Former members of the group of Prof. Dr. C. Weinheimer
Denis Anielski Diploma thesis (2010) Entwicklung eines Detektoraufbaus zur Bestimmung der 2s-Hyperfeinstrukturaufspaltung von 209Bi80+ am Experimentierspeicherring an der GSI |
Henrik Arlinghaus Diploma thesis (2009) Investigation of the muon-induced secondary electron background in the KATRIN Experiment |
Julian Rasmus Bankwitz Bachelor thesis (2018) Investigation of Rn-220 decays with the Münster xenon TPC and scintillation calibration detectors |
Dr. Stephan Bauer Diploma thesis (2010) Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des zweiten Präzisions-Hochspannungsteilers bis 65 keV für das KATRIN-Experiment PhD thesis (2013) Energy calibration and stability monitoring of the KATRIN experiment |
Dr. Marcus Beck Scientist, Condensed Kr calibration source, WITCH experiment |
Dr. Jan Behrens PhD thesis (2016) Design and commissioning of a monoenergetic photoelectron source and active background reduction by magnetic pulse at the KATRIN experiment diploma thesis (2012) Simulations of stored electrons in the Penning trap between the KATRIN spectrometers |
Justus Beisenkötter bachelor thesis (2021) Messung des elektrischen Potentials und des magnetischen Feldes in der verschobenen Analysierebene des KATRIN-Experiments mit L3-32 83mKr Konversionselektronen |
Sebastian Benning Diploma thesis (2010) Entwicklung eines Lasersensors und Feldemissionenuntersuchungen für die Drahtelektrode im KATRIN-Hauptspektrometer |
Julian Blanke Bachelor thesis (2015) Implementation of a Fiberglass Feed-Through into the Muenster Time Projection Chamber for the Calibration of the Photomultipliers using a LED Pulser |
Dr. Karen Bokeloh Diploma thesis (2008) Design of the electrode system of the KATRIN main spectrometer PhD thesis (2013) Calibration of hot and cold dark matter experiment: An angular-selective photoelectron source for the KATRIN experiment and an apparatus to determine the reflection properties of PTFE for vacuum UV light |
Richard Bottesch Diploma thesis (2012) Set-up of the motion control and characterization of the ablation laser for the condensed 83mKr conversion electron sourece of the KATRIN experiment |
Matthias Brandt Bachelor thesis (2010) Setup and Test of a Water Cherenkov Detector for the Demonstration of Cosmic Rays |
Robert Braun bachelor thesis (2021) Charakterisierung eines positionsauflösenden MCP-Detektors zur Verwendung als Fluoreszenzdetektor ams SIS100 bei FAIR |
Dr. Ethan Brown PostDoc, XENON1T Dark Matter experiment |
Dr. Gianmarco Bruno PostDoc, XENON1T Dark Matter experiment |
Axel Buß PhD thesis (2021) Development of Fluorescence Detectors for Laser Spectroscopy Experiments at GSI/FAIR, and Measurement of Hyperfine Transitions between the 2^3P and 2^3S States in Helium-like Boron |
Raffaela Busse Bachelor thesis (2014) Characterisation of a photocathode for a monoenergetic electron source for the KATRIN experiment |
Ilian Denesjuk Bachelor thesis (2016) Charakterisierung der Präzisionswiderstände des Spannungsteilers für CRYRING |
Timo Dirkes Bachelor thesis (2017) Design einer Frequenzkompensation des 35kV-Präzisionshochspannungsteilers für den CRYRING@ESR an der GSI/FAIR Master thesis (2021) Development of a fast precision high voltage divider for electron-ion collision spectroscopy at CRYRING@ESR |
Dr. Stephan Dyba PhD thesis (2019) Background reduction by the inner wire electrode and set-up of the condensed krypton source at the neutrino mass experiment KATRIN |
Matthias Dropmann Diploma thesis (2011) Elektrostatisches Design der Pumpports des KATRIN-Hauptspektrometers |
Christian Egelkamp Master thesis (2016) Further development of a XUV detector for spectroscopy measurements at the experimental storage ring at GSI |
Tim Engling Bachelor thesis (2021) Development of a detector for charge mobility measurements in TMBi |
Michael Ernst Bachelor thesis (2022) Investigation of Electric Field Effects with the Noble Element Simulation Technique NEST |
Dr. Mariia Fedkevych PhD thesis (2019) Calibration and background reduction of the KATRIN experiment |
Dr. Alexander Fieguth |
Leo Flehinghaus bachelor thesis (2021) Coil test for a magnetically-coupled piston pump for the dark matter experiment XENONnT |
Dr. Peter Friedag Diploma thesis (2008) Bahnverfolgungssimulationen für das WITCH-Experiment PhD thesis (2013) Setup and calibration of a position sensitive microchannel plate detector and analysis of a test run optimizing the WITCH experiment |
Maurice Friedrich |
Dr. Alexander Fulst Master thesis (2016) Investigations of Time-of-Flight Methods for the KATRIN Experiment PhD thesis (2020) A Novel Quasi-Differential Method for MAC-E Filters and Determination and Control of the Electric Potentials of the KATRIN Experiment with a Stabilized Condensed Krypton Source and a UV Illumination System |
Lucas Garrido Masterarbeit (2020) Test setup for a fluorescence detector to be used in the laser cooling system at the new SIS100 accelerator at GSI |
Benjamin Grees Diploma thesis (2013) Verbesserung der Nullellipsometrie bei festem Analysatorwinkel für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Alexander Gebel Diploma thesis (2007) Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Prototypmoduls für die Drahtelektrode des KATRIN Hauptspektrometers |
Daniel Hampf Diploma thesis (2008) Untersuchung der APD S1315 von RMD im Hinblick auf ihren Einsatz als Detektor am SpecTrap Experiment |
Hendrik Hein Diploma thesis (2010) Angular defined photo-electron sources for the KATRIN experiment |
Patrik Herud Masterarbeit (2017) Absolute calibration of reference divider at 1 kV |
Benjamin Hetz Bachelor thesis (2013) In Situ Characterization of Photomultiplier Tubes for a Dual Phase Xenon Time Projection Chamber in Münster |
Dr. Björn Hillen Diploma thesis (2007) Erste Testmessungen der kondensierten Kryptonquelle für das KATRIN Experiment PhD thesis (2011) Untersuchung von Methoden zur Unterdrückung des Spektrometeruntergrunds beim KATRIN Experiment |
Ole Hinrichs Bachelor thesis (2009) Improvement of the MiniPET-experiment |
Frank Hochschulz Diploma thesis (2008) Weiterentwicklung der Präzisions-Hochspannungs-Messung für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Melanie Höschele Bachelorarbeit (2016) Weiterentwicklung der Laser-Ellipsometrie für den Aufbau der neuen Krypton-Quelle an der CPS |
Dr. Raphael Jöhren Diploma thesis (2007) Entwicklung eines automatischen Messsystems zur Qualitätskontrolle der Elektrodenmodule für das KATRIN Hauptspektrometer PhD thesis (2013) Spectroscopy of the hyperfine transition in lithium-like bismuth at the ESR at GSI and an APD-based single-photon detector for laser spectroscopy on highly charged ions |
Lorenz Josten Bachelor thesis (2013) Readout and control of a UHV manipulator for calibration mesurements at the KATRIN main spectrometer |
Marcus Joswowitz Diploma thesis (2010) Kalibrierte Photonenquellen für Testmessungen von XENON- und SpecTrap-Detektoren |
Hans Kettling Diploma thesis (2012) Trace Gas Analysis of Krypton for the XENON Dark Matter Project |
Tim König |
Christopher Kranz Diploma thesis (2011) Optimierung der Methoden und Messprozeduren zur Entfaltung der Energieverlustfunktion beim KATRIN-Experiment |
Nicolai Krybus Bachelor thesis (2016) General aspects of calibration of the Muenster dual phase xenon TPC |
Frederik Kuschewski Bachelor thesis (2011) Investigations of Avalanche Photodiodes for single photon detection |
Oliver Ledwig Bachelor thesis (2013) Simulation of the transmission and time of flight properties of the KATRIN main spectrometer |
Dr. Cecilia Levy Brown PhD thesis (2014) Light Propagation and Reflection off Teflon in Liquid Xenon Detectors for the XENON100 and XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment |
Dr. Alexey Lokhov PostDoc, KATRIN data analysis shifted analysis plane (SAP) |
Ruben Lopez Coto Master thesis (2010) Test and commissioning of the detector system in the 209Bi80+ experiment at the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI |
Nils Marquardt master thesis (2021) Development of a test setup for a multipixel organometallic ionization detector |
Matthias Mensen Bachelor thesis (2016) Thermodynamische Auslegung einer kryogenen Destillationssäule zur Entfernung von Radon aus Xenon |
Andria Michael Master thesis (2023) Development of a coil-driven magnetically-coupled piston pump for ultra-clean applications |
Dr. Michael Murra PhD thesis (2019) Intrinsic background reduction by cryogenic distillation for the XENON1T dark matter experiment Master thesis (2014) Set up and test of a cryogenic distillation column for the XENON1T experiment Bachelor thesis (2011) Aufbau eines Ablationslasersystems für die kondensierte Kryptonkonversionselektronenquelle des KATRIN-Experiments |
Patrick Oelpmann master thesis (2021) Angular selective electron detection using microchannel plates for a possible background reduction at the KATRIN experiment |
Dr. Beatrix Ostrick Diploma thesis (2002, Univ. Mainz): Umbau des Mainzer Neutrinomassenexperiments und Untersuchungen im Hinblick auf KATRIN PhD thesis (2009): Eine kondensierte 83m-Kr Kalibrationsquelle für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Simon-Nis Peters Doktorarbeit (2022) Purification and characterization studies of TMBi for a novel PET-detector concept |
Mark von Piechowski Master thesis (2023) Radon background evolution for XENONnT |
Lukas Pöllitsch Bachelor thesis (2022) Charakterisierung des neuen Teststands für aktive Transversalenergiefilter für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Alexander Potthoff Bachelor thesis (2013) Set up of a tunable UV light source for the KATRIN experiment |
Dr. Matthias Prall Diploma thesis (2005 Univ. Bonn): Aufbau und Test des Gaseinlasssystems für die kondensierte 83mKr-Kalibrationsquelle des KATRIN-Experiments PhD thesis (2011): Background Reduction of the KATRIN Spectrometers: Transmission Function of the Pre-Spectrometer and Systematic Test of the Main-Spectrometer Wire Electrode |
Dr. Philipp Ranitzsch PostDoc, KATRIN Experiment |
Martina Reinhardt Diploma thesis (2007) Entwicklung eines Lasersensors und Materialcharakterisierung für die Drahtelektroden des KATRIN-Hauptspektrometers |
Dr. Oliver Rest bachelor thesis (2011) Aufbau und Test eines Elektronenmonitordetektors für das KATRIN-Experiment master thesis (2014) Inbetriebnahme der Präzisionshochspannung am Hauptspektrometer des KATRIN-Experiments PhD thesis (2019) Precision high voltage at the KATRIN experiment and new methods for an absolute calibration at ppm-level for high-voltage dividers |
Christopher Rittmeier |
Anna Sejersen Riis Doktorandin, KATRIN Experiment |
Caroline Rodenbeck PhD thesis (2023) Inelastic electron scattering in tritium gas and ppm-precise energy scale at the KATRIN experiment |
David Roth Bachelorarbeit (2014) Kalibrationsaspekte der kryogenen Destillationssäule für das XENON1T-Experiment Masterarbeit (2019) Frequency compensation for fast voltage measurements with the G35 precision HV divider at CRYRING@ESR |
Dr. Stephan Rosendahl |
Dr. Rudolf Sack PhD thesis (2020) Measurement of the energy loss of 18.6 keV electrons on deuterium gas and determination of the tritium Q-value at the KATRIN experiment |
Richard Wilhelm Julius Salomon Bachelorarbeit (2019) Development of a Setup to test Time-Of-Flight Methods for the KATRIN Experiment |
Tim Schäfer Diploma thesis (2011) Aufbau eines automatisierten Gassystems für die kondensierte 83mKr-Kalibrationsquelle des KATRIN-Experiments |
Dr. Lutz Schimpf PostDoc, KATRIN |
Phillip Schindler Masterarbeit (2017) Aufbau und Funktionstest des CKrS-Positionssystems für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Martin Schlak Bachelor thesis (2013) Calibration Methods for a Distillation Column for the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment |
Maik Schneider Bachelor thesis (2014) Design of a Tabletop Spectrometer following the MAC-E-Filter Principle Master thesis |
Sergej Schneider Masterarbeit (2015) Optimization of 83mKr tracer diagnostics and design of the slow control for the purification system for XENON1T |
Michael Schöppner Diploma thesis (2008) A Prototype Ion Source for the Functionality Test of the KATRIN Transport Section |
Dr. Denny Schulte Master thesis (2018) Upgrading and characterization of a magnetically-coupled piston pump for ultra-clean noble gas applications PhD thesis(2022) Development, construction and commissioning of a novel cryogenic distillation system for radon removal to a sub-μBq/kg level in the XENONnT dark matter experiment |
Johannes Schulz Diploma thesis (2011) Design of a 2-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chamber for Electron Drift Length Measurements |
Christoph Schweiker Bachelor thesis (2014) Untersuchung von InGaAs-Avalanche Photodioden auf Tauglichkeit zum Einzelphotonennachweis |
Jürgen Smollich Diploma thesis (2008) Zählratenoptimierung und Hochspannungsmodifikation der kondensierten Konversionselektronen-Kryptonquelle (CKrS) für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Artur Sperling Bachelor thesis (2010) Setup and Test of a Plastic Scintillator Detector for the Demonstration of Cosmic Rays |
Daniel Spitzer Diploma thesis (2011) Alternative Ellipsometrie-Varianten bei kryogenen Temperaturen für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Andreas Sprenger Master thesis (2011) Construction and characterization of an experiment for reflection measurements with vacuum-UV-light |
Florian Sprenger Bachelor thesis (2013) Set-up and test of the slow control and calibration of the photomultiplier of an apparatus to measure the reflectivity of teflon in LXe at VUV wavelengths |
Nicholas Steinbrink Diplomarbeit (2012) Simulation of Electron Neutrino Mass Measurements by Time-of-Flight with KATRIN Doktorarbeit (2017) Beyond-Standard Model Neutrino Physics Sensitivity with KATRIN |
Sebastian Streubel Diploma thesis (2009) Aufbau eines PET-Demonstrations-Experimentes und Anwendung von dessen FADC-basiertem Datenaufnahmesystem für Photoelektronenspektroskopie |
Martin Surholt Diploma thesis (2013) Charakterisierung und Signalverarbeitung großflächiger RMD APDs für den Einzelphotonennachweis bei SPECTRAP |
Kim Temming Diploma thesis (2007) Aufbau einer vollautomatischen Ultraschallreinigungsanlage für die Drahtelektrode des KATRIN-Hauptspektrometers |
Philip Thielges Bachelor thesis (2022) A Deep Learning-Based 3D Position Reconstruction for XENONnT |
Dominik Thomas Bachelor thesis (2016) Monte-Carlo-Simulation eines Nachweissystems für Einzelphotonen am Speicherring CRYRING |
Dr. Thomas Thümmler Diploma thesis (2002, Univ. Mainz): Entwicklung von Methoden zur Untergrundreduzierung am Mainzer Tritium-β-Spektrometer PhD thesis (2007): Präzisionsüberwachung und Kalibration der Hochspannung für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Dr. Nikita Titov INR Troitsk Scientist |
Florian Trittmaack Bachelorarbeit (2015) Optimierung eines XUV-Detektors, für den Einsatz am experimentellen Speicherring, an der GSI |
Tom Tüshaus Bachelor thesis (2018) Charakterisierung von Einzel-Photon Detektoren für Laserspektroskopie Experimente im Rahmen der SPARC Kollaboration |
Dr. Johannes Ullmann |
Sarah Uthmann Bachelor thesis (2022) Untersuchung der Eigenschaften der neuen winkelselektiven Elektronenquelle am KATRIN-Experiment |
Dr. Kathrin Valerius Diploma thesis (2004, Univ. Bonn): Elektromagnetisches Design für das Hauptspektrometer des KATRIN Experiments PhD thesis (2009): Spectrometer-related background processes and their suppression in the KATRIN experiment |
Dr. Miguel Vargas Doktorarbeit (2019) Data analysis in the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment |
Dr. Jonas Vollbrecht PhD thesis (2016) Lifetime analysis of the HFS states in hydrogen- and lithium-like bismuth and development of an in-beam detection system for extreme UV photons |
Sebastian Vöcking Diplomarbeit 2008 Implementierung der Multipole Boundary Element Methode für das KATRIN-Experiment |
Anne Wegmann Diploma thesis (2010) Laserellipsometrie für die kondensierte 83mKr-Konversionselektronenquelle des KATRIN-Experiments |
Fabian Wewel Bachelorarbeit (2019) Magnetic field and fluid flow simulations with COMSOL Multiphysics optimizing the magnetically-coupled piston pump at XENON1T |
Michael Wigard Master thesis (2018) Modeling electric fields inside the XENON1T TPC and comparison to data |
Dr. Danyal Winters GSI Website |
Dr. Daniel Winzen PhD thesis (2021) Laser spectroscopy of lithium-like carbon with a novel XUV detection system at the ESR and construction of a precision high voltage divider for the CRYRI NG@ESR electron cooler Diplom thesis (2014) Development of an angular selective electron gun for the KATRIN main spectrometer |
Dr. Christian Wittweg PhD (2021) Second-Order Weak Decays in XENON1T and Future Xenon Time Projection Chambers Master thesis (2016) XENON100 Dark Matter Search with the PAX Raw Data Processor for XENON1T |
Irina Wolff Diploma thesis (2008) Entfaltung der Energieverlustfunktion beim KATRIN Experiment |
Dr. Michael Zacher Diplomarbeit 2009 Electromagnetic design and field emission studies for the inner electrode system of the KATRIN main spectrometer Diss 2014 High-field electrodes design and an angular-selective photoelectron source for the KATRIN spectrometers |
Dr. Miroslav Zboril PhD thesis (2011) Solid electron sources for the energy scale monitoring in the KATRIN experiment |