Archiv der Kategorie: e-Books

Neues Online-Buch: Plant Biochemistry


Plant Biochemistry (Fourth Edition)
Hans-Walter Heldt u. Birgit Piechulla
ISBN: 978-0-12-384986-1
Elsevier 2011

The fully revised and expanded fourth edition of Plant Biochemistry presents the latest science on the molecular mechanisms of plant life. The book not only covers the basic principles of plant biology, such as photosynthesis, primary and secondary metabolism, the function of phytohormones, plant genetics, and plant biotechnology, but it also addresses the various commercial applications of plant biochemistry. Plant biochemistry is not only an important field of basic science explaining the molecular function of a plant, but is also an applied science that is in the position to contribute to the solution of agricultural and pharmaceutical problems.
Plants are the source of important industrial raw material such as fat and starch but they are also the basis for the production of pharmaceutics. It is expected that in the future, gene technology will lead to the extensive use of plants as a means of producing sustainable raw material for industrial purposes. As such, the techniques and use of genetic engineering to improve crop plants and to provide sustainable raw materials for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries are described in this edition. The latest research findings have been included, and areas of future research are identified.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Principles of Regenerative Medicine


Principles of Regenerative Medicine (Second Edition)

Anthony Atala et al
ISBN: 978-0-12-381422-7
Elsevier 2011

Virtually any disease that results from malfunctioning, damaged, or failing tissues may be potentially cured through regenerative medicine therapies, by either regenerating the damaged tissues in vivo, or by growing the tissues and organs in vitro and implanting them into the patient. Principles of Regenerative Medicine discusses the latest advances in technology and medicine for replacing tissues and organs damaged by disease and of developing therapies for previously untreatable conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and renal failure.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Physiology and Pathology of Chloride Transporters


Physiology and Pathology of Chloride Transporters and Channels in the Nervous System: From Molecules to Diseases

Author(s): F. Javier Alvarez-Leefmans and Eric Delpire
ISBN: 978-0-12-374373-2
Elsevier 2009

The importance of chloride ions in cell physiology has not been fully recognized until recently, in spite of the fact that chloride (Cl-), together with bicarbonate, is the most abundant free anion in animal cells, and performs or determines fundamental biological functions in all tissues. For many years it was thought that Cl- was distributed in thermodynamic equilibrium across the plasma membrane of most cells. Research carried out during the last couple of decades has led to a dramatic change in this simplistic view. We now know that most animal cells, neurons included, exhibit a non-equilibrium distribution of Cl- across their plasma membranes. Over the last 10 to 15 years, with the growth of molecular biology and the advent of new optical methods, an enormous amount of exciting new information has become available on the molecular structure and function of Cl- channels and carriers. In nerve cells, Cl- channels and carriers play key functional roles in GABA- and glycine-mediated synaptic inhibition, neuronal growth and development, extracellular potassium scavenging, sensory-transduction, neurotransmitter uptake and cell volume control. Disruption of Cl- homeostasis in neurons underlies pathological conditions such as epilepsy, deafness, imbalance, brain edema and ischemia, pain and neurogenic inflammation. This book is about how chloride ions are regulated and how they cross the plasma membrane of neurons. It spans from molecular structure and function of carriers and channels involved in Cl- transport to their role in various diseases.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Nitric Oxide – Biology and Pathobiology


Nitric Oxide (Second Edition): Biology and Pathobiology
Edited by: Louise J. Ignarro
ISBN: 978-0-12-373866-0
Elsevier 2010

Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas naturally found in the body that conveys information between cells. In the last decade researchers have found that NO is a signaling molecule of key importance for the cardiovascular system, regulating blood pressure and blood flow to different organs. In addition, discoveries surrounding nitric oxide?s role as a principal neurotransmitter moderating erectile function, a pathophysiological negotiator and messenger in inflammation, and a weapon against infections have increased research attention across the fields of biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology, gene therapy, cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, neuroscience, and physiology.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Aus Studienbeiträgen: 32 zahnmedizinische Online-Bücher


Aus Studienbeiträgen konnten jetzt 32 zahnmedizinische Onlinebücher der Jahre 2006-2010 vom Thieme-Verlag erworben werden. Besonderheit: Es handelt sich nicht um Lizenzen, die jährlich erneuert werden müssten, sondern um einen Kauf, d.h. mit einer einmaligen Zahlung gehen die Bücher in den dauerhaften Besitz der Fakultät über. Im Folgenden finden Sie alle Titel mit den dazugehörigen Links:

Foto: Thieme Publ.

Die Bibliothek hat die Lehrbücher unter den obigen Titeln der Liste aller Online-Lehrbücher hinzugefügt. Zugänglich sind diese Bücher nur im Hochschulnetz der Universität.

Neues Online-Buch: Molecular Diagnostics


Molecular Diagnostics: Techniques and Applications for the Clinical Laboratory

Edited by: Contributors, Wayne W. Grody, M.D., Ph.D., Robert M. Nakamura, M.D., Charles M. Strom, M.D., Ph.D., and Frederick L. Kiechle, MD, PhD.
ISBN: 978-0-12-369428-7
Elsevier 2010

Pathologists, laboratory technicians, geneticists, physicians, medical students, and other health care professionals involved in molecular testing.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Fundamentals of Toxicologic Pathology


Fundamentals of Toxicologic Pathology (Second Edition)

Author(s): Wanda M. Haschek, Colin G. Rousseaux and Matthew A. Wallig
ISBN: 978-0-12-370469-6
Elsevier 2009

CHAPTER ONE: Principles of Toxicology CHAPTER TWO: Manifestations of Toxic Cell Injury — Cell Injury/Death and Chemical Carcinogenesis CHAPTER THREE: Clinical Pathology CHAPTER FOUR: Nomenclature– Terminology for Morphologic Alterations CHAPTER FIVE: Techniques in Toxicologic Pathology CHAPTER SIX: Respiratory System CHAPTER SEVEN: Skin and Oral Mucosa CHAPTER EIGHT: Gastrointestinal Tract CHAPTER NINE: Liver CHAPTER TEN: Pancreas CHAPTER ELEVEN: Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract CHAPTER TWELVE: Cardiovascular and Skeletal Muscle Systems CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Bones CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Nervous System CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Immune System CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Hematopoietic System CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Endocrine System CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Male Reproduction CHAPTER NINETEEN: Female Reproduction CHAPTER TWENTY: Developmental Toxicology

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Natural Killer Cells


Natural Killer Cells: Basic Science and Clinical Application

Edited by: Michael T. Lotze and Angus W. Thomson
ISBN: 978-0-12-370454-2
Elsevier 2010

The Natural Killer [NK] Cell plays a critical role in regulating the innate and adaptive immune response to pathogens, injury and stress. Although originally portrayed as primarily a lytic cell, the NK cell has emerged as a cell capable of helper function, expansion, contraction, and accelerated memory responses – features similar to other adaptive immune cells. It is a professional accelerator of immunity, mediating dendritic cell maturation and its precursors critical for the origin and development of secondary lymph node structures. NK cells also play an essential role in mammalian placentation by regulating the quality of blood supply to the growing fetus. These characteristics place the NK cell in a unique position, with a major role in sculpting the host response to damage and injury. This volume is the first complete and authoritative reference to explore these emergent, exciting aspects of the NK cell, placing it at the center of damage/danger recognition and the response to stress. Natural Killer Cells details NK cell biology, the role of NK cells in regulating immunity through interactions with other cells and tissues, the participation of NK cells in disease and special topics in NK biology. [Amazon]

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

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Doctor Consult: 120 Volltextbücher zugänglich


Wie berichtet hat die Bibliothek einen Trialzugang zu Doctor Consult bis zum 30. Juni. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es über Doctor Consult Volltext-Zugriff folgende Bücher gibt:

Neues Online-Buch: Handbook of Epigenetics


Handbook of Epigenetics: The New Molecular and Medical Genetics

Edited by: Trygve Tollefsbol
ISBN: 978-0-12-375709-8
Elsevier 2011

Epigenetics is considered by many to be the „new genetics“ because the realization that many biological phenomena are controlled not through gene mutations, but rather through reversible and heritable epigenetic processes that have opened up new paths for discovery. The biological processes impacted by epigenetics range from tissue/organ regeneration, X-chromosome inactivation, and stem cell differentiation to genomic imprinting and aging. The effects of epigenetics are vast and encompass lower organisms as well as humans. Aberrations of epigenetics influence many diseases involving but not limited to cancer, immune disorders, neurological and metabolic disorders, and imprinting diseases. Clinical intervention is already in place for some of these disorders and many novel epigenetic therapies are on the horizon.

This comprehensive collection of reviews written by leaders in the field of epigenetics provides a broad view of this important and evolving topic. From molecular mechanisms and epigenetic technology to discoveries in human disease and clinical epigenetics the nature and applications of the science will be presented for those with interests ranging from the fundamental basis of epigenetics to therapeutic interventions for epigenetic-based disorders. [Amazon]

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis Clinical and Laboratory Aspects


Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis Clinical and Laboratory Aspects

Edited by: Christopher D. Hillyer, MD, Beth H. Shaz, MD, James C. Zimring, MD, PhD, and Thomas C. Abshire, MD
ISBN: 978-0-12-374432-6
Elsevier 2009

Audience: Residents and fellows in hematology, transfusion medicine, pathology, and anesthesiology; practicing physicians in hematology, transfusion medicine, pathology, and anethesiology.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008, 2009 und 2010-2011, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.