John von Neumann Lectures

Internationally renowned mathematicians will report on their recent mathematical results in close connection with challenging applications to a broad audience.

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Aktuelle Vorträge

Datum     Sprecher EinrichtungTitel
17.10.202417. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Lisa Sauermann Universität Bonn On three-term progression-free sets and related questions in additive combinatorics

Vergangene Vorträge

Datum     Sprecher EinrichtungTitel
14.11.201916. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Wendelin Werner ETH Zurich From Brownian loops to fields
18.04.201915. John von Neumann-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Yves Benoist Université Paris-Sud Arithmeticity of discrete groups
18.10.201814. John von Neumann-Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alessio Figalli ETH Zürich Regularity of interfaces in phase transitions via obstacle problems
21.06.201813. John von Neumann-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Breuillard Cambridge Approximate groups, incidence geometry and model theory
11.01.201812. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Camillo De Lellis Universität Zürich The Onsager's Theorem and beyond
04.05.201711. John-von-Neumann-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Sorin Popa University of California, Los Angeles Structure and randomness in von Neumann algebras
03.11.201610. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Endre Süli University of Oxford Navier-Stokes-Fokker-Planck Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Approximation, Computation
16.06.20169. John von Neumann Lecture: Günter M. Ziegler FU Berlin Geometry vs. Topology: On 4-Polytopes and 3-Spheres
24.10.2015Gauss-Lecture of the DMV: Baroness Prof. Ingrid Daubechies Durham University Mathematics Helping Art Conservation
25.06.20158. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Eli Glasner Tel Aviv University Kazhdan's Property T and the Geometry of the Collection of Invariant Measures
13.11.20147. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Serfaty Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, Courant Institute, New York Questions of crystallization in systems with Coulomb and Riesz interactions
30.04.20146. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Persi Diaconis Stanford University Adding numbers and shuffling cards
12.12.20135. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Simon Brendle Stanford University Minimalflächen in der 3-Sphaere und die Lawson-Vermutung
20.06.20134. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Zlil Sela Hebrew University of JerusalemLow dimensional topology and the elementary theory of group,
22.11.20123. John von Neumann Lecture: Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller MPI Bonn The Mathematics of Packing, Crumbling and Folding
05.07.20122. John von Neumann Lecture: Don Zagier MPI Bonn Between number theory, topology, and quantum field theory
15.12.20111. John von Neumann Lecture: Gerhard Huisken MPI für Gravitationsphysik, Golm Heat Diffustion and Geometry