Academic Education
- Sports physiotherapy, M.Sc., German Sport University Cologne
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Saxion Hogeschool, Enschede (NL)
- Seminar: Krafttraining [079081]
[ | wöchentlich | Mo | LAH 51 | Matthias Hendricks]
[ | wöchentlich | Mo | LAH KR | Matthias Hendricks]
- Seminar: Physical Training in Elite Sports - Strength Training [077512]
(in cooperation with Tim Göcking)
- Seminar: Krafttraining [079081]
- Hendricks, M., van de Water, A. TM., & Evert, V. (). Health problems among elite Dutch youth long track speed skaters: a one-season prospective study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107433.
- Hendricks, M., Verhagen, E., & van de Water, A. T.M. (). Epidemiology, etiology and prevention of injuries in competitive ice speed skating—limited current evidence, multiple future priorities: A scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34 (4). doi: 10.1111/sms.14614.
- Hendricks, M., van de Water, A. T.M., & Verhagen, E. (). Injuries among elite Dutch youth long-track speed skaters: a one-season prospective Study. 7th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport, Monaco. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-IOC.64.
- van de Water, A. T.M., & Hendricks, M. (). FIRST STEPS TOWARDS PREVENTION OF MUSCULOSKELETAL INJURIES IN SPEED SKATING. 5th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in sport, Monaco. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097372.297.
Matthias Hendricks, MSc