New book : Adult ADHD

This updated volume provides a clinical based overview of the assessment and treatment of ADHD in adults by a clinical researcher with extensive experience. Its practical focus allows each chapter to answer common questions encountered within clinical practice. Differential diagnosis of ADHD is also discussed in relation to comorbidity with bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, and chronic delayed sleep phase.

Adult ADHD: Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment, fourth edition aims to help readers identify ADHD effectively and put in place suitable treatments. The book is relevant for psychiatrists, neurologists, and healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD.

Kooij, J. J. Sandra  :
Adult ADHD : Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment
Springer, 2022
XVII, 276 pages
ISBN 978-3-030-82812-7


Bild und Text : Springer

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