
© Uni Münster - Michael Kuhlmann

The exhibition inVISIBLE opens on 2 February 2025!

Presenting 24 images of cells, tissue and organisms, scientists at the Multiscale Imaging Centre of the University of Münster offer insights into their research. Additionally, a twelve-metre-high wall  installation sheds light on biomedical imaging from an artistic perspective. The exhibition opening, featuring tours with scientists, will take place on 2 February (Sunday). On 4 and 11 February, light projections on the artwork can be experienced.

© Uni Münster/Erk Wibberg

Inflammation & Imaging Symposium

At our annual Inflammation & Imaging Symposium scientists from the University of Münster and their international guests meet in Münster to discuss the latest developments in research on inflammation and the imaging of the immune system. The conference is jointly organised by several research networks from our University that are closely interlinked through shared subject matter.

© CiM - Michael Kuhlmann

CiM-IMPRS Graduate School Meeting

Doctoral researchers from our CiM-IMPRS Graduate Program organise an interdisciplinary meeting every year. They invite speakers from across the globe and also present their own research. The conference programme includes a variety of talks and poster presentations covering the fields of biology, chemistry, biophysics, mathematics and computational science.