Open call of CAPES for 2024 - Brazil Chair at the UM

The Brazil Chair, one of the most important actions to promote cooperation between the University of Münster (UM) and Brazil, funded by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), is once again open for applications. The next Brazil Chair to be filled is dedicated to the topic Agonistic Plurality. Deep disagreements and fundamental conflicts as a challenge to pluralist societies and can be hosted at one of eight different institutes (see below). The activities in Münster are scheduled to begin between September and November 2024.
The CAPES Brazil Chair provides outstanding researchers from Brazil with a visiting professorship at UM for up to 18 months, which can be divided into three parts. In addition, CAPES supports additional 6 to 12-month research stays of one postdoctoral researcher and one doctoral researcher per chair, who are nominated by the respective visiting professors.
The aim of the Brazil Chair, which exists since 2010, is to intensify scientific and academic cooperation between the University of Münster and Brazilian universities and research institutions, as well as to promote the establishment and expansion of scientific contacts and networks in the defined subject areas. The Brazil Chair can also create greater visibility for outstanding Brazilian academics in Germany.
Another chair, for which you can apply from August 2024, will deal with the topic of Modelling Infection Disease Dynamics for Epidemiologic Management and was also announced in the same call for applications.

Important links:
Edital nº 29/2023 Cátedra Brasil da Universidade de Münste (in Portuguese)
Portaria nº 289, de 28 de Dezembro de 2018 (in Portuguese)
Página da CAPES (em português)
Cátedra Brasil da Universidade de Münster
If you have any questions about the Brazil Chair, please contact the Brazil Centre.