© Ulysseus

The UniMS Centre for Europe

Michael Brach, AB Movement Science, was appointed to the Ulysseus Steering Committee, which provides strategic advice to the Rectorate and the project management. The vision of the European University Network Ulysseus is to develop an excellent European university based on the European values of social cohesion and respect for human rights. The alliance firmly believes that European universities should be open to the world, institutions of solidarity beyond European borders.


© Lasse Weller (Medienlabor IfS)

Qualification test 2024

Another successful aptitude test took place at the Institute of Sports Science on 3 July. We are looking forward to welcoming great new students who will start studying sport here on campus in the winter semester 24/25. A great day in which the entire Institute was involved. Thanks to everyone involved!

© L.Kopnarski

Lena Kopnarski nominated for European Championship

Lena Kopnarski and her horse Disandro have been nominated for the European Championships in TREC riding, which are being held this year in Schaijk (Netherlands). TREC stands for "Techniques de Randonnée Equestre de Compétition" (loosely translated: the technique of trail riding in competition) and, as the name suggests, originates from France. We wish Lena all the best and every success at the TREC European Championships in September!

© Familie Kurpiers

We mourn the loss of Dr Walter (Donald) Kurpiers

We mourn the loss of Dr Walter Kurpiers (11.07.1934 - 26.06.2024), who passed away shortly before his 90th birthday. In "Donald", as he was known to students and colleagues alike, the Sports Institute has lost a much-loved and respected sports educator. Our thoughts are with his wife, his children and his entire family.

© Lennart Brunstein

Poster session "School sport and democracy"

As part of Prof. Nils Neuber's project seminar "School sport and democracy", students carried out practical research projects in schools and sport clubs. Over the course of several weeks, they worked on topics such as participation in performance assessment, children's rights in school sport, federalism in the education system and democratic education throughout the day. They have now presented their results in a poster session and discussed them with external guests.

© Uta Kaundinya

Successful closing event of the Special Olympic project seminar

The Special Olympic NRW project seminar was successfully concluded with a poster session on 20.06.24 with guests from the Special Olympic team. The students investigated self-selected research questions during the NRW state games and mainly interviewed or observed people involved in the state games. They presented their research results on scientific posters and presented them during the event. Afterwards, students discussed their personal impressions and experiences with the guests in a plenary session.

© Medienlabor IfS

IFS Roundnet Tournament

Once again this year, the Roundnet Seminar is organising a Roundnet Tournament together with the Sportevenmanagement Seminar, including a raffle and a self-organised flea market.
The tournament will take place on 29 June 2024 on pitch 2 of the campus grounds.