Neues Online-Buch: Autoantibodies

Autoantibodies (Second Edition)
Edited by: MD Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD M. Eric Gershwin
and MD Pier Luigi Meroni. 840 Seiten.
Elsevier 2007. ISBN: 978-0-444-52763-9

Autoantibodies ist eines der gut 1.000 Onlinebücher des Verlags Elsevier, welche die Zweigbibliothek Ende 2008 kaufen konnte. In den folgenden Wochen wird die ZB Med einige der Bücher und Buchserien exemplarisch vorstellen.

„Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the occurrence of antibodies reacting with self constituents of the body. This exciting new reference is an exhaustive review of the main autoantibodies identified up to now, with particular emphasis on those autoantibodies that display a clinical value. Each chapter is focussed on a single family of autoantibodies by reviewing their historical notes, definition, origin and source(s) of the antigen(s) recognized, genetic associations, pathogenic mechanisms that are mediated, method(s) of detection and clinical utility (disease prevalence/association, diagnostic value, sensitivity and specificity, prognostic value). An ideal reference for anyone involved in the field of autoimmune diseases.“