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The Book of the Dead in 3D, Gastvortrag Ägyptologie

Das Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie lädt zu einem Gastvortrag über Zoom (Zugangsdaten unten) am Mittwoch, 27. Mai, um 18.00 (s.t.) Uhr.

Es spricht Ass. Prof. Dr. Rita Lucarelli (University of California, Berkley) zum Thema „The Book of the Dead in 3D. Digital Analysis, Visualization and Dissemination of the Funerary Culture of Ancient Egypt

The “Book of the Dead in 3D” project applies photogrammetry to the study of the ancient Egyptian coffins in order to realize annotated 3D visualizations of these artifacts and their textual decoration. This paper will provide an overview of the project based at UC Berkeley and dealing with digital humanities applied to the study of the textualized coffins produced during the First Millennium BCE.

Der Vortrag findet als Zoom-Meeting statt:

Thema: Gastvortrag Ägyptologie
Meeting-ID: 934 6920 8187
Passwort: 274150

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Ansprechpartnerin: Prof. Dr. Angelika Lohwasser

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