BAföG funding for study abroad, education funds and student loans

Foreign study BAföG grants

Another option to finance your study or research visit abroad is to apply for a foreign study BAföG grant. Even if you do not qualify for BAföG funding in Germany, you may be eligible to receive BAföG funding for study abroad as the income limits and personal allowances are calculated differently. Therefore, it cannot hurt to apply for BAföG funding for study abroad. To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:

  • If you participate in an exchange programme, the duration of your study visit at the host university must be at least three months.
  • If you study abroad as a "freemover", the duration of your visit must be at least six months.
  • You must provide proof of sufficient knowledge of the respective foreign language or language of instruction.
  • The academic work you complete at the host university must be recognised by the University of Münster.

Depending on your income, a foreign study BAföG grant consists of an individually calculated, needs-based monthly payment, as well as a country-specific allowance for study visits in non-European countries ranging between 60 and 450 euros per month. Recipients also receive a fixed travel allowance of 250 euros for foreign study visits in Europe, and 500 euros for travel to and from destinations outside of Europe. The big advantage of a foreign study BAföG grant is that it covers tuition fees of up to 4,600 euros per year. Additional funding is provided for students who require foreign health insurance cover.
Like all BAföG funding, the needs-based monthly payment, country-specific foreign study allowance and travel allowance are comprised in equal part of a student grant and interest-fee student loan which must be paid back at a later time. However, the tuition fee payments of up to 4,600 euros need not be repaid.

Students who receive regular BAföG financing (i.e. for study in Germany) are also eligible to receive a foreign study BAföG grant. In such cases, the regular BAföG financing is augmented by a supplementary foreign study allowance.


In preparing your application, please note:

  • Each destination country is assigned its own BAföG office in Germany responsible for processing applications.
  • Be sure to submit your application no later than six months prior to your planned visit.
  • Send your application by certified mail with return receipt to the responsible BAföG office.

If you are unable to obtain some of the required documents six months in advance, you may apply at a later time. However, this means that your first financial aid payments will arrive that much later as well.

You can find detailed information about funding guidelines, deductions and an overview of the available foreign allowances under the following links:
Information on new BAföG financing
Information from the German Studentenwerk on foreign study BAföG grants
Information from the office of BAföG funding for study abroad

Education funds

Education funds award financial aid to students with strong academic achievement. These funds are generally financed by private sponsors and/or institutional investors. Those who complete the selection process can obtain student loans to finance their regular studies and often foreign study visits, as well. Compared to conventional student loan offers, education funds offer the advantage that repayment of the loans corresponds to the graduate's future income. Consequently, this makes the incurred debts especially manageable and protects recipients from becoming over-indebted. National education funds which finance foreign study visits are offered by the Deutsche Kreditbank, "Deutsche Bildung" and Career Concept:

Student loans

You can apply for a low-interest student loan to finance a study visit abroad at the Bundesverwaltungsamt (Federal Office of Administration). The advantage of this financing option is that your application can be approved irrespective of your parent's income. These loans provide up to 300 euros per month for a maximum of two years. Even BAföG recipients are eligible for a student loan. The following requirements apply:

  • Applicants must have reached an advanced stage of their degree programme at the time of application.
  • Applicants are ineligible if they have already completed their 12th semester of study.

Student loans must be repaid after four years in instalments of 120 euros per month.
More information on the German federal student loan programme