Graduate theses of the AG Khoukaz
Bachelor theses
Year | Title | Author |
2023 | Investigation of the ψ(2S) decays into the final states ωK+K- and ωKsKs with BESIII | Jan Wulkotte |
2023 | Commissioning and characterisation of an MCP detector for the PANDA cluster-jet target | Simon Obszerninks |
2023 | Study of two decay modes ψ(2S)→ Φπ +π −π 0π 0 and ψ(2S) → Φπ +π +π −π − at BESIII | Tessa Bertelsmeier |
2023 | Investigation of the decay ηc → η'π+π- with BESIII | Anna Theimann |
2023 | Analysis of medical dose data to determine diagnostic reference levels | Lydia Bock |
2023 | Analysis of medical dose data via the development of a graphical user interface | Jans Böing |
2023 | Feasibility studies on three-wavelength extinction measurements for determination of the cluster size distribution of cluster-jet targets | Lennart Halstenberg |
2023 | A new home for MCT-D: Adaption of a cluster-jet target as a droplet target | Eva-Maria Hausch |
2023 | Investigation of the Decay ηc → η'π+π+π−π− at BESIII | Hannah Neuwirth |
2022 | Determination of the Branching Fraction of the Decay J/ψ → γηc with BESIII | Ann-Christin Schluse |
2022 | Cryogenic temperature simulations of the Münster Droplet and Cluster-Jet targets | Elena Lammert |
2022 | Commissioning and Characterization of a New Electron Gun for the PANDA Cluster-Jet Target | Maximilian Scharpey |
2022 | Investigation of the ψ(2S) Decay into φπ0π0 and φηη at BESIII | Peter Sandmann |
2022 | Investigation of the Decays ηc → η'π0π0 and ηc → η'ηη at BESIII | Lois Kröger |
2021 | Investigation of the Decays of ηc and X(1835) into 2(π+π-π0) at BESIII | Nienke Balz |
2021 | Branching Ratio of ηc → η'KsKs at BESIII | Helge Balzen |
2021 | Identification of the Widom line by time of flight distributions of a cluster-jet beam | Clara Fischer |
2021 | Development of an electron gun for the PANDA cluster-jet target | Niklas Humberg |
2021 | Optimizing the manufacturing process of copper laval nozzles for the PANDA experiment | Michael Weide |
2021 | Analysis of cryogenic components for cluster-jet- and droplet-targets | Jeremy Runge |
2021 | Study of heat exchanger performance for cryogenic droplet targets | Carsten Staab |
2021 | Setup of an ns-laser based monitor system for the analysis of droplets | Jost Froning |
2020 | Influence of the PANDA Cluster-Jet Target on the COSY proton beam quality | Hanna Eick |
2020 | Determination of ηc branching ratios with BESIII | Maude Chiara Pfister |
2020 | Studies of e+e-→ppbar f1(1285) with f1(1285)→ηπ+π- and f1(1285)→πKbar K in the XYZ regima at BESIII | Nikolai in der Wische |
2020 | Determination of born cross sections and efficiency studies for the process e+e-→ppbar f1(1285) in the XYZ regime at BESIII | Moritz Meyer |
2019 | Development and test of an optical measurement system for droplet beam analyses | Lana Söltzer |
2019 | Analysis of the reaction e+e-→γKsKsη at center-of-mass energies above 3 GeV at BESIII | Hamza Kalisch |
2019 | Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme einer Slow Control Software für ein kryogenes Droplet Target | Laura Habers |
2019 | Einfluss der Düsenlänge auf die Eigenschaften von Clusterstrahlen – Impact of nozzle length on properties of Cluster beams | Sophia Vestrick |
2018 | Beschreibung der Mehrpionenproduktion in pn-Kollisionen am ANKE-Experiment – Study of the multi-pion production in pn collisions at the ANKE experiment | Salleh Ahmed |
2018 | Missing Mass Analyse von e+ e- → p pbar +X bei √s= 4,0 – 4,6 GeV an BESIII | Matthias Böttcher |
2018 | Kalibrierung und Untersuchung der Systematik eines optischen Monitorsystems für Cluster-Jet Targets höchster Dichte – Calibration and Systematic Studies of an Optical Monitor System for Cluster-Jet Targets of Highest Thickness | Daniel Klostermann |
2017 | Charakterisierung des Kaltkopfsystems für das MAGIX@MESA Gas-Jet Target – Characterisation of the cold head system for the MAGIX@MESA gas-jet target | Robin Balske |
2017 | Studien zum Y(4260) an BESIII | Johannes Kellers |
2016 | Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer zur Dichtebestimmung eines Gas-Jet Targets | Christina Westphälinger |
2016 | Entwicklung einer Software zur optischen Analyse von Clusterstrahlen | Matthias Seifert |
2016 | Untersuchung der elastischen (pd→pd) und quasielastischen (pd→ppnspec) Streuung zur Luminositätsbestimmung | Lukas Fisch |
2016 | Untersuchung der Reaktion p+d→ 3He+ π++π- unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ABC-Effektes | Frederik Weidner |
2016 | Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines Gas-Jet Targets für MAGIX @ MESA sowie die Justage eines Cluster-Jet Targets für Laserstreuexperimente | Catharina Hargens |
2016 | Untersuchung der elastischen pd-Streuung zur Luminositätsbestimmung am ANKE-Experiment | Philipp Brand |
2016 | Streulichtreduzierung an einem Mie-Aufbau | Birte Epmann |
2016 | Teilchenidentifikation mithilfe künstlicher neuronaler Netze an WASA-at-COSY | David Lappe |
2016 | Studien zur Zwei-Pionenproduktion in der Reaktion p+d→ 3He+X unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ABC-Effektes | Lisa Wölfer |
2016 | Studien zur freien Drei-Pionenproduktion in der Reaktion p+d→ 3He+X | Juliane Freiin von Wrangel |
2015 | Inbetriebnahme und Analyse einer mikro-controllergesteuerten Hochgeschwindigkeitsblende für gepulste Cluster-Jet-Targets | Stefan Bölsker |
2015 | Dynamische Regelung der Dichte von Cluster-Jet Targets für Speicherringexperimente | Fabian Hordt |
2015 | Simulation of multi pion production in the quasifree reaction pd→d π+π- pspec at ANKE [pdf] | Daniel Guderian |
2013 | Betrieb und Erweiterung eines Düsenteststands sowie Untersuchung von Pentandroplets [pdf] | Patrice Hüsemann |
2013 | Systematic Investigations on TLD Crystals at a Thermoluminescence Setup for the Laboratory Courses in Nuclear Physics [pdf] | Lukas Leßmann |
2013 | Investigations on the Nozzle System of the WASA-at-COSY Pellet Target [pdf] | Florian Schepers |
2013 | Identification of deuterons in proton-deuteron collisions at the ANKE experimet [pdf] | Marcel Rump |
2013 | Development of a slow control software for monitoring and remote controlling a cluster-jet taget [pdf] | Julian Sohn |
2012 | Identifikation des 3He π0-Endzustandes in Deuteron-Proton-Kollisionen am ANKE-Experiment [pdf] | Michael Evelt |
2012 | Implementation and test of fundamental production, adjustment, and detection componts of the PANDA cluster-jet target [pdf] | Alessandro Zannoti |
2011 | Energy calibration for the ANKE experiment [pdf] | Christopher Fritzsch |
2011 | Untersuchung der Reproduzierbarkeit eines Thermoluminiszenzaufbaus [pdf] | Nils Hüsken |
2010 | Dosismessung mit einem Proportionaldurchflusszähler [pdf] | Christian Buchholz |
2010 | Studien zum Nachweis schwerer pseudoskalerer Mesonen in der Proton-Deuteron-Fusion an WASA-at-COSY [pdf] | Kay Demmich |
2010 | Optimierungsarbeiten am Münsteraner Cluster-Jet Target MCT2 - ein Prototyp für das PANDA-Experiment [pdf] | Ann-Katrin Hergemöller |
2010 | Optimierung eines Aufbaus zur Thermolumineszenzdosimetrie [pdf] | Michèle Neumann |
Diploma and Master theses
Year | Title | Author |
2023 | Vacuum studies on the PANDA cluster-jet target considering flash evaporation and cluster bursting | Michael Weide |
2023 | Optimization of targets: The MDT-D, the droplet target and their temperature simulations | Jost Froning |
2023 | Cluster-jet beams: Size distributions and effects on a stored accelerator beam | Hanna Eick |
2023 | Partial Wave Analysis of fJ-Resonances via the φππ Final State in ψ(2S) Decays at BESIII [PDF] | Nikolai in der Wiesche |
2022 | Search for the open-strange charmonium-like structure Zcs in the reaction e+e− → Zcs (→ ηcK∗)K at BESIII | Sascha Lennartz |
2021 | Determination of the branching ratio of the decay ηc → η' K+K- and search for glueball content in the K+K- intermediate states at BESIII [PDF] | Anja Brüggemann |
2020 | Feasibility Studies on Beam Visualization and Glass Nozzles at the PANDA Cluster-Jet Target Prototype | Sophia Vestrick |
2020 | Optimization of the Droplet Target Prototype for Cryogenic Fluids | Christina Westphälinger |
2020 | Studies on PANDA vacuum conditions using simulations and a cooled beam pipe | Daniel Klostermann |
2020 | Feasibility study for the search for pentaquarks with the PANDA experiment | Johannes Kellers |
2019 | Commissioning and characterization of a cluster-jet target for CryoFlash | Christian Mannweiler |
2019 | Investigation on the elastic ep scattering at MAMI and simulation of gas flows through different jet nozzle geometries | Philipp Brand |
2019 | Development and Set-up of a Droplet Generator for Cryogenic Fluids | Catharina Hargens |
2019 | Search for exotic states in e+ e- →p pbar ω at center-of-mass energies above 4 GeV at BESIII [PDF] | Frederik Weidner |
2018 | Search for exotic states in e+ e- → p pbar η at center-of-mass energies above 4 GeV at BESIII | Johannes Bloms |
2017 | Construction, implementation, and first beam analysis using the newly developed slow control system of the PANDA cluster-jet target in Münster | Benjamin Hetz |
2017 | The quasi-free two-pion production reaction pd→dπ+π-pspec at ANKE | Marcel Rump |
2016 | Investigations on gas jet beam profiles with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer [pdf] | Lukas Leßmann |
2016 | The Fusion Reaction pd→ 3He π0 examined with the WASA-at-COSY Experiment | Karsten Sitterberg |
2014 | Investigation of different normalization reactions for dp collisions at the ANKE experiment [pdf] | Christopher Fritzsch |
2014 | The cluster-jet target MCT1S und the analysis of cluster beams [pdf] | Silke Grieser |
2014 | Study of the reaction p+d→ 3He+η' with the WASA-at-COSY experiment [pdf] | Nils Hüsken |
2013 | Energy Calibration for the Forward Detector at WASA-at-COSY with particular Consideration of the Reaction p+d→ 3He+η' [pdf] | Kay Demmich |
2013 | Preparation of Cluster Beams and the Construction of the final Cluster Source for the PANDA Experiment [pdf] | Ann-Katrin Hergemöller |
2013 | Optimization and upgrade of a themoluminescence setup [pdf] | Michèle Neumann |
2013 | Efficiency determination of a radon detection system for practical exercises in nuclear Physics [pdf] | Manuel Perez Mayo |
2012 | Optimization of a gas flow proportinal counter for alpha decay measurements [pdf] | Elena Ceballos Romero |
2012 | Strahlzeitvorbereitungen zur Untersuchung der schwellennahen Produktion von η-Mesonen in der quasifreien Reaktion p+d→d η pspec bei ANKE [pdf] | Daniel Schröer |
2012 | Investigations of the effective dose rate from UF6-cylinders by Monte-Carlo simulations in respect of radiation protection [pdf] | Andreas Meyering |
2012 | Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Dropleterzeugung innerhalb des Pellettargets des Experimentaufbaus WASA-at-COSY [pdf] | Christina Husmann |
2011 | Aktivitätsbestimmung radonhaltiger Umweltproben und Quellen mittels Halbleiterdetektoren im kernphysikalischen Praktikum [pdf] | Andrea Nustede |
2011 | Luminositätsbetrachtung und Analyse des 3He η-Reaktionskanals in dp-Kollisionen am ANKE-Spektrometer [pdf] | Ingo Burmeister |
2010 | Bestimmung von totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitten der Reaktion p+d→ 3He+η bei 49 und 60 MeV Überschussenergie am Experimentaufbau WASA-at-COSY [pdf] | Annika Passfeld |
2010 | Das Münsteraner Cluster-Jet Target MCT2, ein Prototyp für das PANDA-Experiment & die Analyse der Eigenschaften des Clusterstrahls [pdf] | Esperanza Köhler |
2009 | Studien zum seltenen Zerfall des η-Mesons η→π0+e++e- am Experimentaufbau WASA-at-COSY [pdf] | Florian Bergmann |
2009 | Hochpräzise Impulsbestimmung des COSY-Beschleunigerstrahls im Rahmen der Messung zur Bestimmung der η-Masse am Experimentaufbau ANKE [pdf] | Paul Goslawski |
2008 | Massenspektroskopische Untersuchung von Wasserstoffclustern am Münsteraner Cluster-Jet-Target [pdf] | Stephan General |
2008 | Studien zum verbotenen Zerfall des η-Mesons η→π0+e++e- am Experimentaufbau WASA-at-COSY [pdf] | Natalie Milke |
2008 | Messung der Clustergeschwindigkeit und der Teilchendichte am Münsteraner Cluster-Jet-Target [pdf] | Jennifer Otte |
2008 | Luminositätbestimmung und Untersuchung des 3Heπ0 - Reaktionskanals bei d-p-Streuexperimenten am Experimentaufbau ANKE [pdf] | Michael Papenbrock |
2007 | Untersuchung des ABC-Effekts in der Reaktion d+p→ 3He+π++π- am Magnetspektrometer ANKE [pdf] | Malte Mielke |
2004 | Arbeiten zum Aufbau eines Clustertargets für 4π-Experimente an Speicherringen und Untersuchungen zur Clusterproduktion [pdf] | Tobias Rausmann |
Phd theses
Year | Title | Author |
2021 | From Exotic Charmonia to Scalar Glueballs Light Hadron Final States at BESIII [pdf] | Johannes Bloms |
2021 | Investigations on Laser-Cluster Interaction Concerning the Acceleration of Protons and Electrons and the Generation of X-Ray Radiation [pdf] | Lukas Leßmann |
2019 | Search for couplings of exotic charmonia to light hadron final states involving a ppbar pair at BESIII [PDF] | Marcel Andre Rump |
2019 | Search for the C-violating decay η→π0e+e- in proton-proton scattering with WASA-at-COSY | Kay Demmich |
2019 | Studies on η meson production in deuteron-deuteron collisions at the magnetic spectrometer ANKE | Christopher Fritzsch |
2018 | Cluster-Jet Targets for the PANDA-, MAGIX-, and CryoFlash-Experiments at Hadron-, Lepton-, and Laser-Facilities [pdf] | Silke Grieser |
2018 | η and π0 production in proton-deuteron fusion to 3HeX with WASA-at-COSY | Nils Hüsken |
2017 | Studies on the reaction p + d → 3He + η and search for C violation in the decay η → π0 + e+ + e− with WASA-at-COSY [pdf] | Florian Sebastian Bergmann |
2016 | Investigation of the tensor analysing power T20 in the d(pol) + p → 3He + η reaction with the COSY-ANKE experiment [pdf] | Michael Papenbrock |
2015 | Mass spectroscopy of hydrogen cluster-jets and beam density optimisation studies [pdf] | Esperanza Köhler |
2014 | Multi-Pion Production in Deuteron-Proton Collisions at COSY-ANKE [pdf] | Malte Mielke |
2013 | High precision measurement of the η meson mass at COSY-ANKE [pdf] | Paul Goslawski |
2013 | Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Cluster-Jet-Tagets höchster Dichte [pdf] | Alexander Täschner |
2011 | Analyse des verbotenen η-Meson Zerfalls η→π0+e++e- am Experimentaufbau WASA-at-COSY [pdf] | Alexander Winnemöller |
2010 | Untersuchung der Reaktion d+p→ 3He+η im Bereich zwischen 20 und 60 MeV Überschussenergie am Experiment ANKE [pdf] | Tobias Rausmann |
2009 | Hadronic 3He-η production near threshold [pdf] | Heinz-Hermann Adam |
2007 | Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen η-Mesonen und 3He-Kernen am Experimentaufbauch ANKE [pdf] | Timo Mersmann |