News archive
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize: Laureate 2024
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2022
SHK position at the clinic for radiology
There is a SHK position in the group of Prof. Faber at the clinic for radiology, where you can apply. You could help in the Translational Research Imaging Center with the analysis of neuroscientific BOLD-fMRT data.
More information in german: Event
Like every year, the Master-Introduction-Event is going to take place this October. Here, you'll get an introduction to the MSc course in physics at the WWU, as well as an overview from experienced students over all the specializations you can choose. We look forward to seeing you there!
Date: October 6, 2021, 2 p.m.
Location: HS1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize and Special Prize: Laureate 2021
The Physics Student Council has awarded the annual “Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize” on 2021-07-15 from 16:00 in the General Physical Colloquium (HS 2). This year’s laureate is Prof. Dr. Carsten Schuck with his lectures "Atomic and molecular physics", "Quantum communicartion and quantum sensors" and "Quantum computers and quantum simulators".
In addition, there was a special prize this year: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz received an award in honour of her dedicated work in addition to teaching and research in the fields of gender equality, support of students from school, and career advancement.
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2021
Ballot from to !
Dear students,
as you have certainly noticed, elections are taking place this week. Until Friday, you can vote in many places at the university, such as in front of lecture hall building of the chemistry department [de]. You can elect the Fachschaftsvertretungen (FSV; subject-specific Student Representations), the Fachbereichsrate (FBR; department council), the Senat (Senate) and the Studierendenparlament (StuPa; Student Parliament) as well as the representation of student assistants (SHK); foreign students can additionally elect the Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV; Foreign Student Representation). See also the official information on the ZWA’s (Central Election Committee) site [de] for the StuPa and the Electoral Office of the WWU for details.
On this page, you can see the candidates for the election of the Physics Student Represenation (FSV) and the Department Council (FBR). We would be happy about a high participation in the elections because this will strengthen our democratic legitimacy so that we can better support you!
PhD position at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Application till: 21.05.2021
The thorium-229 nucleus has a state which is at an unusually low excitation energy of approximately 8 eV. This allows laser spectroscopy methods to be applied to a nuclear transition for the first time and opens up the possibility for a novel, extremely precise optical “nuclear clock” as well as for testing fundamentals of physics as regards the strong interactions. Your work in Working Group 4.44 will focus on:
• Participating in developing and setting up a VUV laser system at a wavelength of 150 nm and with a beam line towards an ion trap
• VUV laser spectroscopy on trapped ions, resonant laser excitation, and laser spectroscopy of the thorium-229 nucleus
• Investigating the laser excitation of Th-229 in doped crystals produced by our cooperation partner at the TU Wien, Austria

Virtual semester ending party
SHK position as tutorial assistant of a student
An SHK position as assisting tutor of a physics student that wants to reengage in studying after a psychical illness is offered with 5 working hours per week for three months. For more information:
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2020
Ballot from to !
Dear students,
as you have certainly noticed, elections are taking place this week. Until Friday, you can vote in many places at the university, such as in front of lecture hall HS 2 in the physics buildings (IG1). You can elect the Fachschaftsvertretungen (FSV; subject-specific Student Representations), the Fachbereichsrate (FBR; department council), the Senat (Senate) and the Studierendenparlament (StuPa; Student Parliament) as well as the representation of student assistants (SHK); foreign students can additionally elect the Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV; Foreign Student Representation). See also the official information on the ZWA’s (Central Election Committee) site [de] for the StuPa and the Electoral Office of the WWU for details.
On this page, you can see the candidates for the election of the Physics Student Represenation (FSV) and the Department Council (FBR). We would be happy about a high participation in the elections because this will strengthen our democratic legitimacy so that we can better support you!
Enrollment Introduction Week opened
The enrollment for the Introduction Week is open!
Master-Introduction Event
Like every year in the winter-semester we are hosting a master-introduction event. We will infrom you in general about the master and the modules you can select. The presentations will be held in english. It will take place as a Zoom-conference on the 30th of October at 14:00 s.t. . The login details for zoom are in the pdf below.
SHB position as an assistant for a disabled student
A SHB position as an assistant for a physics student with Asperger's syndrome is offered with 5 working hours per week for three months. For more information:
PhD position at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Application till: 20.09.2020
The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) offers a PhD position in physics.
[Translated from german job offer]
SHK/SHB position in a research-transfer project at the CeNTech
***The position is already taken***
The aim of the project is a spinoff from our research group at the Center for Nanotechnology (CeNTech) in the field of photonics and quantumtechnology. You will support us optimising the fabrication processes in nano fabrication.
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize: Laureate 2020
The Physics Student Council has awarded the annual “Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize” on 2019-07-09 from 16:00 in the General Physical Colloquium (HS 2). This year’s laureate is Prof. Dr. lexander Kappes with his lectures “Physics for Physician, Dentists, Pharmacists and Biologists” and “Neutrino Physics”.
General Physical Colloquium
The General Physical Colloquium is taking place in a Zoom conference for now. If you want to know something more about special reasearch topics from groups from different universities you can find the topics of the talks and the link for the Zoom conferences on the homepage of the Department of Physics.
The Colloquium takes places weekly on thursday at 16:15.
Master-Information Video
Due to the current situation we made a Master-Information Video with all the relevant information and contacts you could need if you start your Master of Physics at the WWU this semester. You can find the video at the link below. If you should have any further questions you can contact us for help.
Master-Information Video on YoutubeOffice hours during the semester break cancelled until 20.04.
Due to the Coronav virus we cancelled our office hours during the semester break. We will be back at our normal office hours as soon as the lectures start again (probably the 20.04.). If you have any questions you can still reach us with an Email to
Until then we wish you the best and stay healthy!
PhD positions of Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH
Application till: 31.03.2020
The Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH offers PhD positions in physics for students with individual research ideas.
[Translated from german job offer]
SHK positions in the EDV of the Faculty of Protestant Theology
The Faculty of Protestant Theology offers three SHK positions for their EDV team as administrators. Further information can be found in the following job offering:
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize: Laureate 2019
The Physics Student Council has awarded the annual “Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize” on 2019-07-11 from 16:00 in the General Physical Colloquium (HS 2). This year’s laureate is Prof. Dr. Peter Krüger with his lectures "Electronic Correlations and Magnetism" and "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics".

Summer Festival at the Department of Physics 2019
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2019
Ballot from to !
Dear students,
as you have certainly noticed, elections are taking place this week. Until Friday, you can vote in many places at the university, such as in front of lecture hall HS 2 in the physics buildings (IG1). You can elect the Fachschaftsvertretungen (FSV; subject-specific Student Representations), the Fachbereichsrate (FBR; department council), the Senat (Senate) and the Studierendenparlament (StuPa; Student Parliament) as well as the representation of student assistants (SHK); foreign students can additionally elect the Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV; Foreign Student Representation). See also the official information on the ZWA’s (Central Election Committee) site [de] for the StuPa and the Electoral Office of the WWU for details.
On this page, you can see the candidates for the election of the Physics Student Represenation (FSV) and the Department Council (FBR). We would be happy about a high participation in the elections because this will strengthen our democratic legitimacy so that we can better support you! We’ll even give you a water ice or a free drink at the summer festival if you go voting ;-)
Thesis and indernships at BMW
[Uploaded on 4.6.]
The BMW Group offers an internship about “Datamining” and a master's thesis about “Lithum-Ion battery development”:
Complete job offering of the internship
Complete job offering of the master's thesis [de]
Excel lecturer searched
The ZIV searches for students with good knowledge in Excel as a lecturer.
You have:
+ good skills in Excel?
+ motivated to share your knowledge?
+ didactical talented?
We offer:
+ teaching experience
+ chances for advanced education
+ adequate payment
Working students for Lapstore
Björn Höltermann from writes:
Working students wanted!
Are you interested in a varied job in a young team and are you still interested in IT & Commerce? Would you like to earn some extra money while studying? Then you are exactly right with us! We are looking for working students who actively support us in a wide variety of areas.
If interested, send your application!
EK-Unico part-time worker
Die EK-UNICO in Münster am Hafenplatz sucht eine studentische Hilfskraft für Arbeiten mit Excel.
Der Stundenlohn beträgt 11€, alle Infos sind hier
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize: Laureate 2018
The Physics Student Council has awarded the annual “Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize” on 2018-07-19 from 16:00 in the General Physical Colloquium (HS 2). This year’s laureate is PD. Dr. Svetlana Gurevich with her lecture numerical methods for complex systems I.
Zweitag Summer of Code
Application-date 22nd July 2018
Das Software- und Webentwicklungsunternehmen Zweitag in der Münsteraner Innenstadt veranstaltet dieses Jahr zum dritten Mal den Summer of Code, d.h. ein achtwöchiges Praktikum in diesen Semesterferien, in denen vier Studierende in die Software- und Webentwicklung einsteigen können. Für mehr Infos hier ein Link zu einem Blogeintrag der letzten Summer of Code’ler. Und hier die aktuelle Stellenanzeige.

Summer Festival at the Department of Physics 2018
Meeting with different employer at commercial- and industrial area Loddenheide
Excursion: 27th June, 2018 10:00 - 17:00
PhD positions of Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH
Application till: 30.04.2018
The Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH offers PhD positions in physics for students with individual research ideas.
[Translated from german job offer]
SHK position as IT assistant in the Excellence Cluster “Religion und Politik”
Application till: 30.04.2018
In the management of the excellence cluster “Religion und Politik” of the WWU an SHK position as IT assistant is open. (further information in this article)
PhD position in philosophy of quantum mechanics
The university of Grenoble is looking for a PhD candidate in philosophy of quantum mechanics. Detailed information can be found in the article.
Position for a passenger survey of the “Stadtwerke”
we have received a job offer from the IVV Aachen/Berlin on behalf of the Stadtwerke Münster.
SHK position for the developement of a learning concept with apps
The institute for applied physics is looking for a student working as an
SHK (8 hours/week)
on the project "Learning with apps - using smartphones in introductory lecture courses" for 6 months.
Position as a tutor for software workshops
Currently, the ZIV is looking for tutors who can offer classes in Excel and PowerPoint. Information can be found here:
Talk by Wolfgang Ketterle
On next Monday, 06.11., nobel prize winner Wolfgang Ketterle from MIT will give a talk on new forms of matter at low temperatures. You are all invited to this talk, which will certainly be very interesting.

Dates for the game nights in WS 2017/2018
PhD Position in theoretical Biophysics
We have received the following job offer:
Prof. Rainer Böckmann from the University of Erlanen-Nürnberg writes
Dear students,
my group is looking for motivated PhD students, who can imagine working at the interface between physics and theoretical chemistry onthe one hand and and biology and medicine on the other hand. All projects include close cooperations with experimental groups, conferences and stays abroad are, of course included.
Best wishes
Rainer BöckmannMore information here:
SHK position in the learning center
There is an open SHK position in the learning center. Applications, which are possible till 30.11.2017, have to be send to Prof. Denz.
More information here:
Semester start events: Book market, BaMa Day
Dear students,
we would like to inform you of a number of events which we organize at the beginning of the semester. Among these are the book market and the Bachelor–Master Day. Details are available in the full entry (link in the heading). Don’t miss it! :-)
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize: Laureate 2017
The Physics Student Council has awarded the annual “Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize” on 2017-07-27 from 16:00 in the General Physical Colloquium (HS 2). This year’s laureate is Prof. Dr. Alfons Khoukaz with his lecture series on nuclear and particle physics.
Announcement: Awarding the Teaching Prize 2017

Physicists’ Party on 2017-08-03
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2017
Ballot from to !
Dear students,
as you have certainly noticed, elections are taking place this week. Until Friday, you can vote in many places at the university, such as in front of lecture hall HS 2 in the physics buildings (IG1). You can elect the Fachschaftsvertretungen (FSV; subject-specific Student Representations), the Fachbereichsrate (FBR; department council), the Senat (Senate) and the Studierendenparlament (StuPa; Student Parliament) as well as the representation of student assistants (SHK); foreign students can additionally elect the Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV; Foreign Student Representation). See also the official information on the ZWA’s (Central Election Committee) site and the elections announcement for details.
On this page, you can see the candidates for the election of the Physics Student Represenation (FSV) and the Department Council (FBR). We would be happy about a high participation in the elections because this will strengthen our democratic legitimacy so that we can better support you! We’ll even give you some Glühwein if you go voting ;-)

Summer Festival at the Department of Physics 2017 and DKMS registration

Dates for the game nights in SS 2017
Resolutions from the winter-ZaPF 2016
The ZaPF has enacted two statements on the topics of “access and admission restrictions” and “expression of solidarity with the Turkish scientists” on its winter 2016 meeting. You can find the statements here.
Excursion to DESY in Hamburg!
The jDPG, together with the Physics Student Council, is arranging a two-day excursion to Hamburg on and . In the course of these two days, you will pay a visit to the company Philips, DESY and the “Center for Free-Electron Laser Science” (CFEL). Registration for the excursion is possible until the and there are still spots remaining.
PhD positions in Madrid and Paris
We have received several offers for PhD positions in Spain and France: PhD positions within the INPhINIT
, la Caixa
PhD Fellowship ProgrammeFunded PhD in hair-cell biophysics at Institut Curie (Paris – FRANCE)
Two SHK positions at Q.UNI
Q.UNI (Kinder- und Jugend-Uni Münster) is looking for two students to fill SHK (student assistant) positions in the areas IT and media. Students in a double bachelor’s program (2FB) also have the opportunity to complete the “Berufsfeldpraktikum” at Q.UNI Camp.
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2016
Update (results): The election results have been published on the ZWA’s site!
Ballot from to !
Dear students,
as you have certainly noticed, elections are taking place this week. Until Friday, you can vote in many places at the university, such as in front of lecture hall HS 2 in the physics buildings (IG1). You can elect the Fachschaftsvertretungen (FSV; subject-specific Student Representations) and the Studierendenparlament (StuPa; Student Parliament) as well as the representation of student assistants (SHK); foreign students can additionally elect the Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV; Foreign Student Representation). See also the official information on the ZWA’s (Central Election Committee) site and the elections announcement for details.
On this page, you can see the candidates for the election of the Physics Student Represenation (FSV). We would be happy about a high participation in the elections because this will strengthen our democratic legitimacy so that we can better support you! We’ll even give you some Glühwein if you go voting ;-)
PhD positions in the working group Wittkowski
Dr. Wittkowski, who has recently begun forming his group at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (area: nonlinear physics), asked us to tell you about the open PhD positions and subjects for theses in his group:
In der am Institut für Theoretische Physik neu eingerichteten Arbeitsgruppe Wittkowski („Theorie der aktiven weichen Materie“) sind zur Zeit Doktorandenstellen zu besetzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Internetseite der Arbeitsgruppe.
Schedules for all bachelor’s semesters
Hey everyone,
in the course of the past week, we have created schedules for every semester of the bachelor’s program (for courses taken “according to plan”) and published them on our website. The schedules are appropriate for both the B. Sc. program (1FB) and the physics part of a double bachelor’s program (2FB). We hope that this will help you get a better overview of the courses awaiting you. Do take a look ;-)
SHK position and electoral assistant at the AStA
Currently, the AStA is looking to employ help in several places: Someone for the technical supervision of the AStA’s homepage and electoral assistants for the elections in the student body in a few weeks are needed.
PhD position at PTB Braunschweig & Representation of Student Assistants (SHK)
We recieved multiple offers for job positions: A PhD position at the PTB Braunschweig, Representation for student assistants (SHK) by the AStA. More information in the article!
Semester start events: Book market, BaMa Day, party, game night
Dear students,
we would like to inform you of a number of events which we organize at the beginning of the semester. Among these are the book market, the Bachelor–Master Day, the Physicists’ Party and the game night. Details are available in the full entry (link in the heading). Don’t miss it! :-)
, , , .

Dates for the game nights in WS 2016/2017
PhD positions at HFA, MPI of Biophysics (Frankfurt) and TU Berlin
We have received a number of offers for PhD positons. They are: PhD positions at the Hector Fellow Academy gGmbH in the area of physics for master’s graduates who want to do a PhD with their own research idea, two PhD positions “RNA Folding and Function” at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Department of Theoretical Biophysics, in Frankfurt am Main and a 5-year position at the TU Berlin in the area of experimental atomic and molecular physics.
Invitation to the Student Council meeting on 2016-09-14
On , a Physics Student Council meeting during the break will take place. Everyone interested is very welcome to join us in the Student Council office.
The Student Council’s LaTeX course 2016
As every year, we have a special offer for those who will have to face their first laboratory courses (“Grundpraktikum” – 1FB, 2FB) next semester. This mostly applies to those who will start their third bachelor’s semester this October; in principle, everyone interested is invited, though!
We are offering a crash course on the document preparation system LaTeX, which is widely used in science, on (at the latest) in HS AP. To work on and discuss questions and exercises (“learning by doing”!) left over from the first day, we can also meet on a second day if there is some demand (e. g. Monday, ).
The course is explicitly designed to teach you everything you need to know to write lab reports (mostly) painlessly. We will also talk about a program for processing and visualizing data (gnuplot) as an example.
There are no fees for participation, of course! If you’re interested in participating (or if you have questions), please write us a quick message.
Monthly game nights at the physics department
After having started a few game nights recently, we’d like to turn that into a monthly occurrence. The next dates for game nights are:
, and (during Introduction Week)
always at 17:00.
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize: Laureate 2016
Announcement: Awarding the Teaching Prize 2016
McKinsey workshop “Wendepunkt” for mathematicians and physicists
McKinsey writes:
McKinsey-Workshop „Wendepunkt“ für Mathematiker und Physiker
Der 1,5-tägige Fallstudien-Workshop „Wendepunkt“ von McKinsey für Studierende und Doktorand(inn)en der Fachrichtungen Mathematik und Physik bietet Teilnehmer(inne)n die Chance, tiefgehende Einblicke in die Arbeitsweise und das breite Aufgabenfeld der Topmanagement-Beratung zu erhalten.

Summer Festival at the Department of Physics 2016
Elections summer 2016
Update (2016-07-10): The election results were published on !
From to (10:00), the postal elections of the department councils and the Senate are taking place. We have a shared list of the Physics and Geophysics Student Councils for the Physics Department Council (FBR).
Student assistant positions at the Q.UNI Camp
There are some student assistant (SHK) positions available at the WWU Q.UNI Camp:
Studentische Hilfskräfte für das Q.UNI Camp: Tutorinnen und Tutoren gesucht!
Im Sommer öffnen ab dem 11. Juni bis zum 31. Juli 2016 die Türen des Q.UNI Camps: Ausprobieren, Tüfteln, Knobeln steht ab dann für Kinder und Jugendliche auf dem Programm. Am Leonardo-Campus entsteht ein großes Q.UNI Gelände mit Barfußpfad, Erlebnisgarten, Mitmachbaustelle und Bewegungsinseln, die zum eigenen Erkunden und Entdecken einladen. Dieses Projekt der WWU richtet sich an Familien, Schulklassen und Kitas.
Und hier brauchen wir Sie: Wir suchen ab sofort pädagogisch, naturwissenschaftlich, sportlich, biologisch interessierte Studierende, die als Hilfskräfte im Stundenumfang von 9 oder 19 Stunden pro Woche an diesem besonderen außerschulischen Lernort arbeiten möchten.
Invitation to the Student Council meeting on 2016-04-06
On , a Physics Student Council meeting during the break will take place. Everyone interested is very welcome to join us in the Student Council office.
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2015
Results: The election results have been published on the ZWA’s site.
Ballot from Monday, 2015-11-23 to Friday, 2015-11-27!
Dear students,
as you have certainly noticed, elections are taking place this week. Until Friday, you can vote in many places at the university, such as in front of the HS 2 in the physics buildings (IG1). You can elect the Fachschaftsvertretungen (FSV: subject-specific Student Representations) and the Studierendenparlament (StuPa: Student Parliament); foreign students can additionally elect the Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV: Foreign Student Representation). See also the ZWA’s (Central Election Committee) call for votes and the elections announcement for details. We would be happy about a high participation in the elections because this will strengthen our democratic legitimacy so that we can better support you! We’ll even give you some Glühwein if you go voting ;-)
This time, there are even three lists to vote for: The “Volksfront der Physik” (People’s Front of Physics), the “Physikalische Volksfront” (Physical People’s Front) and the “Populäre Front” (Popular Front – splitters!). So go voting, everyone – and remember: One cross each!
Grade calculator and overviews of lecture pages & minor subjects
Hey everyone,
we have just extended our website with a few pages which are hopefully useful to you:
Our grade calculator can calculate the final grade for your bachelor’s degree – you just have to put in your results for the individual modules.
We have started a collection of websites for the different lectures/courses (the pages where the profs provide their material etc.). If you can’t find a lecture or have forgotten the link, just take a look there.
We have collected information on the minor subjects (Interdisciplinary Studies) in the bachelor’s and master’s programs because this was spread over many sources and thus hard to find.
WE WANT YOU… as tutors for the Introduction Week 2015
Dear students,
you hopefully have fond memories of your Introduction Week last semester or the one before that (or…) and had a lot of fun. For the Introduction Week 2015, we’re now offering you the opportunity to participate as a tutor and introduce your own ideas. The Introduction Week takes place in on 12.10.–15.10. and is supposed to enable the new students to have a good entrace to their studies and life in Münster.
With your help and you as a tutor, we will tackle the Introduction Week once more this year and offer the freshmen a big welcome. In contrast to last year, we’re not planning a meeting in preparation of the Introduction Week and will instead meet with all volunteers on Monday, the 12.10. at 11 o’clock at the Student Council office in order to go through the week and plan when you can support us. Above all, we need tutors for Monday (12.10.) and Wednesday (14.10.). But if you’d like to contribute more or would like to use the opportunity to get a full preview of the work in the Student Council, we’d be glad to have you all week as well.
If you want to join in or have questions, please contact us; this is possible in the Student Council office, in person, on Facebook or via email to We’ll also share all further information with you through the mailing list then!
We’d like to thank you for your help and are looking forward to working with you and to a great Introduction Week 2015!
Technical developer at Grünspar
The company Grünspar has sent us the following job offer:
“Technischer Entwickler (m/w) zur Weiterentwicklung einer Stromverbrauchs-Erfassungshardware und -Software. Vorausgesetzt werden C, Python, SQL. Weitere Details können der Ausschreibung entnommen werden.”
The Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize: Laureate 2015
Announcement: Awarding the Teaching Prize 2015
Already for the third time now, the Physics Student Council is awarding the “Physics Student Council’s Teaching Prize”. The award ceremony will take place on in the General Physical Colloquium (HS 2).
As guest speaker for the Teaching Prize with the topic “Inventions and patents from the WWU”, Dr. Katharina Krüger, patent referee and patent scout at the Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer (AFO) here at the WWU Münster, was invited this year.
The Student Council’s LaTeX course 2015
The Physics Student Council would like to address all those who will have to face their first laboratory courses next semester with a special offer. This mostly applies to those who will start their third bachelor’s semester this October; in principle, everyone interested is invited, though!
We are offering a crash course on the document preparation system LaTeX, which is widely used in science, on in HS 2. To answer and solve any questions and exercises (“learning by doing”!) which are left after the first day, we will also meet on a second day (Monday, the 10th August).
The course is explicitly designed to teach you everything you need to know to write lab reports (mostly) painlessly. We will also talk about a program for processing and visualizing data (gnuplot) as an example.
There are no fees for participation, of course! If you’re interested in participating (or if you have questions), please write us a quick message.
Elections summer 2015
From to (10:00), the postal elections of the department councils and the Senate are taking place. We have a shared list of the Physics and Geophysics Student Councils for the Physics Department Council (FBR).
Invitation to the Student Council meeting during the break
On 2015-03-11, 18 o’clock, the Physics Student Council meeting will take place. Everyone interested is welcome to join us in the Student Council office.
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2014
Urnenwahl von Montag, 24.11. bis Freitag, 28.11.2014
Ihr könnt in diesem Zeitraum eure Stimme(n) für die Fachschaftsvertretung (FSV), das Studierendenparlament (StuPa) und ggf. die Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV) abgeben.
Wir rufen alle Studierenden dazu auf, sich bei den Wahlen zu beteiligen. Gebt eure Stimme ab und gestaltet dadurch die „Politik“ der Verfassten Studierendenschaft mit! Außerdem könnt ihr dieses Jahr im Rahmen der Wahlen einmalig an einer Urabstimmung teilnehmen.
Unter „weiter“ seht ihr die Kandidaten zur Wahl der Fachschaftsvertretung (FSV) Physik (Wahlkreis 111).
Update: Die Wahlergebnisse der Wahlen für Fachschaftsvertretung (FSV), Studierendenparlament (StuPa) und Ausländische Studierendenvertretung (ASV) wurden auf der Seite des ZWA veröffentlicht!
Evaluation results SS 2014 and evaluation WS 2014/2015
It’s finally time: The results of the course evaluation from last semester (i. e. summer semester 2014) have been uploadaed on the corresponding page for the department’s evaluation reports! So if you want to know how the lectures you attended last semester fared or if you’re curious which courses might be worth taking, just check out the statistics.
Of course, we’ll perform the course evaluation once again this semester (winter semester 2014/2015). Concerning lectures, you can already prepare to be visited (or, depending on your outlook ;-) ) haunted by us from the until the .
Info about the elections during winter semester 2014/2015
Im Wintersemester werden die Fachschaftsvertretungen und das Studierendenparlament gewählt. Folgende Wahlinfo des Zentralen Wahlausschusses (ZWA) geben wir euch gerne weiter.
The Student Council’s LaTeX course 2014
The Physics Student Council would like to address all those who will have to face their first laboratory courses [de] next semester with a special offer. This mostly applies to those who will start their third bachelor’s semester this October; in principle, everyone interested is invited, though!
We are offering a crash course on the document preparation system LaTeX, which is widely used in science, on in HS AP. The course is explicitly designed to teach you everything you need to know to write lab reports (mostly) painlessly. We will also talk about a program for processing and visualizing data (gnuplot) as an example.
There are no fees for participation, of course! If you’re interested in participating (or if you have questions), please write us a quick message.
Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus
Starting immediately, all WWU students ar eligible to receive the software package “Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus” (latest version for up to 5 devices, Windows and Mac) for an annual rate of 4,99 €. It is provided by Asknet (a ZIV partner) after registration in the Asknet portal StudyHouse. The ZIV does not divulge any data, but merely confirms membership of the WWU during registration. The license is linked to WWU membership and expires when leaving the university.
Source: ZIV news from 2014-03-18 and ZIV info page.
Microsoft IT Academy
The WWU has already joined the Microsoft IT Academy in April 2012 (press release from the WWU ). Now, it was also possible to make all course documents available to all WWU students and members starting from the winter semester 2013/2014. Thus, all WWU members can prepare for the exams for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) or Microsoft Certified Solution Expert (MCSE) free of charge. It will also be possible to take the exams (freely/cheaply) in Münster in the future. The program is coordinated at the Department of Economics.
Note (2016-02-20): Unfortunately, the offer is not available anymore (at least since 2015-11-30).
Resolutions from the winter-ZaPF 2012
The ZaPF has enacted two statements on the topics of “Open Access” and “Engagement in Civil Society” on its winter 2012 meeting. Here, you can find the statements and our comments.
Introduction Week 2012
The Physics Student Council invites all new students at the Department of Physics to the Introduction Week starting on the 1st of October 2012 (10 o’clock in the HS AP). All further information can be found on the corresponding website.
Moreover, we’re still looking for students in their upcoming third semester (and above) who want to support us in the Introduction Week. Please contact use either by email or by joining the mailing list which we created for this purpose.
The preliminary meeting for the Student Council-external tutors is on 2012-09-27 at 15:00 o’clock in the Student Council Office.
Student Council Day 2012
On , the Student Council informs about its work, provides introductions to university politics and discusses future projects like the Introduction Week in the framework of the Student Council Day 2012 – A peek behind the curtains.
The event is open for everyone interested. You can find further information here.
BaMa Day 2012
On the , this year’s Bachelor-Master Day will take place. All students, especially those in their 5th bachelor’s or 1st master’s semester are invited to learn about bachelor and master theses and the working groups where you can write these theses. We start with a short talk in HS 2 and after that, the poster session begins in the IG1 foyer. Further information on our BaMa Day page.
Invitation to the Summer Festival 2012
On the , the Department of Physics and Physics Student Council’s Summer Festival together with the Chemistry Student Council will take place.
Elections summer 2012
More information about us
Today we have added further information on the active Student Council members. You can now find out since when we’ve been contributing in the Student Council, what our responsibilities are and which committees we work in for you. With this, you can more easily find the right person to contact with special questions. There is also a possibility for direct contact on every page (no software is required for this since this is done using a form).
We would appreciate any feedback.
News area overhauled
Today, the news area was overhauled, but not set as the start page yet. Optically, we’re now following the WWU’s prevalent layout (for Imperia experts: we’re using teasers). Moreover, you can now subscribe to an RSS feed.
Holiday greetings
During the time from to , the Student Council office will remain closed.
Elections 2011 – call for votes
Hello, dear students, please remember to vote for your student representatives this week! The urns are in the IG1 building and the canteen. Through your vote, you can directly influence which decisions are made in academic politics. So don’t be shy, go vote!
Elections of Student Representations (and Student Parliament) 2011
Next week ( to ), the elections of the Student Representation, the Student Parliament and the Foreign Student Representation will take place.
We call on all students to participate in the elections. Cast your vote and thus take part in shaping the “politics” of the Constituted Student Body.
Missed Introduction Week?
That’s no problem. In the Physics Student Council office, there are still plenty of copies of the “Erstifibel” where all important information is summarized. We will also happily help you with individual problems; just check the office hours and drop by.
Good luck with your studies!
Introduction Week winter semester 2011/2012
Introduction Week for all new physics and geophysics students during the week from
to !
Introductory meeting on (ct) in the Applied Physics lecture hall (HS AP, Corrensstr. 4).
Preparatory courses 2011
The preparatory course in physics is taking place from to . Registration open until at physics prep course.
The preparatory course in mathematics is also recommendable and will take place from to . Registration and further information at mathematics prep course [de].
Invitation to the Summer Festival 2011
On the , the Department of Physics and Physics Student Council’s Summer Festival will take place.
Erasmus meeting
For those interested in Erasmus, there will be a meeting with recently returned “Erasmuses” on . The date was decided on with the second-semester students and Prof. Kohl.
Wir würden das an den Stehtischen vor der AP durchführen und wollen damit die Gelegenheit geben, zwanglos Fragen aller Art zu einem Auslandsaufenthalt zu stellen.
(Quote Prof. Kohl)
Ersti DVDs WS 2010/2011
The Ersti DVD WS 2010/2011 can be borrowed from the Student Council office with valid photo ID starting now.
Markus Otto: “Rechenmethoden für Studierende der Physik im ersten Jahr”
Here, you can find our review of a book that was provided to us.
(Review in German)
Student Council’s by-laws and rules of procedure updated
The current version of the by-laws and the rules of procedure can be viewed here (at the very bottom of the page).
Elections of student representations
Like every year, the electionsahlen of the Student Parliament, the Student Representations and the Foreign Student Representation take place this week. Don’t forget your student ID! You can find the urns e. g. in the IG1. As motivation, we offer some pre-Christmas fruit punch :)
From –, it’s time once again :)
Registration now in the Student Council office (price 30 € per person).
Ersti DVDs
Ersti DVDs for WS 2008/2009 and WS 2009/2010 are available in the Student Council office again starting Monday and can be borrowed with valid photo ID.
Website updates
The pages “Introduction Week” and “questions about studying” have been updated.
Invitation to the Summer Festival 2010
On the , the Department of Physics and Physics Student Council’s Summer Festival will take place.