For their brand-new Palgrave Handbook of Feminist, Queer and Trans Narrative Studies, co-editors Corinna Assmann and Vera Nünning collaborated with eminent and emerging scholars from a wide range of disciplines who explore connections between new perspectives on gender and sexuality and recent developments in narratology. Based on their ground-breaking research, Assmann and Nünning's guest talk will outline key debates and concepts at the intersection of narrative theory and feminist, queer and trans* theory, and discuss their implications for the study of narrative.
Everyone interested is warmly invited to attend!
Further information on the handbook: https://link.springer.com/book/9783031758638.
When? Dec. 5, 2024, 6pm
Where? ES 203 (Johannisstr. 12-20) & Zoom (registration link)
PhD and advanced MA students will have the opportunity to attend a workshop with Corinna Assmann and Vera Nünning on Dec. 6, 2024, 9AM-1PM. Further information and registration: https://indico.uni-muenster.de/event/3046/.
This event is co-organized with the Chair of American Studies at the English Department.