The most important information at a glance
Current courses / Course catalogue
You can find all courses currently offered in the open master’s degree programme in the electronic course catalogue under "Sprache-Literatur-Kultur: Offene Veranstaltungen für Fachmasterstudierende des FB 09": View course catalogue
Course registration
Course registration procedures can vary from institute to institute. If you are a Master of Arts student and wish to register for a course offered in the open master’s programme, you can find information on course registration in the section “Bemerkungen” (Remarks) in the course detail view of the course catalogue.
Academic credit
The requirements for receiving academic credit for completed coursework and examinations are provided in the examination regulations of the master’s programme, in which the student is enrolled. If the regulations do not include modules with optional free electives, students should contact their degree course advisor in advance to clarify matters of academic credit.
For general questions concerning the open master’s programme "Language – Literature – Culture", please contact our Student Affairs Manager in the Faculty of Philology, Dr. Monique Nagel-Angermann (E-Mail: nagelm@uni-muenster.de).
Are you a master’s student in the Faculty of Philology? Would you like to take courses offered in the open master’s programme and have questions about academic credit or the suitability of the courses for your respective academic interests? The degree course advisors at your institute would be happy to answer your questions. List of degree course advisors