Münster Research Fellow: John R. Steel

We welcome Prof. Dr. John R. Steel (UC Berkeley) as a Münster Research Fellow. He is one of the best set theorists worldwide. He keeps producing seminal results in descriptive set theory as well as in inner model theory. His work includes the proof of Projective Determinacy from Woodin cardinals (joint with D.A. Martin), an analysis of HOD in determinacy models (partly with W.H. Woodin and G. Sargsyan), and the development and application of the theory of core models up through may Woodin cardinals. In 2015, he received the Hausdorff Medal (together with R.B. Jensen) for the paper "K without the measurable." He has been a coorganiser of the "Münster meetings in inner model theory" for many years, putting a lot of energy into the promotion of young students. During his stay at our Cluster in September 2024 he continues his collaborations with Ralf Schindler.
Mathematics Münster's programme for "Münster Research Fellows"