Gender diversity at the University

Zielgruppe: PhDs, PostDocs and young researchers in DFG-funded projects

Gender diversity meets research teams at the University – How to engage with Gender Diversity in the workplace
An interactive workshop for researchers in DFG-programs at the Universität Münster

Gender Diversity is more and more visible at the University. People with different genders and ex-periences are having their coming-out as trans or non-binary, use different labels and neo-pronouns.
In the first part of the workshop we will get an overview about different terms (transgender, inter, non-binary) and then we will get a deeper understanding of the lived reality of trans, inter and non-binary people in the academic (research) context.
The second part of the workshop gives you more practical ideas on how to address people correctly and how to avoid common mistakes. Né Fink talks about obstacles and chances for these groups at our University. We will get an idea, how we can become more aware of people with different gen-ders and experiences and how we can stay and become welcoming (research) teams for them.
Although the workshop is held in english the main reference point is the German context (e. g. law, language). I consider mistakes a crucial element for learning something new. All questions, insecuri-ties and viewpoints are welcome.

Inhalte im Überblick:

  • Basics of gender diversity
  • Explanation of terms (e. g. inter*, trans*, non-binary)
  • Insight into the realities of life for gender minorities
  • Impulse for gender-inclusive working life


Trainer*in: Né Fink, M. A. Gender and Ethnicity, trainer and advisor in the field of Gender Diversity, non-binary and queer

Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. // This course will be held in English
