
Resolutions from the winter-ZaPF 2012

The ZaPF (“Zusammenkunft aller Physik-Fachschaften”) meets up every semester. Aside from the nationwide exchange of information and experiences, public statements/resolutions are worked out. The winter 2012 ZaPF meeting in Karlsruhe has enacted two resolutions which we would like to announce here.

Firstly, the statement on “Open Access”: The ZaPF welcomes Open Access, especially in works which are publicly funded/supported. All data should be published under free licenses. Additionally, the ZaPF supports the “Berlin declaration”.

The Physics Student Council at Münster University supports the statement and thus also supports the efforts by the ULB and the rectorate to support Open Access. You can find the WWU resolution on Open Access from the beginning of 2012 here.

And secondly, the statement on “Engagement in Civil Society”: The ZaPF desires that engagement in society be codified in the exam/study regulations. Apart from technical content, this ability should too be a goal of studies in physics and the “discussion of aspects of physics relevant to society” should be included teaching.

The Physics Student Council at Münster University considers engagement in society as exceptionally important and wishes it to be considered in university studies. However, we do not believe that engagement can be usefully supported by offering credit points. However, the should be sensible and fair conditions for compensation so that welcome and applaudable engagement is not prevented, but supported.