Selected calls

University of Münster launches call for Seed Funding under FAPESP SPRINT
Deadline: 24 February 2025

Call for applications for the DAAD Support Programme for Brazilian Doctoral Candidates
Application deadline: 31 October 2024

Biodiversa+ Call 2024-2025: Call for proposals on biodiversity and transformative change

Bioeconomy International 2025: Funding for global research partnerships
Bioeconomy Module Germany - São Paulo/Brazil

DAAD Opens Applications for Research Stays in Germany for Brazilian Researchers

2nd CAPES Call 2024 - CAPES Brazil Chair at the University of Münster
Applications until 31 October 2024 at 5 pm (BRT)/ 9 pm (CET)

DAAD Opens Applications for PhD Scholarship Programme in Germany
Application deadline: 11 September 2024 (until 00:00 CEST, 19:00 BRT)

Fellowships for international female postdocs in 2025

Vacancies for postdocs and senior fellows in Münster

Selected projects as part of the SPRINT FAPESP-Uni Münster call for proposals
New DFG Call on the Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Global South
The new DFG call under COVID-19 Focus Funding on the topic “Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the Global South” includes two thematic focus areas: 1) health systems of the Global South and 2) Society. The call explicitly addresses researchers who already collaborate with researchers at research institutions in the so-called "Global South".
Detailed information is available on the DFG's website at this link.
Deadline for the submission of proposals: 17 February 2021
Joint FAPESP/UM tender SPRINT 2/2020 postponed
Due to the corona pandemic, the second annual call for proposals of the SPRINT programme, which is always published at the end of April, has been suspended this year. FAPESP and the University of Münster plan to announce only one call for proposals under the SPRINT programme this year, with the third call for proposals expected to be published at the end of July.
The University of Münster and FAPESP publish new joint call within the SPRINT program
The federal funding institution of the state of São Paulo FAPESP and the University of Münster are publishing a joint SPRINT call for proposals to support mobility projects between researchers of Münster University and the state of São Paulo. The program's aim is to support the development of joint research projects by funding joint scientific meetings. Subsequently, applications for funding to these research projects are to be submitted to FAPESP and e.g. the German Research Foundation (DFG). On the Brazilian side, only scientists who are already funded by FAPESP can apply for the SPRINT program.
The call is open to all disciplines. The application deadline for submissions is October 28, 2019.
Further information is available at: Guidelines [en]
Information about the cooperation with FAPESP can be found here!
The new internationalisation programme PrInt (Programa Institucional de Internacionalização) of the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) is designed to promote the internationalisation of research and postgraduate education, the expansion of international researcher networks and the international mobility of researchers at selected Brazilian universities. 36 universities and research institutes were successful with their applications, among them many partners of Münster University - eleven of them considered the University of Münster in their applications as international partner. The projects started in 2018/19, have a duration of 5 years and are thematically as well as organisationally very diverse.
Within the framework of these projects, the universities offer the following scholarships: Sandwich PhD, Visiting Junior/Senior Professor, Workshops/Missions (scholars from Brazil) and Young talents/Postdocs, Experienced Postdocs, Professors (scholars from Brazil). Researchers from Münstzer University have to apply via Brazilian universities/research institutions.
Link to CAPES
Startups Connected: Competition for German start-ups with regard to the Brazilian market
German start-ups interested in the Brazilian market can apply in the category "Germany" of the 4th edition of the competition "Startups Connected". The winner receives a one-week trip to Brazil, which in addition to participation in the Brazilian Innovation Congress and the award ceremony, will also include an individually personalized institutional schedule. This offers an excellent opportunity of networking for the winning start-up with economic and scientific decision-makers, innovators and sponsors.
The main organiser is the German-Brazilian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK) São Paulo. The German Centre of Research and Innovation São Paulo (www.dwih-saopaulo.org) - where Münster University has its liason office - acts as co-organiser in the above-mentioned category.
The application deadline is August 9, 2019.
Further information: http://go.wwu.de/fqm04 [de]