Online Senate and Faculty Board elections 2024
Election result
At its meeting on 11.07.2024, the Central Election Committee determined and confirmed the election results of the online elections. You can find the election results under the following link:
The overall university voter turnout for the second online elections in all groups was just under 14% (2022: 19.75% first online elections in all groups). In the last elections in the student group only in 2023, it was 11.4% and 9.7% in 2021.
Election Office opening hours:
If you have any questions regarding election matters, submitting forms, making changes or lodging objections to electoral registers, please contact the Election Office of the University of Münster by phone (+49 251 83-22107), in person by prior appointment (Mon - Thu, 9 am - 12 pm and 2 pm - 4 pm, and Fri, 9 am - 12 pm), electronically ([a22]wahlamt@uni-muenster.de) or by post (Election Office of the University of Münster, Schlossplatz 2 (Schloss, Rm. 109), 48149 Münster).
General information on the SuSe 2024 elections
The University Senate and Faculty Board elections will soon be held in the summer semester 2024, and all member groups (professors, academic staff, non-academic staff (MTV) and students) are eligible to vote. The elections will be conducted electronically (i.e. via Internet-based online voting) and supervised by the University Elections Office of the University of Münster. Voting instructions and further details are provided on this page.
Students can also elect representatives to the student government, the Foreign Students' Representation and the departmental student bodies. This election will be held at the ballot box and conducted by the AStA Student Election Office. For more information, visit the AStA website https://www.asta.ms/ or the StuPA Central Electoral Committee https://stupa.ms/zentraler-wahlausschuss/
Ballot-box elections for student assistant representatives (SHK representation) were discontinued in 2022. These members are now appointed by the Senate in accordance with Art. 12 of the University Charter in the summer semester every year.
Information about the online election system
The online election system is comprised of three components:
The University of Münster maintains a register of all eligible voters (voter rolls). When the user accesses the election website, the system verifies their identity to confirm their eligibility to participate in the election. On the same page, the eligible voter must affirm that they are personally voting in the election (or a person specifically authorised by the voter to do so in their stead). Only then can the eligible voter enter the election portal (digital voting booth) operated by our service provider Electric Paper. The identity of the eligible voter is pseudonymised and all transmission of data to the site is encrypted.
Our service provider Electric Paper has only received a pseudonymised list of eligible voters. In a second system, it keeps track of which pseudonyms have already participated in the election. As long as the voter has not yet participated, they are able to submit their ballot. The service provider does not share information with the University regarding which pseudonyms participated in the election.
The submitted ballots are stored in a digital ballot box. The submission process is encrypted in several steps. There is no way to link the pseudonyms of the eligible voters with their submitted ballots. At the end of the election, the ballot box is decrypted, and the submitted ballots are tallied by authorised administrators at the University of Münster.
Any questions?
If you still have questions, please refer to our FAQs. For matters concerning voter eligibility or the ballots used in the election for the Senate and Faculty Boards, please contact the Election Office by email at wahlamt@uni-muenster.de or phone at +49 251 83-22017.
Do you have questions related to technical matters, user IDs or passwords?
Students should contact it@uni-muenster.de or call: +49 251 83-31600.
Employees should speak with their IT service provider or local administrator: