

    Karg Foundation funds project at the University of Münster

    With the William Stern Programme, the Karg Foundation aims to encourage young scientists to enter the field of gifted and talented research. The first projects of the programme are now starting and we are very proud to announce that Prof. Dr. Till Utesch and Alicia Battenfeld have been successful in their application for the "Tandem" grant. Alicia will be doing her PhD in the field of Language Learning Aptitude with Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut as her supervisors.
    Read the full article here.

    HRER WERA IRN Webinar

    HRER WERA IRN Webinar

    Human rights perspectives in language education for sustainable development

    Join Ricardo Römhild online on 15th November, 16.30 GMT, registration is FREE (link below)

    In this HRER WERA IRN webinar, we will explore how human rights-informed language education may empower learners to contribute to living together in a more sustainable and just world. It is based on a recent article of mine published with Human Rights Education Review.

    Thank you to Audrey Osler and Hugh Starkey for making this possible!

    Everyone who's interested is more than welcome to join.

    More info and registration here

    | New cooperations ahead
    Meeting at Dublin University
    © F. Matz

    Meeting in Maynooth, Ireland

    This week our professors Frauke Matz and Julia Reckermann took the opportunity to visit ELE-colleagues in Ireland and met with Dr Rose Dolan, Associate Professor at the Manooth University and Dr Gareth Burns, Dublin University. It was a delightful meeting and we are now looking forward to further cooperation in the future!

    Field trip to Freiburg: The ELE team at the DGFF congress 2023 

    The biennial DGFF congress is the most important event for foreign language researchers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. After the covid pandemic forced the 2021 congress to be held entirely via Zoom, this year’s edition took the ELE team to the charming city of Freiburg.

    The members of our team came packed with individual presentations and symposia. 

    On top of these very successful contributions, we celebrated the election of Ricardo Römhild to the DGFF advisory board – congratulations!

    The atmosphere throughout the four days of the congress was overwhelmingly positive and upbeat after four years without in-person exchange with the research community. We would like to cordially thank the team at the local University of Education led by Olivier Mentz for their impeccable organization and their extremely warm welcome. We are already looking forward to the next DGFF congress in Kassel, 2025. 

    Research stay abroad
    Research stay abroad

    Jens-Folkert Folkerts visited Prof. Dr. Thomas Strasser (PH Vienna)

    Jens-Folkert Folkerts embarked on an enriching research stay at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) under the guidance of the awesome Professor Dr. Thomas Strasser. His primary focus was on exploring the intersection of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and listening comprehension instruction, as well as on analyzing the Austrian school system. This innovative approach not only broadened his horizons but also provided valuable insights for future educational strategies. He returned with a deepened understanding of how digitalization and AI intersect with effective listening instruction, ready to actively apply his knowledge and contribute to the advancement of the education system. (Text written in co-creation with ChatGPT 3.5 ;-) )

    Veränderte Abschlussprüfung EFL-Modul

    Alle Studierenden die nach Juli 2023 die Modulabschlussprüfung im EFL-Modul des Zweifach-Bachelors geschrieben haben/schreiben werden, sollten sich mit den Veränderungen der Abschlussprüfung vertraut machen.

    Mehr Infos finden Sie auf unserer Study-Homepage

    © ZfSL Gelsenkirchen

    Fachleitertagung Englisch – Künstliche Intelligenz im Englischunterricht

    Am 29.08.23 fand die jährliche Fachleitertagung der Fachleitungen Englisch (Gym/Ges) des Regierungsbezirks Münster am ZfsL Gelsenkirchen statt. Thomas Henrichs und Michael Rogge, die auch unser Team zu diesem Bar Camp zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz im Englischunterricht einlud, führten durch den Tag. Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz hielt einen Impulsvortrag mit dem Titel New Kinds of Learning: Pedagogical Concepts and Pracitces to Implment AI in the Language Classroom, an den sich viele Scrum Sessions rund um das Thema anschließen. Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich für diese Einladung und den gemeinsamen, wertschätzenden und sehr bereichernden Austausch bedanken und freuen uns schon jetzt auf das nächste Bar Camp im August 2024! 

    New Publication

    Out now!

    - König, L., Römhild, R. & Schildhauer, P. (eds.) (2023): Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE): Global Englishes (183). Visit the publisher's website for details. 

    - König, L., Reckermann, J., Römhild, R. & Schildhauer, P. (2023): "Global Englishes Language Teaching. Diskursfähigkeit, Sprachbewusstheit und Kommunikationsstrategien für den Umgang mit Varieties of English erwerben". In: FUE 183: Global Englishes, 2-7.
    - Folkerts, J. (2023): "Listening to voices of Brooklyn. New Yorker varieties of English in TikTok-Videos hören und per Hörverstehensstrategien erschließen." In: FUE 183: Global Englishes, 18-25.

    © CIRCE

    New Erasmus+ project

    We are happy to announce that our team is now part of the Counteracting accent dIscrimination pRactiCes in Education (CIRCE) project. The project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000087602 and is coordinated by the University of Siena, Italy, under the scientific responsibility of Prof. Silvia Calamai, University of Siena (Italy) and in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Universität Hamburg (UH, Germany), International Burch University (IBU, Bosnia and Herzegovina), and the University of Évora (Portugal). 
    For more information, please see here

    Symposium: Global Englishes Language Teaching

    When? Wednesday, 31st May 2023 
    Where? English Department, WWU 
    Organisers: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann & Ricardo Römhild

    For further information on the programme, presenters, etc. visit the symposia website.

    | University of Glasgow
    University of Glasgow

    1st Annual ELINET Conference

    It was a great pleasure attending ELINETs inaugural conference at the University of Glasgow, hosted by Dr. Nicola Galloway and her team.

    Ricardo Römhild & Frauke Matz shared insights on how cosmopolitan perspectives can enrich GELT research and practices, and Julia Reckermann & Ricardo Römhild reported on a study of future English teachers’ opinions towards GELT conducted with MEd students at the University of Münster. Thank you to the organizers and hosts for providing this amazing opportunity for exchanging ideas and getting to know scholars from around the world. We are looking forward to seeing Dr. Nicola Galloway and Professor Heath Rose again at the GELT symposium in May.

    Join our MA- colloquium!

    We kindly invite you to join our MA- colloquium where you can discuss your own thesis, get helpful feedback and get the opportunity to meet other students who are at the same point of their academic career. If you are interested in participating, please contact Martha Gampert.

    The colloquium takes place on the following dates in ES226 from 6.00pm - 7.30pm:

    April 18th 2023
    May 9th 2023
    May 16th 2023
    May 23rd 2023
    June 6th 2023
    June 20th 2023
    June 27th 2023
    July 4th 2023

    New Publication

    Out now!

    Matz, F., & Rossa, H. (Eds.) (2023). Hörverstehen fördern. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE), 182. Visit the publisher's website for details. 

    Bruns, J., & Siepmann, P. (2023). How to be a good listener. Hörverstehen: Konfliktsituationen auf einem Schüleraustausch per active listening lösen. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE), 182. 

    Folkerts, J., & Schlieckmann, R. (2023). What's my superpower? Mit einem Hörbuch Hörverstehensstrategien entwickeln. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE), 182, 9-15. 

    Folkerts, J. (2023). Are greenwashing campaigns a crime? Hörverstehen: Einen true crime podcast hören und in einer simulierten Gerichtsverhandlung diskutieren. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (FUE), 182, 39-45.


    Recent Event

    11. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen

    Am 1. März fand der 11. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen statt. Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, nach drei langen Jahren endlich wieder Kolleg*innen aus der Praxis, Referendar*innen und Studierende in Präsenz begrüßen zu können. Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich für den tollen Auftaktvortrag von Professor Matthias Hutz (PH Freiburg) zur Entwicklung lexikalischer Kompetenz aus fachdidaktischer und neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive bedanken! Unser herzlicher Dank gilt auch den Workshopleitungen, die es uns ermöglicht haben, dass wir in 2 Zeitschienen insgesamt 15 Workshops anbieten konnten. Zwischen den Workshops gab es die Möglichkeit - bei Kaffee und Kuchen - die ausgestellten Materialien der Schulbuchverlage anzuschauen und miteinander in den Austausch zu kommen. Insgesamt war es ein sehr gelungener Tag. Wir freuen uns bereits auf den nächsten Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen, der am 06.03.2024 zum Thema Hörverstehen stattfinden wird.

    April 20th - 21st, 2023 - Save the Date!

    Game On: (Digital) Game-Based Language Learning and English Language Education

    When? April 20th - 21st, 2023
    Where? English Department, WWU
    Organisers: Daniel Becker & Frauke Matz

    For further information on the programme, presenters, etc. visit the symposia website.

    New Publication

    Out now!

    Matz, F., Rogge, M., & Rumlich, D. (2023). Die mündliche Prüfung. Eine Einführung. Narr.
    ISBN: 978-3-8233-8308-6

    For more information please visit the publisher's website.

    Erfolgreiche Disputatio

    © R. Römhild

    Ricardo Römhild hat am 02.12.2022 seine Arbeit mit dem Titel "Documentaries for a Change
    Cultivating Global Citizenship Education through Eco-Documentaries in the English Language Classroom
    " erfolgreich verteidigt. Ein besonderer Dank gilt den Betreuer*innen Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz und Prof. Dr. Laurenz Volkmann (Uni Jena), sowie allen Wegbegleiter*innen der letzten Jahre.

  • 2022

    ELE team on the road

    Zweites westfälisches Kolloquium in Paderborn

    Am 25.11. trafen sich die Teams der Englischdidaktik der WWU Münster und Universität Paderborn zum gemeinsamen Kolloquium. Ein ganz herzlicher Dank aus Münster geht an das Paderborner Team für die Gastfreundschaft und großartige Organisation. Nach einem Tag voller spannender Debatten, inspirierenden Gesprächen und Austausch freut sich das Team auf eine Fortsetzung im Februar.

    Join our MA- colloquium!

    We kindly invite you to join our MA- colloquium where you can discuss your own thesis, get helpful feedback and get the opportunity to meet other students who are at the same point of their academic career. If you are interested in participating, please contact

    The colloquium takes place on the following dates in ES226 from 6.00pm - 7.30pm:
    • October 25th 2022 (Kick-off meeting)
    • November 15th 2022
    • December 6th 2022 (Possible extra meeting)
    • December 13th 2022
    • January 10th 2023
    • January 24th 2023

    Time to Say Goodbye

    We are very sad to say goodbye to our colleagues Naime Zeineddine and Dr. Karoline Wirbatz.
    Dr. Karoline Wirbatz has done a fantastic job in the Curriculum 4.0 project where she coordinated, directed and carried out video recordings of nine famous researchers from the ELE context.
    Naime Zeineddine has been working with dedication on the QLB project and produced best- practice in- class recordings which add a practical focus to the teacher education at the WWU. The projects contribute to the improvement of the English language teacher education at the WWU. Thank you both for all your hard work and fantastic support of our team. We wish you all the best and you will be missed in our team!

    | ELE team on the road
    ELE team on the road

    Successful SLTED conference in Vienna

    © P. Siepmann

    The international Second Language Teacher Education congress 2022 in Vienna brought together researchers from around the world to discuss salient issues in developing teacher professionality. The English Language Education team contributed six papers to the conference: Jens-Folkert Folkerts presented his design-based research project on listening comprehension and, in a second talk in cooperation with Philipp Siepmann, discussed implications of the researchers' two practice-led projects for developing specific language assessment literacy to prepare (prospective) teachers for constructing and assessing listening comprehension tests and oral communication exams in the foreign language classroom. Joined by Frauke Matz, Marius Ritter presented results from his Ph.D. project on fostering teachers' professional vision using classroom videographies. Anika Marxl initiated a lively discussion in the panel by drawing attention to the need for multimodal mediation competences in the global and digital age. Together with Ricardo Römhild, she presented a second talk. Our doctoral students raised the issue of teaching critical discourse competence, thereby (re-)considering the primary goal of language education. Finally, Frauke Matz contributed to our friend Werner Delanoy's symposium and presented her take on the question 'Quo Vadis Cultural Learning and Language Education?'. Besides these contributions, the networking opportunities made our team's field trip to Vienna a big success.

    September - November

    Webinar: Critical Media Literacy – free registration

    Dr. Jeff Share (UCLA) offers 5 webinars on critical media literacy. Registration is free, so if you're interested in learning more about this subject from one of the leading experts in the field, sign up! The webinars will take place between 1 am–2.30 am CET.

    | Curriculum 4.0: See you on the flip(ped) side
    Curriculum 4.0: See you on the flip(ped) side

    New teaching strategies: Spotlight Lectures Part 9 is a wrap

    © K. Wirbatz

    Today we welcomed Michael Rogge (ZfsL Gelsenkirchen) with his take on Agile Learning in the foreign language classroom. He emphasised the importance of a proactive pedagogical change in the modern classroom to adapt to a changing living environment. With the advent of online knowledge data bases, AI and similar technologies, factual knowledge is becoming less important and human competencies are becoming increasingly more important. The development of such competencies must be encouraged and sustained by teachers and through more student-centred activities.

    Check out our project-website for further details

    27.09. - 29.09.2023

    DGFF Kongress 2023

    Der 30. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung wird 2023 unter dem Titel "Grenzen - Grenzräume - Entgrenzungen" an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg im Breisgau stattfinden.  Auf der DGFF Kongress Webseite können Sie weitere Informationen zum Call for Papers und der Anmeldung finden.

    Die DGFF Nachwuchstagung 2023 wird am 16. und 17. März hier an der WWU stattfinden. Weitere Informationen zur Nachwuchstagung "Findungsphasen" finden Sie hier.

    | Curriculum 4.0: See you on the flip(ped) side
    Curriculum 4.0: See you on the flip(ped) side

    New lecture recorded: Interesting insights about Critical Media Literacy

    l. t. r.: Ricardo Römhild, Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz, Diego Share, Dr. Jeff Share
    © F. Matz

    On August 1st we had the honours to record yet another digital lecture for our Curriculum 4.0/ Spotlight series project. Dr. Jeff Share of the UCLA shared with us the main concepts and practical steps of how to engage critically with all kinds of modern media in the English language classroom. Due to his own earlier work experience as a professional photographer and a primary school teacher it was a very informative mix of personal viewing points and the scholastic works of this field he has been studying in for years. We would like to thank Mr. Share for his time and effort and we are looking forward to providing students with this helpful material!

    Check out his teaser on our project website

    ADiBE Reunion – World CLIL 2023
    CLIL conference group
    © María Luisa Pérez Cañado

    Thanks to two ADiBE symposia organised by Kim Bowers and Marisa Cañado at World CLIL Conference in The Hague, the team had the chance to reunite. We are very grateful to have been able to present key findings of the German ADiBE sample and listening to the other teams share their findings. We hope to see you all very soon for another ADiBE reunion!

    New Publication

    Out now!

    Becker, D., Ludwig, C., and Summer, T. (2022). Taboos in ELT through the lens of critical pedagogy: A short Introduction. Teacher Development Academic Journal 2(2), 9-16.

    Read more on Daniel Becker's website or go to the publisher's website (link to publication).

    | Recent event
    Recent event

    DBR Symposium was a success

    © F. Matz

    On last Friday, 10th June, our symposium on the topic of "design based research" finally took place. We are very utterly thankful for this great success with our second in-person symposium after the long Covid-break and want to kindly thank all the participants for their support!
    We experienced a very interesting portfolio of keynotes who showed us the variety of this relatively new methodological approach. Thanks a lot to our fantastic keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Susan McKenney and all the other speakers for their insightful and really interesting contributions.
    It’s been lovely having you again in our department and we hope to see you all soon again.
    If you are interested in the event, make sure to visit the DBR symposium website

    Friday, June 10th, 2022

    Upcoming Event

    Symposium: Design-Based Research in English Language Education

    Design-Based Research (DBR) has already become a fixed branch of research in many areas in recent years. In the context of foreign language education, there are already individual projects based on DBR principles, but there is a lack of a systematic methodological discourse. The symposium organized by the Chair of English Language Education aims to provide an impetus for a DBR network in foreign language research.
    For more information visit the DBR Symposium Website.
    Register now!

    New Publication

    Out Now!

    Focus on Video Games and English Language Education/Designing Hybrid Learning Spaces.
    Focus Editors: Daniel Becker and Frauke Matz

    We are very excited to announce that the new Anglistik issue has finally been published. Daniel Becker and Frauke Matz would love to thank all authors for their insightful contributions and the editorial team for all their patience and wonderful support. You can access this open access issue via this link: Anglistik 33 (2022), Issue 1

    | Recent Event
    Recent Event
    © ELE

    Symposium: Reading YA Literature in the EFL Classroom and Beyond

    On Friday, 20th May, our YA symposium took place. It was the first onsite event after a long time and we would love to thank Professor Corinna Norrick Rühl and the Book Studies Department for this amazing cooperation.

    We would also love to thank our fantastic keynotes (Melanie Ramdarshan Bold, Alison Waller, and Werner Delanoy) and all speakers for their insightful and really interesting contributions.

    To our guests: It’s been lovely having you again in our department and we hope to see you all soon again.

    If you are interested in the event, make sure to visit the YA symposium website!

    Event | 16.-17. März 2023

    DGFF Nachwuchstagung 2023

    Das gesamte Team der Fachdidaktik Englisch freut sich sehr, die nächste DGFF Nachwuchstagung ausrichten zu dürfen.
    Organisiert wird die Tagung von Naime Zeineddine, den Doktorand*innen Stewart Campbell, Jens-Folkert Folkerts, Anika Marxl, Marius Ritter, Ricardo Römhild sowie den Post-Docs Daniel Becker, Rebecca Schlieckmann, Philipp Siepmann und Karoline Wirbatz. Tagungspräsidentinnen sind Frauke Matz & Julia Reckermann.
    Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Frühjahr unter DGFF auf dieser Webseite.

    | Curriculum 4.0: See you on the flip(ped) side
    Jonathon Reinhardt and Dr. Daniel Becker
    © F. Matz

    Prof. Dr. Jonathon Reinhardt's Spotlight: Digital Games in ELT

    On Monday, Jonathon Reinhardt (Universtity of Arizona) recorded his spotlight for our Curriculum 4.0 project. In this wonderful and inspiring lecture he speaks about the potentials of digital games in language education. As one of the most amazing pioneers in this new field of research he thus gives valuable insights into this new classroom practice. It was wonderful to have him as a guest and we cannot wait to see him again in early summer 2023. 

    Gaudelli Guest Lecture May 2022
    © ELE

    Panel Discussion on Global Citizenship Education - A Full Success!

    We were happy to welcome Dr. William Gaudelli, who joined us for a panel discussion on the intersections between Global Citizenship Education (GCEd) and English Language Education. Driven by excellent, hard-hitting questions from the audience, the discussion revolved around fundamental principles of GCEd and Human Rights Education, the role and self-perception of educators, and the necessity of working together to initiate and facilitate change – one step at a time. Thank you very much to everybody involved for creating such a unique experience!

    04.05.2022, 16:00 Uhr, F5

    Panel Discussion on Global Citizenship Education

    Panel Discussion with William Gaudelli and Frauke Matz – Im Rahmen der Vorlesung Selected Aspects of SLA/ELT findet am 04. Mai 2022 eine Podiumsdiskussion mit William Gaudelli (Lehigh University) und Frauke Matz (WWU) zum Thema Global Citizenship Education statt.

    Wann? – 04.05.2022, 16:00-18:00Uhr
    Wo? – Fürstenberghaus, F5

    1. Westfälisches Kolloquium der Fachdidaktik Englisch

    Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, am 29.04.2022 die Doktorand*innen und Postdocs von Professor Dominik Rumlich und Peter Hohwiller bei uns am Englischen Seminar begrüßen zu können. Nach der langen Pandemiezeit haben wir uns endlich zum 1. Westfälischen Kolloquium der Fachdidaktik Englisch treffen können. Das persönliche Kennenlernen und der fachliche Austausch über die unterschiedlichen Forschungsprojekte sowie der ‚Walk and Talk‘ durch den botanischen Garten der WWU war für uns alle sehr bereichernd und beide Nachwuchsteams freuen sich schon auf den nächsten Austausch, der dann im Herbst an der Universität Paderborn stattfinden wird. Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich für den Besuch!

    © ELE
    Curriculum 4.0: See you on the flip(ped) side

    It's a wrap: New Curriculum 4.0 session with Prof. Strasser and Prof. Schmidt

    We are pleased to announce that both Prof. Dr. Thomas Strasser of the University college of teacher education Vienna and Prof. Dr. Torben Schmidt of the Leuphana University Lüneburg joined our Curriculum 4.0 project with their take on "I'm going DeepL underground... AI-powered learning. Potentials and limitations". Their presentation gave an overview of the genesis of AI technology in general and the influences it has had already and will inevitably have on language learning and language teaching in the future. Apart from that the two lecturers also shed a light on the rather philosophical question of how the improvement of AI will reduce or enhance the importance of human professions such as the English language teacher.

    Starting April 26th, 6.15 pm

    Join our MA-colloquium

    Are you writing your MA-thesis in English language education at the moment, or are you thinking about doing so in the near future?
    If so, the ELE team of the WWU Münster would like to invite you to join our MA-colloquium. The colloquium is open for all MA-students and aims at offering you:

    •  an opportunity to present your work in progress to your fellow students and lecturers
    • individualised feedback on your work in progress
    • an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas with other MA-thesis candidates
    • general input on how to write your MA-thesis

    For more information take a look at the poster!

    31.05.2022 | 28.06.2022

    Workshops - Summer Term 2022

    Are you writing your BA or Med thesis in English Language Education this semester? - Then sign up for our workshops!

    • „Ich muss jetzt echt mal anfangen" - wissenschaftliches Schreiben meistern
      31.05.2022, 18:00-19:30, ES3
      (Marius Ritter)
    • How (not) to write your BA/MEd thesis
      28.06.2022, 18:00-19:30, ES3
      (Ricardo Römhild)

    Information on how to register can be found on the poster.

    Curriculum 4.0 - See You on the Flip(ped) Side

    Currciulum 4.0 project: New session recorded

    Professor Carolyn Blume, TU Dortmund,  supported our Curriculum 4.0 project with her inspiring presentation on “How to Make the EFL Classroom More Inclusive?”. In this wonderful spotlight lecture she speaks about different possibilities on making texts more accessible for all learners. She also touches the topics of diversity of gender and religion. It was wonderful having her and we would love to thank her again for her participation.

    | 11. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen findet am 01.03.2023 statt!
    11. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen findet am 01.03.2023 statt!

    10. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen

    © Matz

    Am 02.03.22 fand der 10. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen des Forums Fremdsprachendidaktik unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz statt. Herr Henrichs von der Bezirksregierung Münster sowie Dr. Martin Jungwirth von unserem ZFL haben auf eine besondere Weise die Veranstaltung mit ihren Grußworten eingeleitet, für die wir uns ganz herzlichen bedanken möchten.
    Den Auftaktvortrag zum Thema Mündlichkeit hielt Professorin Bärbel Diehr von der Universität Wuppertal und es gab insgesamt 11 Workshops für den Fremdsprachenunterricht aller Schulstufen. Unser Dank gilt daher auch allen Workshopleiter*innen und Frau Professorin Diehr für ihre hervorragenden Beiträge.
    Das Interesse an diesem digitalen Fachtag war mit insgesamt 234 Anmeldungen wieder groß und wir möchten uns ganz herzlich für die rege Teilnahme, die Diskussionen und den Austausch bedanken!
    Wir freuen uns wirklich sehr, dass einmal im Jahr so zahlreich Ausbildende und Auszubildende aller Schulformen zu diesem Fachtag an der WWU zusammenkommen und freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen am 01.03.2023.

  • 2021

    Out Now!
    Adibe Project 2
    © ADiBE Project

    New Publication

    Our publication is now open-access!

    Philipp Siepmann, Dominik Rumlich, Frauke Matz, and Ricardo Römhild (2021): Attention to diversity in German CLIL classrooms: multi-perspective research on students’ and teachers’ perceptions. In: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 2021 (ahead-of-print), 1-17.

    Link to publication

    New Publication by Dr. Daniel Becker
    Becker Videospiele Im Fremdsprachenunterricht
    © Narr.

    Out Now! - Videospiele im Fremdsprachenunterricht

    Becker, Daniel (2021): Videospiele im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen: Narr.   Link zur Publikation [de]

    Description (German):
    Videospiele sind nicht nur äußerst beliebt bei Jugendlichen, sondern weisen auch vielseitige Potentiale für das Fremdsprachenlernen auf. Doch wie genau kann man diese Potentiale praktisch umsetzen und im Fremdsprachenunterricht nutzen? Das vorliegende Buch möchte Antworten auf diese in der Fremdsprachenforschung bisher vernachlässigte Frage bieten.

    Guest Lecture: 8.12.2021
    Devos Plakat Ele Ver2
    © ELE

    Guest Lecture - Language Assessment for the Classroom

    Im Rahmen der Vorlesung Selected Aspects of SLA/ELT findet am 08. Dezember 2021 ein Gastvortrag von Dr. Nathan Devos (British Columbia Institute of Technology) zum Thema Language Assessment for the Classroom: Transferring Theory of Assessment Development to Online Language Assessment for Practical Use in the Classroom statt.

    Wann? - 8.12.2021, 16:00-18:00 Uhr
    Wo? - Audimax (Johanisstr. 12-20)

    Qlb Projekt People
    © Frauke Matz

    ELE QLB@ZfsL Gelsenkirchen

    Am 26.10.21 war das ELE Team des WWU QLB Teilprojektes "Videobasierte Lehrmodule als Mittel der Theorie-Praxis Integration” von der Bezirksregierung Münster eingeladen, im Rahmen der Dienstbesprechung der Fachleitungen Englisch von dem aktuellen Stand des Projekts zu berichten. Der Auftaktvortrag sowie die anschließende Diskussion fand im ZfsL Gelsenkirchen statt.

    Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle ganz herzlich für die Einladung und den Austausch mit den Fachleitungen Englisch der Seminare Bocholt, Gelsenkirchen, Münster, Recklinghausen und Rheine bedanken.

    DGFF Nachwuchspreis - Johanna Marks
    Johanna Mit Urkunde
    © ELE

    DGFF Nachwuchspreis - Johanna Marks

    Dr. des. Johanna Marks wurde auf dem diesjährigen Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF) der Nachwuchspreis in Würdigung ihrer Dissertation “Standards und Kompetenzen in der Lehrer*innenbildung - eine fremdsprachendidaktischen Perspektive" verliehen.
    Wir gratulieren ihr von ganzem Herzen für diesen Erfolg und freuen uns sehr mit ihr über diese bedeutende Auszeichnung.
    Unser großer Dank gilt der Erstbetreuerin, Professorin Christiane Lütge von der Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München. Prof. Dr. Lütge, die von 2011-2015 den Lehrstuhl für Englische Didaktik an der WWU hatte, war erfolgreich in der Abordnung von Johanna Mark aus dem Schuldienst und hat die Dissertationsarbeit über ihren Wechsel an die LMU hinaus in großartiger Weise betreut und Johanna Marks intensiv in diesem Prozess begleitet.

    TOOLS - Multiplier Event on 4th October 2021
    Plakat Tools
    © ELE

    TOOLS - Multiplier Event on 4th October 2021

    On Monday , 4th October, our TOOLS-multiplier event took place at the ZfsL Münster and we were able to welcome 75 participants. This teacher education event focused on the aspects of digitality, inclusion and digital citizenship. Jun- Prof. Dr. Carolyn Blume (Dortmund University) gave an introductory talk, which was followed by four different workshops.
    It was the first time that in the context of English language education all institutions (ELE@WWU, ZfL, ZfsLs Münster, Gelsenkirchen, Bocholt) came together to discuss technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education.

    We would like to use this opportunity to thank the 55 in-service teacher trainees, their 5 ZfsL teacher educators the team of the ZfsL Münster as well as the workshop leaders and Jun.Prof. Carolyne Blume for this amazing and fruitful day.

    Virtual Exchange Münster-Hyogo

    Virtual Exchange Münster-Hyogo

    As part of a virtual exchange program between the Hyogo University of Teacher Education (Japan) and the WWU, Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz & Marius Ritter were invited to provide insight into the research on teacher professionalisation taking place in the QLB-Project “Videobasierte Lehrmodule”. Due to the pandemic, the event took place virtually, which was no detriment to the enlightening talks and fruitful discussions. We are very thankful to Martin Jungwirth and his team at the ZFL for the opportunity to share our research with international partners.

    MA - colloquium winter term 21/22
    Ma Colloquium Poster 2021
    © Anika Marxl

    MA - colloquium winter term 21/22

    Are you writing your MA-thesis in English language education at the moment, or are you thinking about doing so in the near future?

    If so, the ELE team of the WWU Münster would like to invite you to join our new MA-colloquium. The colloquium is open for all MA-students and aims at offering you:

    * an opportunity to present your work in progress to your fellow students and lecturers
    * individualised feedback on your work in progress
    * an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas with other MA-thesis candidates
    * general input on how to write your MA-thesis

    In the winter term 21/22, the MA-Colloquium will take place via Zoom on the following dates: 19.10.21, 09.11.21, 07.12.21, 11.01.22 from 6 - 7:30 pm.

    If you would like to participate, please contact Alicia Battenfeld.
    Should there be any questions regarding the colloquium, please contact Anika Marxl.

    TOOLS - Teacher Education Event
    Plakat Tools Web
    © ELE

    WWU Teacher Eduaction Event

    The project TOOLS (Technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education) aims to prepare in- and pre-service English teachers to face diversity and inclusion in the classroom in the digital age. With the support of the European Union and Erasmus+, 7 partners across 5 countries combine skills in the areas of inclusion, ICT and teacher training, along with their different cultural perceptions. In Münster, the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (ZfL) and the team of English language education at the WWU as well as the Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerausbildung (ZfsL) are working on the project.
    This teacher training event is part of the TOOLS project and focuses puts a specific focus on the aspect of digital citizenship. Jun- Prof. Dr. Carolyn Blume will give a introductory talk followed by different workshops for you to choose from.

    Details regarding the registration can be found on the TOOLS website soon.

    © Jonas Schlieckmann

    Welcome Rebecca Schlieckmann!

    We are very pleased to announce that Rebecca Schlieckmann has joined our team!
    Her main research interests include early foreign language learning and teaching, the transition from primary to secondary school, teacher cooperation and EFL teacher education. In 2021 she successfully defended her PhD Dissertation. You can find more information on her website.

    Register until August 1st to participate!
    Plakat Tools Ly02-1
    © ELE

    Study@home: Additional Course in the Winter Term

    Material Analysis and Design: Study@home - The TOOLS Project
    22nd – 26th November 2021

    Please note that we now offer a project week for future teachers of English (Blockseminar) who still need to complete their study@home. It will be taught by teachers of the University of Vic, Spain, the University of Opole, Poland, and the WWU as part of the ERASMUS+ TOOLS project. As part of this international project, you will be placed in groups with international students from Vic and Opole University to study together.
    For more information on the project and registration process visit the Tools website!

    June 11th, 2021
    Symposium Screenshot
    © ELE

    Report on the International Symposium „Fostering and Assessing Oracy in Foreign Language Education: Perspectives from Practice-Oriented and Design-Based Research”

    On 11th June 2021, the international symposium „Fostering and Assessing Oracy in Foreign Language Education: Perspectives from Practice-Oriented and Design-Based Research”, which was organised by the TEFL department of the WWU, was held online. Led by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann and Dr. Philipp Siepmann, the event shed light onto two significant developments in foreign language research: firstly, it addressed the importance of oracy in foreign language learning and teaching, and secondly, it highlighted the potential, and increasing significance, of practice-oriented and design-based empirical research in foreign language education. The virtual format allowed 36 participants from five countries to participate in a lively and highly productive exchange.
    Read the whole article on the Symposium website!

    Adibe Zoom
    © ELE

    Presentation of the ADiBE project outputs at the CLIL 2021 Webinar in Sheffield, UK

    For a presentation of the four ADiBE outputs that will be published on the project website later in 2021, the whole project family convened for the CLIL 2021 webinar. The event was organized by Kim Bower and her team at Sheffield Hallam University, but had to take place online due to the ongoing pandemic. It was the first time the results of the cross-national research project on diversity and differentiation in bilingual education as well as the three practice-oriented outputs were revealed to a larger audience of CLIL researchers and practitioners. Read more...

    Upcoming Guest Lecture by Dr. Daniel Becker | July 7th, 4- 6 pm
    Plakat Becker Ele 1 _pdf
    © Becker

    Video Games and English Language Education

    Currently, video games are witnessing a ‘golden age’. With titles such as Minecraft or GTA V selling over 200 million copies worldwide, they have become a most prominent part of popular culture today. With this in mind, it is hardly surprising that video games are often frequented by children and teenagers, too. As the most recent JIM study shows (Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverband 2020: 54), 68% of the studied 12 to 19-year-olds play digital games daily or several times a week, while another 25% deal with them on a monthly basis. In a younger generation, in other words, digital games have become a force of entertainment to be reckoned with.

    And yet, video games are more than just entertainment: games also afford numerous opportunities for learning and can be used to foster key competences in English language education. In my presentation, I will provide an overview over some of these learning potentials, by looking at concrete game examples and their affordances in the EFL classroom. Additionally, I will explore ways and approaches to implement games in teaching practice, since, so far, the question of how to work with video games has hardly been explored on a systematic level. In this context, the presentation will also deal with issues and challenges that go along with using this digital medium in an EFL teaching environment.

    June 11th, 9:00-17:00

    Symposium - Fostering and Assessing Oracy in Foreign Language Education: Perspectives from Practice-Oriented and Design-Based Research

    This one-day symposium will bring together researchers who follow a practice-oriented and/or design-based approach to researching oracy in foreign language learning.

    Keynote Speakers:

    Prof. Dr. Anne Burns, University of NSW, Australia
    Prof. Dr. Bärbel Diehr, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
    Prof. Dr. Susan McKenney, UT Twente, Netherlands

    Research Cluster – Ausschreibung von studentischen Abschlussarbeiten

    Research Cluster – Ausschreibung von studentischen Abschlussarbeiten: Didaktik der Beruflichen Bildung & Fremdsprachendidaktik

    Wir suchen interessierte BK Studierende, die uns in dem Bemühen, eine engere Verzahnung zwischen der Beruflichen Bildung und der Fremdsprachendidaktik unterstützen würden. Angehängt finden Sie eine Ausschreibung und wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie uns bei Interesse kontaktieren könnten.

    Mehr Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte folgender PDF Datei zur Ausschreibung von studentischen Abschlussarbeiten [de].


    MA-Thesis Colloquium
    Poster Ma Colloquium Sose 2021
    © ELE

    MA Colloquium Summer Term 2021

    Are you writing your MA-Thesis in English language education at the moment, or are you thinking about doing so in the near future?

    If so, the ELE team of the WWU Münster would like to invite you to join our new  MA-Colloquium. The colloquium is open for all MA-students and aims at offering you:

    • an opportunity to present your work in progress to your fellow students and lecturers
    • individualised feedback on your work in progress
    • an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas with other MA-thesis candidates
    • general input on how to write your MA-thesis

    In the summer term 2021, the MA-Colloquium will take place via Zoom on the following dates: 27.04, 11.05, 08.06, and 19.06.2021

    If you want to participate or have any questions, please contact:
    Daniel Becker

    BA and MEd Thesis Workshops
    Workshops Summer Term 2021 Poster
    © Mia Gillenkirch

    Workshops: Summer Term 2021

    Are you writing your BA or Med thesis in English Language Education this semester? Then sign up for our workshops!

    How (not) to write your BA/MEd thesis
    28.04.2021, 18:00-19:30 (via Zoom)
    (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann)

    "Ich muss jetzt echt mal anfangen" - wissenschaftliches Schreiben meistern
    05.05.2021, 18:00-19:30 (via Zoom)
    (Anika Marxl & Marius Ritter)

    Information regarding the registration can be found on the poster below (see pdf-fyle).

    Fortbildungstag der Qualitätsgruppe Englisch der Bezirksregierung Münster

    Am 10.03.2021 veranstaltete die Qualitätsgruppe Englisch der Bezirksregierung Münster unter Leitung von Frau Heiny (BZR Münster) einen Fortbildungstag mit dem Schwerpunkt Testung von Hörverstehen. Frauke Matz, Julia Reckermann und Jens Folkerts (ELE-WWU) unterstützten die Fortbildung durch einen Impulsvortrag zu theoretischen Grundlagen sowie zwei Workshops zu Hörverstehen in der Sekundarstufe I bzw. Sekundarstufe II. Wir bedanken uns für diese Möglichkeit und freuen uns über die Fortsetzung der Kooperation.

    Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen
    Flyer 9. Nachmittag der Femdsprachen
    © Englisches Seminar

    Erfolgreicher digitaler Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen

    Am 02.03.2021 veranstaltete das Forum Fremdsprachendidaktik den 9. Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen.
    Bedingt durch die Corona-Pandemie fand die jährliche Lehrer*innenfortbildung dieses Jahr erstmalig digital statt. Nach einer kurzen Begrüßung nahmen die Teilnehmenden an zwei verschiedenen Workshops teil. Ganz nach dem diesjährigen Motto: Spotlights in Foreign Language Education wurden Workshops mit einem breiten Spektrum an Themen angeboten.

    Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle bei der überwältigenden Zahl der Teilnehmenden bedanken: ganze 335 Anmeldungen sind im Vorfeld getätigt worden! Diese große Resonanz und auch das durchweg positive Feedback haben uns sehr gefreut. Ein herzliches Dankeschön auch an alle Workshopleitenden sowie an alle Teammitglieder, die mit ihrer tatkräftigen Unterstützung diese Veranstaltung möglich gemacht haben.

    Wir freuen uns auch schon, Sie alle bei unserem nächsten Nachmittag der Fremdsprachen - hoffentlich in Präsenz - am 02.03.2022 begrüßen zu dürfen!

    © Jens Folkert

    Welcome Jens Folkerts!

    We are very happy to announce that Jens Folkerts will join our Team from February onwards. He has been a full-time teacher for several years and is now starting his PhD focusing on listening comprehension and the development of new test designs for high stakes exams.

    You can find more information on his website.

  • 2020

    Stewart Campbell
    © Stewart Campbell

    Welcome, Stewart Campbell!

    We are very pleased to announce that Stewart Campbell has joined our team.
    Originally from Los Angeles, he has studied in both Germany and the United States and is a fully-certified secondary school teacher in the subjects English and history at the Gymnasium/Gesamtschule level.
    He is currently a PhD student within the QLB Projekt Basiscurriculum Heterogenität [de] and will support our department in this area.

    You can find more information about Stewart Campbell on his website.

    © Uni MS Designservice; Pixabay, Julia Binder, Westfälische Salzwelten

    Gewinner des wwu citizen science Publikumspreises!

    Das Siegerprojekt „Peer-to-Peer-Videos im bilingualen Unterricht“ basiert auf einer Kooperation zwischen Jun.-Prof. Julia Reckermann und dem Arbeitskreis Bilingual des St.-Antonius Gymnasiums in Lüdinghausen. Bei den Peer-to-Peer-Videos handelt es sich um Filme, die in den zweisprachig unterrichteten Fächern Biologie und Geschichte der Mittelstufe von und für Schülerinnen und Schüler entwickelt wurden. Die Forschungsfrage des Projekts lautet: Inwieweit bieten diese Videos vielfältige fremdsprachliche, inhaltliche sowie digitale Lerngelegenheiten? Die Schüler recherchieren und strukturieren die Inhalte, um sie in Form eines Videos aufzubereiten. Die Videos werden mit den schuleigenen iPads angefertigt und auf der schulinternen Lernplattform gespeichert. Von dort können die Schüler sie im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Lerngelegenheiten nutzen. Ziel ist es, das Potenzial sowie die Erfolgsbedingungen von Peer-to-Peer-Videos für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht herauszuarbeiten.

    Das Video finden Sie auf der Seite von Jun.-Prof. Julia Reckermann.

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch auf der Website des wwu citizen science Wettbewerbs.


    Stellungnahme zur Rückverlegung des Englischunterrichts in Klasse 3 in NRW zum Schuljahr 2021/2022

    Das Schulministerium NRW plant mit dem Masterplan Grundschule u.a. eine Rückverlegung des Englischunterrichts von der ersten zurück in die dritte Klasse mit dann drei statt zwei Wochenstunden. Mit dieser Stellungnahme nehmen wir, Professor*innen der Fremdsprachendidaktik in Deutschland, kritisch Stellung zu dieser Entscheidung. Die Stellungnahme wurde Anfang November auf den Websites der Hauptautor*innen, hierunter auch Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann, veröffentlicht und an mehrere Adressaten gesendet, v.a.: NRW Schulministerin Yvonnen Gebauer, NRW Landtagsfraktionsvorsitzende aller Parteien, Landespressekonferenz Düsseldorf. In Folge sind mehrere Zeitungsartikel erschienen, v.a.: Kölner Stadtanzeiger (04.11.2020) und WAZ (10.11.2020).

    Die Stellungnahme können Sie hier als pdf Datei runterladen und nachlesen.

    ADiBE: An Erasmus+ project
    ADiBE Team Via ZOOM
    © Matz

    ADiBE: The show goes on - digitally

    Hosted by the Finnish team, the 3rd partner meeting took place online on 21st/22nd September 2020. The international expert group discussed how to proceed in times of the pandemic with regards to both project coordination and collaboration with local schools. Although virtual exchange certainly cannot replace face-to-face collaboration in Finnland, the meeting was highly productive and proved to be a highlight in the academic calendar of everybody involved. As a result, the project enters its next stage, promising to provide concrete resources to make bilingual education a more inclusive reality for all.

    TOOLS: An Erasmus+ project
    TOOLS Team via ZOOM
    © Frauke Matz

    TOOLS: Keeping up the good work

    After a short hiatus over the summer, the Erasmus Plus Project TOOLS has taken up work again in its partner meeting on September 22nd. Due to the Corona crisis, this meeting had to take place via Zoom (see photo).

    During the meeting, the different partners of the project provided a short update on their work in progress and arranged a timeline for their contributions in the upcoming weeks. The project, which deals with questions of inclusion and diversity in a digital age, has just entered the phase of materials development. The team of English language education at the WWU Münster (represented by Frauke Matz, Daniel Becker and Anika Marxl) will also contribute some learning materials to the project. The materials to be developed aim at assisting teachers in dealing with different forms of diversity in their classrooms and will be collected on a project-platform soon.

    Foto Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann
    © Sperlinger

    Welcome Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann!

    We are excited to welcome Prof. Dr. Julia Reckermann, who has just joined our team in January 2020.

    Please find more information here.

    Foto Kick-off Meeting
    © Prof. Frauke Matz

    TOOLS Kick-off Meeting

    Das TOOLS Projekt hat begonnen.

    Im Rahmen dieses praxisnahen, anwendungsbezogenen europäischen Kooperationsprojektes sind Daniel Becker & Frauke Matz (Fachdidaktik Englisch), Corinna Schopphoff & Martin Jungwirth (ZfL) und Ralf Kerstgens (ZfsL Münster) nach Opole gereist.
    Mit diesem Kick-off Meeting vom 04.11.-06.11.2019 beginnen wir ein phasenübergreifendes Projekt, das im Zeichen von Inklusion und Digitalisierung steht.
    Wir freuen uns sehr auf diese Zusammenarbeit!

    Foto Adibe Treffen Münster
    © Prof. Frauke Matz

    A warm welcome to the ADiBE-Team!

    We were delighted to host the 2nd partner meeting of our ADiBE project from Thursday, 24th until Saturday, 26th October 2020.

    It was a pleasure for the Münster team to welcome the representatives of the Austrian (Silvia Bauer-Marschalinger, Christiane Dalton-Puffer & Helen Heaney), Finnish (Tarja Nikula-Jäntti & Kristiina Skinnari), Italian (Teresa Ting), Spanish (María Luisa Pérez Canado, Diego Rascón Moreno, Trinidad Jerez Montoy, Antonio Vincente Casas Pedrosa) and UK teams (Do Coyle & Kim Bower) as well as Dominik Rumlich (Germany).

    Foto Olumide Popoola
    © Englisches Seminar

    Olumide Popoola’s Creative Writer’s Talk

    In a joint event hosted by the TEFL team and the Chair of English, Postcolonial & Media Studies, author Olumide Popoola delivered an engaging creative writer's talk titled "Undo Me! Language, Form, and Queer Potentiality" as part of this year's "Postcolonial Narrations" graduate forum. Popoola engaged with her novel "When We Speak of Nothing" and explored the idea of how form and Yoruba folklore provide means to express alternative understandings of youth culture and transgender identities. With the TEFL team, Popoola was also in talks about further projects that center on teaching Nigerian texts in German high schools.

    Foto Marius Ritter
    © Sperlinger

    Welcome Marius Ritter!

    We are very pleased to announce that Marius Ritter has now joined our team.
    He is a PhD student within the QLB Projekt Videobasierte Lehrmodule als Mittel der Theorie-Praxis-Integration and will support us within this project.

    You can find more information here.