Neu: Hurst’s the Heart, 13th Edition

Hurst’s the Heart, 13th Edition

Autor: Valentin Fuster, Richard Walsh
McGraw-Hill Professional; 13 edition (January 17, 2011)
2500 pages
ISBN 978-0071636469

It has been 44 years since the publication of the first edition of Hurst’s the Heart, the first multidisciplinary and comprehensive textbook on cardiovascular disease. Through 13 editions, The Heart has always represented a cornerstone of current scholarship in the discipline. Cardiologists, internists, and trainees from around the world have relied on its authority, breadth of coverage, and clinical relevance to keep up to date on advances in the field and to help optimize patient care. The 13th edition of The Heart continues and actually exceeds this standard-setting tradition with 19 new chapters and 59 new authors from around the globe who are experts in their respective content areas.

Featuring an enhanced and reader-friendly design, the new edition covers need-to-know clinical advances, as well as issues that are becoming increasingly vital to cardiologists and other physicians worldwide; through the 17 thematic sections, the reader will find the most complete overview of cardiovascular topics available, plus a timely new focus on evidencebased medicine, health outcomes, and health care quality. Furthermore, as important additions to previous editions, there are 1548 full-color illustrations and 578 tables with a new attractive design.

Foto & Text: McGraw-Hill

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