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► Latest news

| Please note registration deadlines!

Information on rewriting exams

The dates for the make-up exams have been set. Please note the registration deadlines for the respective exams:

Date 1: Tue, 3.9.2024, 2 pm c.t. (admission from 2 pm), room details in the Learnweb course
- Statistics II - Dr. Legewie
Registration for date 1 until 28.8.2024 (cut-off date) via the service office (ifs.beratung@uni-muenster.de)

Date 2: Tue, 24.9.2024, 10 am c.t. (admission from 10:00 am), room SCH 121.554 (or lecture hall SCH 121.5):
- Structures and cultures of inequality - Prof. Dr. Ernst (possibly Liesa Traupe)
- Social structure, culture and social practice - Prof. Dr. Tezcan
Registration for dates 2 by 18.9.2024 (cut-off date) via the service office (ifs.beratung@uni-muenster.de)

Date 3: Thu, 26.9.2024, 10 am c.t. (admission from 10:00 am), room SCH 121.554 (or lecture hall SCH 121.5):
- Everything flows - Introduction to sociological theory - Prof. Dr. Renn
- Family, school, youth - socialization in childhood and adolescence - Dr. Heimken
Registration for date 3 by 18.9.2024 (cut-off date) via the service office (ifs.beratung@uni-muenster.de)

| 12 a.m. c.t. | Conference room
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Institute colloquium on July 10: Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres

The next institute colloquium will take place on July 10, 2024 at 12 am c.t. The title of the lecture by Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres is: "On the path to political assimilation? The voting behavior of Germans of Turkish origin from the 1990s until today".

The Institute Colloquium offers an opportunity to obtain first-hand information on the latest developments and findings and to engage in discussion with Institute staff and invited guests.
The institute colloquium is open to the public. All interested parties are cordially invited.

| July 3, 24 | 6 p.m. | Lecture hall
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Invitation to the summer debate: "How natural is competition?"

The Institute of Sociology invites students and interested guests to our summer debate in the lecture hall on July 3, 2024 at 6 p.m. c.t. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gadau (Institute of Evolution and Biodiversity) and Prof. Dr. Joachim Renn (Institute of Sociology) will explore the question: "How natural is 'competition'?"

On the one hand, the focus is on the question of the extent to which the principle of "Competitiveness" is suitable for bringing evolutionary biology and social theory into conversation with each other. On the other hand, to what extent such a discussion depends on how the "phenomenon" is questioned in both disciplines.

The panelists will continue the discussion they began on Darwin Day ("Evolution is blind, but not random") in a different setting.

Following the event, the Institute invites you to a garden party in the courtyard to continue the discussion in an informal setting.

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Guest lecture | Dr. Daniel Witte

The Theory Workshop of the Chair of Theory Formation is pleased to welcome Dr. Daniel Witte for a guest lecture. Dr. Witte will speak on June 27, 2024 at 4 pm c.t. in the conference room of the institute on the topic "Differentiation cultures: Reflections on a praxeological comparative study of social differentiation patterns".

All interested parties are cordially invited!

| June 26, 2024 | 6 p.m.
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Institute's annual summer party

We are pleased to announce the Institute's annual summer party! Everyone associated with the Institute is cordially invited. On June 26, 2024 there will be music and drinks from 6 p.m. c.t. while stocks last! If you would like to barbecue, please bring your own food.
We look forward to celebrating together and having a great time.

| catch-up lecture
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Lecture and event on gender equality at FB 06

On 16 and 17 May 2024, the Institute of Sociology, in cooperation with the Equal Opportunity Office, invites you to a lecture on the topic "Equality at FB 06 - all just progressive talk? The lecture will take place on 16 May from 16:00 to 18:00. On 17 May, there will be an opportunity to take part in a student workshop as part of the event. Interested students can register for the workshop.

| Students from the second to the seventh semester

Study program survey launched

The central study program survey 2024 starts on Monday, 22.04.2024 at our university. Students from the second to the seventh semester of all degree programs are invited to take part in the survey and give their feedback on their studies. The anonymized results are used for the continuous improvement of the degree programs and quality assurance. Your participation is therefore of great importance for the further development of the degree programs at our university.

We look forward to hearing your opinion and thank you in advance for your participation in the 2024 degree program survey.

Award of the Federal Cross of Merit to Prof. Dr. Hermann-Anders Korte

The renowned sociologist Professor Dr. Hermann-Anders Korte from Münster was recently awarded the Cross of Merit on Ribbon. At the award ceremony, District President Andres Bothe praised him as "one of the most important sociologists in the country". Prof. Korte's close friendship and collaboration with the Jewish sociologist Norbert Elias, with whom he founded the Norbert Elias Foundation in Amsterdam, is particularly noteworthy. Korte was also involved in the administration of Elias' literary estate. He was also involved in various organizations and foundations, including as treasurer of the PEN Centre Germany. His academic work and numerous achievements earned him international recognition. Prof. Dr. Ernst, who completed her doctorate under him, described him as "the foremost process theorist in Germany".

| Summer semester 2024

Results of the allocation of seminar places

We are pleased to inform you that the allocation of seminar places for the summer semester 2024 has been successfully completed. The results can be viewed immediately. Please check your allocated place on our homepage.
We congratulate all participants on their placements and wish you a successful start to the coming semester.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Service Office.

| Registration deadline: 3.3.24

the course catalog is online

The course catalog for the summer semester 2024 is online. Interested parties can now also access all current lectures and seminars via download. The HIS/LSF database makes it easy to search for courses, keywords and lecturers. Students are requested to register for their desired courses in good time (first deadline: 3.3.24). Current changes will be announced on the course catalog page.
If you have any questions, please contact the Service Office.

| New offer for students & interested parties
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Official Instagram channel of the institute online

The Institute of Sociology is pleased to introduce its new Instagram channel (ifsoz_ms). Students and interested parties can now also find all important information at first hand here.

The channel contains information about our institute, the start of studies, exciting events such as lectures and festivals as well as offers such as the writing workshop. There is also information on current vacancies, from interview jobs and student assistant positions to professorship appointments.

Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date - even anonymously (without registration)!

We look forward to every visit and hope to welcome all interested parties to our events soon.

For more information, please contact: instagram.ifsoz.

Regulation on dealing with suppressed numbers

For the protection of the employees, FB06 does not accept calls with a suppressed phone number. If it is not possible for you to transmit your number for technical reasons, please contact the person you wish to speak to in advance by e-mail.

Election results | Board elections

The results of the elections to the boards of the institutes of Department 06 are available. They are valid for the term of office from 01 October 2022 to 30 September 2024 or 30 September 2023 (for students).

© IfS

Redesign courtyard | Benches & Tables

New benches and tables have recently been installed in the inner courtyard of the institute! Three table sets, two large benches around the plant troughs and a larger niche with seating invite you to linger, work, relax in the fresh air! Everyone is cordially invited to welcome spring there as well!