Degree course advisors at the institutes and departments
If you have specific questions regarding individual degree programmes, their structure, thematic focuses, research focuses and perspectives, we recommend contacting the degree course advisors in your respective institute or department. In the following, you can find the representative who is responsible for advising students at your institute (last updated: 04/2023).
English Department
Student advisory office
Further information can be found at the web page of the English Department.
1. Contact: beres@uni-muenster.de
General questions about your English studies
Before you write an e-mail: Read the syllabus, check the website, read your module descriptions – put in the legwork before sending off your questions. Chances are, you will find an answer on Learnweb or on the website.2. Contact: mobiles@uni-muenster.de
Study abroad with ERASMUS or as freemover
Consultation for outgoings (issuing of learning agreements, recognition of credit points achieved abroad) Study Abroad3. Contact: anerkes@uni-muenster.de
Credit points achieved at another university / in another study programme at the English Department / pre-university stays abroad (Work Experience)4. Contact: workexp.abroad@uni-muenster.de
Work Experience (abroad)
Work Experience (abroad) during your studies (issuing of learning agreements, recognition of credit points achieved abroad5. Contact: anna.rapp@uni-muenster.de
Cases of hardship
Support with course selection and study organization Cases of Hardship6. Contact: bafoeges@uni-muenster.de
Verification and signature of the form for further support (form 5) / foreign financial aid (form 6) BaföG information
Institute of German Language and Literature
Student advisory office
Consultation Hours: Homepage Studienbüro
Anke Jarling M.A.
Schlossplatz 34, Room 133
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24644
E-Mail: studienbuero.germanistik@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Homepage [de]We advise you in:
- all questions concerning your studies (e.g. preparation of timetables, allocation of seminar places, etc.)
- questions concerning the choice of study, the course of studies and all study regulations
- Questions about changing your course of study
- Questions about changing the place of study
- Recognition of achievements (only on presentation of original transcripts)
You will receive from us:
- Certificates for the Bafög office (form 5)
- Certificates for placement in a higher semester (on presentation of an original transcript of records)
- Certificates for submission to the Student Administration Office
- Recognition of academic achievements abroad (also Erasmus etc.)
Other contact partners:
International programmes
Albina Haas M.A.
Schlossplatz 34, Room 109
Phone: (0251) 83-24625
E-Mail: erasgerm@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Homepage [de]Julia Rosin/ Max von Mulert (student assistants)
Schlossplatz 34, Room 109
Phone: (0251) 83 24625
E-Mail: erasgerm@uni-muenster.deCultural Poetics of Literature and Media (Master of Arts) | Comparative Studies/Cultural Poetics (Master of Arts):
Prof. Dr. Moritz Baßler
Schlossplatz 34, Room 159
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24442
Fax: +49 251 83-25420
E-Mail: mbassler@uni-muenster.deOffice hours in Winter Semester 2023/2024:
Wednesdays, from 1:30 PMGerman Studies (Master of Arts):
Prof. Dr. Bruno Quast
Stein-Haus, Schlossplatz 34
48143 Münster
Phone: (0251) 83-24619
Fax: (0251) 83-24667
Email: Bruno.Quast@uni-muenster.deApplied Linguistics (Master of Arts):
Dr. Netaya Lotze
Institute of Linguistics
Schlossplatz 34, Room SH 6
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24624
E-Mail: lotze@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00 PM
List of module coordinators: Link to the web pageInstitute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Student advice Middle Eastern Archaeology
Prof. Dr. Florian Janoscha Kreppner
Rosenstraße 9
48143 Münster
Tel.: +49 251 251/83-29815
E-Mail: janoscha.kreppner@wwu.de
Office hours: by appointmentStudent advice Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Dr. Luděk Vacín
Rosenstraße 9
48143 Münster
E-Mail: lvacin@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: by appointmentFor the interdisciplinary degree programmes "Ancient Cultures of Egypt and the Near East" (Bachelor) and "Languages and Cultures of Egypt and the Ancient Near East" (Master), the corresponding degree programme supervisors are offering one-on-one counselling sessions to help students choose and pursue an area of specialisation:
Egyptology Prof. Dr. Angelika Lohwasser
a.lohwasser@uni-muenster.deCoptology Prof. Dr. Gesa Schenke
gesa.schenke@uni-muenster.deAncient Near Eastern Studies Dr. Luděk Vacín
lvacin@uni-muenster.deMiddle Eastern Archaeology Prof. Dr. Florian Janoscha Kreppner
janoscha.kreppner@wwu.deInstitute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Dr. Monika Springberg
Schlaunstraße 2, Room 202
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24571
E-Mail: springberg@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Please make an appointment via email for a counselling session Homepage.At the Student Advisory Service at the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, prospective students can find advice and help on the following topics, among others:
- Questions concerning the academic suitability for the study of Islamic Studies/Arabic Studies
- Structure, sequence and contents of the study program
- Organization of studies and exams
- Schedule conflicts with the second subject in the BA program
- Scholarship application
- Compensation of disadvantages for disabled and chronically ill students
- Internships, language courses, stays abroad and their integration into studies
- Career prospects
- Change of subject within the WWU
- Change to the WWU
Please also contact the Student Advisory Service for the following concerns:
- Recognition of credits earned at other universities in Germany or abroad, or extracurricular at WWU, for the institute's degree programs
- Placement in a higher semester and issuance of the corresponding certificates for the Student Secretariat and Examination Office
- Certificates for the continued payment of BAFöG from the 4th semester (Form 5)
- Registration of Bachelor's and Master's theses in Islamic Studies: Confirmation of registration requirements
Institute of Egyptology and Coptology
For the interdisciplinary degree programmes "Ancient Cultures of Egypt and the Near East" (Bachelor) and "Languages and Cultures of Egypt and the Ancient Near East" (Master), the corresponding degree programme supervisors are offering one-on-one counselling sessions to help students choose and pursue an area of specialisation. More information can be found on our website.
Egyptology Prof. Dr. Angelika Lohwasser
Office hours: by appointment
a.lohwasser@uni-muenster.deCoptology Prof. Dr. Gesa Schenke
gesa.schenke@uni-muenster.deAncient Cultures Egypt and Near East Prof. a. D. Dr. Stephen Emmel
Office hours: Monday, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
emmstel@uni-muenster.deInstitute for Jewish Studies
Dr. Rainer Josef Barzen
Johannisstraße 1, Room 101
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-23483
E-Mail: barzen@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Tue. 11 am- 12 am and by appointment
HomepageInstitute of Dutch Philology
Lisa Mensing M.A.
- Study coordinator -
Alter Steinweg 6-7, Room 2.14
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-28526
Fax: +49 251 83-28530
E-Mail: lisa.mensing@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 AM (during semester breaks by appointment only). Telephone consultations are also possible.Responsibilities
- Course guidance
- Exam organization
- Timetable conflicts
- Recognition of academic achievements completed prior to studies (e.g. as part of a first degree program)
- BaföG certificates (form 5)
- Advice on studying with disabilities
- Internationalization@home
Students can contact Beatrix van Dam for advice regarding ERASMUS+ and internships.
Master of Arts students please contact Prof. Dr. Lut Missinne for internship advice.
Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies
If you have any questions about the degree programs, study abroad, internships or scholarships, please contact the respective contact person. Prospective and first-year students may find the FAQ Beginning of Studies helpful.
The guide "Informationen zur Studienberatung" (in german) contains general information on studying and contact persons at Münster University in a bundled form for prospective students and students.
Alexander Brosch M.A.(Bachelor, Master, internships)
Schlaunstraße 4, room 14
48143 Münster
Phone: 0251 - 83 29900
E-Mail: alexander.brosch@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Mo, 4-5pmDr. Gao Yue 高岳 (language courses, stays abroad)
Room 3
Phone: 0251 - 83 29902
E-Mail: gao.yue@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Monday, 1-2 PMProf. Dr. Kerstin Storm (PhD)
Room 15
Phone: 0251 - 83 29903
E-Mail: kerstinstorm@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Fr, 2-3 PMInstitute of Scandinavian Studies
The departmental student advisory service advises on all questions concerning the study of Scandinavian Studies / Nordic Philology both in the BA program and in the Master's program (to a limited extent also in the doctoral program).
We advise you, for example, on the content, organization and structure of your studies (admission requirements, course of studies, examinations, questions of recognition, formalities of graduation, organization of studies around a semester abroad, examination regulations, examination topics, etc.). The Student Advisory Service is also your point of contact in the event of conflicts over schedules. In conflict situations with teachers, the Student Advisory Service acts as a mediator. It advises and supports you in cases of hardship (raising children, illness, caring for relatives, etc.).
In addition, the Student Advisory Service is the first point of contact for all questions that may arise in the broader context of the study situation (learning or motivation problems, structuring problems, compatibility of studies and part-time job). In some cases, the Student Advisory Service can help directly. In other cases, it can refer you to the right offices. The University of Münster has a large number of counseling services for a wide variety of concerns and problems - the Student Advisory Service will help you find the right address. No matter which question you would like to clarify at the Student Advisory Service: Anonymity is guaranteed!
Please note that it can sometimes take a few days for e-mails to be answered. Please also feel free to try to reach us by phone.
Birge Hilsmann M.A.
Robert-Koch-Str. 29, Room 209
48149 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-32829
E-Mail: birge.hilsmann@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: HomepageInstitute of Slavic Studies
Valentin Peschanskyi
Bispinghof 3, Room 209
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24566
Fax: +49 251 83-24456
E-Mail: valentin.peschanskyi@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: according to agreementNele Focke
Bispinghof 3, Room 209
48143 Münster
Tel: +49 251 83-24566
nele.focke@uni-muenster.deInstitute of Linguistics
Prof. Dr. Dejan Matić
Institute of Linguistics
Aegidiistraße 5, Room 105
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24494
E-Mail: matic@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Thursdays 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Registration: by appointment (per E-Mail to ktembrin@uni-muenster.de)Prof. Dr. Michael Janda
Rosenstraße 9, Room 426
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-29871
Fax: +49 251 83-29876
E-Mail: janda@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: by appointment (please register in advance in the office)Dr. Netaya Lotze
Institute of German Language and Literature / Linguistics
Schlossplatz 34
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24624
E-Mail: lotze@uni-muenster.deDepartment of Romance Studies
Please contact us via Email or set up a telefon appointment.
In principle, all lecturers of the department are available for student advising. In addition, there are designated subject representatives (see below) who are particularly familiar with the organizational aspects of your studies and who are available to give you advice and support during their consultation hours. For first-year students, there are also special advising appointments (see below). The student council can also help you in many cases - especially in the initial phase.
However, answers to your questions are often already available on the homepage. It is therefore advisable to consult this information first when you have questions, i.e. the study regulations, the thematic help pages and above all the important study notes. This may save you time that you would otherwise spend waiting in line at the consulting rooms. However, please note: If you are unsure about certain topics, always consult the student advisory service; do not rely solely on assumptions or vague information that you have received from fellow students who may be similarly unsure.
Simple questions can often be answered by mail. However, clarify more complex concerns (for example, planning your course of study) directly in the office hours of the respective faculty advisor. It is not practical to provide efficient and comprehensive advice by mail. Only in the consultation hour can you repeatedly ask questions and in this way ensure that you have understood everything.
Where can I find advice on which topic? The working group "Guide to Academic Advising" has created an information brochure (PDF) that provides students and prospective students with an overview of which offices they should best contact with which questions.
Program Coordinator
Anne Rolfes
Bispinghof 3
House A, Room A 321
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24524
E-Mail: anne.rolfes@uni-muenster.de- Academic advising (Bachelor/Master French, Italian and Spanish as well as Master Romance Studies trilingual)
- Examination organization
- Recognition of achievements
- Exemption from the obligatory stay abroad
- Placement in a higher semester
- Equivalence certificates
- LZV-Counseling
Degree course advisors:
PD Dr. Andreas Blum
Bispinghof 3
House A, Room A 319
48143 Münster
E-Mail: ablum@uni-muenster.de
Office Hours: HomepageRabea Fröhlich
Room A 309
Bispinghof 3 House A
48143 Münster
Tel: 0251-83-21174
E-Mail: r_froe02@uni-muenster.de
Office Hours: HomepageDr. Arabella Pauly
Bispinghof 3
House A, Room A 102
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24670
E-Mail: paulya@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: HomepageFrench:
Dr. Eske Prasuhn
Bispinghof 3
House A, Room A 308
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-24683
E-Mail: eprasuhn@web.de
Office hours: HomepageDr. Pia C. Doering (Consultation for literary studies issues):
Bispinghof 3
Haus A, Raum A 304
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-23546
E-Mail: pia.doering@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: HomepagePD Dr. Andreas Blum
Bispinghof 3
House A, Room A 319
48143 Münster
E-Mail: ablum@uni-muenster.de
Office Hours: Homepage
Prof. Dr. Tobias Leuker (general questions, ERASMUS, recognitions)
Bispinghof 3
House A, Room A 117
48143 Münster
Phone: +49 251 83-21189
E-Mail: tobias.leuker@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: Homepage
Livia Novi (general questions, language practice)
E-Mail: lnovi@uni-muenster.de
Office hours: by appointment by mail
Departmental representatives
In addition to the degree course advisors, there are a number of designated departmental student representatives who can offer advice and answer any questions you have about academics and university life.