Neues Online-Buch: The Biology of Human Longevity

The Biology of Human Longevity:
Inflammation, Nutrition, and Aging in the Evolution of Life Spans

Caleb E. Finch. 626 Seiten
Elsevier 2007, ISBN: 978-0-12-373657-4

The Biology of Human Longevity ist eines der gut 1.000 Onlinebücher des Verlags Elsevier, welche die Zweigbibliothek Ende 2008 kaufen konnte. In den folgenden Wochen und Monaten wird die ZB Med einige der Bücher und Buchserien exemplarisch vorstellen.

The Biology of Human Longevity synthesizes several decades of top research on the topic of human aging and longevity particularly on the recent theories of inflammation and its effects on human health. The book expands a number of existing major theories, including the Barker theory of fetal origins of adult disease to consider the role of inflammation and Harmon’s free radical theory of aging to include inflammatory damage. Future increases in lifespan are challenged by the obesity epidemic and spreading global infections which may reverse the gains made in lowering inflammatory exposure. This timely and topical book will be of interest to anyone studying aging from any scientific angle.“