Lena Kopnarski, M.Sc.

Lena Kopnarski, M.Sc.

Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 8, room C1.0.01
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-32472

Academic Profile

  • CV


    PhD, University of Muenster (Institute of Sports Sciences, Department of Neuromotor Behavior and Exercise)
    Master of Science Cognitive Science, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
    Bachelor of Science Sensors and cognitive Psychology, Chemnitz University of Technology


    Doctoral Researcher, University of Muenster (Institute of Sports Sciences, Department of Neuromotor Behavior and Exercise)
    Student Assistant, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (Department of Multi-Level Modeling in Motor Control and Rehabilitation Robotics)
    Student Assistant, Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology Tübingen
  • Teaching

  • Publications

    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Kutz Dieter Freidhelm, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Unveiling the invisible: receivers use object weight cues for grip force planning in handover actions. Experimental Brain Research, 242(5), 1191–1202. doi: 10.1007/s00221-024-06813-y.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). The Influence of Object Weight on Handover Actions in Young and Old Adults. In Neural Control of Movement, Dubrovnik.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Kutz Dieter, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Impact of Object Weight and Participant Age on the Dynamics of Human-to-Human Object Handovers. In REPAIRS Closing Conference, Groningen.

    • Kutz DF, Kopnarski L, Püschel J, Rudisch J & Voelcker-Rehage C. (). Measuring System for Synchronous Recording of Kinematic and Force Data during Handover Action of Human Dyads. Sensors, 23, Article 9694. doi: 10.3390/s23249694.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). A systematic review of handover actions in human dyads. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1147296.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). The influence of object weight on handover actions. In Schlesinger, Torsten; Grimminger-Seidensticker, Elke; Ferrauti, Alexander; Kellmann, Michael; Thiel, Christian, Kullik, Lisa (Eds.): Leistung steuern. Gesundheit stärken. Entwicklung fördern. , p. 36. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Lippert Laura, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Predicting object properties from movement kinematics. Brain informatics, 10. doi: 10.1186/s40708-023-00209-4.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). From giver to receiver: Investigating the influence of object mass and giver's behavior on receiver's response in joint handover actions. In Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

    • Sanseverino Giuseppe, Krumm Dominik, Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia, Odenwald Stephan. (). Preliminary Validation of a Virtual Environment for Simulation and Recognition of Human Gestures. In Gerbino, Salvatore; Lanzotti, Antonio; Martorelli, Massimo; Buil, Ramón Mirálbes; Rizzi, Caterina; Roucoules, Lionel (Eds.): Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing IV , pp. 605–613. Cham: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-15928-2_53.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Lippert Laura, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Object weights can be predicted from movement kinematics in a replacement task. In Stetter, Bernd; Herzog, Michael; Spancken, Sina; Stein, Thorsten (Eds.): Modularität in der motorischen Kontrolle , pp. 89–90. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.5445/IR/1000150155.
    • Kopnarski Lena, Rudisch Julian, Voelcker-Rehage Claudia. (). Kinematic and Dynamic Characteristics of Handover Actions in Human Dyads and Their Influencing Factors. In Wagner, Manfred; Jürgensen, Jonas (Eds.): Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung , p. 307. Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag.

    • Castner N, Klepper S, Kopnarski L, Huettig F, Scheiter K, Richter J, Kasneci E & Keutel C. (). Overlooking: The nature of gaze behavior and anomaly detection in expert dentists. In Workshop on Modeling Cognitive Processesfrom Multimodal Data (MCPMD’18 ), Boulder, Colorado, USA. doi: 10.1145/3279810.3279845.