If you are missing a keyword in this list, the Autor of perMail would appreciate a note.

The functions marked with “◊” in this list are available only after clicking the button perMail can do much more.

The functions marked with “⚙” in this list are available only if executing JavaScript programs is not disabled in your WWW program.

@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Like → Justify text, but process only the lines selected (e.g. by dragging with the mouse).
Join the lines selected (e.g. by dragging with the mouse) into one long line. Citation marks of subsequent lines (“>” characters beginning the line) are dropped.


Abort (filter rules)
Abort editing the → filter rules, loosing any changes, and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Abort (New e-mail)
Abort the currently edited e-mail. All input on the → new e-mail page is lost. To keep the input as a draft, see → Postpone.
Abort (Resend)
Abort → resending. All input on the → resend e-mail page is lost.
Abort (settings page)
Abort editing the → settings, loosing any changes, and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Abort (textbrick)
Abort editing the → textbrick, loosing any changes, and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
For times of longer absence there are multiple alternatives:
1. Sie could (beyond perMail, in the IT portal) establish an automatic e-mail forwarding to your deputy (proxy),
2. you could (on the → settings page) authorize a proxy person to log into your perMail mailbox. There is a special login page for this purpose.
Activate filter rules
Activate the → filter rules given in the input field and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Activate settings
Activate the modified → settings and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Add addressbook entries (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import all addresses from the external addressbook given in the file selection field. The external addressbook should have one of the following formats:
  • The LDIF format, as it is created by the Netscape Communicator or by Mozilla, using its export function,
  • the CSV format (with title line, containing once the word E-Mail-Adresse or the word EMailAdresse), as it is created by the German Version of Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express when using the CSV format,
  • the TSV format (with title line, containing once the word E-Mail-Adresse or the word EMailAdresse), as it is created by the German Version of Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express when using the TSV format,
  • the CSV format (without title line, with name and e-mail address in the first two columns), as it is created by Eudora Mail 5.1 when using the CSV format,
  • the Pine format as it is used by the Pine program,
  • the Opera format as it is used by the Opera program,
  • the VCard format as it is used by different programs when attaching visiting-cards to e-mails,
  • the format used by perMail itself.
If further addressbook formats are needed, please send a sample addressbook to the author of perMail, but please look first whether your e-mail program is able to export the addressbook into one of the formats given above.
Add e-mail (from e-mail part) → Convert into e-mail (e-mail part)
Add keys (from e-mail part)
If this e-mail part contains cryptographic keys, copy them to the perMail keyring.
Add keys (from file)
Import all cryptographic keys from the external key file given in the file selection field. → OpenPGP keyring files as well as PKCS#12 files for → S/MIME can be imported, the latter ones need entering the passphrase that protects the private key in the file. This password will also protect the private key in perMail.
Go to the page on which the addressbook can be edited.
Addressbookbuch, take address from e-mail → Note From-/→ Sender-/→ To-/→ Cc-/→ Reply-To/→ Resent-From-/→ Resent-Sender-/→ Resent-To-/→ Resent-Cc-Address
Addressbook, export → CSV data
Addressbook, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Addressbook, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Addresses, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Addresses, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Add textbrick (from e-mail part) → Convert into textbrick (e-mail part)
Almost all settings → Settings
Annual folders → Move to annual folders
Answered → Status
Antivirus → Virus check
On the → New e-mail page you can give files to be sent together with the new e-mail.
(Design and functionality of the file select fields depend on the WWW program and cannot be influenced by perMail. Hence with some WWW programs multiple files, with other programs only a single file per file select field can be selected.)
The e-mail system is not designed to transport large amounts of data. Thus only files not exceeding a certain file size limit (usually few megabytes) can be attached to (i.e. enclosed into) the e-mail.
If the selected files exceed the file size limit, perMail automatically switches to depositing: The files are put onto the perMail webserver for one week and given a casual, practically unguessable address. This address is embedded in multiple formats into the e-mail. After the week the deposited file is automatically deleted.
Some e-mail programs automatically download the deposited files, most other programs at least offer to download the file by clicking on a link. Few programs only display the WWW address as text. With these programs, the recipient has to copy the address into the address field of a WWW program to download the file.
A select field allows the sender to explicitly select enclosing or depositing.
The size of deposited files is limited, too, usually to half a gigabyte. Larger files cannot be sent as a whole by e-mail. In such a case, you might try to split the file and send the pieces separately or to choose a completely different transport method, e.g. manually depositing an a WWW or FTP server or postal shipment of a burned DVD.


Back (in addressbook)
Abort editing the adressbook, loosing changes not saved with → Modify/Create, and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Back (in OpenPGP key management)
Abort editing the OpenPGP cryptographic keys, loosing unsaved changes, and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Back (in S/MIME key management)
Abort editing the S/MIME cryptographic keys, loosing unsaved changes, and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Backup → Undelete e-mail, → Restore from backup
BinaryDecode and download (after virus check)
Binarily extract the contents of this e-mail part, check them for viruses, and then download it for saving. (Some faulty e-mail programs mark attachments as quoted-printable or base64 encoded but forget to encode them. This button allows to access the attachment in such cases. You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (after virus check))
BinaryDecode and download (no virus check!)
Binarily extract and download this e-mail part for saving without prior virus check. (Some faulty e-mail programs mark attachments as quoted-printable or base64 encoded but forget to encode them. This button allows to access the attachment in such cases. You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (no virus check!))
Bottom → Scroll to bottom
Bounce → Resend
Break lines → Justify text


Cast away → Getting rid of e-mails
Certificates → Cryptographic keys
Change password → Password, change
Change trust (cryptographic keys)
Change the trust settings for the cryptographic keys according to the given modifications and recompute the trust values of all owner identifiers. (This can take long, possibly quite a few minutes. If possible you should carry out this action in a window of its own.) See also → Cryptographic keys.
Changing folder
To display the index of another folder, there are different ways depending on the chosen layout. With older layouts you can use selection field Target folder to select a folder and then press on the button To folder. In newer layouts there is a folder list at the left side, simply click on the desired foldername.
Character width, fixed or variable → ijk / ijk, → Typesetting
Select how many check-backs are done: “few”: before deleting and other irrevocable modifications,
“normal”: also before moving and other modification difficult to be undone,
“many“: even before changing marks and other minor modifications.
Citing → Netiquette
Clean/compress folder
Expunge all deleted e-mails from the currently displayed folder.
Collect foreign mailboxes
Collect e-mails from the foreign POP3 and IMAP mailboxes as given on the → settings page.
Compose a new e-mail → New e-mail
Compress folder → Clean/compress folder
Continue new e-mail
Compose a new e-mail starting from the draft e-mail previously kept under the selected name (→ Postpone).
Control a preview of a new e-mail → Preview (new e-mail / resend)
Conventions → Netiquette
Convert into e-mail (e-mail part)
Interpret the contents of this part as raw e-mail data (EML file) and save the e-mail created from this data in the current folder.
Convert into textbrick (e-mail part)
Convert this part into a → textbrick and edit it.
Copied → Status
Copy the particular e-mail(s) and save the copy(ies) into the given folder (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Create a new e-mail → New e-mail
Create new folder
Create a new folder with the → name given in the input field beneath/below.
Create new textbrick → Edit textbrick
Cryptographic keys
The cryptographic keys used by perMail (independent of whether the key is of PGP / GnuPG / → OpenPGP type or of X.509 / → S/MIME / PKCS#12 type) consist of two parts.
The private (secret) part is known only to the owner and is needed to add an electronic signature to a message to be sent or to decrypt an encrypted message received.
The public part is known to all communication partners and needed by them to check the electronic signature of a message received or to encrypt a message to be sent to the key owner.
The keys pages of perMail list all available public keys of the respective type.
Each public key is labeled with one or more owner identifiers (which might be faked). Each of these owner identifiers is labeled with one or more cryptographic confirmations (certificates, key signatures).
For each public key you can decide yourself (using the column with the four small buttons) whether you want to ignore that key (1st button), you do not trust the key owner (2nd button), you trust him marginally (3rd), or you trust him fully (4th) in that respect that he certifies an owner identifier only after thoroughly checking the identity of the key owner.
For each owner identifier, it can be computed from the trust settings and the certificates how reliable the owner identifier is, i.e. whether the owner identifier is valid. The result of this computation is displayed on the keys pages.
Cryptographic keys, change trust → Change trust (cryptographic keys)
Cryptographic keys, import from e-mail part → Add keys (from e-mail part)
Cryptographic keys, import from file → Add keys (from file)
Crypto info → Decrypt
CSV data
Download the contents of the perMail addressbook in CSV format (suited for other e-mail programs). If the data are displayed by the WWW program, you should use the entry Save as ... in the menu of the program.
CSV format, export → CSV data
CSV format, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
CSV format, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Current folder, rename → Rename current folder


If the particular e-mail part is encrypted and/or digitally signed, decrypt the content and verify and strip off the signature. If the e-mail part is encrypted, you need to enter the passphrase protecting your private key into the input field beneath/below. If there is encrypted data in PGP MIME or → S/MIME format, which can contain multiple parts, the complete e-mail—with content decrypted—is saved in the current folder. In this case a Received header line is appended to the e-mail and an X-Warning header line is appended to the decrypted part. See also → Cryptographic keys.
Default values of system, reset settings to → Reset settings to system default values
Delete → Getting rid of e-mails
Delete draft → Destroy draft
Delete e-mail
Dependent on current setting either → remove the particular e-mail(s) or → throw them away into the trash folder (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder); after the eventual automatical destruction removed e-mails cannot be fetched back, this would be possible only with thrown away e-mails.
Delete folder → Remove folder and contents, → Remove empty folder
Delete key (pair) → Remove key (pair)
Delete postponed e-mail → Destroy draft
Delete textbrick → Remove textbrick
Delete trash contents → Empty trash
Deposit attachments → Attachments
Deputy → Absence
Destroy → Getting rid of e-mails
Destroy draft
Destroy the draft e-mail previously kept under the selected name (→ Postpone).
Destroy e-mail → Delete e-mail, → Throw away e-mail, → Remove e-mail, → Clean/compress folder
Destroy folder → Remove folder and contents, → Remove empty folder
Destroy key (pair) → Remove key (pair)
Destroy postponed e-mail → Destroy draft
Destroy textbrick → Remove textbrick
Destroy trash contents → Empty trash
Digital signature → OpenPGP sign, → S/MIME sign, → Cryptographic keys, → Select (key)
If some of the e-mails in the folder are marked, in the e-mail list either all e-mails or only the marked e-mails or only the unmarked e-mails are displayed depending on the select field Display. With the setting found e-mails after searching only the marked e-mails are displayed, otherwise all e-mails. For every setting there is a variant that displays also the deleted but still undeletable e-mails in the folder.
Display and drop system message
Display the current administrative news and then drop them until they are modified.
Display settings, save → Activate settings
Download (after virus check)
Check the contents of this e-mail part for viruses and then download it for saving. (You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (after virus check))
Download as ZIP
Download the current folder as a ZIP archive containing the e-mails as EML files, the data are not checked for viruses.
Download e-mail → Raw data (e-mail), → Printout (e-mail)
Download folder → Raw data (folder), → Download as ZIP
Download key
Download this public key, see also → Cryptographic keys
Download keyring
Download the keyring with all public keys, see also → Cryptographic keys
Download multipart
Download this e-mail part in MIME format even if it contains multiple sub-parts itself.
Download (no virus check!)
Download this e-mail part for saving without prior virus check. (You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (no virus check!))
Download private key
Download this private key (it keeps being encrypted with the passphrase), see also → Cryptographic keys
Draft → Postpone, → Continue new e-mail, → Destroy draft
Draft copy of new e-mail → Postpone
Draft, destroy → Destroy draft
Duplicate e-mails → Mark all duplicate e-mails in the folder, → Marks


Edit textbrick
Edit a → textbrick or create a new one, thereby using the textbrick with the name given in the select field as a template. During editing you can give the name for the new textbrick. If you give a name that is already in use or if you do not change the provided name, the old textbrick with that name is replaced. To remove a textbrick, simply save an empty textbrick with the same name.
Electronic signature → OpenPGP sign., → S/MIME sign, → Cryptographic keys, → Select (key)
E-mail addresses, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
E-mail addresses, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
E-mail, convert e-mail part into → Convert into e-mail (e-mail part)
E-mail, download → Raw data (e-mail), → Printout (e-mail)
E-mail, import (from e-mail part) → Convert into e-mail (e-mail part)
E-mail list → Index
E-mail, print → Printout (e-mail)
E-mail, undelete → Undelete e-mail, → Restore from backup
Embedded e-mail, extract from e-mail part → Extract a copy
Embedded e-mails, extract from e-mail part → Extract copies
Empty folder, remove → Remove empty folder
Empty trash
Remove all e-mails from the trash folder.
Enclose attachments → Attachments
Encrypt → Cryptographic keys
Erase → Getting rid of e-mails
Erase draft → Destroy draft
Erase e-mail → Delete e-mail, → Throw away e-mail, → Remove e-mail, → Clean/compress folder
Erase folder → Remove folder and contents, → Remove empty folder
Erase (in addressbook)
Remove the given addresses from the addressbook (affects the single addressbook entry or all marked addressbook entries).
Erase key (pair) → Remove key (pair)
Erase postponed e-mail → Destroy draft
Erase textbrick → Remove textbrick
Erase trash contents → Empty trash
Etiquette → Netiquette
Export addressbook → CSV data, → Raw data (addressbook)
Export CSV format → CSV data
Export e-mail → Raw data (e-mail), → Printout (e-mail)
Export folder → Raw data (folder), → Download as ZIP
Export perMail format → Raw data (addressbook)
Export private key → Download private key
Export public key → Download key
Export public keyring → Download keyring
Extract a copy
Extract the e-mail embedded in this e-mail part and copy it as an independent e-mail into the given target folder. The select box for the target folder is located next to this action field. (Such embeddings happen when you → forward an e-mail.)
Extract a copy of an embedded e-mail from an e-mail part → Extract a copy
Extract a copy of embedded e-mails from an e-mail part → Extract copies
Extract copies
Extract the e-mails embedded in this e-mail part and copy them as an independent e-mails into the given target folder. The select box for the target folder is located next to this action field. (Such embeddings happen when you → forward multiple e-mails.)


Distribute the particular e-mail(s) according to the current → filter rules into other folders (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder; they are removed from the current folder).
Filter rules
Go to the page on which the filter rules can be edited and activated. → Syntax and examples (in German only, sorry)
Filter rules, activate → Activate → filter rules
Find → Search and mark
Fixed character width → ijk / ijk, → Typesetting
Flag → Mark as flagged, → Status
Folder, changing → Changing folder
Folder, clean → Clean/compress folder
Folder, compress → Clean/compress folder
Folder, create new → Create new folder
Folder, download → Raw data (folder), → Download as ZIP
Folder names
Folder names consist of arbitrary characters, even letters, umlauts and punctuation characters are permitted. Using the character “/” you can structure your folders like in a tree: aaa/bbb und aaa/ccc and aaa/ddd/eee. Usually, however, it is not possible to have both a folder aaa and a folder aaa/bbb at the same time, then this aaa can only contain either e-mails or subfolders but not both.
Folder, print → Printout (index)
Folder, remove → Remove folder and contents, → Remove empty folder
Folder, rename current → Rename current folder
Folders, annual → Move to annual folders
Folders, monthly → Move to monthly folders
Folders, quarterly → Move to quarterly folders
Folders, weekly → Move to weekly folders
Font, fixed or variable character width → ijk / ijk, → Typesetting
Footer lines
Footer lines automatically added to each → new e-mail (often called → signature) can be set up on the → settings page.
Foreign mailboxes → Collect foreign mailboxes
E-mails are like postcards: From line and other specifications in e-mails can be forged easily.
As long as the e-mail is not electronically signed (see → cryptographic keys) only the topmosted Received lines in the e-mail header contain trustworthy data about the origin of the e-mail.
Format text → Justify text
Create a new e-mail and attach the particular e-mail(s) including all attachments to it (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Forwarded → Status
Forward (text only)
To forward the text of an e-mail without attaching the original e-mail please use → Reply and modify manually the prefilled addressee.
Forward (without attachments)
Create a new e-mail and attach the particular e-mail(s) omitting all attachments to it (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Forward (with quote)
Create a new e-mail and attach the particular e-mail(s) including all attachments to it (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder) and quote the text of the particular e-mail(s).
Forward (with quote, without attachments)
Create a new e-mail and attach the particular e-mail(s) omitting all attachments to it (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder) and quote the text of the particular e-mail(s).
Between two actions in a perMail there may be at most five hours. This button on the → new e-mail page resets, as all buttons do, the expiration time of the internal session ticket to full 5 hours so that you have more time to write the e-mail; further on, the select list with possible folders for saving a copy is refreshed.
From line → Sender


Get all key updates
Get new keys and certificates from the system keyring and new signatures from the central key server and import them into the perMail keyring and recalculate all trust settings.
Get new e-mails
With perMail there is no need to look for new e-mails in the inbox: Every action concerning your inbox, even scrolling, automatically regards new delivered e-mails. If the index of the inbox is displayed, it is automatically refreshed every 20 minutes (only if JavaScript is not deactivated). see also → Refresh
Getting rid of e-mails
There are different methods to get rid of e-mails. When → removing an e-mail it is marked as deleted, usually no longer displayed and will be finally destroyed automatically eventually. When → throwing away exactly the same happens, additionally a copy of the e-mail is stored in the trash folder. When → deleting an e-mail it is either removed or thrown away; on the settings page you can select yourself what action you prefer. Whenever you want to force immediate destruction of all e-mails marked as deleted, use → Clean/compress folder.


Icon (from e-mail part)
Convert this part into a preview icon and download it.
Ignore errors
E-mail contents are opened (or downloaded) by perMail only if they are correctly embedded in the e-mail. To try to open incorrectly embedded contents, you can check “Ignore errors”. Depending on the kind of the error, it is possible that only a garbled part of the content is opened.
ijk / ijk
Display the contents of the text input area with variable or with fixed character width.
Import addressbook (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import addressbook (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import addresses (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import addresses (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import cryptographic keys from e-mail part → Add keys (from e-mail part)
Import cryptographic keys from file → Add keys (from file)
Import CSV format (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import CSV format (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import e-mail addresses (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import e-mail addresses (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import e-mail (from e-mail part) → Convert into e-mail (e-mail part)
Import entries from external addressbook → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import keys from e-mail part → Add keys (from e-mail part)
Import keys from file → Add keys (from file)
Import LDIF format (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import LDIF format (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import Opera format (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import Opera format (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import perMail format (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import perMail format (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import Pine format (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import Pine format (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import textbrick (from e-mail part) → Convert into textbrick (e-mail part)
Import TSV format (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import TSV format (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Import VCard format (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Import VCard format (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Display the table of contents, i.e. the list of e-mails, of the current folder.
Insert textbricks
Replace in text and subject of the currently edited e-mail all textbrick names typed in as {xxx} (including the braces) with the respective → textbricks.


Justify text
Justify the text of the currently edited e-mail by inserting or moving line breaks at reasonable places, justifying insertions and enumerated lists and much more. Of course perMail cannot always guess what pieces of text need special treatment. But you can help perMail by not inserting own line breaks in paragraphs or list items and by inserting empty lines by hitting the enter key twice between the paragraphs or items.


Key management → OpenPGP key management, → S/MIME key management
Key (pair), remove → Remove key (pair)
Key, private, download → Download private key
Key, public, download → Download key
Keyring, public, download → Download keyring
Keys, cryptographic → Cryptographic keys
Keys, cryptographic, change trust → Change trust (cryptographic keys)
Keys, import from e-mail part → Add keys (from e-mail part)
Keys, import from file → Add keys (from file)


Last resort → Undelete e-mail, → Restore from backup
Layout of perMail
perMail offers a couple of layouts. The layouts for beginners offer less functions, this make the important functions easier to find as with the more complex layouts for experts. You can permanently switch between the modern layouts Main (for beginners) and Plus (for experts) with the buttons → perMail more simple und → perMail can do much more which can be found in the top right corner next to the logout button. There you also find the button → perMail mobil that temporarily switches to a minimalistic layout suited for mobile phones and similar devices. Whenever you are missing a function of perMail, first switch to the expert layout.
LDIF format, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
LDIF format, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Lifesaver → Undelete e-mail, → Restore from backup
Line → Scroll one line down, → Scroll one line up
Line breaking → Justify text
List of e-mails → Index
Disconnect; leave perMail; affects all windows resp. tabs of the perMail session.
Look of perMail → Layout of perMail
Lost e-mails → Undelete e-mail, → Restore from backup


mailto: links in web pages
Some WWW browsers can be configured to allow after clicking on a mailto: link not to open a local e-mail program but a webmail program. This can be used to call perMail directly.
Somtimes it is sufficient to click on → this special link (it uses the function window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler() from the HTML5 standard) and then to answer the questions of your browser.
Sometimes you have to reconfigure the “preferred applications” of your desktop environment. Example for Ubuntu Linux with Firefox and perMail at the University of Münster: /usr/bin/firefox "https://sso.uni-muenster.de/perMail/?lang=en&init=mailto:%s"
Mark all duplicate e-mails in the folder
Mark all duplicate e-mails in the current folder, including those not currently being listed.
Mark all e-mails in the folder
Mark all e-mails in the current folder, including those not currently being listed.
Mark all e-mails on this page
Mark all e-mails on the current page of the index, but not those currently not displayed.
Mark all (in addressbook)
Mark all addressbook entries in the addressbook.
Mark and next e-mail
Mark the current e-mail and then display the next e-mail in the same folder; this can save you some time. If requested usign the selection field Masking, the next marked or the next unmarked e-mail is shown.
Mark and previous e-mail
Mark the current e-mail and then display the previous e-mail in the same folder; this can save you some time. If requested usign the selection field Masking, the previous marked or the previous unmarked e-mail is shown.
Mark as flagged
Mark the particular e-mail(s) as flagged (→ Status; affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Mark as read
Mark the particular e-mail(s) as read (→ Status; affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Mark as unflagged
Mark the particular e-mail(s) as unflagged (→ Status; affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Mark as unread
Mark the particular e-mail(s) as unread (→ Status; affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
perMail reacts remarkably faster if you do not → move or → delete each e-mail separately but mark all those to be processed the same way and then → move or → delete them at once. Beneath the possible to mark single mails there is both the possibility to mark all e-mails in the folder and the possibility to mark all currently listed e-mails only, please do not mix them up.
The addressbook, too, allows for using marks in a similar manner.
Masking → Display
Modify/Create (in addressbook)
Create a new addressbook entry from the data in the input fields. If the given nickname exists already, the old entry with that nickname is replaced.
Modify (this entry in addressbook)
Copy this addressbook entry for editing into the input fields.
Monthly folders → Move to monthly folders
Move the particular e-mail(s) into the given folder (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Move processed mails to annual folders
Move all processed e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each year, see → Processed e-mails.
Move processed mails to monthly folders
Move all processed e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each month, see → Processed e-mails.
Move processed mails to quarterly folders
Move all processed e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each quarter, see → Processed e-mails.
Move processed mails to weekly folders
Move all processed e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each week, see → Processed e-mails.
Move read mails to annual folders
Move all read e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each year.
Move read mails to monthly folders
Move all read e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each month.
Move read mails to quarterly folders
Move all read e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each quarter.
Move read mails to weekly folders
Move all read e-mail(s) in the current folder to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each week.
Move to annual folders
Move the particular e-mail(s) to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each year (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Move to monthly folders
Move the particular e-mail(s) to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each month (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Move to quarterly folders
Move the particular e-mail(s) to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each quarter (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Move to weekly folders
Move the particular e-mail(s) to various folders depending on the date of receipt, thereby creating a new folder for each week (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Multipart, download → Download multipart
Multiple windows/tabs → New window


Names → Folder names
When replying, please stick to the conventions:
Quoted lines begin with the greater-than character ">".
Write your reply lines below the lines you are referring to!
Empty lines improve readability.
Delete those quoted lines (footer lines etc.) not needed to understand the reply!
Write URLs in angle brackets: <http://...>.
New e-mail
Begin to compose a new e-mail.
New e-mail as indicated
Create a new e-mail to the addressee and perhaps subject given in this link. (This button appears in the middle of an e-mail text after a mailto link.)
New e-mail (in addressbook)
Create a new e-mail to the given addressees (affects the single addressbook entry or all marked addressbook entries). You can select addressbook entries on the → new e-mail page, too.
New e-mail, postpone → Postpone
New folder, create → Create new folder
New textbrick, create → Edit textbrick
New window
Open a new window (with some browsers: a new tab) with if possible the same content. If you have enabled JavaScript in your WWW program, a checkbox is displayed next to this button. If the box is checked and any button is used, the resulting page is displayed in a new opened window. All windows created this way belong to the same session: If the logout button is used in one window, the session is finished in all these windows.
Next e-mail
Display the next e-mail in the same folder. If requested usign the selection field Masking, the next marked or the next unmarked e-mail is shown.
Note address → Note From-/→ Sender-/→ To-/→ Cc-/→ Reply-To/→ Resent-From-/→ Resent-Sender-/→ Resent-To-/→ Resent-Cc-Address
Note Cc address
Copy the address(es) from the Cc line into the addressbook.
Note From address
Copy the address(es) from the From line into the addressbook.
Note Reply-To address
Copy the address(es) from the Reply-To line into the addressbook.
Note Resent-Cc address
Copy the address(es) from the Resent-Cc line into the addressbook.
Note Resent-From address
Copy the address(es) from the Resent-From line into the addressbook.
Note Resent-Sender address
Copy the address(es) from the Resent-Sender line into the addressbook.
Note Resent-To address
Copy the address(es) from the Resent-To line into the addressbook.
Note Sender address
Copy the address(es) from the Sender line into the addressbook.
Note To address
Copy the address(es) from the To line into the addressbook.


Open (after virus check)
Check the contents of this e-mail part for viruses and then download it for opening with the appropriate application.
The file type as indicated by the e-mail program of the sender is passed to your WWW browser. It is a matter of your WWW browser to start the correct application software for this file type. If this fails, either the e-mail program of the sender has indicated a wrong file type (then you can give another file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field) or there is a wrong setting or no setting at all for this file type in your WWW program.
In such a case you can help yourself this way: → Download the file, save it to your hard disk, start the correct application software, and open the saved file from within that application.
Open (no virus check!)
Download this e-mail part for opening with the appropriate application without prior virus check.
The file type as indicated by the e-mail program of the sender is passed to your WWW browser. It is a matter of your WWW browser to start the correct application software for this file type. If this fails, either the e-mail program of the sender has indicated a wrong file type (then you can give another file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field) or there is a wrong setting or no setting at all for this file type in your WWW program.
In such a case you can help yourself this way: → Download the file, save it to your hard disk, start the correct application software, and open the saved file from within that application.
OpenPGP and → S/MIME are two competing methods for securing e-mails, see → cryptographic keys. As of perMail version 3.00, Using OpenPGP keys is completely supported by perMail since long time.
The letters PGP are standing for Pretty Good Privacy. Creator of this software is Phil Zimmermann. Commercial PGP-Software is available from PGP Corp., free software from GnuPG. perMail uses GnuPG.
OpenPGP keys (management)
Go to the page on which the OpenPGP cryptographic keys can be managed.
OpenPGP sign
To sign the e-mail electronically resp. digitally with → OpenPGP, you must enter the passphrase that protects your private key into the input field.
Opera format, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Opera format, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Options → Settings
Options, save → Activate settings


Page → Scroll one page down, → Scroll one page up
Password, change
perMail does not manage its own passwords but relies on the identity check provided by the system. Thus please use the usual password changing mechanisms of your system (at the university of Münster the IT portal).
PerMail can do much more
Switch to the expert layout of perMail, see → Layout of perMail.
PerMail format, export → Raw data (addressbook)
PerMail format, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
PerMail format, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
PerMail mobile
Switch to the Mini layout suited especially for mobile devices (cellular phones etc.), see → Layout of perMail.
PerMail more simple
Switch to the beginners' layout of perMail, see → Layout of perMail.
Pestering e-mails → Stalking
Pine format, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
Pine format, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Save the new e-mail as a draft for later. The copy can be given an arbitrary name. Attachments, including e-mails to be forwarded, and cryptographic settings are not saved. Only one draft per name ist kept, a previously saved draft with the same name is lost. The draft can be used as a template for an unlimited number of new e-mails, because → Continue new e-mail keeps the draft.
Preview (e-mail part) → View as text
Preview (new e-mail / resend)
Display how the e-mail would look at present. The e-mail is displayed in internal format, umlaut and attachments are coded therefore.
Previous e-mail
Display the previous e-mail in the same folder. If requested usign the selection field Masking, the previous marked or the previous unmarked e-mail is shown.
Print e-mail → Printout (e-mail)
Print folder → Printout (index)
Printout (e-mail)
Display the particular e-mail in a printer friendly way, if possible in a dedicated window.
Printout (index)
Display the complete list of e-mails in a printer friendly way, if possible in a dedicated window.
Private key → Cryptographic keys
Private key, download → Download private key
Processed e-mails
An email is considered processed when it has been answered, forwarded, resent, copied, deleted, decrypted, rejected, rejected as SPAM or reported as SPAM, but not when it has been read, marked or moved only, see → Status (St.).
Proxy → Absence
Public key → Cryptographic keys
Public key, download → Download key
Public keyring, download → Download keyring


Raw data (addressbook)
Download the addressbook in internal format. If the data are displayed by the WWW program, you should use the entry Save as ... in the menu of the program.
Raw data (e-mail)
Download the current e-mail in internal format, the data are not checked for viruses. If the data are displayed by the WWW program, you should use the entry Save as ... in the menu of the program.
Raw data (folder)
Download the current folder in internal format, the data are not checked for viruses. If the data are displayed by the WWW program, you should use the entry Save as ... in the menu of the program.
Reaction time → Response time
Read → Mark as read, → Status
Recombine the particular e-mail which contains only a part of the message which is distributed among multiple e-mails with all other belonging e-mails; this can succeed only if all belonging e-mails can be found in the same folder.
Refresh the current page, thereby regarding any modification of the settings and re-reading all data (including the list of folders) from the system.
Send an error message to the sender, so as if the e-mail could not be delivered, and save a copy of the error message in the trash folder; this function is only to be used for unsolicited commercial e-mails and only after validating the sender address (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Rejected → Status
Reject SPAM
Send an error message to the sender, so as if the e-mail could not be delivered because the recipient rejects it as SPAM, and save a copy of the error message in the trash folder; this function is only to be used for unsolicited commercial e-mails and only after validating the sender address (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Remove → Getting rid of e-mails
Remove draft → Destroy draft
Remove e-mail
Remove the particular e-mail(s) (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder); removed e-mails are marked as deleted, will eventually be destroyed automatically and then cannot be fetched back, this would be possible after → throwing away into the trash folder.
Remove empty folder
This button is displayed on the E-mail list page of empty olders only (not in the Inbox) and permits to remove that folder.
Remove folder → Remove folder and contents, → Remove empty folder
Remove folder and contents
Remove the folder with the → name given in the input field beneath/below including all e-mails in that folder.
Remove key (pair)
Remove the → cryptographic key (pair).
Remove postponed e-mail → Destroy draft
Remove textbrick
Remove the → textbrick with the given name and return to the previously displayed index or view page.
Remove trash contents → Empty trash
Rename current folder
Rename the currently displayed folder so that it gets the → name given in the input field beneath/below.
Create a new e-mail replying to the particular e-mail, address it to the sender resp. to the reply-to address given by the sender and quote the original text in the reply text.
Reply to all
Create a new e-mail replying to the particular e-mail, address it both to the sender resp. to the reply-to address given by the sender and to all other recipients of the particular e-mail and quote the original text in the reply text.
Reply (with header)
Create a new e-mail replying to the particular e-mail, address it to the sender resp. to the reply-to address given by the sender and quote the original header and text in the reply text.
Reply (with header) to all
Create a new e-mail replying to the particular e-mail, address it both to the sender resp. to the reply-to address given by the sender and to all other recipients of the particular e-mail and quote the original header and text in the reply text.
Report as SPAM
Report the particular e-mail(s) to the local SPAM report center (if such a center is established; affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Rescue → Undelete e-mail, → Restore from backup
Resend the particular e-mail(s) without comment (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Resent → Status
Reset (form) → Undo all
Reset marks → Marks, → Unmark all e-mails in the folder, → Unmark all (in addressbook)
Reset settings to system default values
Reset all → settings to the perMail default values, but keep the following values: Footer lines, organization header line, further sender addresses, proxies, real name, foreign mailboxes, → filter rules, → cryptographic keys, → textbricks.
Response time
For technical reasons perMail has to load the e-mail folder anew at every action. Thus you can noticeably save time by looking out that this happens no more often and no more costly than necessary:
Keep your inbox small by moving read e-mails to other folders.
You may use “Move to monthly/quarterly/annual folders” to dispose them by month/quarter/year of receipt, the necessary e-mail folders are created automatically.
To delete several e-mails, mark them first and then delete all marked e-mails at once.
This also applies to moving, copying, filtering etc.
There even is a button to mark the currently displayed e-mail and view the next e-mail in one action.
Restore from backup
Restore all e-mails from all available backup copies of the current folder. This can be the lifesaver if e-mails were removed by accident; but only e-mails that were by chance contained in the folder at the time of a backup can be restored.
Return Receipt
E-mails function like postcards: Send and hope that they arrive. The transport method is named SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol); the Simple is serious.
E-mails do not function like registered letters with reply advice. If you are looking for such a thing, look at De-Mail http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/De-Mail.
The return receipts so called by other e-mail programs are indeed indications that the e-mail has reached a certain point of the transport chain. Many e-mail programs and servers, however, do never send such return receipts, and even if they do it can happen that the e-mail gets lost before the recipient even gets the chance to read it.
For this reason, perMail never requests or sends return receipts.
Revoke sig. (owner identifier of a key)
Revoke own certificate for this owner identifyer (needs entering your passphrase), see also → Cryptographic keys
Rewrap text lines → Justify text
Rot13 encoding → View as Rot13 recoded text
Rough copy of new e-mail → Postpone, → Continue new e-mail, → Destroy draft
Rub out → Getting rid of e-mails


Save → Move
Save as draft → Postpone, → Continue new e-mail, → Destroy draft
Save copy
Select the folder into which a copy of the sent mail is to be saved, see also → Send
Save display settings → Activate settings
Save new e-mail and continue later → Postpone
Save options → Activate settings
Save textbrick
Create a new → textbrick from the data in the input fields and return to the previously displayed index or view page. If the given textbrick name exists already, the old textbrick with that name is replaced.
Scroll half a page down
Jump half a page down in the index.
Scroll half a page up
Jump half a page up in the index.
Scroll one line down
Jump one line down in the index.
Scroll one line up
Jump one line up in the index.
Scroll one page down
Jump one page down in the index.
Scroll one page up
Jump one page up in the index.
Scroll to bottom
Jump to the bottom of the index.
Scroll to top
Jump to the top of the index.
Search and mark
Mark all e-mails in the current folder that contain the given search text in the given search area (usually head and body) of the e-mail. Marks that are already set are not unset. It is recommended to select show marked e-mails from the selection field Masking to get well-arranged search results.
Secret key → Cryptographic keys
During the development of perMail, great importance has been attached to security and privacy. A couple of abusable features of other e-mail software has been avoided intentionally, even if it causes minor inconveniences. (Example: Incoming HTML e-mails are displayed merely filtered, outgoing e-mails always use plain text. Automatic read confirmations are never sent nor requested. Attachment are checked for viruses at download and upload.)
Select (key)
Use this private key in future for creating electronic signatures, see also → Cryptographic keys.
(When creating a → new e-mail or when → resending:) Send the e-mail now. A copy of the sent e-mail is placed into the given folder.
Usually there are one or two sender lines in an e-mail header. The From line gives the sender regarding the content, the Sender line the technical sender if different. When creating a new e-mail perMail takes your e-mail account as sender.
You can give further sender specifications for the From line on the settings page, these are offered for selection on the new-e-mail page. To prevent → forgery, perMail then indicates your e-mail account in the Sender line.
Other e-mail programs usually do not do so, thus beware of → forgeries!
Sender line → Sender
Send without resent header lines
(Only when → resending:) Send the new e-mail now, but without adding header lines (Resent-From, Resent-To, etc.) usually added when resending. A copy of the sent e-mail is placed into the given folder.
Session in multiple windows/tabs → New window
Set marks → Marks, → Mark all e-mails in the folder, → Mark all duplicate e-mails in the folder, → Mark all (in addressbook)
Go to the page on which nearly all settings can be modified; there are separate pages only for modifying → addressbook, → filter rules, cryptographic keys, and textbricks.
Settings, activate → Activate settings
Settings, reset to system default values → Reset settings to system default values
Settings, save → Activate settings
Set up signing and enrypting
Create or upload a new S/MIME or OpenPGP key pair and add it to the key ring.
Show (filter rules page)
Put the selected → filter rules into the text window; this does not yet activate them.
This term is used for two completely different things, on the one hand for electronic signatures (→ cryptographic keys), on the other hand for automatically added footer lines (→ settings).
Sign digitally → OpenPGP sign, → S/MIME sign, → Cryptographic keys, → Select (key)
Sign electronically → OpenPGP sign, → S/MIME sign, → Cryptographic keys, → Select (key)
Sig. (owner identifier of a key)
Certify this owner identifyer (needs entering your passphrase), see also → Cryptographic keys
S/MIME and → OpenPGP are two competing methods for securing e-mails, see → cryptographic keys. All basic functions of S/MIME are supported: You can upload your own certified key pair, see → Add keys (from file), and use it to decrypt and encrypt e-mails to create and verify electronic signatures. If multiple private keys are imported, one of them can be selected for creating electronic signatures.
The letters S/MIME are standing for Secure Multimedia Internet Mail Enhancement. S/MIME is integrated in many e-mail software products, e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook.
Certificates for S/MIME keys are created according to the X.509 standard. For transport, a certified key pair and the corresponding certificates are usually saved in an encrypted PKCS#12 file that can be read by perMail and many other e-mail software.
S/MIME keys (management)
Go to the page on which the S/MIME cryptographic keys can be managed.
S/MIME sign
To sign the e-mail electronically resp. digitally with → S/MIME, you must enter the passphrase that protects your private key into the input field.
Remove the particular e-mail(s) if they are marked as SPAM by the mail servers (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Speed → Response time
If you are continually pestered by individual senders (stalking), you can enter the e-mail address of the sender on the settings pages (general settings area) to suppress all e-mails from this address from being displayed or even to automatically move these e-mails from the inbox to other folders. (Moving these mails is triggered by opening the e-mail list or a single e-mail of the inbox.)
Status (St.)
For each e-mail, perMail remembers whether certain actions have taken place, and displays this information in the list of e-mails using a letter or a symbol. Symbols are explained when pointed with the mouse. Display depends on the currently selected layout.
deleted (D), unread (N), accessed (x), flagged (F), answered (a), forwarded (f), resent (r), copied (c), rejected (z), rejected as SPAM (Z), reported as SPAM (S), decrypted (d).
System default values, reset settings to → Reset settings to system default values


Tab, new → New window
Take address → Note From-/→ Sender-/→ To-/→ Cc-/→ Reply-To/→ Resent-From-/→ Resent-Sender-/→ Resent-To-/→ Resent-Cc-Address
Take addresses (from e-mail part)
If this e-mail part contains an addressbook in a format that perMail can import, copy the adresses from this e-mail part into the perMail addressbook.
Take addresses (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Textbrick, convert e-mail part into → Convert into textbrick (e-mail part)
Textbrick, create new → Edit textbrick
Textbrick, edit → Edit textbrick
Textbrick, import (from e-mail part) → Convert into textbrick (e-mail part)
Textbrick, remove → Remove textbrick
To use textbricks when writing e-mails, you first should create the needed textbricks giving them different names (→ Edit textbrick). When typing in the text you can type in the textbrick name in braces (like: {xxx}) and then press the button → Insert textbricks to replace the textbrick names marked with braces with the textbricks themselves.
Textbrick, save → Save textbrick
Textbricks, insert → Rekombinieren
Text, justify → Justify text
Text lines, format / justify / wrap → Justify text
Text, preview → View as text
Throw away → Getting rid of e-mails
Throw away draft → Destroy draft
Throw away, e-mail
Throw the particular e-mail(s) into the trash folder (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder); e-mails from the trash folder can be fetched back, this would not be possible after → removing using the shredder.
Throw away folder → Remove folder and contents, → Remove empty folder
Throw away key (pair) → Remove key (pair)
Throw away postponed e-mail → Destroy draft
Throw away textbrick → Remove textbrick
Throw away trash contents → Empty trash
Tips & tricks → Response time
To folder
Go to the index of the folder selected in the selection field Target folder.
Toggle all marks in the folder
Toggle all marks in the current folder, including those not currently being listed.
Toggle flagged mark
Toggle the flagged mark(s) of the particular e-mail(s) (→ Status; affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder).
Toggle marks → Marks, → Toggle all marks in the folder, → Toggle marks (in addressbook)
Toggle marks (in addressbook)
Toggle all marks in the addressbook.
Top → Scroll to top
Trash, empty → Empty trash
Tricks & tips → Response time
Trust in cryptographic keys, change → Change trust (cryptographic keys)
TSV format, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
TSV format, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Select how the textual content of an e-mail is displayed. “Fixed character width” and “Image“ are the most accurate representations.


Undelete e-mail
Undelete the particular e-mail(s) that are marked as deleted but have not yet been expunged (affects the single mail or all marked e-mails or all e-mails in the folder); see also → Remove and → Clean/compress folder. For the last resort if e-mails are already expunged, see → Restore from backup.
Undesired e-mails → Stalking
Undo all
Undo all fresh inputs on the currently displayed page and restore the (mostly empty) default values into the input and select fields. (This operation is executed not by perMail but by your WWW browser.)
Unflag → Mark as unflagged, → Status
Unmark all e-mails in the folder
Unmark all e-mails in the current folder, including those not currently being listed.
Unmark all e-mails on this page
Unmark all e-mails on the current page of the index, but not those currently not displayed.
Unmark all (in addressbook)
Unmark all addressbook entries in the addressbook.
Unread → Mark as unread, → Status
Unset marks → Marks, → Unmark all e-mails in the folder, → Unmark all (in addressbook)
UUDecode and download (after virus check)
Unpack the contents of this e-mail part with UUDecode, check them for viruses, and then download it for saving. (UUEncode is a historic method, similar to → XXDecode, to include attachment into e-mails. A typical uuencoded attachment begins with a line looking like begin 644 filename and followed by many lines of equal length beginning with an M. You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (after virus check))
UUDecode and download (no virus check!)
Unpack the contents of this e-mail part with UUDecode and download them for saving without prior virus check. (UUEncode is a historic method, similar to → XXDecode, to include attachment into e-mails. A typical uuencoded attachment begins with a line looking like begin 644 filename and followed by many lines of equal length beginning with an M. You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (no virus check!))


Vacation → Absence
Variable character width → ijk / ijk, → Typesetting
VCard format, import (from e-mail part) → Take addresses (from e-mail part)
VCard format, import (from file) → Add addressbook entries (from file)
Display the particular e-mail resp. the current administrative news.
View as Rot13 recoded text
Display the content of this part after Rot13 recoding. Older e-mail software allows to camouflage the text of an e-mail using this letter replacement method (A↔N, B↔O, C↔P, ..., M↔Z).
View as text
Display the content of this part as text, omitting all control characters. This is a primitive preview, but with many documents you can at least guess their contents.
View raw data
Display the content of this part in raw format (as hex dump). This allows for a first analysis by experts.
Virus check
perMail checks for virus infection of files and e-mails at the following opportunities: (1) when downloading e-mail parts resp. attachments: → Download (after virus check), → Open (after virus check), → BinaryDecode and download (after virus check), → UUDecode and download (after virus check), → XXDecode and download (after virus check). (2) when uploading attachment during sending new e-mails (→ New e-mail): → Send.


XXDecode and download (after virus check)
Unpack the contents of this e-mail part with XXDecode, check them for viruses, and then download it for saving. (XXEncode is a historic method, similar to → UUDecode, to include attachment into e-mails. A typical xxencoded attachment begins with a line looking like begin 644 filename and followed by many lines of equal length beginning with an h. You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (after virus check))
XXDecode and download (no virus check!)
Unpack the contents of this e-mail part with XXDecode and download them for saving without prior virus check. (XXEncode is a historic method, similar to → UUDecode, to include attachment into e-mails. A typical xxencoded attachment begins with a line looking like begin 644 filename and followed by many lines of equal length beginning with an h. You can give a file type (MIME type) in the passphrase input field to download it for opening: → Open (no virus check!))


No entry in this list starts with Y.

@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


The author of the perMail program and of the library rplib is:

Rainer Perske
University of Münster
Center for Information Technology (CIT)
Röntgenstraße 7–13
D-48149 Münster

E-Mail: perske@uni-muenster.de

All rights for exploitation and usage of the perMail program stay with the University of Münster, the rights for the library rplib at the author himself.

I say a hearty thank you to Dr. Hermann Kamp for his help translating most of this text into English. All well done translations are his work, all mistakes are mine.

If you have problems using perMail, please contact first:

Zentrale Hotline der IT
E-Mail: it@uni-muenster.de
Tel.: 0251/83-31600 (Mo–Fr 8–17 Uhr)
Fax: 0251/83-31555

© 2001–2020 Rainer Perske + Universität Münster, Germany
Your contact partner: IT-Hotline <it@uni-muenster.de> (0251/83-31600)