
Digitales Journal für Philologie


Onward and upward! The fiftheenth issue of Textpraxis shows how we are continuing to develop, exploring new elements and perspectives. The most telling evidence for our international development is the growing number of authors and reviewers from abroad. The diversity that their contributions bring to Textpraxis reflects the breadth of methodological, theoretical and thematic emphases in the different philologies that Textpraxis tries to bring out in each issue.

Development is also afoot in our editorial board. Since Textpraxis is a project run by doctoral candidates in the Graduate School Practices of Literature, we are used to constant change and the great advantages that come with it, namely always receiving fresh input from new colleagues joining the program.

We would also like to give special attention to the people who are most important in making Textpraxis a site for academic discussion, that is our authors and readers. We encourage you again to supplement, criticize and revise the theses and arguments in this issue with commentaries and response articles. With your contributions, we can keep the dialogue going!

Editorial Board (Issue # 15)

Sona Arasteh-Roodsary

Ina Batzke

Lea Espinoza Garrido

Jayana Jain Punamiya

Thomas Kater

Julia Langhof

Kerstin Mertenskötter

Janneke Schoene

Martin Stobbe

Levke Teßmann

Kerstin Wilhelms

Elisabeth Zimmermann

Former Members

Matthies Agethen

Constanze Bartsch

Seth Berk

Nikolas Buck

Dominic Büker

Pegah Byroum-Wand

Birte Fritsch

Katharina Fürholzer

Nina Gawe

Gesche Gerdes

Lena Hoffmann

Irene Husser

Till Huber

Ana Ilic

Japhet Johnstone

Innokentij Kreknin

Christoph Pflaumbaum

Christina Riesenweber

Matthias Schaffrick

Ismahan Wayah


Textpraxis. Digitales Journal für Philologie
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Graduate School Practices of Literature
Germanistisches Institut
Schlossplatz 34
48143 Münster
