Leadership workshop for all

The courses in this continuing education series are targeted at deputies, section leaders, project managers, sub-project managers and employees with supervisory duties.

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Leadership is a vocation and needs to be learned! Leading others successfully requires competence and the willingness to take on supervisory duties.

Leadership competence is a functional skill which can be learned like any other skill. In other words, those who lead or want to lead others have to “work” on honing their leadership competence.

This “work” is a process that ranges from self-reflection on one’s own behaviour and role as a supervisor to the acquisition of knowledge on managing staff, human motivation etc. to training leadership skills through simulations. Of course, the best training occurs on the job.

When managing fellow employees, one needs a well-equipped leadership toolbox – be it for conducting performance reviews with colleagues, delegating responsibilities or holding team meetings.

For these tasks, you will find numerous courses which are designed to help you improve your leadership competence. Which course should you begin with? How do you go about building your leadership training programme? You will find answers to these and other questions in our  Leadership Workshop Compass!

Course overview