Office Hours

Please note that there are no weekly consultation hours during the semester breaks (please check this website and the Learnweb-Folder “Studienberatung Englisches Seminar” in advance for the semester break office hours).

Johanna Hartmann & Jessica Eickmann

  • Learning Agreements for Outgoing Students, LZV-Angleichungsstudien, general questions that cannot be answered using the available resources (e.g. Learnweb-Folder “Studienberatung Englisches Seminar”, Prüfungsordnung, Website, Syllabus)
  • Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 (Zoom)
  • Please register in advance via the Learnweb folder “Studienberatung ES”.
  • If you need a longer time slot, please send an email explaining your situation to:*

Dr. Sandra Handl

  • Recognitions (Studiengangs- und Studienortwechsel, Äquivalenzbescheinigungen, Einstufungsbescheinigungen) and BAFöG
  • Mondays, 12:15-13:15, ES 55
  • No prior registration required.

Dr. Janika Bischof

Dr. Anna Rapp

  • Cases of Hardship, Early Bird Class Registration, Culture and Communication@home (BA)
  • Tuesdays, 11:00-12:30, ES 218
  • No prior registration required.

* Please include your matriculation number, your degree program and your exam regulations in your e-mails. If you contact us more than once about something, use the reply feature of your e-mail program so that we can find all the information in one e-mail. Please note that processing your request can take at least a week.