TOOLS - Multiplier Event on 4th October 2021
On Monday , 4th October, our TOOLS-multiplier event took place at the ZfsL Münster and we were able to welcome 75 participants. This teacher education event focused on the aspects of digitality, inclusion and digital citizenship. Jun- Prof. Dr. Carolyn Blume (Dortmund University) gave an introductory talk, which was followed by four different workshops.
It was the first time that in the context of English language education all institutions (ELE@WWU, ZfL, ZfsLs Münster, Gelsenkirchen, Bocholt) came together to discuss technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education.
We would like to use this opportunity to thank the 55 in-service teacher trainees, their 5 ZfsL teacher educators the team of the ZfsL Münster as well as the workshop leaders and Jun.Prof. Carolyne Blume for this amazing and fruitful day.

WWU Teacher Education Event
The project TOOLS (Technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education) aims to prepare in- and pre-service English teachers to face diversity and inclusion in the classroom in the digital age. With the support of the European Union and Erasmus+, 7 partners across 5 countries combine skills in the areas of inclusion, ICT and teacher training, along with their different cultural perceptions. In Münster, the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (ZfL) and the team of English language education at the WWU as well as the Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerausbildung (ZfsL) are working on the project.
This teacher training event is part of the TOOLS project and focuses on the aspect of digital citizenship. Jun- Prof. Dr. Carolyn Blume will give an introductory talk followed by different workshops for you to choose from.
Please use this website to register for the event. Registration will be possible until September 19th 2021.
TOOLS – an Erasmus+ project!

The project TOOLS (Technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education) aims to prepare in- and pre-service English teachers to face diversity and inclusion in the classroom in the digital age. Inclusive schools are effective in countering discriminatory approaches and attitudes toward students with disabilities if teachers are aware of the variety of needs and can cope with them in their classrooms. We believe that foreign languages, especially English, form a powerful platform for enhanced education and personal development for learners with different individual needs. The project examines how learning settings in schools can be further established, improved and enhanced with the help of digital technologies.
With the support of the European Union and Erasmus+, 7 partners across 5 countries combine skills in the areas of inclusion, ICT and teacher training, along with their different cultural perceptions. The project deals with questions of inclusion and diversity in the digital age, more pressing than ever in light of Covid-19, and will provide an online platform with an e-learning and blended learning course as well as an inventory of materials on inclusive learning. The platform will assist teachers in implementing a more inclusive approach to teaching and can start a conversation on what diversity and inclusion mean in the context of foreign language education today.
In Münster, the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (ZfL) and the team of English language education at the WWU as well as the Zentrum für schulpraktische Lehrerausbildung (ZfsL) are working on the project.
Link to the TOOLS-Moodle Plattform.

Tools: Keeping up the good work!

TOOLS Kick-off Meeting
The Münster Team
© Schopphoff ZfL Münster
The ZfL, represented by Dr. Martin Jungwirth, Corinna Schopphoff and Felicitas Haupts, is responsible for the quality assurance of TOOLS. In order to support the implementation of the project and to assess the achievement the intended outputs and outcomes, the ZfL team will design and implement a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework and provide feedback on project activities.
ZfsL Münster
Learn more about the ZfsL on their website [de]!
Münster University - English Language Education
The English Language Education team, represented by Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz, Dr. Daniel Becker and Anika Marxl, is developing learning materials that aim at assisting teachers in dealing with different forms of diversity in their classrooms.